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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 620x372, Peter-Hitchens-October-20-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6660878 No.6660878 [Reply] [Original]

2014: Communist Marxist
2015: Reactionary Christian
2016: ???

>> No.6660882

/lit/ has been Marxist since day one.

>> No.6660887

no revisionism isn't until 2017

>> No.6660891

More like a John Milbank Christian, which is anti-capitalist and pro morality.

>> No.6660900

I feld like /lit/ was heavily into the typical teenager existentialism, Camus and Sarte before it became Christian. Anyways 2016 will be year of the Muslim, as all the Christfags realize that Islamic theology is deeper and much more better developed than their own, as well as jumping onto the socio-political bandwagon as Islam takes over the world

>> No.6660905
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Milbank is an idiot. I have no clue how he copes with that kind of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6660910
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>s all the Christfags realize that Islamic theology is deeper and much more better developed than their own

>> No.6660913


It'll be populism. The only books we'd agree have worth are easily enjoyable tales which offer no difficulties of any kind. This will include the most anemic and cliche YA lit and genre fiction. Authors such as the meme trilogy will be abmonished for their obscurantism and for being unable to realize that art is just about having fun, man.

>> No.6660914

atheist redditor

>> No.6660915

That's a lot of watermarks for something you can make in paint

>> No.6660918

I'm calling it fucker. You best screencap this thread when it happens.

>> No.6660922

Islam is basically a rip off of their old testament

>> No.6660925

there are plenty Marxists still, you just don't see threads about politics, social equality or economy too much.

The reason for reactionary christian posters might have to do with the fact that SJW or contemporary-feminist (I don't know how to call them, because whatever name will bring greentexting) are pushing an agenda that is too ambicious, and since 4chan always has a huge population of kids wanting to be contrary, they bandwagoned on this worldview. There are honest christian posters that in general are cool people, they have read the bible and books about christianity, but the shitposter kids are a lot more vocal.

>> No.6660930

I was thinking the opposite, honestly: the board'll get more and more elitist. We'll all be reading Dwight MacDonald and Adorno.

>> No.6660938

>reaganposter shitposting again

God dammit...

>> No.6660953

>as a huge population of kids wanting to be contrary
I don't think it's contrarianism for it's own sake. Modern "leftism" is pushing so hard in one direction that these people get fed up and go the other way, at least where social politics is concerned. That's what I ,as a leftist, find dangerous about the current mode of left wing reason found in universities. You can't use guilt to influence politics without creating resentment, which in turn causes blind contrarianism.

>> No.6660954

2016 will be the year of social justice. Prelare to check your privilege.

>> No.6660966

Because they're not leftists. Marx can only be read into practice in the workplace. Academic "Marxists" wouldn't know the value form if their sweat was sucked as surplus value. And in most universities it is.

>> No.6660967


Kierkegaard happened to /lit/ and there's no going back

>> No.6660972

that's what I'm sayiig, hence "leftism"

>> No.6661000

The thing is though, /lit/ has never attained operaismo; thus, it can never attain the understanding of "the workplace" that operaismo came to through the critique of the value form in praxis.

When I talk about recomposition in militant conduct, people accuse me of "workerism" as if only the male blue collar permanent industrial worker had his sweat sucked. /lit/ has not lived nor read enough to encounter the reproduction of labour power or the production of labour power, either domestically or socially.

There are people on /lit/ right now who believe that the unemployed aren't workers because those people on /lit/ don't read and don't work.

>> No.6661005

Islam hasn't much theology compared to Christianity. Most of the production of Islamic scholars is more akin to law treatises.

>> No.6661020

>more better

>> No.6661042

This, a thousand fucking times this. The actual left is dead, as it's been drowned out by overprivelaged identity politics shills from posh suburban backgrounds who, instead of uniting the proles, create division by engaging in ridiculous pissing contests over who recognizes their privelage more. The snake is eating its own tail. Seriously. Go on facebook to any "leftist" group and ask them about, say...the Homestead Strike or even the fucking Haymarket Affair. They're largely clueless.

>> No.6661057

To clarify, I'm limiting this commentary to America, where the most vocal "leftists" are suburban kids who want to feel oppressed too. Honestly, the whole dismantling of actual radical culture in America has occurred so perfectly it makes me wonder if this whole "privelage" idea comes straight from some shadowy govt. agency.

>> No.6661066

2016: Greek gods
2017: a meteor hits lit and finally kills us all

>> No.6661075

>Honestly, the whole dismantling of actual radical culture in America has occurred so perfectly it makes me wonder if this whole "privelage" idea comes straight from some shadowy govt. agency.
What do you think Paris 13 Nanterre was?

>> No.6661083

>Paris 13 Nanterre

Er...I actually have no idea what it was. Enlighten me.

>> No.6661090

Pagan mysticism.

>> No.6661108
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Reactionaries overlap with Christians, but Christians here aren't inherently reactionaries. I advocate worker control of the means of production, as does WOLFSHEIM even though he mostly posts on /pol/.

>> No.6661111

please please please please please

>> No.6661134

Fuck me, I meant Paris 8.

During the 1940s and 1950s capital responded to Marxism by hiring denatured Marxists, mostly social democrats, see for example Robert Conquest's work on the Great Purge both as a historian and as a government section runner.

This dried up. Social democrats were insufficiently connected to the proletarian movement to actually uncover new working class praxes to allow the state to defeat them. Social democratic academics became "repress through softness" government academics.

So from the 1950s University marxists were cultivated in the West. Marcuse, for example, wrote On Soviet Marxism with a CIA grant. This continued in the 1960s.

By the late 1960s, the prior methods of controlling the proletariat had broken down under a resurgence of industrial unionism and strikes against the social wage. This needed "new theory" to provide the state a way to move forward.

Paris 8 university was one result. They concentrated the radical thinkers, gave them jobs, and got them producing "radical" research. The results, as we know, are the Israeli state using Deleuze and Guattari to understand the rhyzomatic nature of youth proletarian resistance; or, for that matter. Cornelius Castoriadis was a well paid psychiatrist, I don't think we need to talk about how psychiatry represses the proletariat. And there's at least one left com group out there who's bourgeois "leader" is a police riot sociologist. That's his day job: repression.

The creation of "identity politics" came out of post-structuralism in the French radical academy, which was a direct response to the failure of the French state to control the proletarian subject in 1968. Identity politics has been cultivated by bourgeois poofters and bourgeois feminists and bourgeois nationalists. It is the rich yanking our chain, and it was organised by those middle class "leftists" in the French and US universities.

Compare and contrast with middle class German and UK "leftists" who have been more content to sell state accommodationalist social democracy, rather than "new times".

>> No.6661136

We already went through the Greek Gods phase, remember?


>> No.6661144
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>> No.6661148

Zizek said that we are regressing as a species.(I think he did. Can't find the video tbh.) He was right all along.

>> No.6661151
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2016: Fans of literature gather anonymously and peacefully to discuss their favorite books and engage in vigorous, but respectful and mutually edifying debate concerning fiction, poetry, drama, philosophy and history. Due to the warm and inviting atmosphere, anonymous posters from all over are constantly sharing their writings, which are fairly criticized with insight, compassion and sound, honest advice. Together we explore, dream and discover. I believe in you, /lit/

>> No.6661171

I pledge to stop shitposting in 2016 if everyone else does. Now I can use the next 6 months to get it out of my system

>> No.6661175

im wit ya

>> No.6661184

Don't play this prisoner's game with me you fuck.

>> No.6661206

Fine. In that case you've just consigned yourself and all of /lit/ to eternal shitposting.

>> No.6661230

2014: Communist Marxist
2015: Reactionary Christian
2016: Reactionary Marxist claiming that Marx was a far-right republican who wanted to abolish gay marriage and establish universal gun ownership for white males.

>> No.6661279
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>> No.6661364


>> No.6661373

but /lit/ ain't marxist
In fact, I've faced more anti-marxists faggots than marxists in this board.
Fuck christposting though.

I guess the next year we'll have New Sincerety.

>> No.6661378

if /pol/ starts reading Marx then that would happen
not sure it that's something good

>> No.6661383
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I'm a reactionary catholic marxist-leninist

How this integrates into one ideology actually a sacred mystery.

>> No.6661384

Aquinas is a poor mans Averroes

>> No.6661396

Fuck off Antonio Negri.

>> No.6661400

liberation theology?

>> No.6661403

I feel like you read most of the wiki page on those two and know the gist of philosophical history resulting in the deeply poor conclusion that that was a clever thing to say.

>> No.6661407
File: 96 KB, 600x330, jesusflipstable-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see this become the new fad.

>> No.6661413

Marxism isn't a fad, cunny.


>> No.6661421

You think it's bait because you're unread.

>> No.6661425

i've read the quran, it's shit

>> No.6661431

It's these dumb comments that make the coming Islam fad believable.

>> No.6661434

Nietzsche is Hellenismos

>> No.6661437

Islamic Theology =/= The Quran

>> No.6661440

You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.6661449

t. Sam Harris

>> No.6661458

Again, you're unread. You might find /v/ is more your speed.

>> No.6661461


/lit/ warming up to Islam, teehee

>> No.6661464

So in other words you feel that Im on equal footing to the Christians of lit?

>> No.6661488

We got Atlas Shrug temporarily banned years ago.

Fads are like Hellenisimo

>> No.6661510

It was destined to fail as soon as that one knowledgeable/serious poster stopped coming here and making threads.

>> No.6661539

Francis IS rehabilitating lib theo in a big way. Things are going to get interesting when Oscar Romero is canonized.

>> No.6661735

Who Ludwig Klages here?

>> No.6661767

New sincerity passes but it still lingers a little. Christposting came out of left field but I sorta like it

>> No.6662068


>> No.6662214

>/lit/ started in 2014

>> No.6662431
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>> No.6662505

2016: /lit/ is reduced to memes

>> No.6662948

>The actual left is dead,
It's bad yes, but in places where there's been a history of a strong left people are finally getting tired of the liberal influence - here in Sweden a lot of socialist feminist writers have started calling out the sjws on their bullshit, hell even the Jacobin recently started printing articles denouncing identity politics.

The occupy movement, as well as sjw interpretation of the Baltimore riots and the crisis in the Mediterranean countries have proven that they don't know how to act towards any actual progressive movement and teens are growing disillusioned with it.

>> No.6662949
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>2017: a meteor hits lit and finally kills us all
>not the proletariat bomb
Revisionist please.

>> No.6662956
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you were sayin?

>> No.6662968


>> No.6662987
File: 63 KB, 554x537, Thomas_Aquinas_in_Stained_Glass_crop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity of the material intellect is complete nonsense. Aquinas absolutely rekt Averroes' interpretation

>If anyone glorying in the name of false science wishes to say anything in reply to what we have written, let him not speak in corners nor to boys who cannot judge of such arduous matters, but reply to this in writing, if he dares.

>> No.6663220

>Islamic "theology"
Top kek, thanks for the laugh; this old canard always cracks me up.

>> No.6663234

>not receiving cryptic messages from the Delphic Oracle
It's already too late for you. Or maybe not. It's mostly a matter of interpretation.

>> No.6663257

Can I please get some source of this? Not that I doubt you, but I have friends I'd like to discuss this with

>> No.6663274

>a leninist

pls go away

Probably will, I know people from my mom's paroch who are promoting group studies on that. Should I drop by?

>> No.6663314

2016 will be the year for whacked out but kinda spiritual post-modernists, lost in awe at the collapse of their self/body dualism as it causes all subsequent disjunctions to melt (interior experience/physical exterior, transcendence and matter, spiritual/carnal etc.).

>> No.6663582

Well, young adults are the one's you see the most, but no movement can stay alive long if it doesn't gain advocates among the next generation of activists.

The movement is pretty much identical to any annoying youth culture, like emo/scene or wicca it's a fad. These people used to be furry 5 years ago, now they are genderqueer or some shit instead. The difference is only that none would actually consider furries a serious political movement.

>> No.6663593

I wouldn't mind this.

>> No.6663608

2016: Buddhism/Daoism

Screenshot this post

>> No.6663747

You do realise that people wanting to discuss Kierkegaard are not the same people who come here to race bait or yell "Tell me about Julius Evola", do you? I suppose the regulars here are generally moderately left wing(and by that I DO NOT mean liberals, but actual socialists).

It's just that it's been having an influx of meme posters from other boards and sites lately, mainly from /pol/, Reddit and /r9k/.

>> No.6663825
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>> No.6663850

Any good books that give off a Vaporwave-type feeling?

>> No.6663860
File: 17 KB, 236x316, a4418cb4819248c1be773573a974d7b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberpunk Egyptianism

Screencap this post and thank me later

>> No.6664748


I'm absolutely positive that reactionaries will start abusing Marx sooner or later. They can't go on this path of claiming he was the antichrist forever... Eventually they'll figure out that they need to come up with some skewed interpretation of him that suits their own purposes.

>> No.6664789

>Anonymous 06/09/15(Tue)21:44:30 No.6664748▶

Why would they bother dragging a battered corpse out of the ground and giving it a make-over? Most people know nothing of Marx and reactionaries like it that way.

>> No.6664812

There are a bunch of Marxists on pol

>> No.6664828
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Postmodernism, existentialism, dank maymays.

It's all gonna be about the vaporwave aesthetic.

>> No.6664831

That sounds an awful lot like 2013 to me

>> No.6664843
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When will Schmittposting peak?

>> No.6664889
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It's gonna rise again, m8.

It's all gonna be about feeling sad and anime sweaters.
The real question is what fad will follow after this one.
That shit is really up for grabs.

>> No.6664927

Reactionary Neo-Conservative
In response to the US election and the wave of anti-democratic sentiment that will sweep the website like never before.

>> No.6664932

I don't think you know what that word means, retard.

>> No.6664937

Yes because /lit/ totally hasn't always been about pomo, existentialism and memes

I can't believe there are still newfags migrating from /mu/

>> No.6664941

mu has been pomo since like 2010, it reached absurd levels a few years ago

>> No.6664965

I'm not sure if you realize this, but post-modernism predates your shitty Tumblr forced meme by more than fifty years.

>> No.6664976
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I am well aware.
The fact that it now is a shitty forced Tumblr meme is why it's gonna be the next thing among mainstream shitters.

>> No.6664987

It's true, I caught my brother listening to Macintosh Plus the other day

Made me want to kill myself

>> No.6666149


so exporting democracy as a foreign policy is somehow reactionary.

got it.

>> No.6666234

Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar

>> No.6668260
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Islamic Reactionary.

>> No.6668263

>I advocate worker control of the means of production


>> No.6668273
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Go find a manual for Windows 95.


>> No.6668283

shut up, quit quoting Infinite Jest. We grew out of Kurt Vonnegut-style humor at age 14, dragging it out 1400 pages with adult words is not my idea of "prophetic" or "artistic".

>> No.6669270
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>you will never release a great vaporwave record

why live?

>> No.6669438
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Vaporwave is literally the easiest type of music to produce.
Just sample some Japanese jazz from the 80's, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2GV6zaMI7g)), watch a 5 minute tutorial on how to add reverb in, fruity loops, slow it down, make some random futuristic sounding beat using beeps and bloops, and you're pretty much good to go.

>> No.6669445

2016: Trans Conservative