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6636479 No.6636479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>thanks for taking me out to dinner anon, you said you're studying philosophy?
>yep, I'm in a class about ethics right now
>that's weird, then why are you eating that cheeseburger?
>why did a cow have to have her milk stolen, and her flesh mangled, just so you could have a tasty dinner? don't you know that a vegan lifestyle is more ethical? I bet you didn't learn that in your "ethics" class.
>well uhm... about that... you see... well...

>> No.6636488

well memed

>> No.6636491

God but cows on the earth for us to eat them. Now fuck off cunt

>> No.6636510

>Nice leather handbag faggot
>I'm a nihilist, bitch, I just study ethics so I can blend in with society
>Cows aren't conscious

>> No.6636513

These aren't half-bad.

>> No.6636515

>Why did you accompany an unethical cow murderer like myself to dinner then? Did you meant to seize the opportunity of having a free meal even if the payer made actions not according to your moral? Are you telling me you are an egoistic who wouldn't mind to betray itself if it is a means to a cause?

>> No.6636520

The person asking the question has a point. Eating meat is bad for the planet, it's bad for your health, and it's speciesist.

>> No.6636530

my morals don't extend to cows as yours obviously don't extend to 99% of the planet's humans, otherwise you would be out there right now plotting insurrection
(also dgaf)

>> No.6636531
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Because nobody can stop me.

>> No.6636541

>Eating meat is bad for the planet,
Subjective a hell, untrue, why should I care about this abstract "planet"?
>it's bad for your health
>and it's speciesist
knmlcx vsijzklmdvljnjnjnviljdnkkkzvndljjjxmlkjzcmnslkdwilekjdsm.,.dfwenjksldfm.,

Double-yuu tea FUCK anon, I was trying to banter so I wouldn't feel slutty when we banged.

>> No.6636563


>"Human beings only gain moral status by virtue of their capacity reason."
>"Cows lack the capacity to reason, so they lack moral status."
>"I think the current attitude towards factory farming and other inhumane treatment of animals is damaging to our moral sentiments...
">...but to be honest I find it relatively permissible when you think about things like men, women, and children dying all over the world from poverty and preventable disease."
>"I prefer to divert my limited emotional energies, and my charity, to beings with moral status."

>> No.6636562
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>Then you are the sluttiest woman I ever meet, goodbye.
>Gets home and cries to sleep while feeling ambivalence feelings towards loneliness and pride

>> No.6636571

You should care about this planet because it's the only planet we've got. Or are you one of those edgy Stirner acolytes?

Studies show that eating meat is bad for your health. Look them up.

It is speciesist. I don't see how you would be unable to see that.

>> No.6636574

this thread has alreADY BEEN POSTED A FEW DAYS AGO.

>> No.6636575

who cares
the planet will be dead in about a billion years anyway

>> No.6636584
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>> No.6636588

Red meat is "bad" for you because it has a lot of fat.

White meat and fish however are high in protein and low in fat.
Being a vegan or vegetarian literally has no positive effect on your health, unless you have no clue about nutrition. Essentially you are just limiting your options to meet your daily macronutrients.
Anything else, besides ethical reasons, is bullshit.

>> No.6636601

>You should care about this planet because it's the only planet we've got. Or are you one of those edgy Stirner acolytes?
Ad hominem, still doesn't answer question. The only discernible effect trying to help the planet will have is on my happiness.

>Studies show that eating meat is bad for your health. Look them up.
Unless these studies are done on calorie and macro counting people they are irrelevant.

>It is speciesist. I don't see how you would be unable to see that.
Why is that wrong? I AM speciest. You are ridiculous, you say dust mites are equal to people! For shame!

>> No.6636606

fedoras and niggers will be dead too, friend

>> No.6636611

Him resorting to memes means you win.

>> No.6636619

i'll accept that