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6668040 No.6668040 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start with spirituality? I want to find God...the real God

>> No.6668045

>I want

Start there.

>> No.6668046
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I want God
not buddhist woo-woo

>> No.6668050


Well, then you don't want spirituality, you want your own, already predetermined idea.

Everyone is trying to reach the mountaintop, the only idiot who is wasting his time is the guy at the bottom going around in circles telling everyone they are going the wrong way.

>> No.6668068


I want God not buddhism, sorry if that contradicts your preconceived notions of spirituality

>> No.6668085


I'm not even Buddhist. I'm trying to point out how you are a self-limiting individual. If that is what you choose, that is fine. Just remember, you share this world with thousands of other religions/beliefs, so I hope you cultivate some pluralistic realization along the way.

>> No.6668090


what do you recommend? your posts seem antagonistic not very helpful

>> No.6668129
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You should read, of course, the Bible. After the Old Testament I would read pseudo apocrypha and the Dead Sea Scrolls. This will allow you to see how the messianic fervor was being cultivated with the onset of the Jewish Wars. Then start the New Testament.

At that point, you can choose whatever theologian you want, probably Thomas Aquinas.

I would also read Secular Religious Studies Scholarship theory. Such as, Emile Durkheim, Mircea Eliade "The Sacred and The Profane", Rodney Stark's work on "Religious Economy Theory", and Ninan Smart's "Worldviews & Perspectives"

Start to look at Eastern Religions and Compare them to Western thought/religions.

Tao Te Ching
Lotus Sutra
Bhagavad Gita

But most importantly, since you sound like you swing toward theology, I would recommend the Avesta, This is the Zoroastrian Holy book. Zoroastrianism predates Judaism. This is important because you will see similar religious concepts, myths, and themes that are found the old testament, as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Furthermore, Avesta will give you an insight into the kind of religious cultural diffusion that occurred during the Jewish Diaspora, specifically with Daniel, and other Jewish elites who served Nebuchadnezzar, and later Cyrus. It is here you can see the influence Zoroastrian priests had on the Jewish Diaspora. The major reforms after Cyrus's Decree would be spawned from this major religious diffusion. Especially when you get to the Prophets in the Old Testament.

Lastly, Luther is a must. Just so you have a clear understand of the Schism that would take place with the Protestant reformation.

>> No.6668171


To conclude, this approach demonstrates historical religious understanding, as well as understanding 3 major themes/concepts of study: Theology, Eastern Religion/Thought, and Secular Religious Studies.

It is important to know that, by secular, I am not talking about people who subscribe to scientism, like Dawkins and Harris. I am talking about real professional secular historical, textual, analytical, study of religion (Religious Studies). The secular approach to religion is multi-disciplinary, combining sociological, psychological, economical, historical, and anthropological theories to help understand the human phenomenon of religion.

I'm not saying any of this is going to help you "find God" but it will make you a very well read, well rounded educated person on the topic of religion.

You will have a beautiful insight into all major spheres of religion, as well as secular academic study on the topic.

Also, Max Weber "Traditional, Legal-Rational, and Charismatic Authority" is a fascinating read.

This approach I have suggested to you, is not for the lighthearted. I have been studying this for a great deal of my life.

Good luck on your journey though, I envy you somewhat.

>Everything always seems to come back to Descarte, doesn't it?

>> No.6668173

The Book of Mormon

>> No.6668191


>> No.6668194

Great posts. Not OP, but will definitely check some of these suggestions out.

>> No.6668198

> I want to find God...the real God
You cannot find him,he is hiding in his gap.
Why should you look for him when you have your life here and there is no evidence that he exists?
I expect some fedora pics.

>> No.6668207
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>Why should you look for him when you have your life here

part of life is the search for meaning and God...

>there is no evidence that he exists?

if you never search seriously and how do you know what evidence there is or isn't?

>> No.6668211

Fuck off back to India and worship the void a little more.

>> No.6668223


I'm not even Indian or Hindu. I'm just some dude who spent most of his adult life studying religion by reading primary texts and secondary religious studies scholarship/theologian scholarship.

My personal beliefs are irrelevant (to most people anyways) because they are unconventional. There isn't even a label/title for how I think on religion/secularism/God.

>> No.6668226

A perfect god hides perfectly. You'll never find her.

>> No.6668229

>part of life is the search for meaning and God
You see, both of these statements are wrong.
Part of life is not searching for meaning, it is anthropocentric and highly egoistic that you should think that your life has a higher meaning.
Searching for God is not a part of life, you could say the same for searching for tooth fairy or easter bunny.
>if you never search seriously and how do you know what evidence there is or isn't
There is no evidence, if there is, present it.
You cant, because there is no evidence.
By definition faith is the belief without evidence.

>> No.6668231

That isn't very interesting. The fact that you've studied religious texts for a long time doesn't make your opinion that there is no true God sound.

>> No.6668232


>> No.6668244


When did I ever say there was no true God?
If you mean this>>6668232

Then again, I am sorry to disappoint. Religious Pluralism not in its full definitional sense. I don't even agree with that definition. I simply use pluralism in tandem with respect/tolerance/peace.

I'm most certainly not saying EVERYONE is correct, or EVERYONE is wrong, that would be ridiculous. I don't work in absolutes when I know I'm apart of a universe that has historical change and continuity in flux.

>> No.6668246
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>Part of life is not searching for meaning, it is anthropocentric and highly egoistic that you should think that your life has a higher meaning.

The search for meaning doesn't presuppose anything, it is simply a search to see what the case is...

>There is no evidence!

If you aren't willing to seriously search how would you even know?


That remains to be seen

>> No.6668249

So you dabble with the Absolute but you don't deal with absolutes?
Basically, it seems like you're saying 'every opinion is equally baseless because I refuse to come to conclusions about my beliefs.'

>> No.6668250


In this post, you said next to nothing. I just wanted to point that out. You danced around everything.

>> No.6668252
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>He's never read Matthew 7:7

>> No.6668256

>The search for meaning doesn't presuppose anything, it is simply a search to see what the case is
>If you aren't willing to seriously search how would you even know?
You know that there is an entire discipline that examines origins of life, emergence of conciousness, origins of our cosmos. It is called science. People are searching for answers to questions from the beggining of time and because they were simpletons, they fund of knowledge (culture) was little ,they accredited God for many phenomena. You are advocating for God from a gap. It is a fallacy.

>> No.6668261


I clarified your misunderstanding of what a spiritual search is. It doesn't presuppose meaning or lack of meaning, it simply asks the question and searches...

You've come to a conclusion about "evidence of God" without even conducting a serious search, in fact you're against a "search" even in principle. You don't even want others to search! And you call others egotistical for simply being curious!

I said plenty, you just don't know how to respond.

>> No.6668265

That was not me.
This is me.
>your entire post

>> No.6668266


Again, you got it wrong. You are half there.

Everyone's opinion is equally baseless and equally sound. Because the indvidual, whether they be, Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, etc, etc, is going to conclude absolutes and formulate social structures cultivating human needs: Social, intellectual, and psychological needs around those absolutes.

What I am, is the the guy who is in the third perspective fascinated with ALL of it, watching from afar.

>> No.6668271

Also, nobody is forbiding you to search for spirituality, but that was not the case with religions when someone tried to find something out about the world that surrounds us and that defies dogma.
See Giordano Bruno, Gallielos trial, Copernicus ,Abelard etc.

>> No.6668274

No, you're right. Just searched and found god under a rock. Well I guess that settles it.

>> No.6668279

>Also, nobody is forbiding you to search for spirituality

I was responding to this fedora >>6668229 who got upset that someone was even bothering to search

>> No.6668284

I am that fedora cretin. You have not responded to me.

>> No.6668285
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Why are you so triggered by people asking big questions, looking for meaning and God in life? If you don't really care just shoo...go away

>> No.6668288

Wrong post.

>> No.6668292

For the record: This is me

Also, When I quoted

>I want

I was thinking along the lines of Descarte, not Buddhism.

>> No.6668293

Nice. I'm also interested in that. Having a broad perspective on spirituality is very 'in' right now and has been for several decades, as anyone who's watched a Zizek talk knows.
Standing in the 'neither wrong nor right, neither supported nor unspoorted' zone is nice, but by your own logic yours isn't a perspective with more weight than the most convinced Christian's. Get off your high horse.

>> No.6668296

Now you're just, admitedly in a limp wristed manner common to christians on /lit, brigading. /lit/ isn't for a particular group and asking people to go away is rude.

Especially over a perfectly defensible position.

>> No.6668300

>Get off your high horse.

Maaaan. You are the worst.

I'm literally telling you to believe WHAT YOU WANT. I have absolutely no fight with you.

I am not some asshole in this thread telling you God isn't real, or don't search for God. I have been supportive to your theological identity, which is why I posted This:


Nobody in this thread even attempted to answer your question. I did. And this is how you behave? Like an immature child?

You are a sorry excuse for a Christian, and I personally know plenty.

>> No.6668304

>Nobody in this thread even attempted to answer your question. I did. And this is how you behave? Like an immature child?

That isn't OP
I'm OP and I appreciate those two responses you made.

There are some butt-blasted fedoras here who have lost their minds at any sort of spiritual discussion

>> No.6668307

You still have not responded to any of my points cretin.

>> No.6668310


Good to know. I really appreciate you clearing that up. It made me feel a little better. Now I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to bounce out of this thread. Good luck on your journey. I really do envy whatever powerful religious/spiritual/academic inferences your mind discovers.

>> No.6668311

Only butt-blasted fedora is you, you just ignored my posts and went on rambling nonsense
You have statements up for debate, come on then. I am waiting.

>> No.6668312
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>he thinks he made coherent points

>> No.6668315
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>tried to debate
>got BTFO
>ignores posts
>still thinks he is right
Autismus maximus ladies and gentleman

>> No.6668330


see >>6668246

>> No.6668345
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I responded to both of them and yet you ignored my points.
Are you autistic?
Respond to my points and then we will debate.

>> No.6668355


see >>6668312

>> No.6668359

Explain why are they incoherent.

>> No.6668363
File: 67 KB, 300x166, go away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has deteriorated, as almost all of these kind of threads do, because of immature:

How about you stop having your petty debate, the same petty debate that is found in ALL of these kind of threads, and actually answer OP's question.

>> No.6668366


I already explained why your: "hurr don't bother searching, it's a waste of time cuz there's no evidence..." is irrational and self-defeating.

The only other point you made was "religious people did bad stuff in the past..." which is irrelevant and doesn't require a response.

I don't even know what point you think you made. Do you?

>> No.6668372

The debate is central to the question:

By what possible measure could you say 'you found god'?

If you can't come up with one, a search will never end, and OP's question can't be answered.

>> No.6668376

>You see, both of these statements are wrong.
Part of life is not searching for meaning, it is anthropocentric and highly egoistic that you should think that your life has a higher meaning.
Searching for God is not a part of life, you could say the same for searching for tooth fairy or easter bunny.
>There is no evidence, if there is, present it.
You cant, because there is no evidence.
By definition faith is the belief without evidence.
>You know that there is an entire discipline that examines origins of life, emergence of conciousness, origins of our cosmos. It is called science. People are searching for answers to questions from the beggining of time and because they were simpletons, they fund of knowledge (culture) was little ,they accredited God for many phenomena. You are advocating for God from a gap. It is a fallacy.
>Also, nobody is forbiding you to search for spirituality, but that was not the case with religions when someone tried to find something out about the world that surrounds us and that defies dogma.
See Giordano Bruno, Gallielos trial, Copernicus ,Abelard etc.
Come on, respond to this.
I am still waiting. You ignore points and claim victory. If you are not baiting then you really are intellectually challenged.

>> No.6668379


finding that measure is part of the search...if you never bother to look seriously, you can't come to a conclusion one way or the other.

>> No.6668385
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Both of you are two different sides of the same coin, and you don't even realize it.

>> No.6668387

Also, all religions rely on dogma. Which is contrary to your "search for spirituality". Science works that you constanty change your theories, you constanty try to search for something new, you just gave a definition of scientific progress.
Religious people do bad stuff today, that shit has not changed.

>> No.6668388


>don't bother to search or ask questions, just assume there is no evidence and God is like the tooth-fairy

that fedora logic

>> No.6668389

>condescending tone
>thinks atheism and religion are on the same coin
Agnostic retard spotted.
Agnostics are even worse than religious believers. You will not search for the answer or try to give the answer because you think you cant. This is literally the agnostic stance, intellectual laziness.

>> No.6668391


Science can't address the questions that interest me...

>> No.6668392

Give me one evidence of either one and I will believe they exist. Protip; you cant.

>> No.6668394


>show me evidence, come on, please

sounds like you're searching...you should stop that.

>> No.6668396

What are those questions?Also, science did not have answers to periheal motion of Mercury before
Einstein came. Again, you are invoking a God from a gap.

>> No.6668400


It's like you're 16 and just watched a Richard Dawkins video lol

>> No.6668403
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It must drive you crazy that you can't label me. I'm neither a theologian, atheist, or an agnostic.

You have such a two-dimensional brian. That is how limited you are. You can only see in black and white. It's okay anon, I used to think like you, but I grew out of it when I turned 25. I suspect you will do the same... maybe.

>> No.6668407

>you can't label me
>You have such a two-dimensional brian. That is how limited you are. You can only see in black and white. It's okay anon, I used to think like you, but I grew out of it when I turned 25. I suspect you will do the same... maybe.
>can't label me

You're a prick.

>> No.6668409

Then what are you?
What is your position?
>inb4 I am such a special little snowflake that I have no position

>> No.6668418

I dont even like Dawkins and you fail to answer me again. There can never be a discussion if you are ignoring everything I say. Also,you still have not answered any points raised before.

>> No.6668431

If you find argumentation distressing I don't believe 4chan is you.

This question isn't some everyone makes their own god hippy crap. Nor is it phenomological, as spiritual experiences can be induced with drugs. No, this measure must be verifiable, and if you were to have it, it would literally solve not only dissolve issue between atheists and theists, but also all issues between theists.

Obviously, this measure does not exist, and belief you've found the real god always requires irrationality.

>> No.6668442
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>christfag ignores statements and those he >chooses not to ignore get BTFO
>there is an atheist trying to calmy debate him
>there is a hipster who is too cool to take a stance

>> No.6668460
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you sound frustrated.
but keep jumping to conclusions without ever doing any searching, funny stuff.

>> No.6668462

You did not argue man. Ignoring shit and being a little bitch is not argumentation.

>> No.6668469
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I am out of this thread. /Lit/ has once more proved that is a breeding ground for braindead christposters.

>> No.6668508

There's no need to flame. Why don't you settle down squirt?