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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 166 KB, 350x197, hacktrick rothfuss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6646564 No.6646564 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he such trash?

>> No.6647001

literally who

>> No.6647010

He's kind of a big deal. They quoted him in Criminal Minds.

>> No.6647062

Why is that gif like 4 frames

>> No.6647267

I saw some youtube video where he whined about "literary fiction" being just another genre; a boring one about drinking tea and thinking. I was honestly disgusted, his whole manner of speaking and obvious jealousy was so pathetic. "I'm relevant, I'm relevant, I want to be relevant!"

>> No.6647282

He has a goodreads account and it's probablyt he worst one I've ever seen.

>> No.6647288 [DELETED] 


>no women in the hobbit

but there are plenty of hobbits (midgets) and orcs (niggers) though. So the SJW diversity quota is more than satisfied!

>> No.6647292

He's a better writer than most people on /lit/. The main difference is that he makes no pretence to his intelligence as per the pseudo-intellectuals on /lit/ who routinely
'discredit' without actually dismantling.

>> No.6647294

>"For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women."

That is the worst thing I've ever read. I guess he wrote it himself.

>> No.6647297

he's not saying the Hobbit needs women, he's saying that people never realizing it until he says it is creepy.

>> No.6647299

I see he gives his own books 5-star reviews, very classy.

>> No.6647314

CREEPY how? What the fuck is creepy supposed to mean in this context?

The book was written fucking ages ago. Very few women in The Iliad, who gives a shit?

>> No.6647319

Maybe he just thinks it's weird women don't seem to exist in HObbit universe. A couple women have significant roles in Iliad at least

>> No.6647324
File: 1.66 MB, 243x316, tmp_3403-1424848651272-363888961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very few women in The Iliad

>> No.6647328

Now I'm wondering if there are any classic fiction works that have no women in them

>> No.6647333

Since love is one of the most fundamental topics of literature since forever, and the gay novel is a fairly recent invention, I somewhat doubt it.

>> No.6647335

i see you people are not big on reading comprehension. i said exactly not what you guys thought and interpreted, and the guy i was replying to (if that's not you) asked. what i said in my op is as follows, just to be really clear:

hobbit not having women: OK
nobody realizes the hobbit doesn't have women until he asks about it: creepy

creepy as in, unsettling, weird, strange, etc. like people would obviously be aware if a book had only female characters, but people in the audience weren't aware the book only had male characters.

also, there's no need to start getting upset or defensive. caps and swear words aren't necessary to get your message across

>> No.6647336
File: 31 KB, 540x353, 1433039574683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying no women in any way hinders a book
>implying a lack of gender representation alone is an argument against something

>> No.6647338

whoops, sorry about my first remark here, re-reading my post, i can see how you read it the way you did

>> No.6647340

I wouldn't have been aware

>> No.6647342

he's not saying the hobbit needs to have women. he's saying that nobody realizing there were no women is strange.

>> No.6647345

>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing

And yet he still didn't learn how to write something that isn't epic fantasy.

>> No.6647348

I'd say Robinson Crusoe but I'm pretty sure there were some naked tribe women at some point

>> No.6647349

Calling something 'strange' is effectively criticism. And no, that's not just my personal interpretation, feel free to look up 'hobbit - no women' and you'll come across plenty of bloggers ranting and raving about how his little public statement tore the tore the cover off of some huge sexist bias.

>> No.6647356

I think it's more likely because traditional literature (even ancient stuff) focuses strongly on social life and both women and men are always a part of that

>> No.6647444

>Calling something 'strange' is effectively criticism

not really. i think some PKD books are strange, doesn't mean i'm criticizing them. i think its strange i use a computer to talk to strangers over the internet, doesn't mean i'm criticizing what im doing right now, its just weird. you also say criticism like it's a bad thing. what, we can't criticize things we like?

he's also not criticizing the book, if anything, he's criticizing people's reaction to it, or rather un-reaction.

>And no, that's not just my personal interpretation, feel free to look up 'hobbit - no women' and you'll come across plenty of bloggers ranting and raving

that's those bloggers' interpretation. If they chose to take it farther and say that the hobbit needs women, thats their freedom to take an analysis further.

if he really was just saying "the hobbit is creepy because it has no women" he wouldn't need to do the hands-up-if-you-didn't-realize experiment. the not-realizing is the creepy part, especially since the hobbit has so few characters.

he doesn't say "isn't the book creepy" he says, isn't "that" creepy. "that" referring to nobody realizing it had no female characters.

>> No.6647480

If anything it's a criticism of himself and his audience for not noticing it.

>> No.6647498

Well if he didn't notice it then how did he point it out

>> No.6648099

But then every woman he writes is attractive and 90% of them want to bone his self insert character. That's much less creepy.

>> No.6648137

What the fuck is Criminal Minds?

>> No.6648184



>> No.6648213

Dude is totally trying to score audience pussy by saying he's not trying to score audience pussy

>> No.6648224

>arguing about childrens books

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.6648244

This. I don't know if he was legitimately going for a SJW approach, but if he was that's hypocritical as hell. Dude literally wrote like 200 pages of his hero fucking a sex fairy nonstop in the second book of his series.

>> No.6648272

here's the interview


>literary fiction so shit, boring

>> No.6648293

Never read any of his books, I actually just started dipping into fantasy. Read the Mistborn books and they were ok. How does Rothfuss compare? I've heard a lot of criticism about how his protag is a gary stu and "muh unreliable narrator" which seems like a cop-out.

Also I watched him speak a few times, he comes across as a self-important douchebag. He just seems like the kind of person I'd hate to be around, full of himself, constantly making exaggerated, floppy fag hand gestures, and apparently pandering to women and progressives.

Personally I thought it was obvious that the Hobbit had no women in it. It's old news, same with the lack of minorities. That's just how the fucking thing was written, for better or worse.

Look at the gif. Look at him, at the way he raises his hand and earnestly looks around. You can just tell he's proud of himself, as if he's brought up some issue that nobody else has ever thought of. He reminds me of John Green in a way, this white knight mentality of being a soldier for women and equality blah blah blah. Nothing wrong with wanting to bring issues to light but I really hate it when they act so goddamn smug about it and they just have to make sure that everyone knows how fucking insightful and progressive they are!

Fuck this tool.

>> No.6648418


There are women in the Hobbit though...

>Women and children were being huddled into laden boats in the market-pool.

>> No.6648447

>criticising their un-reaction

Implying they should react implies he thinks the lack of women in the book needs 'reacting' to. And there is nothing 'creepy' about the audience apparently being full of people who did not realise something so obvious, they are just not very smart.

>> No.6651108

He's obviously talented and a good writer but what he's writing about is so boring and shitty it's all a big waste.

>> No.6651146

>The main difference is that he makes no pretence to his intelligence


>> No.6651153

He has something like 530 ratings (which is pretty low for a 42-year old writer with an English major) but at least a third of it seem to be comic books. Other than that, there is *literally* nothing but Fantasy and Science Fiction.

By the time you're in yours 40s if you have even the smallest interest in the literature you'll probably have read one Shakespeare play. He read none. There's no philosopher in it, no academic work, no history book.

This is the type of person that if they were a character in a movie most of us would bash this movie for having unrealistic characters. I mean, I'm sure at uni he must have read some of the classics but they didn nothing to shape his tastes and worldview. It's almost weird.

>> No.6651217

Well we are talking about a 42-year old man who chooses to write nothing but fantasy. It's only natural that he's a manchild.

>> No.6651256


>Why is he such trash?

I wouldn't say he's trash, but I don't think he's good, either. I've read both of his novels and his prose is decent, but there is literally no direction in plot, which is pretty much essential for genre fiction like fantasy. His second book is even worse. Half the book seems to be about the main character getting laid and having every attractive female instantly want to fuck him the second they meet him. Worse, he has oneitis for a hooker who has absolutely no redeeming qualities and who is seriously the most annoying character in the book (besides maybe the main character).

It's only saved (and barely) because he's a decent writer. Reading I had to remind myself the character was only 16 or so. He acts ten to twenty years older, and happens to be a savant at literally everything.

As I said above, the worst thing about the books is there is not overarching plot binding the whole mess together. It's alluded to every now and then, but the character makes absolutely no progress and seems to jump from random adventure to random adventure without solving anything...and worse, any time he does discover something, it's just luck, never by his own devices.

It will be interesting to see how he tries to tie it up in book 3. It's not that he's bad, it's just amazing there are so many readers that think he's the best in fantasy at the moment. He's not...not by a long shot.

>> No.6651273

Maybe he just stuffs his Goodreads account with ratings and reviews of the kind of things that will further his image as Le Nerdy Fantasy Writing Wacky Beard Man. Either way it's pretty sad.

>> No.6651293


Who do you think is the best?

>> No.6651308

He said a lot of literary fiction is pretentious crap, not all, in the same way a lot of fantasy is pulpy garbage, but not all.

>> No.6651322


It's hard for me to say. There are a lot of fantasy authors I have yet to check out, but I've read Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, G.R.R.M., Tolkien, and others extensively and they are all better than Rothfuss. The main thing they have in common is good plotting.

>> No.6651341

But he is the lowest denominator in his genre.

Who is this guy again?

Because he is most definitely a fucking hack.

>> No.6651349

He isn't good. Had to drop that shit before finishing the second book.

>> No.6651377

"isn't that fucking creepy?"

>> No.6651387

On Tumblr, if you post an image that's not in gif format, no matter how few frames it needs, the site auto-posts your address so people can go give you a wedgie.

>> No.6651405

Maybe people never noticed because it's a good, immersive narrative about a small group of men going on a brief, dangerous journey through largely uninhabited land. How are you supposed to cram a woman into that without it being a legitimately creepy sex appeal filler scene?

>> No.6651409

Looks like *someone* hasn't seen the movies. There are plenty of women in them.

>> No.6651537

Peter Jackson made it work :^)

>> No.6651808

Um, no he didn't. See >>6651308

>> No.6651837

I disagree. I don't think he did make it work. It was hurtfully obvious how tokenistic that elf-lady was.

>> No.6651881

Thanks for telling someone to see a post that was directly replying to them. That's extremely helpful