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/lit/ - Literature

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6649701 No.6649701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

essential graphic novel thread? essential graphic novel thread.

>> No.6649711

shameless self bump

>> No.6649732

From Hell is great too.

>> No.6649743

None of them are "essential". And stop being a pretentious fag by calling them "graphic novels" they're fucking comic books.

>> No.6649748
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>i cant read books without pictures

>> No.6649752

Go back to your manchildren board

>> No.6649756

King city

>> No.6649781
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Love and Rockets

>> No.6649828

there's a difference you retard

comic are typically short stories sold individually, spanning a long series of time and multiple different arcs. Graphic novels are sold as a collection and read as one.

>> No.6649835
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>> No.6649844

you clearly did. you cared enough to "correct" me incorrectly about it.

>> No.6649854

A fairly common view on this front is that "comics" are any work of visual art that relies on sequences of panels, typically with words ("sequential art" is a good phrase).

Graphic novels are novels (with many of the characteristics of novels in written literature) in comics format. Some people use "graphic novel" in a pretentious way, but it really should just describe that the work is self-contained and fairly long. Graphic novels ARE comics but not all comics are graphic novels.

In point of note, there are also graphic biographies, graphic memoirs, etc. These are all still comics but these more specific names are simply better descriptions.

>> No.6649855

For some fun, try going on /co/ and talking about 'graphic novels'. Make sure that you repeat the term a lot, they'll love you for it.

>> No.6649861

im new to both these boards, sorry if im infringing on some kind of meme. i mostly just browse /mu/ lol

>> No.6649863
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>> No.6649868


I bet /co/ is completely overrun with capeshit

>> No.6649869
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>> No.6649871
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Remembrance of Things Past

>> No.6649878

Yeah, 95% of the comics discussion on /co/ is capes. I don't get it, really - with the way that other boards like /lit/ and /mu/ are, you'd expect /co/ to be focused on non-cape comics.

>> No.6649882
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>> No.6649885

Well just look at /tv/ and what they talk about. Actually, no, never go there.

>> No.6649891
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>> No.6649895

Have you read anything by Craig Thompson?

>> No.6649918


i wanna read blankets

>> No.6649961

The main three Alan Moore graphic novels, V for Vendetta, The Watchmen, and The Killing Joke, are essential.

>> No.6649965

>The Killing Joke
>main Alan Moore graphic novel

>> No.6649976

From Hell is better than all of these.

>> No.6649981


Yeah that's a containment board now. Unfortunately, you are restricted there. Try not to wander anywhere else.

>> No.6649985
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Swamp Thing

>> No.6649993
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Chester Brown is pretty good.
I especially like his comic about Louis Riel.

And Jacques Tardi's Griffu is some of the best noir ever made.

>> No.6649995

>there's a difference you retard
>hurr tehy're packaged differendly lul
Seriously eat a gun.

>> No.6650007

It's actually a useful distinction since standalone "graphic novel" comics are a completely different thing from the vast majority of collected serials

>> No.6650016

how is that not a difference?

>> No.6650032

did you not read what I just wrote or are you too stupid to comprehend words that disagree with you

>> No.6650039
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>> No.6650060


The Phantom
The Maxx
Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth
I Kill Giants

If we're speaking strictly about manga:
A Drifting Life
Kokou no Hito
Slam Dunk
I Am A Hero
Oyasumi Punpun

>> No.6650071

which sandman episode is "essential?" there's like 8 of them

>> No.6650079
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>> No.6650086


I saw Alan Moore drinking a coffee the other day. Big beardy bloke him.

>> No.6650122

>okay, i've got like a million shitty puns banked up and i've been practicing how to draw lady-asses for a while, so i think i'm about ready to start my magnum opus graphic novel!
>comics don't need to have a "story" or anything, right?

>> No.6650132

>furry shit die in a fire
>pick up
>take a closer look at the art
>take an even closer look
>buy it for the watercolor alone
>realize the character design is fucking glorious
>story is great, characters interesting
>buy the others and enjoy the hell out of it

Why can't there be anymore anthro this good?

>> No.6650143

Guarnido precisely said in an interview that the connotations of anthro are awful nowadays because of furfags.

They truly ruin everything. There is great shit like Maus or Blacksad here and hurr durr le foxfuckers. I hate them.

>> No.6650155

book adaptations are 99% garbage

nothing to gain from them, read the book

>> No.6650157

Blacksad doesn't have anything going for it other than how well drawn it is.

>The Killing Joke,
It's nothing.

>> No.6650160

Sinestro Corps War is fantastic

>> No.6650178
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Dropped in to say just that. Good job, anon.