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File: 105 KB, 539x700, stalin at 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6638330 No.6638330 [Reply] [Original]

I know there are more, post them if you can find them.

To the Moon

Sail on, as tirelessly as ever,
Above an earth obscured by clouds,
And with your shining glow of silver
Dispel the fog that now abounds.

With languor, bend your lovely neck,
Lean down to earth with tender smile.
Sing lullabies to Mount Kazbek,
Whose glaciers reach for you on high.

But know for certain, he who had
Once been oppressed and cast below,
Can scale the heights of Mount Mtatsminda,
Exalted by undying hope.

Shine on, up in the darkened sky,
Frolic and play with pallid rays,
And, as before, with even light,
Illuminate my fatherland.

I’ll bare my breast to you, extend
My arm in joyous greeting, too.
My spirit trembling, once again
I’ll glimpse before me the bright moon.

Iveria, No. 123 (1895)

>> No.6638336
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1536, Stalin-at-Tsaritsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knocked on strangers’ doors,
Going from house to house,
With an old oaken panduri
And that simple song of his.

But in his song, his song—
Pure as the sun’s own gleam—
Resounded a truth profound,
Resounded a lofty dream.

Hearts that had turned to stone
Were made to beat once more;
In many, he’d rouse a mind
That slumbered in deepest murk.

But instead of the laurels he’d earned,
The people of his land
Fed the outcast poison,
Placing a cup in his hand.

They told him: “Damned one, you must
Drink it, drain the cup dry…
Your song is foreign to us,
We prefer to live in a lie!”

Iveria, no. 218 (1895)

>> No.6638340
File: 239 KB, 1200x1381, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bud has blossomed; now the rose
Touches the tender violet.
The lily, bent above the grass
By gentle breezes, slumbers not.

The lark, signing its chirping hymn,
Soars high above the clouds;
Meanwhile, the nightingale intones
With sweet, mellifluous sounds:

“Break forth in bloom, Iberian land!
Let joy within you reign.
While you must study, little friend,
And please your motherland!”

Iveria, no. 280 (1895)

>> No.6638341

The gulags are almost excusable after learning what horrors would be unleashed upon the world had he become a poet

>> No.6638352


perhaps it loses something in the translation from his native Georgian language

i'm reading this new biography of him right now


>> No.6638364

>that profile

>> No.6638374

Nah I'm joking it was actually better than I expected, I was just trying to make a funny

>> No.6638396


he recieved a state scholarship to attend:


where he was an excellent and pious student who earned high marks

but became a marxist hipster agitator by the time he left

>> No.6638403

Yeah I know

Funnily enough, young Hilter wanted to become a priest as well

>> No.6638410
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, 1427335659545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty Based Stalin

>> No.6638432

This tells us something of the nature of those who would become priests.

>> No.6638718
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>> No.6639351

I don't know, both were somewhat poor (Stalin at least was pretty poor) and living under aristocracies so maybe the church, along with the army, simply offered the best opportunity of social mobility to the lowly born.

>> No.6639482


really bad

>> No.6639501

>tfw I've got the same facial structure as Stalin

>> No.6639514

To be honest it's better than anything I will ever write.

>> No.6639536

Not really. It's okay, nothing special but it's not bad. Especially considering this is a translation. The imagery is somewhat boring but it could be a lot worse.

>> No.6639705


>> No.6639883

you need to hear it in the original Georgian.

>> No.6640034

Literally why even mention translated poetry

>> No.6640132

absolute bullshit. he opposed the church since his earliest days.

>> No.6640145

Are you also a manlet with debilitating acne?

>> No.6640150


Nah man, he's a hack. Wake up.

Suck my dick Zizek. No seriously, I want you to suck my fat cock nice and slow, with no teeth.

>> No.6640160

One can almost imagine him and Hitler moving into an apartment together- jacking each other off over how "classical and pure" each other's art was, and how "those modernist plebes don't even know."

>> No.6640850

The difference being that Stalin got published and never wanted to become a professional poet.

>> No.6640856
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>> No.6642191

Was Stalin really so bad if he industrialized Russia, transforming it from a third world country into a world power? And honestly, the famine was mostly due to greedy bourgoise farmers throwing away their own crops and protesting to becoming a part of the state.

He even won WWII, defeating Hitler.

>> No.6642294
File: 962 KB, 960x513, fuccboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Stalin and Hitler were born in this century they would form some kind of mememusic group together.

>> No.6644029

I am not aware this is true.

>> No.6644222

I do not know but I hear some stories. To flow mud to Stalin began Khrushchev, in 1953. Khrushchev had personal hostility to Stalin. The son of Khrushchev Leonid fell into captivity to the Germans. They exchanged him. it was explained truth - Leonid Khrushchev collaborated with the Germans. By law Leonid Khrushchev shot it for the treachery. Khrushchev never forgave this to Stalin. Thanks that heard the soviet historical Santa-Barbara.

>> No.6644234 [DELETED] 

He talks about wanting to become a priest before age 14 in Mein Kampf

>> No.6644251 [DELETED] 

If Soviet Russia became a world power it was despite Russia not because of him.

His paranoia led him to purge all of his competent military commanders before WW2 when he should have been looking outside not in.

You are a fool if you excuse Stalins sabotage of Russia. Almost all modern communists revile him.

>> No.6644324

Stalin BTFO'ing hitler since always

>> No.6644381 [DELETED] 

*despite Stalin

>> No.6646595

Hitler was poor as shit, especially considering the early death of his father (who was a lowly civil servant), which was followed by his mother's death not too long after

>> No.6646602

>being even slightly humanistic (claiming the defeat of the Nazis was good, for example)
>seriously doubting the oppressive nature of Stalinism
Ha, ha. Oh, wow.

>> No.6647067

Majorities of the kings has oppressive nature.Stalin began to rule into 1922. For examples: Austro-Hungarian monarchist empire was decomposed into 1918. Great Japanese monarhist Empire existed until 1947.

>> No.6647073

Ok you certainly don't need to be a humanist in any sense of the word to dislike nazis.