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/lit/ - Literature

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6641810 No.6641810 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you keep buying books
>tfw your backlog keeps growing

How do I stop this madness /lit/

>> No.6641824

You don't. You despair then throw your collection away.

>> No.6641830

You go out the other side, through and out of madness into a sort of eerie clarity that others can barely glimpse.

>> No.6641835

What do you mean by madness anon, you're doing it right.

>> No.6641840

You spend money on something other then books.
You sort your collection by Alphabetical Order of the Author's last name. And ya get to reading.
Solidarity though I've got 500 books to read and 100 on my wishlist.

>> No.6641845

But I want to build an impressive library, I also want to know that I have read it all but I just don't have the time

>> No.6641849


Go to a library
Stop being a worthless materialist
Actually read books instead of spending time buying them

>> No.6641859

It is weird how the burning desire to read a particular book seems to fade once you actually own a copy of it.

>> No.6641860

this behavior is actually so common that the japanese have a word for it

right now, you are committing tsundoku

>> No.6641862

>tfw reading a book a day for the past month
>tfw buying several a day as well
>tfw can't keep up with my purchases and will always have a backlog
>tfw my life is an infinite jest

>> No.6641865
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>(informal) the act of leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other such unread books

>> No.6641873

You hear the Japanese laughing at you, OP?!
You better buckle down and make it a 既読きどく

>> No.6641974
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Start reading more you pleb

>he didn't finish the western and eastern canon by the age of 15
>he isn't fluent in at least 7 languages

>> No.6641978

read more dumbass

>> No.6642273

it is almost as if the possibility of the story is better than actually reading it

>> No.6642510

I have the same problem and I almost exclusively read from the library. I have almost 40 items out, more on the way and I'm struggling to read them all.
Albeit, I'm not wasting my money and have no interest in materialist concerns, building a library etc. But the sheer amount of literature you want to read will always be an existential problem, that any reader must face.

>> No.6642543
