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/lit/ - Literature

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6646719 No.6646719 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we say our worst personality traits and people say what literary character we are

>> No.6646723


>> No.6646725

intelligent, nihilistic, wicked sense of humor

>> No.6646727

intelligent, nihilistic, wicked sense of humor

>> No.6646730

Kafka was a womanizer

>> No.6646737

I think everybody has some negative traits, that's normal. But if I had to say mine it's probably that I'm self absorbed, impulsive, hypersensitive, effeminate, and arrogant. And sometimes I don't listen. But I'm an actor, anyway.

I'm saying words people have described me as. I wouldn't describe myself with these words.

>> No.6646743

I'm not OP. I'm describing myself

>> No.6646759

intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.6646792

Literarilly me.

>> No.6646800
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you're emma bovary
you're raskolnikov before his exile

>> No.6646802

Always fkin withdrawn and bleeding irony into every word that comes out of my asymmetric food-hole

>> No.6646884

david fister wallets

>> No.6646893

I'm egotistical, lazy, asocial, slovenly, greedy, materialistic, consumeristic, cowardly, delusional, entitled, prone to fits of rage, prone to useless rants about bullshit that I don't even believe in, and self-destructive.

I just realized my worst traits are that of Christian Weston Chandler.

>> No.6646894

i care deeply about other people but i'm also very selfish. i need others but can't EVER do the right thing by them

>> No.6646901

I try not to be an egotist but I am, I get a tiny bit of satisfaction out of seeing others do worse than me.

>> No.6646909

morbidly depressed, dumb, socially inept, hateful, prone to violence, homosexual tendencies

>> No.6646919
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>say my worst trait
Not possible, I'm perfect.

>> No.6646926
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Arrogant, boastful, contrarian, somewhat selfish

>> No.6646933

10/10 didn't see that coming

>> No.6646953
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Stephen Dedalus




Sick Boy


Believe in yourself. Remember that no matter how low you fall, you will always be better than CWC




Henry Miller


Clay from Less Than Zero




Sounds sort of like a Bolano character

k someone do me, my worsts sins are wrath, gluttony, and sloth

>> No.6646959

Thank you for the encouragement. I feel like my life is on the right track, though, but I'm still upset that my character flaws are just repulsive instead of being something mildly acceptable, like manipulativeness.

>> No.6646965

Lazy, hypocritical, intolerant, dismissive, pedantic.

>> No.6646971
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>morbidly depressed
ignatius j. reilly

>> No.6646983
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socially anxious
jealous of others
reasonably depressed
generally disagreeable

>> No.6646985
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relativist, not caring about anything

>> No.6646990

I have cheated on every woman I've been in a relationship with and trust absolutely no one.

>> No.6647039


>> No.6647148

slothful, socially anxious, selfish, uptight, very private

>> No.6647156


Meursault, enjoy your public execution buddy

>> No.6647180

moody, madonna-whore complex, servile, overthinker

Yes, well Hamlet, I guess.

>> No.6647187
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>generalised anxiety
>superiority complex (debatable since I'm aware of it)
>people usually find me funny / absurd sense of humour
>poor, and quite happy being so
>constantly agitated, feel like I should be doing something productive but rarely do
>extremely contemptuous of authority

>> No.6647188

Thomas, from The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Underground man from Notes from Underground

>> No.6647198

Jesus you just described me better than I can do myself

>> No.6647200

Hypersensitive and hyperempathic. I have to spend a good portion of the day in silent introspection only to keep my head together, which makes me come across as a contemptuous prick. My emotional life looks like a succession of nuclear blasts. I'm physically incapable of cynicism.

Colossal self-hatred. Stendhal Syndrome. I've fallen in love passionately more than 50 times over the last 6 years, sometimes with women I only talked to once.

I've written hundreds of sonnets, they all fed the fireplace.

>> No.6647203

Laziness and daydreaming.

Oblomov and Ignatius J. Reilly.

>> No.6647207

socially anxious
lazy, but pedantic

>> No.6647219

>falling in love with every girl who gives you any attention
>iktf too well

>> No.6647222

>nail biter
>big nose
>massive bitch

>> No.6647223
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>I've fallen in love passionately more than 50 times over the last 6 years, sometimes with women I only talked to once.

>> No.6647227

>big nose female

>> No.6647232

lol i actually do live in sydney

>> No.6647234
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oi nice

>> No.6647255

There are no women on 4chan. You're most likely a transsexual.

>> No.6647272
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>rarely leave my house
>can't stand being around most people for more than a couple hours

not that person you replied to btw

>> No.6647285

what does a big nose and you biting your nails have to do with your personality?

>> No.6647298

>look at me guys, I love sex :D
>I'm a trap btw!

You're cute.
Post cock. If you still have one.

>> No.6647300


>> No.6647325

It was a way of saying I'm an idiot

>> No.6647327

Self-loathing, timid, boring, not as funny as I think I am.

>> No.6647331

i hope this anon comes by again

>> No.6647334

High energy/wiggly
social chameleon
(Note: this is not a setup)

>> No.6647339

Lazy, cowardly, nihilistic

>> No.6647369

> Judgemental
> Slow
> Lazy
> Cynical

Shoutout to the people who posted positive traits as well. Your reading comprehension is dope as hell.

>> No.6647430

Acid sense of humour
Eccentric, absurd
Literally incapable of showing emotions to other people. I feel very little when someone dies.

>> No.6647434

Fuck, it's me.

>> No.6647460


>> No.6647465

I feel like Mersault is the obvious answer here, but it's just too easy.

>> No.6647474

I read the Stranger this week, but I think I am not as "cynic" as Meursault. I would mind killing an arab and some other things. I think I am more like a light version of him. Althought I have some small social anxiety.

>> No.6647508

Anxious, absent-minded, timid, opinionated, obsessive, tend to procrastinate a lot

>> No.6647535

Loves laser tag

>> No.6647536
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Sorry fellas, Highlander rules apply here.

>> No.6647538

>Quickly satisfied
>little if any perseverance
>People say I'm Intelligent.
>Mediocre self-esteem at best
>Overly Sarcastic/downright cynical
>Borderline communist

>> No.6647855


>> No.6647878

Can't think of any authors like this sorry.

>> No.6647885

>women obsessed

>> No.6647892

Holden Caulfield

>> No.6647896

doubt it, you're probably 21. Drinking a couple beers a night is called being 21


Actually shitposting on /lit/

a coward in public

self diagnosed


>> No.6647905

I have no idea what my personality is.

>> No.6647907

Average 17 year old

underage b&

probably young and horny and dumb

mentally unstable, get help and stop being a freak


try hard retard

>> No.6647917

That wasn't the function of the thread. I can't say I thank you for your contribution.

>> No.6647919

>socially awkward
>afraid of telephones

>> No.6647932

>probably young and horny and dumb
60+ sexual partners so far
men and women
two were related to me

>mentally unstable, get help and stop being a freak
i'm mentally unstable because of my nymphomania
my therapist and doctor heavily recommended i transition and i agreed with their professional opinion

>> No.6647934


>> No.6647942

>talk too much

>> No.6647945

post cock
pls be in italy

>> No.6647946


>> No.6647947

Oh shit Gabby is that you

>> No.6647951

No it wasn't, but some people need to realize they aren't some trauma ridden teen with a hard life.

They're just lazy pricks who exaggerate everything because they're lazy and the only way to stay interested is to pretend their life is literary, when it's really just failing and everyone who looks at them, even the real alcoholics and insomniacs, see a whiny little cunt with no real problems at all.

>60+ sexual partners
>hate being around people
>stay inside

And no, you're mentally unstable because you're a freak of nature who should have been aborted

>omg muh problems

You know, even though you're lying, sometimes you're just a whore full of lust, a dirty disgusting worthless polluted carcass.

>I'm not a whore
>I've got problems

Well you sure as shit have problems, it's called being an attention ...wait for it....whore.

get bent

>> No.6647960

Do me next:

>> No.6647963 [DELETED] 

I'm 100% Sicilian. Grandparents are fresh off the boat, but unfortunately I'm an amerifat.
you sound mad?

>> No.6647965


>> No.6647971

This is the greatest thing.

>> No.6647972


>21 and a few beers

26 and while beer is nice with a meal, I am usually drinking aome kind of spirit or another, depending on what I wanted when I went to the shops.


I am a wageslave, not much time for laziness.


Haven't slept for more than 4 hours a night in years, and that is when I do sleep. Alcohol, red bull and coffee suffice.

>Self diagnosed

Not really. I went to see my gp because I was worried I was paranoid, it was the early onsetting of schizophrenia and nowadays there are three voices that accompany me. Two women and a man, if you care.


Just given up, not lazy.

I guess I can understand why you might think it is a lie, though it isn't unfortunately. I can't change what you believe, even if it is wrong, and this is an anonymous website anyway-not as if it would matter.

>> No.6647976

I hope you're not upset by that mean person anon.

>> No.6647979


Unaware of ones self worth, lacking confidence.

Very common, in fact this exists inside of most people, others just have a backing, a support group, that allows them to overcome it.

There is potential, but again...like most of this board you're probably extremely lazy when it comes to working at anything actually worthwhile.

And I know this is ironic, stop thinking so much of yourself.

>> No.6647985
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>> No.6647988

>26 and while beer is nice with a meal, I am usually drinking aome kind of spirit or another, depending on what I wanted when I went to the shops.

Still not an alcoholic. And it's not cool to be one. It's deadly.

>I am a wageslave, not much time for laziness.
Being a wageslave and allowing yourself to be working at a place you consider a wageslave is in fact lazy because you are performing below your expectations. aka lazy

>Haven't slept for more than 4 hours a night in years, and that is when I do sleep. Alcohol, red bull and coffee suffice.

Then get off the internet and take a benadryl until your sleep cycle gets renewed for fucks sake. Jesus you helpless fucking whiners

>Not really. I went to see my gp because I was worried I was paranoid, it was the early onsetting of schizophrenia and nowadays there are three voices that accompany me. Two women and a man, if you care.

This is an anonymous board, no need to lie...

>Just given up, not lazy.
You were never not lazy or giving anything to begin with which is apparent because you are a wageslave and look down upon your money making job.

>> No.6647993

Believe it or not I am helping these people.

They need to stop being cuddled.

>> No.6647995


Someone do this please
Two other people have already said they relate to it so you'll be doing 3 in one

>> No.6647996

You may think you're helping, but you aren't.

>> No.6647998

maybe that's his worst quality?

>> No.6648005 [DELETED] 

Mooooooreee please. Butt with sharpie in it?

>> No.6648009

Delusions of competence, and a savior mentality, likely narcissism too, quite probably.

>> No.6648010

>prefer poetry than fiction
>can't talk to anyone without sounding like I'm a party boi

>> No.6648019

Don Quixote

>> No.6648024

Isn't saying you're depressive, and bipolar redundant?

>> No.6648045


I am aware that it is deadly, but it helps me deal with my life.

I am not performing below my expectations. I am aware that most people will die poor and alone, I have no delusions of grandeur or that I am somehow special.

That would imply it helps. Sleeping pills make you sleep, but not properly. You do not wake up refreshed. I use the internet to pass time, I wouldn't sleep anyway and without coffee, etc, I would be a walking zombie. It allows me to function.

Believe what you want to believe, but it doesn't stop it from being the truth. What gratification is there in lying anonymously? Victim complex? I do not want pity or recognition, just sharing it because it is a major part of who I am and that is what this thread is about.

You are probably right there, yes, though I do not look down on my job-just recognise it for what it is.

>> No.6648062


>> No.6648068


>> No.6648069

Are you me?

>> No.6648072

That's a very accurate description of me you've got there.

Closest I've felt to a character is Ignatious Reilly, mostly because of the way he's a woeful underachiever but feels superior to more successful people because he's read books they've never heard of. I'm a fair bit like that.

Does that sound like any of you?

>> No.6648082


>> No.6648090

>Does that sound like any of you?

Original poster here. That sounds like /lit/ in a nutshell which is maybe why the post resonated with so many people. I haven't read A Confederacy of Dunces, but I will now.

>> No.6648091

>doesnt mention deeply insecure

>> No.6648093

> greedy
> stubborn
> arrogant
> prejudiced
I'm also a pretty hateful person, but there are also people whom I really care and love. Also a bit materialistic

>> No.6648094

sorta, not really. Bipolar is identifiable by the extent of manic or depressive episodes. I'm type 2 which involves longer depressions and mild manic periods.

>> No.6648100

How's the hypomania?

>> No.6648120

oh lord kek

>> No.6648131

Fine. Distracting. Feel angry most of the time. Sometimes I shout, hit a wall, or lie in bed before getting up and doing the process over again. People are starting to notice when my favorite thing to do is copy/paste a book review and edit the shit out of it.

>> No.6648135

>slightly narcissistic
>rarely put any effort into work
>can be overly emotional
>sometimes coldhearted

>> No.6648144

Hmm. Not the feel good mania that some have, that's unfortunate.

>> No.6648153

They don't have real problems. They are exaggerating and lying on a fucking anonymous board because they don't have real lives so they make them up in their heads.

>> No.6648160

If you say so.

>> No.6648168

sorta expected though. When depressed expresses a majority of a disorder, then mania simply allows you to be more energetic about negativity. Sometimes I do feel good and hug and laugh, talk fast, then people ask if I'm on drugs.

>> No.6648176
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I'm lazy and arrogant, any semblance of talent I have is directly funneled into my ego and I can't get anything of worth done because I'm so goddamn full of myself. I've ruined relationships through thinking I'm better and that my partner is less than I, I've destroyed friendships through being an annoying, egoistic cunt, I've hurt my schooling by thinking I don't have to work as hard. I also have a immense distaste for anything academic. If I don't enjoy something, I don't work on it.

I write ok though, I'm hoping to get published once I drop out of school.

>inb4 Holden Caulfield

>> No.6648305

a little to obsessed with my apperance

>> No.6648314

Yes, we are the only two people on /lit/ who suffer from assburgers, depression, and sexual ambiguity

>> No.6648316

Well, good luck to you.

>> No.6648338

Surely those who have all three are at least in the minority?

>> No.6648353

> misanthrope
> superiority complex
> insincere
> indecisive
> depressed

>> No.6648370

What do you hate about humanity?

>> No.6648374

>I must be loyle to my capo

>> No.6648375

Bitter and hateful. Also easily angered.

>> No.6648421

extremely bad social anxiety, self-loathing, secretly a little narcissistic, lazy.

>> No.6649428



>> No.6649450

Extreme social anxiety
Eccentric when alone
Superiority complex
Disdain for society
Too empathetic to the point where self reflection upon it makes me embarassed for myself

>> No.6649466
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>bad short term memory
>bad at practical tasks

>> No.6649703

I'm lazy
I try too hard to appease everyone and get everyone to like me
I don't put enough effort into engaging with people long term
I often lie to people when it benefits me, not even just to cover my ass but sometimes to create a whole situation that i benefit from
I get very frustrated if something doesn't come naturally to me

>> No.6649768

>glum, even though I have no reason to be
>find talking to people difficult
>experiment with drugs
>might be a bit of a snob, especially with my blue-collar friends, but not to their faces
>never give my real opinion on things
>actually develop very little opinions on things
It sounds kind of pretentious to say but I just feel like I never really occur externally, just interact. I end up being able to talk to anyone about anything, but I never really feel any real emotional weight behind what I say. Which brings me to my biggest fault
>almost every social interaction is just a performance
>I don't even enjoy it

>> No.6649771

>talk too much
>crack jokes all the time
>think everyone thinks shitty about me behind my back

>> No.6649777

Self absorbed

>> No.6649784

underground man

Siddharta's son, Kamala

>> No.6649821

>Siddharta's son, Kamala was meant for >>6648375

>> No.6649823

You're Polonius

those are basically synonyms you might as well have just written arrogant and repetitive. You would be a villain in a dan brown novel. any of them they're all the same.

>> No.6649832

>You're Polonius
Why? Can you elaborate?

>> No.6649836

I'm nihilistic, smart, and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.6649839


I won't even entertain this by posting definitions. I'll leave you to figure it out

tip: synonyms=words that are interchangeable

>> No.6649865

They only reveal one aspect of your personality. You can go ahead and add stupid to the list.

>> No.6649867
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>not knowing what synonyms are

>> No.6649873

One can be arrogant yet sensitive.
One can be self-absorbed yet sensitive
One can be self-absorbed but not arrogant.

I don't know how to explain this further. Is English your native language? That could easily be an issue.

>> No.6649877

Self absorbed
Too horny all the time
Secretive to the point of paranoia, especially about sex and relationships
Emotionally sadistic
Can't talk about anything serious for shit, I just make things up that people will believe/will make them like me.
Basically a husk of a human being seeking animal pleasures

>> No.6649911

>wrath, gluttony, and sloth
>want to kill someone for calling you fat
>decide to stay in and order pizza instead

>> No.6649920

ignatius P. Reily

>> No.6649922

Whatever, my answer still stands.

>> No.6649948
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>> No.6649952
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>> No.6649979

J.O. Incandenza

>> No.6650025


>generous to a fault
>hopeless romantic

>> No.6650045

Emotionally ... Dulled I guess

Always in my own head, often feel like I'm watching my life, so I'm self-absorbed in that sense.

No sense of humor. When I talk either no one listens or i seem to put them to sleep. My therapist has to hold off drowsiness during our sessions, I think.

I'm just very alone and vaguely contented but I have a nagging sense that something is wrong with it.

>> No.6650175

thanks, jerk

>> No.6650228

Walter Mitty

>> No.6650596

I'm prone to over analyze things, which makes me indecisive in personal matters
I'm a very anxious person, but on the same vein I'm very good at dealing with it, on my own
I'm overdramatic and have a strong tendency to exaggerate when the mood strikes me
I'm very, very cynical with an oftentimes dark sense of humor
I'm critical of others, but not out of spite
I'm hypercritical of myself, I would much rather acknowledge that I'm bad at something rather than say I'm good at anything
I have a very weak concept of personal identity, even though I have a strong concept of self
Despite having lofty goals and ambitions, I'm very complacent and wary of change

>> No.6650651

Currently lying to my parents about being employed (I go to the library for 5 hours 5 days a week) so I can buy myself some time to read books and get better at the piano. I've done this a few times before. I'm whittling down my bank account, but still got 2000 left. I'm torn between seeing if I can get good enough during that period to make money or publish something and likely being found out soon enough, having disappointed them by lying all this time and just getting a job so that way that won't happen, and also I could save another thousand and move out somewhere. But I really dislike working.

Ah, that. I really dislike working. Not doing what I love, I have a great deal of energy for that. I mean employment. I've had 18 different jobs thus far, barely last at any of them.

That's really all I can think of. Beyond that I have a pretty fine opinion of myself.

>> No.6650748

>Sex maniac
>Hyper nympho masturbatory virginlord
>"Smart but lazy"
>Squanders all their potential, sometimes intentionally and knowingly
>Self-destructive, hedonistic, morally prudent and an informed sense of justice yet cowardice to see it through

>> No.6650754

I hate that whole 'are you me' bullshit but this is actually point-for-point what I was going to put down.

I guess we could be twins or brothers or something.

>> No.6650775

That's impossible actually, I was born in New Mexico and apparently I was the only white baby in the pediatric ward at the time. If we were twins or brothers that story wouldn't be nearly as funny.

So, no, we aren't brothers, but if you don't turn around then I'm going to be you very soon...

>> No.6651475

Wow Kafka looked good for 30something he still passed for a 20 something

>> No.6651480

he looks like moltisanti

>> No.6651482
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>> No.6651490

Ignatius Reilly

>> No.6651491

dude when he was 40 he looked 19

he didn't age or bald at all

>> No.6651496

Christ, I've never read A Confederacy of Dunces but I have to now.

For what I can tell from the wiki page, that character is pretty much me, holy christ.

>> No.6651498

>Overly Sarcastic/downright cynical

I can only refer you to Rilke's letters: your cynicism cannot follow you in front of beauty and big emotions

>> No.6651501


>> No.6651529

social anxiety
inability to properly pronunciate words
bad spelling
social invalid/misfit
eager but not consistent
instant satisfaction required
suppose the same of others

>> No.6651545

>wicked sense of humor

>> No.6651568

Envy and hatred.

>> No.6651655

lazy, apathetic, effeminate, vain

>> No.6651664

Dorian Gray

>> No.6651676

Everyone in this thread is one of the following

>Oscar Wao
>Ignatius J. Reilly
>Underground Man

>> No.6651694

Envious, asocial, vengeful, bitter, extremely depressed and often suicidal.

Holy shit, I'm a total fucking headcase.

>> No.6651702

I was like this for a long while. I remember in particular once seeing a crowd of youths my age at some festival I wasn't a part of and being floored by resentment and bitterness.

The only solution is Jesus Christ

>> No.6651706
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No excuse for this bullshit, unless you're a teenager.

Get your life together.

>> No.6651709

elliot rodger

>> No.6651725

Growing up is the solution, no need for iron age hucksters.

>> No.6651726

Who dis sword swallower?

>> No.6651732

I think I'm right when i know I'm wrong

>> No.6651744


The thread's too big for me to do everyone now :^( I'm glad my sleuthing work is appreciated though.


Top kek m8

>> No.6651750

>puts all energy into petty crime, otherwise idle

>seesaws violently between nervous pushover and actual potential murderer

>sexually abberrant

>totally aromantic

>open hatch - insert drugs

>very likely have an undiagnosed psychological illness

Man, I could be anybody really.

>> No.6651754

>Low Self Worth
>Try to hide my emotions but can't, my face is very expressive
>Tend to be overly-concentrated
>Tendency towards sadness

>> No.6653060

Primarily two things. An unsettling lack of empathy for people I think are closed-minded and/or ignorant. This isn't so much antipathy and resentment as much as just apathy and a lack of desire to help them or save them if things come and bite them in the ass. If the person was a dick I also feel Schadenfreude when things go badly for them.

The other issue I have is that which I do not fully embrace, I avoid. If a system I need to exploit is too unreasonable, unfair, hypocritical or just inane (ie, where the demands made by the system seem arbitrary or unrelated to the end-goal), I will unconsciously resist participating in it or participate as minimally as possible. To put it another way, if something is flawed enough to get under my skin, I refuse to use it, even if I have to. It's a really big problem and I'm very worried about going to publish when I finish because I fear I'll lack the motivation to navigate the publishing industry.

>> No.6653100

>Professionally diagnosed MDD and medicated up to my ass for it
>image obsessed
>outwardly portrays a liberal feminist cuck persona but cannot help being a misogynistic womanizer
>high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (also professionally diagnosed)
>blatant superiority complex

I'm just going to stop here, kill me now.

>> No.6653152

Hypersensitive to stress and criticism, struggle every day in college (studying engineering) because i hate how people are rewarded for doing everything right and organized while i think i am smarter but don't receive the praise (nevertheless i am a good student). This also lead me to believe that i am actually just a piece of shit and not gifted as i thought and people made me think when i was young. I just want to have the capacity to give up and not care, but i can't, i don't want to be a loser, but i dont want to be normal to. I want to be great.

>> No.6653154

i'm selfish, I make terrible decisions I regret almost immediately, I always say I'll only drink enough to get tipsy and get blackout drunk, I feel terribly outclassed by every single one of my peers in my field of study. Basically I'm an idiot, talentless hack, alcoholic.

>> No.6653159

no he was right

>> No.6653174

Thomas from the bible

>> No.6653176

If I knew what my worst personality traits were I'd do something to correct them.

>> No.6653179

Socially anxious, egotistical, intellectual, depressed, imaginative, mildly paranoid /conspiratorial, lazy, and romantic.

>> No.6653207


>> No.6653272

>flips between anxious and apathetic
>begrudgingly supportive of authority
>finds it hard to take anything seriously
>only devoted to girlfriend of 5 years

>> No.6653320

>kissless virgin
>aversion to large social gatherings
>intense self-loathing

>> No.6653370


>> No.6653382

but I don't subscribe to the normie/chad/false normie dichotomy

>> No.6653586


And crippling self hatred.

>> No.6653619

> know it all (usually always right though)
> over think minor matters
> basically INTJ
> stresshead and worrier
>sadistic and violent tendencies
> lazy

Good luck with that

>> No.6653991
File: 10 KB, 255x255, 1431529623503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using only traits others have told me I possessed:

>lack of empathy

>very intelligent
>good criminal element
>good teacher
>reliable, good planner
>generally competent

I don't know that that's really who I am, but it's certainly what others see. No one would want to read a book about me, though.

>> No.6654034

Social anxiety
Can't say no to people
Naive to a certain degree

>> No.6654055

Egotic, God complex
Elitist(as in, I look down upon all plebs in the world)

>> No.6654071

don't make me tip it

>> No.6654083

How are you Machiavellian? I'm gonna go with Pat Bateman here. Also, if you are all of those positives, you probably don't have comorbidity with retardation :/ Maybe just Aspie or HFA

>> No.6654088

>smoke marijuana

>> No.6654091

Arrogant, pushy, manipulative, narcissistic.

>> No.6654113

Arrogant, disillusioned, lazy, big fan of drugs, dream of being a writer.

Don't hate me cause you ain't me.

>> No.6654120

that's a pretty mediocre combo, think /lit/ can only hate the abv avg pretentious people.

>> No.6654144

A mediocre combo of flaws doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.6654148

Mediocre to gain /lit/'s psychotic 'I'M MORE FLAWED THAN YOU!' kind of attention, ofcourse it doesn't. Nobody is fully flawless anon.

>> No.6654157

>Wants to die

>> No.6654166

pls be in Warsaw

>> No.6654185

>A known figure in my area for being an outspoken Marxist
>Maintain regardless, bourgeois romantic notions of life, love, etc., in private.

>> No.6654254


>> No.6654261

Your mediocrity is your most fatal flaw, though. You're boring :^)

>> No.6654269

Karl Marx

>> No.6654272


>> No.6654298

Marxyyy, what have I told you?

Stop pretending to be someone else online.

>> No.6654323

>worst personality traits

-slightly delusional (self aware? hum.)
-contrarian, while disliking disorder

Riddle me that. I'm curious.

>> No.6654333

Oh an elitist.
But on /lit/ we all tend to be. Besides the Marxists.