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/lit/ - Literature

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6658189 No.6658189 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/. I really want to have a interest in literature, but I just can't get myself to be interested in it. It's not that I can't understand literature, but that the few somewhat classic books I've read didn't really entertain me or resonate with me, other than 1984 and Fahrenheit 451, both of which I enjoyed (I know entry level etc. etc.) The other entry level ones I tried were Of Mice and Men, Blood Meridian, All Quiet on the Western Front, and Julius Caesar. They weren't bad, I just didn't enjoy them. What can I do to make literature more interesting to me?

>> No.6658198

>I really want to have an interest in literature

Then go fucking find an interesting book and read it. It doesn't have to be James Joyce or some depressing Russian author. Just read whatever enjoy.

>> No.6658212

Read Stoner

>> No.6658222

Pretty much this, OP.

Read books that sound interesting to you. Don't feel forced to read classics that you won't enjoy just because they're considered classics.

>> No.6658262

Maybe read things that are more modern, more exciting.For instance, you could read some Philip K. Dick or Catch 22, books that are literary but very fast paced.

If you enjoy those, you'll be drawn to other, more wordy novels naturally. I think one needs to learn to love literature. I can guarantee you a majority of /lit/ had their phase with YA fiction during their YA years, and from there learned to love deeper and more literary works. Assuming you're at least 18, you'll probably want to skip that phase if you haven't gone through it already, and instead read some of the works which I've suggested, which are often similar to YA in terms of the amount of action taking place, but have much more depth.

>> No.6658281

Your lack of interest is natural as you've read only the bland. Dive into Russian literature and be transformed into the patrician you were destined to become.

>> No.6658321

The best advice I can give you is to stay away from bland realism or anything like it until you find yourself looking for that specifically. Books like Crime and Punishment, In Search of Lost Time, and the like are spectacular, but they won't draw you in in a meaningful way when you're just starting off and you'll feel burnt out rapidly. This will then lead to discouragement and the feeling that you "just aren't patrician enough" to get into hardcore lit.

Start with short, fascinating books. I would recommend some Calvino or Orwell (as you've said you enjoyed). Borges would also be another good place to look.

Also, try not to dive straight into works with archaic English either. If you can't get wrapped up in the prose, you'll find yourself bored and give up.

TL;DR read fun books don't read dull books (yet)

>> No.6658336
File: 3.83 MB, 2196x3339, 1432590441439__1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently 'Starting with the Greeks'; before I used to be a non-reader, now I read daily (and enjoy it) Homer's Epics are actually quite fun - even for a pleb, and they really forge an appreciation of literature.

>> No.6658340



>> No.6658449
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>he actually fell for it

>> No.6658458
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>he fell for the meta-meme

>> No.6658461

>The March Up Country

Why do you do this you goddamn inbred anglophone imbeciles. It's not even that poetic or anything.

>> No.6658478

Fuck Plato.
Except the Apology.

>> No.6658727
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>>he actually fell for it
think you've been memed on son ;)

>> No.6658749

Fuck you internet losers try so hard to 'meme' people.
You used to be ironically detached or some shit but now you're just sad.

>> No.6658782
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x2739, 1432571831219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone can't handle the many levels meta-memery. Memes are like an onion; they have layers.

Here's another pic for the OP anyway. Ignore all the memes; starting with the Greeks is a fine way to get into literature as is just reading literature you like the look of

>> No.6658828

Don't believe the hype. Classics are overrated and most on the people on /lit/ have bought into the nonsense that is 'difficult fiction'. They are usually only interesting if you are into literature as a hobbyist rather than just a reader.

Sounds like you'd be into science fiction - maybe try some Ted Chiang, Robert A. Heinlein or Vonnegut.

>> No.6658841

>'difficult fiction'
I assume you're on about Ulysses and the likes? Most classics I know of are hardly difficult, and are quite enjoyable. However if OP would prefer to read SF/F then he can do it, no-one should be pressured by /lit/ to become a exact replica of every over poster