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/lit/ - Literature

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6634973 No.6634973 [Reply] [Original]

>"so what are your hobbies?"
>I love to read and to write. It's my passion.
>"you don't go out with friends? what if the weather is good? you sit inside and read.."

Why can't women see the value of the patrician life..

>> No.6634980

>going out with friends is a hobby

normies man

>> No.6634993

Yeah, my girlfriend is the super fit sporty type. Sucks man. Why can't she see the value of sitting indoors where the Doritos are?

>> No.6634994

Normies don't do things for things, they do things for the interactions

>> No.6634998

>tfw /lit/ are your only friends when it comes to patrician lifestyle, even if you really like your actual irl friends

>> No.6635006


>having friends
>frog sounds

>> No.6635024

you guys realize that you can read/write and still have a social life?

if you don't it means you're a person that isn't worth socializing with, and if people can stand you in person, why the hell would they want to take the time out of their day to read something you've written?

>> No.6635032

No, they legitimately don't realize that.

>> No.6635040


Oh look another: "you're worthless for being on here and having this particular hobby. somehow your life being like this must imply you're a piece of shit. why don't you kill yourself?"

Ever considered therapy, bro? Because you desperately need it if you're online all the time going at people you don't even know for choices they make that make them feel a little better in this miserable existence.

>> No.6635045

>tfw /r9k/ will never leave this website alone

i realize /lit/ only exists because of /r9k/ but fuck i wish they would stay in reddit or tumblr or whatever the fuck emo kids post now

>> No.6635051


What if I hate most people?

>> No.6635054

>caring about normie opinions

Why would you ever do this for fucks sake

>> No.6635056

What the fuck do you have to do to slip some sarcasm into your autistic skulls. Jesus.

>> No.6635057
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>> No.6635058

yo can you point me to the part in my post where i called reading/writing a worthless hobby? i'm having some trouble finding it, thanks in advance m8

>> No.6635060


4chan used to be /r9k/ before /r9k/ was ever a thing.
You got to know this website because of secret club maymays, normiecunt.

>> No.6635064

what do you hate about the people around you?

>> No.6635067

Not him but they are generally stupid and dont have any control of their own lives.

>> No.6635073

>not having friends you can discuss literature with
sick life faggots

>> No.6635079


>I prefer this
>this means I don't like going out and must be a shut-in NEET with patches of facial hair

>> No.6635080

>4chan used to be /r9k/ before /r9k/ was ever a thing.
no it never was you retard

/r9k/ is a collection of all the gaiafags that wanted to complain how life is so hard because mom won't buy me a new HeliOS and if only had a cool phone i'd have a gf

>> No.6635081

Everyone in the English department is a blatant marxist or too autistic and quiet to talk to. Even if they could talk they would probably be marxists too.

>> No.6635083

yo can you point me to the part in my post where i said that people who don't like going out are NEETs with patches of facial hair? i'm having some trouble finding it, thanks in advance m8

>> No.6635084


I don't even know what a gaiafag is.
Sure you aren't the virgin here spending too much time on a Bhutanese carpet appreciation board?

>> No.6635089

You're wrong. We also aren't Reddit, and when we say we don't like Reddit culture, we legitimately mean that. Go back to Reddit.

>> No.6635091

how old are you? (genuine question not trying to bully)

>> No.6635093


>> No.6635094
File: 70 KB, 244x200, 1425225144935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even know what a gaiafag is.
jesus christ and you're trying to tell other people to get out?

>> No.6635096

I bet you don't even remember when 4chan loved reddit.

>> No.6635098
File: 54 KB, 600x450, normalfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, if you don't like talking to losers on the internet, maybe not be on the internet and talk to your way more interesting irl friends.

>> No.6635100

If the weather is good I sit outside and read :^)

>> No.6635103

scientology fag please fuck off

>> No.6635112

m8 at that age you should capable of finding people who share common values with you

>> No.6635114

>spend time reading and writing instead of barhopping and watching television
>you won't be a good writer

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6635115

We also loved tumblr.

>> No.6635132

It really isnt easy. I have slight libertarian views with a romantic outlook on the world. Everyone I meet at uni or at work or anything is either a marxist robot or a complete edgelord. I have a couple dear friends who are similar enough to get along with but they are STEM majors and we cant talk about literature at all.

>> No.6635133

Trying to be neurotypical sucks. The people in my office actively want me to watch Game of Thrones. That's their idea of socializing, talking about a fucking TV show.

>> No.6635134


It doesn't portend to benefit her in an obviously discernable way, or in a way that makes her 'gina tingle. Video games, D&D, stamp collecting and so on are all in the same (nerdy) territory that 1) doesn't usually translate into conspicuous monetary gain or 2) social status. Unless you somehow repeatedly win competitions relating to your field (video game tournaments and actually getting book deals are examples of these), she's not impressed.

In the heterosexual sexual marketplace, men have to have what I currently think of as a sufficiently high "weighted average", to get X woman's interest. This average variously consists of unequally weighted attributes such as confidence/social status (the single most important attribute), height (probably the single most important PHYSICAL attribute), looks (not nearly as important, and can have diminishing returns despite what many men think), job, car, personality etc.

Women like men to have hobbies (so that he isn't "boring", and even a nerdy hobby or two is fine), but if you go along with the frame suggested in the OP, your DLV'ing in the sense that you're going along with the idea that you don't have, or try to have, social status. This also implies lack of confidence, and women hate hate hate the whole picture, on a romantic level.

The nerd hobby is something that can come out in a getting-to-know-you phase (once a few dates are complete and you've had her at least once). Leading with it is bad form.

Finally, even bookish women want something more than a bookish man, deep down. They may appreciate the attribute on an intellectual level, but they still want a sufficiently high weighted average as described above, first and foremost, even if they don't admit it to themselves.

I know that /lit/ is one of the most earnestly left-wing boards on 4chan, but you have to understand certain sex differences if you want to perceive reality accurately, most of all as it relates to the sexual marketplace. If you really and truly want to make a woman's eyes light up, be seen to be a leader of something.

>> No.6635140

>there is an equal amount of people who share the various possible values one could have and they are evenly distributed in one area

you made me go full autist

>> No.6635142

Tell them you watch black sails instead cause game of thrones is mainstream garbage. You can guarantee they dont watch it and you will sound way cooler and more enlightened and will also escape the conversation.

>> No.6635151

How can you say that 4chan was /r9k/ when it began yet not know what a gaiafag is?
>inb4 "I was only pretending"

>> No.6635154


I know this to be the case, but I can't think of any 'non-nerdy' hobbies that I'd like.. I mean I work out but so what.. How does that even bring anything to the conversation.

>yeah gurl, lifted so hard today, shit was insane

All this status bullshit is really tiresome.
I know this is what women desire, but I'm not a fucking social climber at all.
I guess that's why I only occassionally land pussy and then descend towards the inevitable break-up.
But fuck women then if I need to prove myself constantly. I'm doing this life for me.

>> No.6635171

... Dude they use game of thrones as a way to project their social lives

quiet talk general

>> No.6635182

>why aren't you on Facebook
>what are your favorite TV shows?
>why aren't you on Instagram
>why arent you on Twitter
>why arent you on snapchat

How do I tell them that I am actively avoiding the standardization of human behavior and that using company names as verbs (I googled it, I facebookd you) repulses me without sounding like the Unabomber?

>> No.6635191

Just tell them you see those things are wastes of time. Say you WOULD use them, but you are too busy with more important things. They will instantly feel shit about their own life, guaranteed, and will stop pestering you.

>> No.6635194


If you're doing it right (again, being tall is way more important), what you're bringing (to the conversation) is the sexual potency of your person, your body. This overlaps somewhat with the (much more important) straight-confidence.

I appreciate the tired-of-this sentiment, but the cruel universe just doesn't care. Short of changing the animal on a genetic level, men will always want to fuck females with freshly developed secondary sex characteristics, and women will always want to fuck high status men. Complaints can be shouted aloud to whoever may have Written the Universe, if such a one exists.

>> No.6635198


You can't.
Nobody will believe your justification, even if true, for not being on there. You'll be the creep.

Even if you're on Instagram and have a lack of party pics/selfies, you're a creep.
If you're on Facebook not all the time posting, you're a weirdo and don't go out as much.
If you don't watch Game of Plebs, you're being a contrarian hipster faggot.
And so forth and so on.

In our virtual era, if you don't have your footprint on here, you're a loser.

I miss the 90's where you didn't need to have an online presence and even if you did nobody knew.

>> No.6635199

How does talking about a TV show project your social life? That sounds pathetic, is that what you were implying?

>> No.6635216

That's not what he said, and you'd have to be seriously misguided to believe that. At 20 you're supposed to be able to explore new area on your own if necessary, unless you live in Alaska?

>> No.6635218


I'm 1.75m so I'm guessing I'm fucked either way.

>I appreciate the tired-of-this sentiment, but the cruel universe just doesn't care.

Uhm, I'm opting out of it, so what's the cruel universe gonna do?
Not give me top shelf pussy?
Oh shit, Brahman, you sure got me for not participating.

I'm not even venting at you, because you seem to be a well-reasoned person, but I'm in a time in my life where all this demonstrating of value.. I had about enough.

I see too many burnouts around me ( you're probably too young and not employed yourself, but you'll see this isn't some fun Machiavellian game to play ) and if anybody is going to be in my face with a smirk on how this is how the world works, well let it work like that, I'm not gonna give a rats ass if it's gonna punish me with not having any ass or some shit.

I'll buy it then if that's how it wishes to respond.

>> No.6635223

the very idea that you're "supposed" to magically find certain people at a certain age is retarded.

unless you have low standards, the people with "similar values" you've found were most likely just you settling.

>> No.6635227

If he thinks someone is unconventionally badass, he might bring up tyrion. If he thinks someone is an annoying pissant, he might bring up Joffrey.

>> No.6635244

>I'm 1.75m so I'm guessing I'm fucked either way

Not at all. Guys on 4chan always exaggerate the height thing. There are girls who are concerned about height, but they're often the kind of girls you wouldn't be attracted to anyway. I'm your height too and have never had any trouble attracting girls. Don't listen to the guys who reduce it into a simplistic formula. My guess, if you're having touble with women, is that you haven't really put yourself out there and initiated with many of them. If you have, but to no avail, just move to Southeast Asia.

>> No.6635261

You're not supposed to "magically" find them, finding them is simply a consequences of not being an inbred retard that refuses contact and keeps using "standards" as an excuse for not having to engage with the outside world.

You're not Diogenes the Cynic, you're not Ludwig Wittgenstein, and you're not post-Wagner Nietzsche. If you're alone, it most likely means you want to be alone, or are afraid of contact, or are too much of a sperg to even try finding common ground with anyone that you can't see in the mirror every day.

>unless you have low standards

See, what does that mean, "low standards" ? Do you believe you shit is made of fucking gold or what ? Grow up nigga. If you don't like people in your area, change area. If you can't, change your tastes, as a stoic would advice. If you won't, you're fucked but who cares except you?

>> No.6635270


I've had enough women I "scored" but from the onset it was always a 'conquest'.
This is what young men love.
They went through the shit tests and got her: Hurray. PUA genius.
Well see how that works for the coming decade. She'll test the dude more, because he didn't vibe from the beginning but the fake-ass confidence did the trick.

My last gf I vibed with greatly. She accepted me. Why it didn't work out, too long to write down here.
But if your girl is mostly about status, jesus christ, you're in for one shitty ride in life, because it only takes a dude with a bit more status to make a move in a shitty time in the relationship and see it all go to smithereens.

>> No.6635318

like i said, you settled. i'm not allowed to be a "ludwig wittgenstein" because it makes you feel better about having settled into mediocrity. all of those narcissistic projections about what my character *must* be like in order not to have settled for the kind of ethically inconsistent, subliterate, meme-spouting friends you've surely amassed in the time since you couldn't deal with loneliness

>> No.6635338

>change area. If you can't, change your tastes, as a stoic would advice.

Yeah, just change your taste guys. No one in your area likes dank memes, just change to rage memes, its all good like the stoics said.

>> No.6635360

i don't use any social media. the closest i come to it is having a tinder account, even then i haven't actually logged onto facebook in years. when people ask why i don't have snibidi snabchad or whatever i just tell them i don't like it and always forget to check it so i stopped using it

i don't watch much tv either. when people ask why i just say that i'm busy and that most tv shows don't interest me enough to finish them after i watch an episode or two.

i still go out. i have lots of friends, we go to bars, hike, camp, etc. all that bullshit. i don't even watch GoT even though they all do and its all they talk about some days (have read the books though)

i think most people accept my excuses/don't think i'm weird because i still maintain a level of communication outside of those mediums (texts/calls) and it's not like i do nothing with my life. i build boats with a friend, i'm gonna be entering medical school soon, i play football and soccer at the park

you don't need an online prescence to be accepted. if you believe that's why you don't have friends you're just making excuses

>> No.6635370

4chan is a forum where slightly edgier redditors aggressively spread their faggot worldview of failure and sloth

>> No.6635377

>you don't need an online prescence to be accepted. if you believe that's why you don't have friends you're just making excuses

le grand psychoanalyst meme. thanks for the tip, but nobody implied the above.

>> No.6635419

>thanks for the tip, but nobody implied the above.

see: >>6635198

>> No.6635423

>what do you hate about the people around you?
They remind me of myself.

>> No.6635459
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>> No.6635504

I just spend about twelve hours on the computer, two hours reading, and hour working out, and on a good day, one hour writing.

>> No.6635564

> i'm not allowed to be a "ludwig wittgenstein"

It's more a matter of probability than anything else. What is the likelihood that you're an actual intellectual hermit with superior insight, particularly considering you're posting here ? It'd be more reasonable to assume you are John Green pretending to be a misanthropic anon.

>because it makes you feel better about having settled into mediocrity
>all of those narcissistic projections

So everything I said is to make myself feel better about whatever, but I'm the one projecting and making assumptions about your character ? You're a tasty one m8. Re-read my post. I only said that if someones is unable to find like-minded people, he must not want to or be a sperg or, in extremely rare case, be an actual isolated genius (and even in those case it's often a refusal for some personal reason). Talking about "standards" when you can afford to spend your time complaining about the plebness of others on a Pollack nose-kissing farandole isn't a strong indication that you belong to the third category.

> the kind of ethically inconsistent, subliterate, meme-spouting friends you've surely amassed

Again, more assumptions on your part. Who's the one trying to make himself feel better ?

Nobody said discipline was easy. But I like how you have to frame it in terms of memes. If you can't stand people around you, move, be contend with being alone, or work towards accepting the presence of retards. What's so hard to understand ? Also the "everyone around me is only thinking in memes" meme is starting to get stale. If you've can't get anything else than surface conversation about memes, guess what, you're probably not even trying.

>> No.6635583
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aggressive depressive normalfagism in those of above average intelligence is the 2k15 version of mallgoth

>> No.6635606
File: 41 KB, 420x420, 1427171827967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just spent the last 10 hours typing up 2436 words
>4.06 words per minute

>> No.6635620

What an illustrious instrument.

>> No.6635626

You surely mean an indulstrilious.

>> No.6635656

man that dude/chick up front gets so much goth pussy/dick

>> No.6635710

Personally I like having friends that don't like to sit around and discuss literature. I like to do that on my own time on the internet.
I like having friends I can go out and get trashed with. They're completely unpretentious. Everyone I've met irl who talks about literature are complete arrogant, hipster faggots.

>> No.6636026

Are women really like this? I guess I wasn't brought up into womanhood properly.

>> No.6636533

>studies philosophy all day
>cant apply any of that philosophy to better his life

keep wasting your life faggots