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6639427 No.6639427 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe in truth?
Do you care about truth at all?
Is truth unconcealment?

>> No.6639557

What is truth, OP?

>> No.6639579

I don't believe in lies

>> No.6639580

I thought truth was the essential clearing in which beings are revealed, so I guess unconcealment?

I also remember Heidegger talking about how truth is won in the strife between world and earth in the work of art.

>> No.6639615


>> No.6639664

What I don't like from Heidegger is that his interpretation of what is truthful from a pragmatic approach is already interpretated in how understanding of the world as pure pragmatism. It's like our own forms of being as pragmatic beings modeled his philosophy as a pragmatic unconcealment.

>> No.6639682

>Do you believe in truth?

It isn't a matter of belief.

>> No.6639803

Your post makes no sense

>> No.6639855

Reach into your opa Martin's pants and find out.

>> No.6639885

Theoretically I can't get myself beyond scepticism but practically I de facto adhere to materialism and realism and accept empirical findings.

>> No.6640075

I don't care
See above
It's unconcealment and concealment and the prejection on, through and beyond the two as existance. At least, that's how I understood it reading Heidie.

>> No.6640170
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>> No.6640235

There is no objective truth behind anything.

>> No.6640239

even your statement isn't objectively true.

>> No.6640262

nice cyclical logic

>> No.6640281


>> No.6640284


>> No.6641973


>> No.6641976

>Is truth unconcealment
No, truth is that which is unconcealed.

>> No.6641981

Believing in something means thinking it to be true, so 'belief in truth' is tautological.

>> No.6641983

truth is a substance, not an act; action is a modification of substance.
being is not nothingness, it a substance, the substance of substances

>> No.6642007

This amounts to saying that nothing exists.

>Gorgias , was a Greek sophist, Italiote, pre-Socratic philosopher and rhetorician who was a native of Leontini in Sicily. . . . He is sometimes called "Gorgias the Nihilist" . . .

>Gorgias is the author of a lost work: On Nature or the Non-Existent (also On Non-Existence). Rather than being one of his rhetorical works, it presented a theory of being that at the same time refuted and parodied the Eleatic thesis. . . .

>1. Nothing exists;
>2. Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; and
>3. Even if something can be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others.
>4. Even if it can be communicated, it cannot be understood.

>> No.6642013

So Stirner wasn't the first to stake his case on nothing
Is sophistry nihilism?

>> No.6642015


the difference between the ancient sophists/nihilists is that they were could state their case in very simple terms, because they were more honest.

>> No.6642029

oh, and modern philosophy is more or less a revival of the ancient sophists. Literally all of the modern sophisms were there in Greece and are mentioned in Plato, but in more frank terms.

>> No.6642297
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bish nigga, i am the truth.

>> No.6642307

There is an objective truth.
I care about it when it furthers my interests, otherwise I either don't care or try to conceal it from others.
Truth is exploration and unconcealment in equal measure.

I'm a philosophy neophyte, who best represents this sort of thinking?

>> No.6643409
File: 270 KB, 441x557, 1412779086939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can observe that this post has the number "6640235", therefore the statement "you post is the 6640235th post to be shitposted" is as true as can be...............................

>> No.6643413


>> No.6643417

Everything is bullshit.
Heidegger was a liar.