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/lit/ - Literature

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6637727 No.6637727 [Reply] [Original]

I stood sentry on the northern wall on the day when the first waves came. I was actually daydreaming about not being saddled with body armor and Kevlar when the yell came from the lookout tower. "Multiple contacts in the north field! 175 meters!" My head spun about to see the legions of people running straight for the compound at a full sprint. Falcons blared to rouse sleeping men from their bunks. Confused shouting and pointing brought more guns to my side of the wall as I planted a foot on the a parapet and strained to pull the charging handles and chamber the first round of the .50 cal. "150 meters!" the lookout yelled. The shift commander materialized behind me as I set my elevation swing on the gun. "You got enough rounds for this?" He asked."yeah, I've got eight belts"
"Good. pick your targets and don't waste rounds."
"125 meters! Here they come!" The lookout yelled one last time. I took hold of the grips the same way I'd done everyday this whole fucking summer long and hunched down to eye the sights on he masses growing larger in the sight picture. They were coming, raggedy clothes, half shaved heads and all. "Jesus, sir." I gasped. "What are they?"
The captain lowered his binoculars and spit. "The worst scum that could ever exist. Tumblr feminists" The shouts and chants that seemed like a low roar began to morph into words as they drew closer. A pink banner waved by the one at the head of the horde read: "Saint Caitlin Bleeds For All Of Us. #pronoun"
"OPEN FIRE!" The captain yelled.
I squeezed the thumb triggers and the 50 cal began to buck as it sent Fire down range. Hot rounds pierced the crowd, taking out two at a time. 100 rounds gone. Two hundred rounds gone, 300. "Chok Chok Chok Chok" the machine barked.By the time my barrel was smoking the numbers had dwindled to half. But I didn't let up. I manned my post. You should've seen them. They were... Animals. Cut off shorts and neck tattoos framed by internet logic and piercings. I dared not let off he triggers for a moment for fear of being overrun. I kept up the rate of fire as others changed their belts and resumed. I wanted to feel sorry for them and their misled causes but all I could feel was the recoil shaking by being. "Chok Chok Chok Chok" There were more shouts of alien languages all around but all I could hear was my gun. The targets between the left and right limits of my firing lane began to dwindle. Soon, there were no more standing targets advancing. And when the bolt fell upon an empty chamber, there was nothing left of the horde but silent bodies. The barrel belched smoke like a chimney. As fast as I could manage I opened the tray and fed another belt through. The captain patted me on the shoulder "that was some excellent shooting, son." He smiled. "Where did you learn to smoke tumblr fags like that?"
"/lit/ sir. I learned it on /lit/."
"Well, you keep it up and there's a retirement in oldfag country for you."
"Do you really think so?" I asked.
"Twinkie house."

>> No.6637883


>> No.6637920

>firing more than 75 rounds on full auto without swapping out the barrel
>not researching your shitty genre writing

>> No.6637933

>implying you've fired one and have standard working knowledge of military grade weaponry.
2/10 critique