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File: 15 KB, 230x144, fury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6651647 No.6651647 [Reply] [Original]

>nothing will ever be as great as Christianity
>nothing to pour my mindless devotion and fanaticism in
>spend hours at the gym
>spend hours at the library
>nothing to fight
>nothing worth dying for

>> No.6651654

nothing will ever be as good as Christianity because Christianity is all encompassing. Catholicism literally translates to universal. It's all emotions and none: good and bad, but purely good.

>> No.6651656
File: 802 KB, 1201x2499, 1387255004587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam will restore traditionalism to europe

>> No.6651659

No it will not. Education and cleanliness are apart of tradition.

>> No.6651677

>apart of tradition
Christendom is in good hands with you, brave anon.

>> No.6651713



Gotcher typo there chum, no need to thank me.

>> No.6651905
File: 286 KB, 1280x853, 1432802622796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam just looks at everyone as infidels except Muslims. No Islam = No terriosts

>> No.6651979

Fuck off with the Islam meme. We didn't go through the Enlightenment and centuries of Western progress just to have everything suicide bombed back to when there was no democracy or reason.

>> No.6651991


I am truly terrified of people like OP, they are so obsessed with being a hero or matyr for a higher cause that they might go on a windmill crusade just to fulfill that toxic narrative in their head. Like those ISIS fanatics or DEUS VULT /pol/fags. Some people seem to want to live on their knees

>> No.6651995

You seem to completely misunderstand them

>> No.6651997

>nothing to pour my mindless devotion and fanaticism in
>nothing to fight
>nothing worth dying for

From the words of OP himself. He wants to be a 'crusader', a hero/martyr is his eyes

>> No.6652003

Irish Republicans = Muslims?

Serb Nationalists = Muslims?

>> No.6652005

Non-european traditions though. Or are you saying that anything anti-progressive is good?

>> No.6652008

Handily Divine buffs have been nerfed since the Enlightenment patch.

"Shield of faith" only protects from ideological attacks too, they're still vulnerable to bullets.

>> No.6652011

You are jumping the gun from devotion to being a martyr or a hero.

First of all, being a martyr has absolutely nothing to do with dying in combat or being some kind of glorious crusadezerker. Martyrdom is achieved when you are persecuted for your beliefs or your identity. It is not an heroic sacrifice.

Secondly, being an hero is necessarily positive, because the notion of heroism stems from what is commonly defined as heroic by the majority of people. Hence terms such as "X-ian hero" that subcategorize for wich category the man was a hero.

Being a fanatic is one of the things that have the most appeal in existence, period. Due do it's complete nature and self-sufficience, it can never be dangerous to the bearer itself, only his entourage and the external world. Convinced by the righteousness of his cause, the fanatic spreads his word by pen or sword and must evangelise everyone around him. That is his quest. He is both right, and has a purpose.

Fanaticism is love, because love is the total and unconditionnal acceptance of something. A fanatic loves something so much that it completes him, and it is of utmost importance to him. It also presupposates comprehension.

You don't have to be a religious fanatic, you can be a fanatic of everything. If you can't be a fanatic of something, it's probably not very good.

Let's review what the common man has for himself
>no absolute trust for anything
>no absolute love for anything
>no reason to die
>no goal

What has the fanatic ?
>absolute trust in something
>absolute confidence in his cause
>absolute love for his cause
>reason to die
>unattainable quest

He's not even dangerous

>> No.6652015

They keep to themselves unlike Muslim radicals who are trying to make a Sharia law in all the countries they live. You bastards should be happy we let you into our countries, without western christian countries you would be in your shit whole Middle east. But if we came into your countries you would just try to kill us.

>> No.6652019
File: 42 KB, 720x480, Lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you bastards"
>"you would"

I'm a white European atheist, not everybody who disagrees with you is a Muslim.

You keep knee-jerking like that you'll kick your own teeth in.

>> No.6652029
File: 44 KB, 600x648, 1431656614594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652031

Those great minds Christianity inspires?


>> No.6652032
File: 208 KB, 500x628, OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like to save funny pictures too.

>> No.6652034

I guarantee I have produced more value in my life than you.

>> No.6652037

Your guarantee is worth nothing on an anonymous imageboard.

Not unless backed with Rare Pepes as collateral.

>> No.6652038

>, it can never be dangerous to the bearer itself, only his entourage and the external world. Convinced by the righteousness of his cause, the fanatic spreads his word by pen or sword and must evangelise everyone around him.

And the dangerous part is that his cause might be (usually is) a false or destructive. OP won't join a cause simply because it is a just one, he would join a cause simply he wants to be in one. Even if it is something everyone doesn't want, he can chalk it up to the romantic image of a 'martyr' being a 'hero' by saving those poor ignorant masses. These people are easily manipulable and dangerous in the right hands.

>Fanaticism is love, because love is the total and unconditionnal acceptance of something. A fanatic loves something so much that it completes him, and it is of utmost importance to him. It also presupposates comprehension.

Fanaticism is not love but subservience, an obsession where your whole life rotates around it. He kneels down to a ideology that may not be worthy simply coz he wants to kneel to one.

>You don't have to be a religious fanatic, you can be a fanatic of everything
No you can only a fanatic of one thing, for it dictates how u see the world. No room of doubt, devil advocates, compromise and tolerance. OP is a ticking time bomb, if he latches on to a cause he would either kill for it and convert others with religious fervor.

Also drop your trip.

>> No.6652041
File: 229 KB, 900x900, witnessrarepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking try me

>> No.6652046

I'll be holding on to that in case of default.

Thanks for cooperating.

- t. Pepe Reposession man

>> No.6652048

>when there was no democracy or reason
>existing as a mass of pure ignorance

>> No.6652051

You are held back by your worthless pride; you think being part of something means conceding your individuality, in truth one man can only do so much. That is why so many men and women lead contingents existence and die worthless, not having added or taken anything from the world, having produced no story, no events, barely shit, piss and cum. They have great aspirations and break in half as soon as life gives them a little twirl; they fail to see the bigger picture and fail to exist in a grander scheme, a grander mechanism they could be a part of if they stopped being so petty and prosaic.

Do you not understand ? The cause being just or not doesn't matter, it has absolutely no importance. Nobody cares about it being romantic or beautiful from the outside, or even it's consequences. What else is there to do in life ?

I suggest listening to the great lecture on fanaticism by Arbib, wich covers both the negative and positive aspects of such tunnel vision.

>> No.6652063

That's so inspired. We're all very impressed.

>> No.6652067

>he says before taking a gulp of his mountain dew and scratching his empty ballsack
Cry me a river, spectator

>> No.6652070
File: 531 KB, 2048x1242, 1386095358132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We didn't go through the Enlightenmen
The enlightenment wasn't a good thing

>and centuries of Western progress
progress is just a feel good word. We are in decline.

>back to when there was no democracy or reason.
it would be a better world without democracy

>> No.6652073

>Or are you saying that anything anti-progressive is good?

anything? no.

>> No.6652076

>you think being part of something means conceding your individuality,

I don't think that. I just think being a fanatic will consume your identity and individuality. Being a part of something isn't fanaticism

> The cause being just or not doesn't matter, it has absolutely no importance. Nobody cares about it being romantic or beautiful from the outside, or even it's consequences.

Thats what i said. Some people are made or want to live on their knees because it fills the emptiness in their life. There is something inherently ... 'fascist' about that quality. I think that it is prone to destructive behavior rather than positive ones.

>What else is there to do in life ?

I personally seek enlightenment. I won't kneel to anyone in the process.

Drop your trip.


>> No.6652078

>maximum damage control

>> No.6652080

worthless rhetoric

>> No.6652086

Said the person who posted
>I guarantee I have produced more value in my life than you.

>inb4 worthless rhetoric

>> No.6652091

You are kneeling to everyone you leech the ideas of. You seek enlightenment ? Then what ? I sought enlightenment when I was 15, when I had babby's first existential crisis and needed a goal in my life so that I wouldn't feel too desperate. You seek a purpose but don't want to take the risk of being the "bad guy" of someone, because you are a coward.

So you pick up what seems the most morally superior to you and go by it, failing to realize that just because it has the moral high ground, it is in no way the most interesting or the most fulfilling.

The quest for knowledge is a side quest, an end in itself; making it the center of your life is a huge mutilation to your potential life and the events that might occur in it. Not even mentioning the fact that you are going to be defeated along the path somewhere and become a jaded, beat-up victim.

In truth, you are the one kneeling, under a vacuuous and purposeless self-tyranny that you hold probably only to feel superior for split-seconds on vietnamise weapons-trading imageboard.

>> No.6652093

I meant it

>> No.6652105

Holy cherrypicking fuck... this is like next-level cherrypicking.

>> No.6652109

>ctrl+f 'kierk'
>0 found

>> No.6652112

>You are kneeling to everyone you leech the ideas of.
Liking and adopting someone' idea is kneeling to him? Okay... I think our definitions aren't the same anymore

>You seek a purpose but don't want to take the risk of being the "bad guy" of someone, because you are a coward.

Unlike OP I don't seek a purpose that paints some people as "bad guys". FYI I do have a 'purpose' (which is seeking enlightenment) but I am not fanatical about it

>So you pick up what seems the most morally superior to you and go by it, failing to realize that just because it has the moral high ground, it is in no way the most interesting or the most fulfilling.

So you pick based on whether it is interesting and fulfilling not whether it seems right or rational? Okay.

>making it the center of your life is a huge mutilation to your potential life and the events that might occur in it. Not even mentioning the fact that you are going to be defeated along the path somewhere and become a jaded, beat-up victim.

That is more like the endpoint of fanatics than anything else

>In truth, you are the one kneeling, under a vacuuous and purposeless self-tyranny that you hold probably only to feel superior for split-seconds on vietnamise weapons-trading imageboard.

Sweet projection from the person who is tripfagging on an ANONYMOUS vietnamise weapons-trading imageboard. Like I said i have my own purpose but i kneel to no one. If anything I only kneel to my higher self, so that I will become it.

Lol. More like self-control

Doesn't make it any less worthless, anon

>> No.6652119

>quote war
That's not how you reply to a post
You have responded to none of my points and are apparently only interested in insulting me, too bad anon. I hope you check the references I talked about earlier.

>> No.6652122

ITT: Sensitive normies.

>> No.6652134

Nice damage control.
I have already refuted your points, tripfag. Plus you are the one who started trying to tell me about my life and how terrible it was.

>> No.6652143
File: 30 KB, 231x220, 1433643592828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damage control
This isn't a rap battle
I'm just expressing an opinion I'm educated about, enjoy bathing in your mediocrity. You didn't refute anything, only stated empty and naive common grounds, then failed to take into account the elements I gave you.

Feel free to make a last response to this if you have such a low self-esteem that you want more my attention.

>> No.6653825
File: 309 KB, 455x401, buddha_reincarnated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when there was no democracy or reason

>> No.6654059
File: 212 KB, 600x872, image%3A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suicide bombed
Islam doesn't translates to suicide bombing.
>murrican education system at its finest.