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6636605 No.6636605 [Reply] [Original]

Is this better than the movie?

>> No.6636607


>> No.6636613

Not necessarily. How about you read it and find out?

>> No.6636616

Christian Bale really nailed the role, but the film misses out on some of the book's hilarity like the constant analysis of other people's wardrobes, the mistaken identities, and the weirdness of some things like the Patty Winter Show (I think that was the name) and the extended analysis of Whitney Houston/Phil Collins/Huey Lewis. But the film did give us Dubs Guy.

>> No.6636620

Warning. No dubs checking within.

>> No.6636621


I could watch the movie over and over, but I never need to read the book again.

Might be fun to take a hit of amyl nitrate every time he writes the phrase 'nameless dread,' though. As I recall it was an awful lot.

>> No.6636631

I reread it a month ago. It was worth it. The violence wasn't as hard to swallow after reading Ellis's thoughts on the whole affair.

>> No.6636638

None of Less Than Zero's soul and all the anger Ellis has had over being a hack for a long time now. It's an unredeemable mess that's 200 pages too long. If you love the film you should probably read it. It's more of the same with more violence and more Bateman being Batemen, but with a few twists and the occasional intricacy the film didn't bother with (I'm looking at you Carruthers and those black guys in the club). Aside from that your time's probably better spent with Forrest Gander or Ishmael Reed.

>> No.6636692

if you read the book after watching the movie you may be blindsided by how gory the book is.

the 3rd person narration and the chapter on bottled water are incentive enough to read the book.

the book is better

>> No.6636706

Less Than Zero's soul?

>> No.6636831

Less than Zero was absolutely soulless, a major 'point' of the book. The prose was so blatantly flat and concise, like -
"I drove around with Blair for a few hours. We stopped and ate a burger. She had a Sprite I think. It doesn't matter. After that I went home and went to sleep."
Fantastic book but purposely soulless.

>> No.6636834


>> No.6636867


I felt that way the first time I read it. Yeah, well I'm retarded, whatever. I think the point of AP is lost on some young people. Because it was on me. Lost, I mean. The point was lost on me. Like the over long reviews of pop culture. Fucking Whitney Houston. Or whoever. Now I crack up when I hear or read critical reviews about corporate mass media garbage.

>> No.6636885

That's, like, the exact opposite of its point

Actually, not really. The materialism honestly just seems to be a footnote

>> No.6636910

>the mistaken identities
>the extended analysis of Whitney Houston/Phil Collins/Huey Lewis

The film nailed those, I don't know what more you would want.

>> No.6636914

The book provides greater texture and variety but the movies offers superior execution

That's a pun.

>> No.6636918

Silian Rail

>> No.6638257

I prefer the ending in the movie. But the book objectively has more in it.

>> No.6638561


The movie version follows the book very closely and very well. You won't gain 'much' from reading it, but you should anyway as it's a great read.

>> No.6638659

The books was making fun of yuppies and materialism you idiot

>> No.6638680

whoosh is the sound

>> No.6638724

Until you see the way Bateman teases cold hobos with money, as an afterthought, what goes through his mind as he's killing people, the gore itself and how it turns into comedy by the end, and witness his mental deterioration (the patty winter's show today featured a cheerio sitting on very tiny chair, talking for 3 hours), then you haven't actually experienced American Psycho

The movie is more visceral and maybe more entertaining, but it's not American Psycho

>> No.6638773
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>checks anyway
>16 replies
>not a single dub

>> No.6638789

>3rd person

What do you mean? The book is in 1st person present tense, just like when he narrates in the movie.

>> No.6638973

Check 'em.

>> No.6639059

>Knowing that OP won't be able to resist dub checking as he reads through
>preface, page ii
>Preface, page viii
>Page 10
>"One off"
>Feed me a stray cat
>"Check em"

>> No.6639084
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phuk u

This guy pretty much has it right >>6638724

I thought the movie was one of the greatest I had seen until I read the book and realized how much more depth the scenes had in the books. Still a phenomenal movie but

>no child murdered at a zoo in the film

>> No.6639088
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>no eyeball popped
>no running through restaurants throwing shit around while losing your shit
>no "revenge" sex and murder

>> No.6639094
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>> No.6639101
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well shit....

>> No.6639109


>> No.6639113

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.6639141

a forced meme the summerfags are perpetuating

>> No.6639612

All of these opinions are bad opinions and really ought to consider new hobbies.

>> No.6639781

No, one of the rare instances in which the film is much better.

>> No.6639818

This is one weak ass dubs thread

>> No.6639999

9999 get

>> No.6640040
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>> No.6640276

Bret Easton was a little too, new way for my taste. But when I got to chapter three, I think he really came into his own. Both emotionally and artistically. The whole book has a clear crisp sound and a new sheen of constant surrealism that really gives the book a big boost. He's been compared to Allen Poe, but I think Easton has a far more cynical sense of nature.

In '87 Ellis wrote this, "The Rules of Attraction", an accomplished novel. His undisputed masterpiece is "Less Than Zero" a book so easy, most people don't see the deeper meaning. But they should! Because its not just about the pleasures of conformity and the pleasure of friends, its also a personal statement about the author himself. Hey, Paul! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

>> No.6640421

Shit got real.jpg

>> No.6640481
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>> No.6640490
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>> No.6640493
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>> No.6640513
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>> No.6640531
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>> No.6640565
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this thread is deeeeraillleedddd

>> No.6640617
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>> No.6640621

I think Christian Bale's performance makes the movie gold. The book is OK.

>> No.6640640


Yes. The movie did some things really good. Christian Bales performance in particular. But the book had a greater depth of humor and overall satire. The movie also got some parts wrong. Like how one of the characters leaves and doesn't come back till the end, he is never even shown to have left in the movie but the audience is expected to be surprised at his return.

>> No.6640651



Plus the book is actually a character study. The movie is more of a comedic slasher.

>> No.6640668

I tried reading the book, but couldn't get past the first couple pages of graphic misogyny. How did you guys get past this?

>> No.6640676


Suck my David Onica bitch!

>> No.6640702

By jerking off.

>> No.6640752


I might read the book in a couple of months, I'm anticipating disliking it though.

I don't see how some of you in here can consider the film a masterpiece. I mean it's a decent amount of fun but that's about it. It's pretty trashy. Watch more films mates

>> No.6640882

no rat