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/lit/ - Literature

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6668356 No.6668356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


B-b-but philosophyyyy is haaaaaard.
Cry me river /lit/.

>> No.6668361
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>tfw what I study isn't on the list

>> No.6668362
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>we read the tough stuff to keep plebs out

>> No.6668367

>there is hard stuff in any of mentioned disciplines
I can only see logic as a contender, nothing else.

>> No.6668368

Obviously, the hard part is just getting in.

>> No.6668380

Who cares about difficulty?

>> No.6668398

Standards have been lowered becuase of identity politics.

>> No.6668402
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/lit/ - the post.

>> No.6668405

>that is the reason all of these majors are easy

>> No.6668417

Most of us who are serious about literature study other subjects

Also Harold Bloom was right

Also fuck off

>> No.6668423
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>> No.6668452

>you can give me one reason why humanities are not easy tier compared to stem

>> No.6668458
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Buttblasted arent you?

>> No.6668463

>it's easy

>> No.6668468

>top 10 'easiest'
>nothing but conjecture

>> No.6668477
File: 158 KB, 580x584, fw3a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, give me a reason why should anyone think humanities are as hard as STEM.

>> No.6668491

>spamming the same question throughout the thread
>accusing others of being mad

Maybe if you were as rational as you thought you wouldn't be this insecure

>> No.6668582


someone please tell me this is expertly crafted satire

>> No.6668638

You got me OP STEM is hard. All the more for me, personally, because I don't seem to have a mind for math.

>> No.6668658

I'm getting tired of this ranking of area of study by perceived difficulty, largely because it's bullshit, and also because it further entrenches the (largely arbitrary) distinctions between bodies of knowledge.

I was a hardcore anthropology/archaeology major, then psych, then bio/chem, and now I'm a med student. People give me these weird states like these things are fundamentally unconnected to each other, and that's because we - as a society - have built up these notions of incompatible types of knowledge.

If I was somehow put into power in the US education system, I'd advocate hardcore for adding analytic logic and epistemology to the curriculum for kids, because this ingrained inability to reconcile different types of info is ridiculous.

>> No.6668667
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>muh platitudinous mystic husbando, gotta get dem ebul sjws

cry harder

>> No.6668674

Nowhere in this list is a justification for the level of ease given per major :/

Nice try though

>> No.6668680
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>tfw neither of my degrees are on this list

>> No.6668684

Because of low modern standards. A PhD in those fields is far from easy to achieve.
Because modern music classes are about folk music from irrelevent countries, negro music, and LGBT pop music. If you say "music is easy" to a virtuoso or even a member of a decent orchestra, you're going to be laughed at and given a sample of the practice they require.

>> No.6668730


no, the hard part is actually getting something out of your degree. Before I got into Literature I had huge aspirations to be a composer (with a double major in Computer Science and Music Composition) and well into high school I was writing a lot of music and studying the great 20th century composers. But then I looked at what a composition degree would entail and saw that it's just a crapload of basic counterpoint, harmony, form, etc. study for retards for a few years before you can actually take a leap into the 20th century or beyond.

Music DEGREES are for people who will never be great composers, they're for those who like music but aren't smart enough to compose without someone holding their hand.

Anyone who wants to actually be a composer had to be composing music well before they hit puberty, and learned counterpoint and harmony before they hit 18 (at the very latest -- even very late composers, like Stravinsky and Sorabji and Schoenberg learned all that crap well before they hit 19.)

Music CONSERVATOIRES are hard as shit, however, not only to get in, but to excel, because you're going to be among the greatest musical minds of your generation.

>> No.6668883

Kek. OP doesn't even know we're mostly STEM students and graduates who read literature in our spare time. Stay pleb, OP.

Also, philosophy students dominate the GRE. Explain that, buddy!

>> No.6668915

Oh right sorry. I don't know how it is in America, the only option for studying music here is a conservatory.

>> No.6668921

>having to write anything but proofs in STEM

>> No.6668933

Why does she randomly laughs?
How can people like this exist?
How can she exist in the adult world with that kind of mindset?

>> No.6669025

The video at the end of that article is literally retarded.
>Its doesn't matter what you pick
>What is important is that you get a degree, it will launch you into any career
>You can switch your major as much as you want
>I've only switched my major twice in my first year

Is this what college is like for rich people?

>> No.6669491

she is majoring in philosophy and political "science"
>this isnt the average humanities student

>> No.6669505

>I was a hardcore anthropology/archaeology major, then psych, then bio/chem, and now I'm a med student.
Son, maybe you should stop spending savings of your parents and go and work in starbucks.

>> No.6669527
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This is retarded, the linguistic description is laughable:

>Do you know foreign languages?

>Or maybe you find it very easy to learn new words?

>If so, a linguistic major will be the perfect opportunity for you.

what the fuck



>There are no formulas and complicated theorems like in other sciences.

top lel

>> No.6669541

Ugly and stupid.

>> No.6669549

It's not too far off except when taught at a good university Philosophy is not easy. It's certainly not easier than say history or politics and there are quite a few social sciences (geography, psychology etc.) and soft non-academic subjects that are much much easier. I don't think people do art, literature, film or music would argue they do difficult degrees.

Quite a few of these aren't respectable undergraduate degrees though - who does Creative Writing or Education as a BA?

Even having said all that. Philosophy is easy in the sense that you can probably get a low grade quite easily in comparison to mathematics, assuming you avoid any of the more obscure modules (which is impossible at a good school). Who really cares about that though?

It's a bit like saying hiking is an easier sport than cycling which is true to an extent but climbing Everest is still fucking difficult.

>> No.6669566


Perhaps some of us have actually studied both and didn't find STEM more difficult.

According to my average grades I find STEM super fucking easy - cuz that's why so many people get really highscores in STEM - it's easy. Hurr durr.

>> No.6669577

I hope that you people understand that a discipline being"hard" doesnt make it "better" (Better for what?) nor closer to some truth.

>> No.6669601


>who does Creative Writing or Education as a BA

I went to a shitty state school that had a large education program. It was full of girls too dumb for anything else. Our countries education is in the hands of these morons

>> No.6669637

>Religious studies

Don't know about the US, but medrasas (islamic religious schools) are the hardest here, strictest, hardest to get in.

>> No.6669649

>TFW stupid fugly fatass mean-hearted bitch I graduated with wants to teach elementary

>> No.6669657

>education as a BA
Girls who are already in the process of turning their high school boyfriend who's an engineer or accountant into a bitchmade husband and are so baby crazy they just want to be around kids until they have one of their own and quit.

>> No.6669665
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>Enroll into Diplomacy and International Relations
>Faculty just created in my country
>"This should be ebin"
>Few weeks pass
>Realize 90% are there to just get a diploma
>Bitches dont even know about the ad Dawla al Islamiyya
>Niggas heard about Nagorno-Karabakh
>These people are gonna get a degree just like me
>horror ensues

>> No.6669671


Sounds like every education major I knew

>> No.6669684
File: 490 KB, 1360x2292, Walden_Thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female dominated fields
No surprise there

>> No.6669694


To be fair though she's only particularly spiteful to me because her sister sucked my dick, though before she was a bit of a bitch but I somehow overlooked it. She is dropping friends left and right though as of late because she just seems to think everyone should be how she wants them too.

>> No.6669792

Surely following a formula would be way easier.

>> No.6669799

>identity politics


>> No.6669808

Philosophy and Theology are male dominated.

>> No.6669862

>He thinks difficulty creates value

>> No.6670063

Is it not a display of will to do the difficult, especially when unnecessary?

Do you not value the will? Are you a slave, anon?

>> No.6670113

it's telling how invested you are in this

taoism, as a counterexample, holds highest he who does most with least. Only a fool does unnecessary difficult things.

>> No.6670126

Its a college philosophy degree.. Im not saying its easy but you probably could get through with decent writing ability

>> No.6670245


>It's a bit like saying hiking is an easier sport than cycling which is true to an extent but climbing Everest is still fucking difficult.

This is well put. I'm of the opinion that pretty much any major, at most schools, can be turned into a joyride; it honestly doesn't matter what area of study you choose.

>> No.6670290

That's how it is for everything really.

If you didn't study it as a kid you're likely not going to be good at it.

>> No.6671505

>etc. study for retards for a few years before you can actually take a leap into the 20th century or beyond.
The 20th century was a joke musically.