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/lit/ - Literature

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6649862 No.6649862 [Reply] [Original]

"And that's when I knew I was The Catcher in the Rye."

Jesus Christ, really?

>> No.6649870

wasn't it a dream?

Where is he at the end of the novel? He talks about psychiatrists or something but he doesn't specifically state where he is.

>> No.6650019
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"I said that in Jest. Infinite Jest."

fucking dropped.

>> No.6650034

>and then Jesus said "Just put all these stories together, and then thee shall call them the Bible."

get a grip Nicene and Chalcedonian ecumenical councils

>> No.6650287

>"This, Pierre, is War and Peace."


>> No.6650366

"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins."

>> No.6650502
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> When you play a game of thrones...

Literally downhill from there

>> No.6650579

>Well that was quite an odyssey

Fucking Homer...

>> No.6650594
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>I am an invisible man.
Negro, really?

>> No.6650649

we will walk on the road - cormac mcarthy

>> No.6650668

"It looks like he met his death in Venice."

Fuck this book.

>> No.6650674

Gotta get the title from somewhere.
Would you have preferred Holden's Journey, or some crap?

>> No.6650678

>"It looks like I'm just an old man and the sea."

Why the hell do people read this shit?

>> No.6650688

>My my Penelope, while you were sucking the suitors dicks two at a time I was busy on quite the odyssey.

get your shit together Homer

>> No.6650707
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>"In all the commotion, we realize that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead."
Way to set it up for the sequel, Bill.

>> No.6650721

riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, and swerve and shore, past the environs and finally to Finnegans Wake.



>> No.6650722

>in which our valiant Hamlet
Fucking wow, what is this shit?

>> No.6650745

Holy shit you really need to lurk more.

>> No.6650746

>Good gosh, Trent, sometimes I feel like we all add up to something Less Than Zero!

This bit of dialogue just ruined the whole 'dark' mood that had been built over ~200 pages. Way to go, Brett.

>> No.6650781

>"See, Alyosha! Gaze upon this scene and burn the memory to your mind! This matter is exactly how everyone results to Crime and Punishment!"

Why do you even try, Dostoevsky?

>> No.6650795
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>My secretary, Jean, who is in love with me, she asked if I felt like an American psycho. No Jean. I don't. And I'm getting overwhelmingly anxious as I look around the room for anything, anything to take my mind off of whether or not I can rent Body Double exactly one day after returning it late, again.

>> No.6650801

>"aaayyyy meraeult why'd you shoot that nigger man?"
>"he was a stranger to me"
I expected more of you Camus

>> No.6650814
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And but plus so Glendenning checked his blanched reflection and considered the higher purpose of best shaping the path of taxpayers's money, only, now, understanding why Agent Wallace dubbed him the "Pale King."

>> No.6650831

>"Listen, Shadow. Amidst the shadows of our hearts, we finally became American Gods."

Gaiman pls go

>> No.6650834


>> No.6650835
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>Forget the ways of the chained and the filial and the woman and fly across the tops of the trees and drink the ocean. Drink it deep into your cavernous spirit. Fill your destiny with it's own eternity. Thus spoke Zarathustra.

I threw the book down only one page in. The stupid thing floated an inch off the floor. Fucking Neechy.

>> No.6650847
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This is no country for old men friendo.

>> No.6650858

>"He looked fiercely into her cunt and said to Danny, the one who the more she drank the more she shat: 'For you I shall sing A Song of Ice and Fire'."

George is a fucking hack, isn't he?

>> No.6650875
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"And that's when I decided to go in search...of lost time"

The fuck is this shit? It's a goddamn doorstop now, motherfucker.

>> No.6650903

>"Virgil, I'm glad you stuck with me through Dante's Inferno."

>> No.6650914

Yeah, i also played the game. What the fuck was up with that?

>> No.6650916

Why would he refer to himself in third person??

Virgil to Beatrice: "We have survived Dante's Inferno. I leave him to you now."

>> No.6650918

It was the Death of a Salesman.

"This sure was a The Crucible."

Miller pls

>> No.6650925

>"Damn Ahab that's one big ass whale." the gay savage said. Ahab replied "Yeah that bitch is hella big, finna call that shit moby dick cuz it's almost as big as my dick"
Greatest novelist my ass Melville

>> No.6650958


>> No.6650971
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"If you want to enter the kingdom of heaven, just read The Bible."

Jesus Christ, really?

>> No.6650982

>Thus begins... My Critique of Pure Reason

More like Kunt amirite?

>> No.6650985
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"Don't be messin with these grapes son. These be the Grapes of Wrath"

more like Steindreck

>> No.6650998

>Call me Ishmael

Nice one Daniel Quinn

>> No.6651006

O lawd I'm kekkin

>> No.6651024

"Zhuge Liang tapped Lei Bei on the shoulder and whispered into his ear, 'My liege, do not forgot that this will be a romance of the three kingdoms.'"

Fucking Zhuge Liang man. Fuck him.

>> No.6651033

That photo doesn't make sense since Steinbeck is viewed by most Americans as "communist" and so, to them, "un-American".

>> No.6651041

>tfw just came to /lit/ tonight and I have no idea what's going on but I can't stop laughing

>> No.6651055

Shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.6651060

Beyond the trees, atop a hilly brush we were East of Eden.

More like Steinhack

>> No.6651065

>And I am become the Great Gats y, destroyer of worlds.

u wot m8

>> No.6651068

>As I looked back on my time in the war in europe I thought of what a silent badass with emotional I was and how much I would miss my arms that got cut off in the explosion. I didn't know it then but that was when I said a Farewell to Arms.

apply yourself Hemingway

>> No.6651076
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>James: Who drank all the whisky?
>Mary: Methinks it'll be another long day's journey into night.

Stumbling mick

>> No.6651087
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>So Coleman Silk and I danced on the porch to his old records, holding hands, together, as The Human Stain.

Oy vey!

>> No.6651097

>She sat down to await the crying of Lot 49.


>> No.6651109



Underrated post overall.

>> No.6651122
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>Navy fell through the splintering floor boards into the black. His family climbed out the window. Everyone leaves the House of Leaves.

Gimmick peddling fedora fgt

>> No.6651124


"Truly a tragic tale of mice and men" fuck off to Salinas John

>> No.6651164
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>Christmas Eve, 1955, Benny Profane, wearing black Levi's, suede jacket, sneakers and big cowboy hat, happened to pass through Norfolk Virginia.

Fuck you pinecone!

>> No.6651245

>Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum in una bellum gessimus, post quod Caesar librum scrivit, qui lingua nostra appellantur Commentarii de Bello Gallico.


>> No.6651408

I realized too late it was all just a joke thread.

>> No.6652258

>The fault in our stars
>Quote Shakespeares Julius Caesar

I'm serious with this one btw.

>> No.6652259
File: 145 KB, 624x352, Yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say the thread was in jest. Infinite Jest.

>> No.6652263

> "In order for me to be enlightened and defeat satan, I have to become Siddhartha"

Really nigga?

>> No.6652268

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.6652273

"As I jumped from the top of the cliff I realized I was ningen shikkaku"
And you guys said dazai was good.

>> No.6652281


>> No.6652442


Get a load of this guy, I bet he hasn't even read Siddhartha

>> No.6652457

>Oh poor son Hector, he was an ill lad
Fucking homer, why do you guys take him so seriously?

>> No.6652463

>It was there on the beach that he knew that he am become the Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

Jesus, Jamba Juice

>> No.6652507
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"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta"


>> No.6652538

"Young harry potter"

>> No.6652554

>Get a load of this guy, I bet he hasn't even read Siddhartha
Get a load of this guy, I bet he hasn't even read Siddhartha

>> No.6652555

>"To defeat Megatron, you must become Lady Chatterley's Lover"


>> No.6652558

> Get a load of this guy, I bet he hasn't even read Siddhartha
Get a load of this Siddhartha, I bet he hasn't even read this guy

>> No.6652560
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>I felt the hunger echoing in my stomach...

Fuck you, Flatlander.

>> No.6652566

>Im Moby, and this, this here is Dick.

>> No.6652567

>It was just as Daggoo was introducing Queequeg and myself to a near friend of his that Stubb, then, endeavoured to tap the crew a new keg, alas, only to learn that, in these far-southern climes, its contents had been very, very utterly frozen; as such:
>'Dis mo' B, di-'
>'Cor! Thaw ale!'
My God, Mr. Melville, your writing does smell ill.

>> No.6652571

>Once I got stomped by Obie.


>> No.6652580

>I said, 'I'm leaving with this tie.'
>'Pay first,' said the cashier.
How could you, Mr. Lin!

>> No.6652599

>'Sir, it say's 'ere Alf's only gettin' seven dollars an hour.'
>'Pay Alf 'igher.'
Now, Vladimir...

>> No.6652602

"Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast read the K.J. Bible, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not read The Holy tra*****ion, and yet have believed."

T-thanks Jesus

>> No.6652606

>Mustapha Mond said "Go, leave the World State and into the Brave New World."

Seriously Huxley?

>having /tv/ threads in /lit/

>> No.6652616

>'Avons-nous besoin vraiment d'un coup d'Etat?'
You've gone and zammed ya last tin, mate.

>> No.6652627

>It had finally come out. At last: Shrek3D.
Fucking hell, Rand.

>> No.6652657

there actually is a title drop in journey to the end of the night though

>> No.6652680


>> No.6652689

Kek, check out this hick.

>> No.6652695

no old man trying to shit 0/10

>> No.6652721

Congrats for reading it or whatever

>> No.6652736

"Hey Margarita, I guess we finally became the Master and Margarita. Heh!"

For fuck's sake Mikhail.

>> No.6652745

beat you to it

>> No.6652750

"Hey Jesus, if someone in the future was to write, like, a scroll telling your story, what do you think id would be called?"
"Why, The Bible: Authorized King James Version (Oxford World's Classics) of course!"

Bravo Yahweh

>> No.6652761

lost it

>> No.6652773

>'What was the name of that Miyazaki film? Nausiä?'
Mr. Star-trek, you really should have startred with the Greeks.

>> No.6652774
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>> No.6652776

"As Abraham raised the knife, he found himself filled with fear…fear and trembling."
No wonder Kierkegaard was filled with despair, look at how much of a hack he was.

>> No.6652789

>never send to know for whom the bell tolls
>it tolls for dank memes

>> No.6652794

>Get a load of this Siddhartha, I bet he hasn't even read this guy
Get a load of this read, I bet guy hasn't even he this Siddhartha

>> No.6652802

the book's called the Divine Comedy :^)

>> No.6652803

>>having /tv/ threads on /lit/
I bet you're nihilistic, intelligent, and have a wicked sense of humor

>> No.6652814

I know you're quoting it wrong but I can't find it in the archive. oh well

>> No.6652828

>Truly, dear Antonio, you have won, for I always have been a The Merchant Of Venice® by William Shakespeare.


>> No.6652830

u gotta stop downloading ur ebooks from russian websites my dude

>> No.6652834
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jesus christ you're a faggot learn to fucking read

>> No.6653020

lotta /tv/ memes for a /lit/ poster

>> No.6653039

I haven't actually ever been on /tv/ but a lot of the memes trickle over here.

>> No.6653042

I believe you since you actually don't recognize what my previous post was

>> No.6653102


>> No.6653687

"All quiet on the western front."

>> No.6653799

McClane sat on the edge of the building looking down trying to spot the body of the German terrorist but he could not for they looked like ants from way up high

Hans Grubers crime? Terrorism and theft. The punishment? Death.

Wait a minute this is a great title the handsome Dosto thought to himself I am a genius and he ended his book.

>> No.6654094

Triple keks.

>> No.6654156

>implying this line didn't b you tfo

>> No.6654188 [DELETED] 

>You did it Lear! You have finally become William Shakespeare's
King Lear™ Norton Critical Edition® based on the Folio text.

Never read that hack again.

>> No.6654198

>You did it Lear! You have finally become William Shakespeare's King Lear™ Norton Critical Edition® based on the Folio text.

Never read that hack again.

>> No.6654207

You forgot your Norton Critical Edition® based on the Folio text, friend

>> No.6654259

>I's sho do like 'dis here light in awgust, missus

What the fuck Faulkner?

>> No.6654260

Edith looked through the doorway to William's alcove as he lit another blunt and knew that she should never have married such a Stoner.


>> No.6654267

Do you speak true? Oh! For the all the world! I can't believe we really always all have been the Complete Works of William Shakespeare!

that mother fucker

>> No.6654281
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Haggard? More like 'Hackkard'

>> No.6654296

""Dammit Shane, you really have accomplished Apathy and Other Small Victories" she signed to him."

Fuck you Neilan.

>> No.6654317
File: 1.32 MB, 2274x2499, Library_of_Ashurbanipal_The_Flood_Tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ, Gilgamesh. I would drop this tablet but it looks like somebody already did.

>> No.6654327


>> No.6654338


>> No.6654742

The theme of that line, treachery of man, is reversed in the book, where the fault was in fact not man but nature, the cancer that tears the two lovers apart

>> No.6654757
