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/lit/ - Literature

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6637212 No.6637212 [Reply] [Original]

>Sperg out and vomit whatever cringeworthy, philosophical thought you recently had.

Communication between people is the creation of the illusion that we ever talk about the same thing.

>> No.6637214

what are you talking about?

>> No.6637216

It's not your fault.

>> No.6637218

Spot on! I share the exact same sentiment and thoughts.

>> No.6637224

Don't do this to me, man.

>> No.6637232
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Subjective semantics ain't shit. Try some Kripke, Kaplan, Putnam, Fodor (pic related).

>> No.6637234
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God exists and doesn't give two shits about us, and that's ok. We're liberated through his apathy.

>> No.6637252

This reminds me of Zizek's or perhaps Chesterton's interpretation of the story of jesus.
The notion that god created the spectacle of his own death to us to liberate us from the idea that reality is under some sort of tight control and working according to some grand plan.

i.e. through the belief in the transcendental all powerful, that gives you your freedom through his own suicide you become transcendentally free(as oppose to Daniel dennet free).

>> No.6637253

I am all, tbh.

>> No.6637273

god exists and we are his drawings
of course he messes with us
if your drawings started talking shit and disobeying you of course you'd design a multi-tiered subterrenean punishment complex for them

>> No.6637297

the only thing I can ever know that exists is 'what-is-present'

if something is not present, it either does not exist (transcendentally) or, "something not being present" is a private experiential/conceptual term which is wholly existing within, and as part of, what-is-present'. That is, this thing called "that which is not present", is just a private conceptual term which is wholly understood, and exists within (and not beyond privately within) my conscious experience (that-which-is-present). That is, nothing transcendent gives content to the concept - rather the content is given *within* (and not beyond) my own private experience. Nothing 'actually' or metaphysically transcendent gives content to my belief. Rather, "metaphysically transcendent" is a concept I experience in my own mind which gives content to my beliefs about said concept.

>I am so much deeper than you

>> No.6637312
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this is postmodernism

>> No.6637333

Why do you talk about what published authors have said/interpreted, rather than just talking about your own interpretation? Do you not have a mind of your own?

>> No.6637334
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That all you got?

mein Gott, topp kek

>> No.6637336

Every moment in time contains the past and the future. This, more than anything, speaks for time as a spacial dimension. And as every geometrical shape it speaks of an outside and an inside. Each shape of time has an outside, but that outside must also be of time. Time outside of our time. This has led me to believe that these time-shapes exist in near endless amounts within a space of possibilty.

The overlap between different time-spaces is what causes the confusion around the behaviour of quantum particles. The truth is that they simply move through possibilty-space.

>> No.6637339

it's a containment thread

too bad it'll contain 75% of /lit/

>> No.6637343

No matter the form, every piece of art is pivoted on a narrative, even surrealism and dadaism

>> No.6637348

you have a very pessimistic view on life if you think this world is some sort of 'punishment realm'

>> No.6637351

I can never quite rid myself of the soap beneath my balls in the shower

>> No.6637359


>thinks his retarded stoner theory could explain the behaviour of quantam particles, when he probably knows nothing about the science

>> No.6637364

>implying I smoke weed
>implying I don't study STEM
Yeah, whatever you say, hot-shot. Got a better explaination?

>> No.6637374
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>implying STEM is a worthwhile discipline
Enjoy dying alone as a jack of all trades, fuccboi.

>> No.6637376
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Nobody has a "mind of his own". Each mind is full of the shared ideas of society or the ideas of other minds.
You did not just spring up with all the knowledge you posses out of nowhere, you were and are told and taught things by others.
Also what I wrote is my interpretation of Chesterton's interpretation of the bible.
It is both my thought and the thought of many others.

>> No.6637377

I'm a math major.

>> No.6637380

/pol/s phantasmic Jews are exactly the same group of people that /lit/ whines about when it complains about capitalism
/lit/'s Christians need to be more accepting of Muslims

>> No.6637382

Maybe he is a masochist and thus for him its heaven.

>mind blownnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

>> No.6637388

Morality is objective and absolute.

>> No.6637395

hehe, me too. Well, maybe not yet, but I will finish my Bachelor the next year and I will apply for a Pure & Applied Logic's Master, in Barcelona.

Shit's good man.

I'm not any of the other Anons, I was just happy to see another mathematicians around here.

>> No.6637396

We can all count anon.

>> No.6637400

I'm neither of you, and I'm a math major. That makes three of us on /lit/.

>> No.6637404

Math is dope as hell, tbh.

Good one, m80. Had a right laugh at that, I did.

Who'd have thunk?

>> No.6637414
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>> No.6637633

Everything on /lit/.

>> No.6637726

This tbh.

I've been growing to hate this place and it's inhabitants of late

>> No.6637734

Then why are you here?

>> No.6637757

That's because I stopped posted in philosophy threads and owning the idiots.

The more intelligent people are driven out by the idiots who voice their stupid thoughts forcefully and loudly

>> No.6637764

OK, ok, SO if you imagine each person as a set of gears, turning and churning, like a pile of moving gears...can you picture that? Alright, now when two people meet some or even many of their gears match up, but never all of them. Some fit together beautifully, but there's always a few that jam and smoke and make horrible noises as the teeth rattle against each other. But that's just the way it is. Not all of our internal gears fit together well, either. So, that's the recent thing I thought of. I'm tired of selecting all the images with steak.

>> No.6637774

That Ed Tom actually mentions Mammon was forced and cringy.

>> No.6637785

He's not referring to the world we live in, he's referencing Dante's hell

>> No.6637790

Sheer habit.

>> No.6637791

All I do is directed purely by my egoistic desires, from loving my girlfriend to helping people in the street to stealing shit.
I just happen to enjoy giving stuff for free or seeing her happy over my own happiness because such traits are good for society, which I'm a part of, and humanity evolved towards them.

>> No.6637834

You mean that everything you do is governed purely by you being a part of society, drenched with its values. from loving your girlfriend to helping people in the street to helping yourself.
You feel the need to give stuff for free and seeing your gf happy over your own happiness, because that is what society made you feel good about.

Retarded stirnerians..

>> No.6637845

Not quite (I haven't read Stirner ever), I mean it's a product of evolution. The point I'm making is that philantropy is simply a favorable behavior for a big group of individuals, and that we evolved towards it.

>> No.6637870

I was just making a point about how the distinction between egoistic and pluralistic is a false dichotomy since each of us is neither fully an individual(some sort of objective unknown) nor fully that which is shared by us all.

>> No.6637885

Oh ok, I can agree with that. If I were trying to disprove something here, it'd be that there's some higher reason (God, soul, what fucking ever) for us to do non-egoistic things.
Also, I love life, man. It's so cool that I can be here, like, ice cream is the shit. I think people need to love life more.

>> No.6637906

Politics is about moral superiority, if social justice warriors wanted they could sit down and try to work some solution to problems like sexism, racism, trans rights, whatever, but instead they'd rather talk down about what dastardly people their opponents are, and how selfish they all are, and it's fucking disheartening as fuck because I've spent the past year working in Marxist coalition at my uni but it's fucking dead now because tumblr kids who haven't read a single god damn piece of leftist literature are rioting about how white privilege is a more pressing issue than wealth inequality

>> No.6637913

All belief, whether it be religious, philosophical or scientific, is just a personal compact one makes with eternity. As such, it is intensely personal business and no one should try to impose their compact on anyone else.

>> No.6637954
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Somewhere along the way, we have become hypermaterialists. We, as a society, have fully embraced that fact, and the Entfremdung that entails.

If one were to define himself today honestly (which isnt possible, ofc, but hypothetically), the accessoires (ironical considering their name) and material property are part of an individual. When we buy something like a car, an iphone, we do not own it, but we become it, as much as it becomes us.

In that way, people have stopped striving to actually become better. Something like the push for a "new human", as in socialism, is literally incoherent to the 21st c. mind. I mean this in the cultural, not the individual sphere, and not in the sense of ascending a tiered value system of mine, but rather striving at all, regardless of the teleology.

I think it expresses itself in the aspirations and dreams in the clearest manner. The dreams of the hero of our time are materialist, consumerist in nature. A specific car, phone, even when its a relationship that is desired, one always expresses that desire in terms of ownership.

As a Schopenhauerian, to me its obvious that this desire, much like any other, gets replaced by another the second its "fulfilled".

Scientism, fedoratheism, and pretty much any phenomenon that plagues our generation stems from this hypermaterialism. It's the nihilism of our time, and I see no way to stop it on a grand scale.

Ive been thinking about this a lot lately, though I realize its not novel in the slightest.

>> No.6637967

If you want to live as a society, there are at least some agreements you must make common among all members of said society. Other than that it's up to you.

>> No.6638007

>>Sperg out and vomit whatever cringeworthy, philosophical thought you recently had.

I don't know why you made a general thread when that's apparently the new purpose of the board.

>> No.6638745
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You mean mildly interesting to look at for just a moment but is entirely useless in roughly every situation outside of academia's masturbation?

>> No.6638752

I had a profound philosophical though a few months ago, googled it and it's already a pretty well known thing. Sucks

>> No.6638764

To get somewhere you have to go half way. To complete the other half the journey you have to go half way. You never get to your destination.

>> No.6638770

But you also have to go half its twice distance.

>> No.6638792

Heterosexuality is the sublation of the particular sexes as moments of a union that alone gives them any reason for existing, whereas regarded with their respective traits in isolation, each is terrible and depraved. Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

I'm normally the least homophobic person imaginable, so this sort of troubles me. Some ways around my dilemma may be the fact that complementary roles are being taken in same-sex relationships, too, and that the whole view is to reductive towards sex, whereas it should be about human isolation as such.

>> No.6638797

Man. You are all as dumb as when I've thought the worst of this board. Congratulations.

>> No.6638817

Then how did I finish this sentence?

>> No.6638829


It's probably better for the long term stability of society that the majority of us are miserable, frightened, and unfufilled most of the time.

>> No.6638834

>creation of the illusion


>> No.6638844

The more simple and less convoluted a work is, the more happiness it brings to the receptor, enjoying more simple and mainstream films, books and music is one of the first steps to a great life

>> No.6638849

Because there exists things like Planck units, etc., where the smallest bits, x 10^-48, are indivisible.

>> No.6638871

Having had plenty of contact with women, I have come to the conclusion that the decisive variance between the psychologies of the two sexes is the following: To be a man is to come to terms with your insignificance in the eyes of the world and thus endeavour to create a private meaning for your own life; whereas to be a woman is to have the unshakeable conviction that you are inherently special, and your life's work is to draw the world's attention to that fact. What do you think?

>> No.6638874

I'm confused by people claiming that band-aids are racist because they're made to look like white people's skin but I've never seen one on someone that actually matched their skin colour. I never realised they were intended to be skin coloured before people complained.

>> No.6638888

/r9k/ tier garbage. Wouldn't the hubris of creating a private meaning imply an assumption of being inherently special, just like striving for admiration implies an acceptance of your own insignificance as long as you don't have it?

>> No.6638918

Yeah, I've had iterations of this argument with a Marxist friend of mine. I usually play the role of 'saving' homosexuality. It does seem true that the principal problem I see is the one you already term as reductionist. I think the problem also presupposes the equation of gender and sex, as well as the existence of gender as an unchanging facet of one's identity, rather than something that is in large part (if not wholly) performative.

>> No.6638932

Why do people consider self-indulgence a negative thing? Is it even a bad thing?

>> No.6638940

Why does the universe have to strictly make mathematical sense? Why can't it make poetic sense?

>> No.6638945

Look, I like big tits as much as the next guy, but don't insult my intelligence. Don't think I'm gonna buy your subpar product just because you dangle a big fat pair of tits in front of me.

>> No.6638946

Yeah, that last part is another thing, while there clearly is a biological basis to most gender-specific traits and behaviour, the expression may vary strongly due to a whole number of external factors, allowing for a multitude of constellations.
Thinking about it, the perfect union of male and female only works as an ideal, the reality demands much more than a reliance on essential gender stereotypes.
Also, a homophobic marxist? That's a rare specimen!

>> No.6638956

Enjoy being cucked by statisticians in the job market

>> No.6638971

Is cuck the new nigger? Will those words one day replace all others? Or should I say, cuck nigger tumblr sjw fedora, fag? Them feels.

>> No.6638985

Commercialism hasn't made man more superficial, it has only given him more ways to flaunt his superficiality.

>> No.6639001

i dont think this is new tho

people "become" their ideas, their beliefs, their friends, their jobs etc. etc. this has been going on for millennia

>> No.6639073

no you idiot

niggers are what do the cuckings

>> No.6639092

Nihilism and apathy themselves (negative, destructive nihilism that sees life as meaningless and therefore not worth living) are the auto-destructive resolution of deep complexes that the psique is unnable to surpass in a healthy, self-actualizing way.

So, instead of accepting our inherent weakness, and overcoming it in said acceptance, we make a 180º turn and decide that the rules of existence themselves are ridiculous, absurd and therefore not worth our time and effort.

Destroying the notion of a rational reality and the notion of subject itself is the ultimate revolution, uprise against situations that force us to grow (thus, a rectionary revolution, call it freudian death drive if you will).

>> No.6639188

I evidently meant the use of the word *tips fedora, we used to call people niggers, now we call them cucks. Back to le reddit, summerfag.

>> No.6639204

We r all start dust babies and incest filth my dick 420

>> No.6639213

There is only material things. Things like humans and trees don't actually exist, they are just material that got into some loop hole that produces the thing you see. Everything else are just your ideas or the object.

>> No.6639247

Why do we want to know what is going on? Simple, we want to be able to do more things. Understanding complex parts of the universe allows us to do complex things, to get better at what we do, and that is fun.
Nobody said it can't make poetic sense though.

>> No.6639252
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Life is beautiful and worth living and, even if no meaning is ultimately found, it all had its value in the end.

>> No.6639420

Wouldn't this imply that life is an end in itself and, therefore, everything that is a part of life, too, making any justification for your actions superfluous because they're an end in itself ?

>> No.6639500 [DELETED] 

"In the grand scheme of things, we're just little particles floating on a rock through space. Think about it, bro. Humans are so insignificant. Everything we do is meaningless. Yeah, man, just look at the vastness of the universe; then turn on the television to see if you can take anything seriously. All of our religions, politics, wars . . . what does it any of it truly mean . . . ?"

A few minutes later:

"Dude, wealth inequality—that's such a serious issue. Isn't it so weird how this elite has control of most of our economy, and most people don't even realize it? They're just, like, apathetic and shit. People need to get riled up. They need to realize that they're being exploited. Shit, man, if only a grass-roots movement could get some momentum going. But, you know, it'd probably get suppressed . . . "

>> No.6640159

If a person does good things all his life (I.e help the homeless, donate, etc) but while doing this things, he has bad thoughts about the things he is doing. Is he a good person?

>> No.6640193

ano shit is fuckie wagel

>> No.6640197
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my ass is flakey; I am soap.

>> No.6640241

nigger hasn't been the primary go-to in quite a while. autist was the big one before cuck.

>> No.6640278
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When bees build a hive out of wax we call it natural yet when humans build a house out of bricks we call it unnatural. Humans consider themselves to be outside of nature - unnatural.

>> No.6640298

I think you should read a single piece of economic literature that isn't conjecture.

>> No.6640325

The nature of man is that of willing and the nature of woman is that of willingness.

>> No.6642596

Quantum physics will eventually prove to the devoted follows of scientism that there is far, far more to the universe and consciousness than just sterile materiality.

>> No.6642616

I think most philosophers from human history would feel nothing but contempt for most of the people who see philosophy today as in opposition to "Stemfags".

Philosophy is a tool for understanding the world, but it should be developed atop existing scientific knowledge. You can't practice philosophy without learning about our current understanding of the scientific world first. People on here suggesting things like Mathematics not being a beautiful way of understanding the world and furthering our knowledge are extremely ignorant.

>> No.6643201

intersectionality is the purest 'truth'; all other truths are the consecutive paths along its winding and labyrinthine development

>> No.6643216

That any of you believe in god is /lit/ retarded.

>> No.6643237
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