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6639222 No.6639222 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw word decided to be awesome and not save two and a half chapters of your latest novel, then crash.
Hold me, lit- I'm dying of sadness.

Has anyone else had problems with word processors and lost work, especially when you really have no one to blame but yourself for trusting auto save to work?

>> No.6639229

>not putting all your work in pastebin after every session

>> No.6639239

please help bury me, I'm ready to die of sadness

recommended listening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vodd6C5ryUU

>> No.6639242

My hard drive crashed with about two cash money ideas but I've forgetten em

>> No.6639246

Sorry to hear, let's all just roll in the mud together. I'm really pretty shook up about this one. All the other times word's failed me I'd lose maybe a page or two, but this was at least 5,000 words, so you can understand I feel like a total idiot right now.

>> No.6639256



>> No.6639272

<3 ;n;

>> No.6639273

I use google docs just for this reason.
Also because it's nice to be able to write something on my phone if I'm away from my computer.

>> No.6639279
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I had heard that the license terms assumes ownership of your intellectual property.

Then I asked someone today and found out they changed it.

Good job, me.

>> No.6639280

>2015 and not backing everything up on email or google drive.
This happened to me when I was 11, guys; step it up. And good riddance, that vampire story sucked.

>> No.6639286

what? how would that even work? cut and paste the text into word sometimes and google is left with nothing.

>> No.6639301

It was an older thing a few years ago, a couple articles on it were going around.

I was an early adopter so I removed all my stuff from it because of that at the time- but presumably they'd save every version of every document on their servers.

>> No.6639313
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I used one drive, and it was supposed to work.

apparently one drive (paid word version) doesn't save stuff it its after a subscription phase.

But you're right my vampire story did suck

>> No.6639463

>what is a USB stick

>> No.6639995

ITT: plebs who are working at a primary-school level of word processing

>guys I lost 200,000 words because I only saved my thesis every 3 months

>> No.6640070

I write books on paper. My first one I have written 6 years ago. I went for a holiday to Ireland. It helped me finish it. The finished book, stayed in Ireland. I went looking for it but it disappeared. I left it on a train; 300 pages which I've spent years on, gone forever.

>> No.6640085


notepad++ autosaves and makes backups and shit and all kinds of other cool shit that i could fully explain now but i feel like i'm already taking up too much of your time so just stop using word and use anything else i'm sure regular notepad is more stable than fucking word you're asking for it you idiot

>> No.6640120

>and google is left with nothing.

>forgetting anything

- not without a Subpoena it don't, not in your lifetime. I wouldnt trust em with my shopping list (altho, they would probably know it better than I do myself anyway)

>> No.6640125

But anon, in any civilized country you have the right to request every piece of personal data a company has on you.

>> No.6640155

hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah you poor fucking soul, four away from quads too.

>> No.6640184
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Yeah.. mind and let us know, how that NSA FOIA req. works out for ya..