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/lit/ - Literature

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6632515 No.6632515 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/ opinion of ASOIAF or Game of Thrones?

>> No.6632528

I like it. I actually think the show is doing a good job stripping all the convoluted sideplots, even if it will make them feel like baggage once Winds of Winter comes out. Also, they better not scrap the Greyjoy plotline.

That being said, of course it's a guilty pleasure, but what is life without guilty pleasures?

>> No.6632535

I can't speak for the whole board but I think it's a decent story told through mediocre writing which most of us can agree got out of George R.R Martin's control at some point during the fourth book and is now a total mess that's going to be concluded by an even more mediocre tv series.

Did George really look like that at one point or did you just grab a picture of some neckbeard and name it that? If that is him then he really grew into his looks. GRRM isn't bad for a fat old man but that guy looks like a dirty renaissance fair hobo.

>> No.6632538

My guilty pleasure is knowing that somebody is a piece of shit for thinking there are guilty pleasures

>> No.6632539


Martin can make good stories but is a mediocre writer


That's our lord and savior richard stallman

>> No.6632541

I'm very suprised everyone ITT is so positive. I've found the books to be thousands of pages of BORING especially the latest one.

>> No.6632549

What's wrong with the notion of a guilty pleasure?

>> No.6632553

You still read them all, so you obviously enjoyed them, and now want to ward off the notion that this makes you a pleb. Which is, ironically, pretty plebeian.

>> No.6632555


Keep this meme in one thread.

>> No.6632559

i don't believe somebody feels guilt for liking something
it makes no fucking sense
how can you get pleasure out of it if this is the case?
just stop doing it

>> No.6632564

people who don't give a shit stay out of these threads

>> No.6632570

Richard Matthew Stallman. He is a paragon of free software, our guiding light in the dark age of proprietary code. His disheveled appearance masks a great mind and a gentle soul.

>> No.6632577

Most of /lit/ isn't particularly concerned with the plot of a book, but Martin is the master of plot. He doesn't have the most impressive command of English, though for a fantasy writer he's not at all bad.

As for ASOIAF, books one and three are the strongest, followed by two, five, and four. The only reason I read them is because a few friends convinced me to, and I figured I might as well so I could keep up with their ASOIAF conversations. I don't regret reading the series one bit.

>> No.6632585

>i don't believe somebody feels guilt for liking something
I do. In case of ASOIAF, I feel guilty because I spend hours reading what is really rather mediocre pulp, when I could instead muster the effort to finish Ulysses. It's the difference between ordering fast-food and preparing a healthy, sophisticated dinner. Both clearly have an appeal, but one should definitely come with guilt.
>how can you get pleasure out of it if this is the case?
Because pleasure isn't dependent on guilt-freeness. Simple as that.

>> No.6632599

well i gotta still say i think you're a piece of shit for reading something you know is mediocre
i eat fast food because it's fast, i don't feel guilty about it because it was the best thing to do based on my situation
read ulysses fuck off

>> No.6632609

>well i gotta still say i think you're a piece of shit for reading something you know is mediocre
>i eat fast food because it's fast, i don't feel guilty about it because it was the best thing to do based on my situation
These two statements contradict each other, dumbshit. Also, enjoyment isn't based on rational decisionmaking, and kf you think otherwise, you're either an edg kid or autistic.
>read ulysses fuck off
I'm at it you retarded cunt, knowing that a pleasure is a guilty one allows you to keep it in check. Your virtues allow not for moderation, that's a rather big flaw.

>> No.6632614

lots of words, people and settings do not a plot make

>> No.6632663

Agreed, which is why Tolkien's works are weak when it comes to plot. Martin, however, is a master of plot.

>> No.6632687

He is pretty thick.

>> No.6632726

The plots are long and meandering, like talking to an elderly person with early onset Alzheimers they don't often lead anywhere. There are numerous superfluous chapters that are both uninteresting and never become relevant. The dialogue makes me cringe and the prose is pretty bad.
Returning to the plots, I prefer the actual history of the war of the roses I think Martin obsesses with the juvenile.

>inb4 Martin internet defense force
This is my opinion I have held since before the show was popular and I don't care whether you like it or not. His fans are stereotypically manchildren though, can't hold him at fault for that though.

>> No.6632727

Always wondered, is he the Zizek of /g/ and vice-versa?

>> No.6632739

1. How many of the books have you read?
2. Why?

>> No.6632751

lets be straight, neither tolkein nor martin are worth discussing. They are one and the same (though one has a far more impressive vocabulary and grasp of the language).
In two decades time there will be middle age dick-wads reading ASoIaF to their children in the same way parents read LotR to their kids now. And the same types of children will champion the same type of verbose serial trash as a watermark for literature in the exact same way.
In other words (holdontoyourbutts.jpg) fantasy genre trash is trash, no matter how prettily you package it.

>> No.6632756

1 and a half. I rarely don't finish a book but in this case I couldn't go on.

>> No.6632798
File: 15 KB, 300x168, 13a73eb4-60f9-4fd3-9ab6-017f30b92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls stop this meme

>> No.6634672
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 157-5746_IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of, only Stallman did more for software and freedom in the technological realm than Zizek ever did for literature/philosophy.

And you see more Stallman threads / pics on /g/ than Zizec threads on /lit/.

Also his arguments are sound and transparent, even if he's being an autist about it. Or more to the point: he makes more sense than Zizek does.

>> No.6635196

Also instead of sniffling he picks his feet and eats whatever he peels off of them

>> No.6637100

It does make sense, you hedonist. There are things that reason and judgment dictate is not good, yet we personally like it. It's a conflict of reason and passion.

>> No.6637122

I like ASOIAF but I'm fucking sick of seeing these threads every day. Get on it mods.