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6654173 No.6654173 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a Stirnerist yet?

The following is quite clear:

Western Civilization as we know it is dying
You can decide to try and prop it up by being a good little kitchen bitch and going to work and paying your taxes and supporting the displacement of people like you (intellectuals) by single moms and violent men
OR you can become a single mom/violent douche

Fuck that
Be a stirnerite.



>> No.6654181

Did he practice what he preached? I'd like to see him face hunger. Fucking Autists.

>> No.6654189

>following a meme writer
>being individualist when altruism and equality have been proven to be more beneficial to the society and the individual

>> No.6654192

>>being individualist when altruism and equality have been proven to be more beneficial to the society and the individual
It has?

>> No.6654193

>being a stirnerite
>not being a stirneroo
fucking plebians

>> No.6654201
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quit being so spooky mate ;]

>> No.6654202

Look up prisoner's dilemma.
Also read the Selfish Gene by Richard "the meme-meister" Dawkins

>> No.6654218

Max Stirner? Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

Yeah, that was pretty neat.
Actually, the incentive of going for selfishness and individuality is even greater if the others are cooperating.

>> No.6654223

>people like you(intellectuals)


>> No.6654235

Aren't you just redefining egoism?

>> No.6654274
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He walked out on his philosophy club
He wrote his book, but before they could fire him he quit his job to start a business.
We all live in this cage, he did the best he could.

>> No.6654553

Is Stirner actually worth reading or is he just a meme? do I need to read Hegel to understand him?

>> No.6654564

>Actually, the incentive of going for selfishness and individuality is even greater if the others are cooperating.

This is why i don't understand those obsessed with self-interest wanting to promote it in others. It's much easier to make them beneficial to you if they don't think of the same terms and are all about helping others ect

>> No.6654574

>Implying this goes against the teachings of the Spook Master

Stirner knew we couldn't live as isolated individuals, he just thought exchanges between willing individuals was better than spooky monetary exchanges controlled by the state (the biggest spook of all)

>> No.6654580

This doesn't work within Stirner's thought, since forcing one einzige's will upon the other was promoting the spook that you're somehow better than the others (protip: you are and you aren't)

>> No.6654590

>why aren't you a stirnerite yet
because all i know about him are memes deep&edgy teens told me about him and literally nobody off the chans ever discusses his ideas so it doesn't really seem worth the time it would take to read his work

>> No.6654625

Quite the opposite actually as he discusses in his book and its what would form the basis of the Union of Egoists.

>> No.6654640

>proven to be more beneficial to the society and the individual
Society? "individual"? You're spooked, mate, I only know myself, the ego. Read the fucking book.

>> No.6654658

>read the fucking book
naaaaahhhhhhh brooooo
all i ever you stirnerboos saying is everything is a spook. what shallow analysis! is this what i'm supposed to expect from the actual stirner?

>> No.6654669
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yes, but not for anything op says. claiming to be a stirnerite or stirnerist or anything is just silly. op is stuck on the idea of spooks, of freedom, but fails to understand that freedom is only the beginning, with ownness being the true end. freeing yourself, i.e. the disappropriation of everything, makes you nothing and is meaningless without while proceeding to ownness, ie the reappropriation of everything to suit your interests

>> No.6654843

b-but I really do think western civilisation is dying. wat do?

>recently fresh out of studies and working for the first time in an "industry" that i'm "a part of"

>> No.6654966

The prisoner's dilemma is a classic example of why altruism doesn't work, idiot

it literally illustrates a situation where fucking somebody else over is the only rational choice

>> No.6657523

>The prisoner's dilemma
I remember a distinct feeling of >implying when my philosophy teacher in school brought this malodorous thought experiment up, and then I hadn't even found 4chin yet.

With just a little poke, nick, of reason, implications spray forth all guttural-like, and won't seem to stop.

It rests on the patently false, foregone conclusion that the lesser the punishment, the better the outcome, for the individual prisoner.

>> No.6657526

>Western Civilization as we know it
I don't know this "Western Civilization", could you perhaps define it for me?

>> No.6657528

>It rests on the patently false, foregone conclusion that the lesser the punishment, the better the outcome, for the individual prisoner.
>lesser the punishment,
>the better the outcome
aaand...what is wrong with that?

>> No.6657536

>Why aren't you a Stirnerist yet?
Because Ive read Korzybski.

>> No.6657543

I’ve never kept flocks,
But it’s like I’ve kept them.
My soul is like a shepherd,
It knows the wind and the sun
And it walks hand in hand with the Seasons,
Following and seeing.
All the peace of Nature without people
Comes and sits at my side.
But I get sad
As the sunset is in our imagination
When it gets cold down in the plain
And you feel night coming in
Like a butterfly through the window.

But my sadness is quiet
Because it’s natural and it’s just
And it’s what should be in my soul
When it already thinks it exists
And my hands pick flowers
And my soul doesn’t know it.

Like the sound of cowbells
Beyond the curve of the road,
All my thoughts are peaceful.
I’m just sorry about knowing they’re peaceful,
Because if I didn’t know it,
Instead of them being peaceful and sad,
They’d be happy and peaceful.

Thinking makes you uncomfortable like walking in the rain
When the wind gets stronger and it seems to rain more.

I don’t have ambitions or desires.
Being a poet isn’t my ambition,
It’s my way of being alone.

>> No.6657565

I’d like to develop a code of inertia for superior souls in modern societies.

Society would govern itself spontaneously if it didn’t contain sensitive and intelligent people. You can be sure that they’re the only thing that hinders it. Primitive societies were happy because they didn’t have such people.

Unfortunately, superior souls would die if expelled from society, because they don’t know how to work. And without any stupid blanks between them, perhaps they would die of boredom. But my concern here is with overall human happiness.

Each superior soul who appeared in society would be exiled to the Island of the superiors. The superiors would be fed, like animals in cages, by normal society.

Believe me: if there were no intelligent people to point out humanity’s various woes, humanity wouldn’t even notice them. And sensitive people who suffer cause the rest to suffer by association.

For the time being, since we live in society, our duty as superiors is to reduce to a minimum our participation in the life of the tribe. We shouldn’t read newspapers, for example, or should read them only to find out what anecdotal and unimportant things are happening. You can’t imagine delight I get from the provincial news round-up. The very names make doors to the indefinite open up in me.

The highest honour for a superior man is to not know the name of his country’s chief of state, or whether he lives under a monarchy or a republic.

He should be careful to position his soul in such a way that passing things and events can’t disturb him. Otherwise he’ll have to take an interest in others, in order to look out for himself.

>> No.6657589

Shitty pasta, also tl;dr.

>> No.6657614

For starters, it posits the state justice system as the unequivocal arbiter in a restricted power structure.

For example, if one prisoner snitches, he may well receive other punishment from the snitched-on, and/or the rest of the gang, very possibly so soon that he won't get to reap the fruit of his shorter sentence.

And that's still only within the confines of an egoist approach. If for the sake of argument we assume there is actual merit to incarceration as punishment, is not the best thing for society that both prisoners are completely honest and thus punished in accordance with their actual crimes? Perhaps that will cause them to rethink their criminal ways and lead a life of greater satisfaction further down the road, benefitting them, too?

And stepping out of that perspective, what if the crimes they are accused and guilty of, are ones that you or I might not view as crimes at all? Then contrast that with the opposite.

Scenario 1: They are both north Koreans, the "criminal gang" is a book club, and they are guilty of the crime of harboring and voicing the wrong ideas and opinions. Is it not then best for them and their relatives if they receive minimal punishment?
Scenario 2: They are both Mexican, the "criminal gang" is a drug cartel, and they are guilty of the crime of butchering people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or were related to the people who were. Is it not then best for them and their potential future victims, if they receive maximal punishment?

The whole thought experiment rests on the assumption that it is most beneficial to the individual when the outer authority wishing to enact its law on him, is the least able to do so.

Very Stirnerist, actually.