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6633415 No.6633415 [Reply] [Original]

(Objectively) The smartest human ever? If not, whom?

>> No.6633423
File: 21 KB, 308x308, david lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Stop making threads on this faggot

There are living people who are more smart

>> No.6633428

But David Lewis died 14 years ago

>> No.6633447

What does David Lewis have to do with anything?

>> No.6633448

>Whom is the smartest human ever?

Don't use the word whom if you don't know how to use it.

>> No.6633450

Objectively, any hooker.

>> No.6633457

He was literally an insane person lol.

>> No.6633458
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>> No.6633461

literally a madman haha

>> No.6633466

>Hasn't read Nietzsche's The Myth of Syphilis lol.

>> No.6633506

Whom are you talking to?

>> No.6633507

How do you suppose the smartest person is not a madman, samefag?

>> No.6633521

tripfags aren't exactly the sharpest crayons in the box

>> No.6633546

Nietzsche didn't believe in objectivity of value. Perhaps you should say perspectively the smartest person ever.

>> No.6633585



>> No.6633596

Reminder that if Nietzsche had lived during the Middle Ages he would have been a harcore Christian.

>> No.6633602

Ad hominem.

>> No.6633603

tripfags aren't exactly the foulest stool in the pot

>> No.6633782

tripfags aren't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed

>> No.6633794


>> No.6633800


>> No.6633806


do you have any idea what a fucking ad hominem fallacy is

>> No.6633809

depends on your definition of intelligence and what field of knowledge they toil in.

>> No.6633822

underrated post

>> No.6633826
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Based Thomas

>> No.6633828
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it's not surprising TBH, he had the Holy Spirit with him

>> No.6633852



Top kek

>> No.6633862

I wish Nietzsche had been born later. Imagine what he could have done had he known of post Nash equilibria and Game Theory, modern cultural anthropology, and the like.

The problem with Nietzsche is he anticipates much, but lacks a cogent framework with which to express his thoughts. He's a 20th century author trapped in the 19th.

>> No.6633866

>not christopher nolan


>> No.6633895
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>> No.6633897
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Only insecure teenagers or man children care about either the question or the answer.

>> No.6633903

>lacks a cogent framework
that's precisely the reason for his strength

>> No.6633937


It is evidence of original genius, yes, but it's also a hindrance from a strictly rhetorical standpoint. British critics have crucified him on the basis of their misunderstanding of his work, which poisons the viewpoint of those who do intend to read him, and turns off those who would presumably most benefit.

>> No.6633944

Sure do, little buddy. In this case it's how he derogated my being a tripfag instead of grappling with the topic at hand, e.g. answering the fucking question.

>> No.6633953
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are you 16?

>> No.6633979

Statistically unlikely, to say nothing of the issues with the idea of "objective measures of intelligence".

>> No.6633995
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Who cares? If people misunderstand him it's not his fault, if he's not accessible to certain groups it doesn't matter, if he only writes for the "initiated" who cares.

I can only speak for myself but to get on any author's work there is a requirement of self-thought from you, yes, be it YA or some obscure philosopher, certain thoughts you have made yourself give you access to enjoying/comprehending the author, be it little kids thinking about heroism before reading some fantasy novel or thinking about the nature of morals for a phil. text.

You can take a horse to the river, but you can't make him drink, and you certainly can't give him a mouth if he doesn't have one.

>> No.6634039

>You can take a horse to the river, but you can't make him drink, and you certainly can't give him a mouth if he doesn't have one.

You cannot speak of ocean to a well-frog

>> No.6634062

Noice. I'm gonna remember this one.

>> No.6634069

cool meme friend

>> No.6634077

Reminder the church was the only source of education for layman during the middle ages unless one was of nobility.

>> No.6634084

Von Neumann is whom I would put as one of the smartest.

>> No.6634103

Ad hominem doesn't apply for tripfags.
Whoever who uses a name in a predominantly anonymous board is seeking for attention to some extent, biasing everything they say because they will focus to give some sort of character to his persona, even in detriment of his message.
That's why most of the time they generate conflict, because when they're proven to be mistaken they try to stick to their identity, defending their point of views not because they have a reason to it but mostly because their identity is being threatened.

This is a irrefutable truth.

>> No.6634112


>Daily reminder that Nietzsche died a kissless virgin

>> No.6634116



>> No.6634122

>died a kissless virgin
>died from syphilis

>> No.6634136

Me :^)

>> No.6634139

He fucked a horse, that counts right?

>> No.6634153

you sir are a genius!

>> No.6634157

and? do we value people by how many women they fuck?

>> No.6634160
File: 152 KB, 960x1277, Based Carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smartest human ever
>anybody other than Carl Schmitt

topkek. Hans Kelsen pls go

>> No.6634165
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Not even close. And if you read what I said you'd notice I said no thing about intelligence. You, sir, are even more smartismart!

>> No.6634218


Educated people studying his death have determined that he actually died from Brain Cancer.

>> No.6634223

no, he got c@nzur b0$$

>> No.6634227

who is this

>> No.6634242
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philosophers are smarter than mathematicians

>> No.6634244

Reminder that if my auntie had nuts she'd be my uncle.

>> No.6634249

A heartthrob of men who have no prospects in real life.

>> No.6634250


The evidence is conclusive.


Many scholars have argued that Nietzsche’s dementia was caused by
syphilis. A careful review of the evidence suggests that this consensus is probably
incorrect. The syphilis hypothesis is not compatible with most of the evidence available.
Other hypotheses – such as slowly growing right-sided retro-orbital meningioma –
provide a more plausible fit to the evidence."


The new research was carried out by Dr Leonard Sax, the director of the Montgomery Centre for Research in Child Development in Maryland, America. Dr Sax made his discovery after studying accounts of Nietzsche's collapse with dementia in 1889. He was admitted to an asylum in Basle, Switzerland, and was initially diagnosed as being in the advanced stages of syphilis.
According to Dr Sax, however, Nietzsche's notes show no signs of the symptoms which are now regarded as evidence of this disease, such as an expressionless face and slurred speech.
"Nietzsche exhibited none of these symptoms," said Dr Sax. "His facial expressions remained vivid, his reflexes were normal, tremor was not present, his handwriting after his collapse was at least as good as it had been in previous years - and his speech was fluent."
Dr Sax added that in the late 19th century more than 90 per cent of those with advanced syphilis rapidly declined and died within five years of diagnosis. Nietzsche, in contrast, lived for another 11 years.

According to Dr Sax, the suggestion that Nietzsche caught syphilis from prostitutes arose in 1947. In a book condemning Nietzsche's role in Nazi philosophy, Lange-Eichbaum alleged that a Berlin neurologist had once told him that the philosopher "had infected himself with syphilis in a Leipzig brothel during his time as a student there, and that he had been treated for syphilis by two Leipzig physicians".
Despite the lack of documentary or medical evidence, the allegation has since been repeated without question by generations of academics, said Dr Sax. "Extraordinarily, this single passage in Lange-Eichbaum's obscure book is the chief foundation, cited again and again, that Nietzsche had syphilis."

>> No.6634271

Perseus Projectura

>> No.6634278

Nietzsche's genius is the tension between his shrewd psychological insight and his giddy German romanticism, or, in his terms, the tension between his Apollonian and Dionysian spirits.

Aristotle was a better Apollonian and as for Dionysian, his fellow German romantic Novalis was superior.


>> No.6634283

you stupid shit
'whom' is not just an eloquent 'who'

>> No.6634370

Don't even use it in 2015

>> No.6634383

Yes, do use it, where appropriate.

'Whom' has a valid function. Don't let the people who don't know how to use it destroy it.

>> No.6634723

What noble crap!
>he was tortured between 2 passions
Where do you find this crap?

>> No.6634729

Whilst you use that I'll use the other.

>> No.6636043
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>not assuming blatant grammar error is b8

>> No.6636049

albert enisten :^)

>> No.6636163

That's not Milton

>> No.6636186


Uh, that's now how whom is used. It has to be the object of a verb or preposition, like me or him are used.

>> No.6637367

>putting Feynman above Heisenberg and Fermi


>> No.6637371

>Middle Ages
O I am laffin

>> No.6637387

Alan Turing

>> No.6637393

Literally a cocksucker

>> No.6637408

My vote goes to Einstein or Turing. Newton would be second.

>> No.6637423

Einstein is overrated, especially when compared to Heisenberg, Fermi, Niels Bohr

>> No.6637432

You can feed the horse salty snacks making it desperate for water and they also give surgery to babies born without anuses all the time.

You easterners are always so accepting of fate. Try to care about the outcome a little more and you might get somewhere.

>> No.6637439


Isaac Asimov, by his own admission:

>Isaac Asimov described Sagan as one of only two people he ever met whose intellect surpassed his own. The other, he claimed, was the computer scientist and artificial intelligence expert Marvin Minsky.

>> No.6637441

haven't you been told to stop thinking about baby's anuses?

>> No.6637470
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They probably have one of those hotdog bun piercers and bounce the baby onto it.

>> No.6637496

Pessimist: He was born by long time ago. We did not memorize it. We were foolish.
Optimist: He is will born in the future.

>> No.6637500

My vote is for Wittgenstein

>> No.6637513
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probably some autistic savant locked in his basement forecasting the apocalypse through binary matrices

the world will never know

>> No.6638643

You missed Dirac.

>> No.6638650

I would say Newton though for being influential across so many fields.

>> No.6639414

Still an ad hominem attack. If you say that something isn't true because the person who made the claim is usually dishonest, then you have used an ad hominem fallacy.

>> No.6639455

Socrates (Plato), Nietzsche, or Walter Benjamin

>> No.6639475

>Socrates (Plato),
Get this dialectician outta here.

>> No.6639480
File: 15 KB, 151x425, stirner 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner said more in The Ego than Nietzche ever did, and with less edge.

>> No.6639502

Who's the world's smartest hooker?

>> No.6639507

So I told Friedrich to reevaluate all values... He actually did it, the absolute madman! Hahaha!

>> No.6639810


>> No.6639817

how did stirner say more than nietzsche?

>> No.6639832


Is that benatar?

>> No.6639842



>> No.6639844
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>> No.6639894

Lol, I don't think even Stephen King has said more than Nietzsche.

>> No.6639904

That's trivially true, because Stephen King has never said anything.

>> No.6639924

Ben Stiller is not that smart.

>> No.6639928

Heh, I saw that coming. Ok, fine.

Nietzsche had a larger amount of meaningful things to say than King has meaningless.

>> No.6639943


>> No.6639949

well Jake Hooker won a Pulitzer Prize so I guess he is pretty smart

>> No.6640100
File: 39 KB, 448x293, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all dumb. Pic related is the smartest ever.

>> No.6640140

Other than be a riddler the only things he ever did was that inane aesthetic rant at the end of PoTA.

>> No.6640176
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pic related

>> No.6640189


God bless you.

>> No.6640268
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And this is objectively his best book.

>> No.6640275

you havent learned anything dog

>> No.6640342
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>> No.6641325

>Praise Nietzsche as being absolutely correct and the smartest human ever
>believe in objectivity
You guys aren't very bright, huh?

>> No.6641369

Richard Dawkins or Bertrand Russell are the smartest people ever

>> No.6641493

Leonardo da Vinci, he was literally a polymath

>> No.6641545

Whitehead my vote

>> No.6641566

faggot detected

>> No.6641642


screw scientists
screw philosophers

this man was the smartest fuckin man on the planet and everything he contributed exudes this

literally wrote every single rule for music

>> No.6641654

His metaphysics is a Pantheistic soup called "the will to power". Everything is "the will to power". That's not better than the pre-Socratics thinking that everything was water or fire. Nietzsche, despite reading Greek, was not an intellectual kind of mind, one that can carefully make distinctions, like Aristotle, so that you don't end up reducing everything to water, or fire, or atoms, or energy, or force, or "Will".
Nietzsche was fundamentally a German romantic. That's not really an intellectual type, it's poetic.

>> No.6641656

Bach's sacred music is bad (that mind sound hyperbolic, but listen to Palestrina and you will know what I mean. Bach's sacred music is pastoral music with occasional fits of ecstasy). His fugues often sound like mathematical finger exercises.

>> No.6641678

i love this shit. ahh use guys

>> No.6641680


Bach's music about Christ

Palestrina music about Christ

Bach's is a very sweet melody but it is pastoral, not sacred. And I think that applies to pretty much all of Bach's "sacred" music.

>> No.6641693

Leibniz hands down. Mindblowing that nobody has cited him.
Though I have a hard on for my husbando Michelangelo.
For a literary figure, I may go for Balzac. Strike me as the most "intelligent".


Dirac is plebeian.
>Making a tantrum against poetry
>Being a typical no fun allowed moron
>Promoting his bizarro formalism in all points inferior to Von Neumann

Patrician choice.

>> No.6641697


>applies to all Bach's "sacred" music

I suspect you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. It's clear you haven't listened to most of the chorales, nor the Psalms, nor any of his music if you would seriously make an assumption like that.

>> No.6641704

More Bach

Now, mind you, this is a MASS. A Mass is in the Catholic tradition about the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, the crucifixion and redemption. Does this music in ANY way evoke that sacrifice? Looked at in this way, not only is the music not sacred, it is positively profane, but really this reflects the Protestant idea of the Mass as a communal meal, hence the reduction of the sacred to the mere pastoral.

Palestrina Mass

>> No.6641707


>mathematical finger exercises
>sacred music bad

dog you are on a low ass level mentally




read the Oxen of the Sun chapter in Ulysses if you want to see an author retrace the literary steps of his species (in perfect form), then read the Sirens chapter to see the most musical and sublime prose ever written. Proust was a sandbox toy-boy compared to Nobodaddy Joyce

>> No.6641709

>There are people that don't have Matthews Passion in their top choices
Guess we need all tastes in nature, r-right?

>> No.6641724

More of the same. The guy even uploaded a pastoral image to go with it, lol.

Another pastoral image. I'm not cherry picking, these are the first videos that came up.

Bach's sacred music is more fit for the countryside than the inner sanctuary of a church.

His Passion demonstrates what I mean better than any other piece of his music. It's human affectation over and over with occasional flights of ecstasy/trance. It's precisely this introduction of affectation that gives his music a profane sound.

>> No.6641740

I mean listen to the first bars of his St. Matthews Passion. It anticipates Beethoven. It's a kind of melancholy brooding atmosphere.
Listen from 09:09 to 09:52. Human affectation followed by ecstatic flight.

>> No.6641755

> It's a kind of melancholy brooding atmosphere.

Well, you might say, isn't it entirely appropriate to have this atmosphere in regards to the Passion. Wouldn't St. Mary and St. John have felt this excruciating melancholy at the foot of the cross?
This is the thing. His emphasis is on the felt human emotion at the foot of the cross, rather than on the glory of God. His emphasis is on man, not God. It's human passion that is the object of this music, not Christ's Passion; it does not want to praise Christ, it wants to describe human psychology. It is theatre.

>> No.6642270


>> No.6642287

Easily Wittgenstein

>> No.6642295

It was meant to be half baked and sloppy, Stephen was a cocky shit. Wasn't meant to be a treatise of Joyce's personal views regarding aesthetics.

>> No.6642324

Well, if we are being objective it was probably some poor fuck born in a shitty disease infested time with no outlet for his genius, maybe 4,000 BC farming somewhere

But out of actual knowable people:
Rimbaud - He is really the only person that amazed me with how fast they learned while not being a total retard autist in all other fields

Goethe - it is obvious, while he lacked modern day knowledge he clearly was brilliant

but something that always hangs in the back of my mind is, if someone is truly a genius, it seems they would be so far ahead of most people contemporary that they would not be well known because no one could relate to them.

Honorable mentions:Pasternak, Keats

>> No.6642337


>> No.6642905

Pasternak? Why?