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6659083 No.6659083 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here read The Border Trilogy in its entirety?

Which was your favorite part? What did you think of it overall?

Also, fresh OC.

>> No.6659098
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>> No.6659154
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>> No.6659179

I think the first two books are excellent and Cities of the Plain is terrible.

>> No.6659186

Who did you like best, John Grady or Billy Parham?

>> No.6659729
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>> No.6659838

ATPH is okay, but probably the worst of McCarthy's works.

The Crossing is god-tier.

Cities of the Plain is a good wrap-up to the trilogy, though it feels a bit familiar.

Overall, I love the trilogy.

I'm a Billy Parham kinda guy myself. Excuse me for quoting myself, but here's my explanation from a long-ago thread:

>captures a fucking wolf and journeys into Mexico to release her
>after she's killed, he travels back to the US and arrives, near-dead, still only 14 years old
>finds out his parents are dead and his horses stolen
>stay in the USA? FUCK THAT. He goes back into the country that almost killed him to find the horses
>returning again fucked up and beaten, he waits a while and goes back for his brother
>finding his brother dead, he decides to bring the kid's bones back to the USA
>fights off bandits after they trash the remains and heals his horse after they stab it

Fast forward to Cities of the Plain:

>tries to save eternal fuckup John Grady, but helps him when he realizes the kid won't back down
>holds his young friend while he dies
>wanders the US for years on end, becoming homeless despite his kindness and sacrifice
>meets Death and doesn't even give a shit
>Death is so impressed he just walks away
>is finally taken in because he's just so cool that people want to help him, even though he's a vagrant
>not to mention that he's like the only McCarthy character to ever survive

I'm 90% sure that he was created as a counterpoint to the Judge, like an archangel or something, even though he screws up quite a bit.