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File: 183 KB, 1334x750, mfw poorfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6632487 No.6632487 [Reply] [Original]

What is your daily dbb (Daily Brain Budget) for books?
Me? Probably $60.

>Best Books - What I Read - Tai Lopez

>> No.6632545

where's the vid where he says he's not here to talk about his lamborghinis but the 7 bookshelves

>> No.6632546

so he just reads any random book he sees that looks even slightly interesting

i guess that's how you get ahead in life

>> No.6632556

He bought Mike Huckabee's book. So you can imagine what kind of brilliant mind this man possesses.

>> No.6632567

You see that around 1:50
What kind of an idiot you have to be to read Mike Huckabee?

Also, the books he buys are completely random, he didn't even know he bought one of them... so it was just for the purpose of this video.

I refuse to believe this man is a self-made millionaire. It must be due to some inheritance.

>> No.6632573

>what i read

isn't this the same guy who "reads" books by skimming them a few times and reading summaries?

>> No.6632591

lmao, what a vainglorious prick.

Clearly his daily brain budget isn't high enough.

>> No.6632630

This guy embodies everything that is wrong with the world today. Everything needs to serve something, be useful for something. Everything needs to "add value" to you as a person.

Disgusting ideology.

What about reading just for the sake of reading, not for "improving yourself"?

>> No.6632632

He's a scam artist, he used to run several fake dating sites and probably just rents his Lambo for the videos

>> No.6632646

kek, this is the guy that had a video along the lines of "omg, commercial music acts on ur brain in da same way as drugs do! quit now b4 its 2 late" - No shit....

>> No.6632676

Reading for itself does add value, and you know it.

What's gay about this dude is that he is treating a form of art pretty much designed to appeal to the private thoughts of an individual as if it's just another commodity to be used as a means of increasing one's public profile. Then again he seems to be reading non-fiction and like most people who avoid fiction he's probably a fuccboi.

>> No.6632697

>as if it's just another commodity to be used as a means of increasing one's public profile.

Have you ever met someone from LA? That's how they think.

>> No.6632704

guy's clearly a fortunate mulatto that came onto a sum of money.
what kind of wise man buys a red lambo.
where's his athleticism

>> No.6633052

Not everyone in LA. Just most. It's not great.

>> No.6633159
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This is the person Mac from IASIP would be if he wasn't a fitness fag but a tryhard 'intellectual'. All show and no mass. He even looks like him.

>> No.6633196


Nothing wrong with hustling, but goddamn he's giving nonfiction a bad name

>> No.6633227

most of those books aren't good

>> No.6633251

He just works the glamour thoughts.

>> No.6633400


I hate this word but you're probably right.

>> No.6633408

He doesn't actually read, and he proudly admits this

Do you know any rich person with an office in their garage?
He never shows the inside of his house, never shows anything that equates to a cool lifestyle
Just a book shelf and a rented lambo that changes colors

>> No.6633425

>what's the best book that you've read recently that I should be reviewing?

Let's all spam his channel saying he should review Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.6633453


>> No.6633463

you actually summed it up pretty well

>> No.6633500

$200, what I pay for internet

Why would I pay for self help books when I can get the same information from the internet?

>> No.6633512


daily brain budget

kill youself

>> No.6633515
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>all those books
>not the one he needs

Also that line "I support Barnes & Noble because I don't want every bookstore to go out of business" is seriously one of the most creative comments if he intentionally said it the way I received it.

>> No.6633633

>Finnegan's Wake
take a lap, this is absolutely disgusting anon

>> No.6633642

what mental issues does this guy have?

I'm not trying to be offensive or funny, there's clearly something wrong with this man.

>> No.6633663

I don't know, but I do know he has a lamborghini!

>> No.6633684

The American Dream. It's incurable apparently.

>> No.6633685

I admit I fucked up majorly and I apologize for the inconvenience. I have no excuse.

>> No.6633699

See I don't think he has a lamborghini. What I think is going on is Tai Lopez has this cargo cult mentality of what he needs to do to achieve the american dream, and so these hilarious videos filmed like an asshole in barnes & noble among others are formed.

>> No.6633731

This ads would come up on YouTube and I would always skip them after the first 6 or 7 seconds or so and for a long time I thought it was a Lamborghini commercial.

>> No.6633738

Are you saying he rented the lamborghini so that he would look better and thus be able to dupe people into listening to his insane rambling?

>> No.6633765

He's so obsessed with possessions that his advice for those on a budget was to buy books at used book stores. He didn't even mention the existence of libraries.

>> No.6633777


Well considering the fact that he can read a book in 10 minutes, he doesn't mention the fact that he can just read it at the bookstore then put it back on the shelf when done.

>> No.6633781
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>> No.6633785


I think I ruined it considering the fact that I said, "the fact that," twice in the same sentence. Bad habit of mine. Sorry.

>> No.6633802

it's all good
you didn't ruin those double dub trips my friend

>> No.6633805

>If you're broke just sell everything and travel around the world!

>> No.6633818

>get stoned with some old man on the banks of the Ganges
>upload pictures to facebook
>you now have life experience

>> No.6633834

wouldn't surprise me at all

>> No.6633848

You guys are discussing this clown like he's a celebrity or even notable.

>> No.6633853

Well, he certainly considers himself as notable so I guess it's just a natural reaction to that.

>> No.6633858

No shit. Some of his videos have obvious use of green screen. There's this really hilarious one where he's claiming to be in his "mansion on hollywood hill" and it's the most obvious shit ever due to the acoustics

>> No.6633861

Seriously? Link?

>> No.6633865


>> No.6633892

Okay. This has to be a joke. Is this guy perhaps just a genius satirist?

>> No.6633901


>> No.6633924

Well, we do know he can at least afford a green screen.

>> No.6633926


>> No.6633929

>Well we do know that he can afford a bright green sheet with come close pins.

>> No.6633943


>> No.6633963

I get all my books for free at the library

>> No.6633978
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>spends hundreds of dollars on books a week
>doesn't read them

I don't even understand whats going on. What is his ideology? is he just chasing the big Other?

>> No.6633990

shit, he might as well just read the sparknotes or wikipedia summary

>> No.6634000

I didn't even notice, though I do every time when it's me

>> No.6634022

Selected quotes from his twitter:

When I see the books people are reading I think, "A whole bookstore & that's the best book you could find?" People get tricked by marketing

This is the riddle. Who is worth listening to? In my experience it's about 1 out of 1,000,000 humans..

Learn More = Earn More...

I saw one of the Kardashians tweeted 4 happy faces and got like 2000 retweets and favorites. That's the world we live in, smh...

If you challenge the status quo you'll trigger the Amygdala fear center in people's brain. They won't always like you

>> No.6634040

>read primarily nonfiction
What's wrong with that?

>> No.6634042


L.A resident here: there is a strong and large sub-culture who call themselves new agers and who are the epitome of philistinism. They're the kind of people who read tons of self help, have life coaches, take "the secret" very seriously. Are "spiritual." They do think like this.

Showbiz people, typically associated with LA, are generally actually pretty sane and a little cynical because it's fucking brutal being in showbiz. Some of them, usually dumb ones, think like this because you do actually have to be an extreme utilitarian with your time to crack in because everybody wants to because the lowest common denominator for showbiz is really high. People are willing to work really shitty jobs to work slightly less shitty jobs to work an ok job to just MAYBE get to write on a show.

The rest of us are pretty normal people that lean to the left, a lot of us are conservative Hispanics, and Koreans, who I don't really understand at all. Also some left-leaning multi-culturalism crazies.

>> No.6634044

What you want in life is enough trauma to motivate you but not enough to paralyze you.

Money is not evil. It's a tool. All tools are dangerous if wielded by fools.

You're a damn blessed person if you can find people worth listening to... #mostpeoplearewrong

Man I want to get a bookshelf like this! Anytime you need a ladder to get ur books you're doing something right haha

On a 1-10 scale most people's focus is a 4 at best. Tell me what your number is & I can guess your bank account balance within $1000 bucks.

What's bothering you today, can you explain the problem & solution in 1 sentence? Have clarity of mind. K.I.S.S. = "Keep It Simple Stupid."

>> No.6634049
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pls be joking

>> No.6634052

>On a 1-10 scale most people's focus is a 4 at best. Tell me what your number is & I can guess your bank account balance within $1000 bucks.

>> No.6634057
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A man who is obsessed with consumerism and celebrity. Chris Hedges has gone to great lengths to talk people like him in Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.

>> No.6634058
File: 82 KB, 154x309, fear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you challenge the status quo you'll trigger the Amygdala fear center in people's brain. They won't always like you

>> No.6634078

This guy makes John Green seem like a genius

>> No.6634097

>What's bothering you today, can you explain the problem & solution in 1 sentence? Have clarity of mind. K.I.S.S. = "Keep It Simple Stupid."
this is alright advice, but the rest is unbelievably cringeworthy

>> No.6634098

This is actually John & Hank's half brother, created when their father got cucked

>> No.6634107


>> No.6634115

so he actually recommends that everyone buys 60$ of books everyday just so they can skim them and put them on their shelf?

>> No.6634131

burn all those books!

>> No.6634148
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>he's doing it in public

>> No.6634168
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You must follow those rules. Be humble. Persevere. Read more. Toughen up. Remember, it's gonna be a little bit hard, it's like Tom Hanks says in that one movie...

>> No.6634189

books = good

me = good

books = me

>> No.6634341


That's exactly what he does to help him speed up his reading lol.

His first step in that read a book in 10 minutes is to have others read it for you. literally.

>> No.6634355

Yes, now please paypal Tai $55 to help rent the next lambo so that Tai can share more golden nuggets with us

>> No.6634366

Tai is the west coast Tao.

Silly and stupid panderers.

>> No.6634381

Just thinking, what if you cut everyone negative out of your life completely (with the exception of constructive criticism)? I think I will.

There are so many people truly horrible to date or marry that it's easy to forget that the needles in the haystack still exist. They do.

Brain training. Brain training. Brain training... That's about all you have to do in life...

As you rise, the number of critics will also rise. Humans seek out negativity. It's a cognitive bias of their brain. Stay focused & proceed.

I was just at the mall. Why would the department store have 10 times more people than the bookstore? Brainwashed society. Makes no sense.

t's not just what you know. Or what you're learning. It's how fast you learn. Learn to "gulp" knowledge.

>> No.6634397
File: 17 KB, 526x297, 526x297-d2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read about high unemployment. But every business I go into's understaffed. The issue's a shortage of skilled people

You know what will make you rich? The opposite of everything that will make you poor.

Usually the only way out is up. Rise above your current situation.

Seek beauty over all. Beautiful acts of charity, beautiful books, beautiful movies, beautiful music, beautiful businesses, beautiful people.

Freedom starts financially.

>> No.6634418

Even though I feel like I'm putting my mind into a very decadent setting by viewing this piece of contemporary art, I must admit. I shed tears of joy viewing this folly.

>> No.6634422
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be so generous to the poor with your money that it feels almost foolish.

Each fear you have is rooted in scarcity. This is one reason why you must give a lot to charity. It rewires your brain away from scarcity.

Pretend your life's a movie. Would you go watch that movie? If not, time to make something exciting happen.

Whenever the stress is unbearable, we should all borrow some wisdom from Buddha: Detach a little bit. Remember that we are just dust.

Each of us has that inescapable feeling that there's something better waiting for us. Don't let it stay just a feeling. Turn it into reality

Most of the world is in Darwinian "survival mode." This is why people are so negative. But you shouldn't just survive. You must thrive.

>> No.6634449

People ask me what language they should learn, Spanish, Chinese, etc. I say none of the above. Start by learning the language of money: Math

Only one thing solves poverty: Knowledge... Everything else is just a Band-Aid treating symptoms, instead of treating the root cause.

I'm sincerely convinced that if any person or nation becomes extremely generous to charity, they will soon reap a massive financial windfall

It's crazy, but if one of your friends becomes obese, the odds that you will become obese double. Your environment matters...

If we could unlock the dormant creativity in the 7 billion humans on earth, basically all global problems disappear. The good news is we can

Your lifestyle choices can change you at the genetic level. That's why it's hard to alter bad habits. So don't do a lot of stupid stuff.

Live your life so that if you died today, you would die like a hero going home.

500 years ago ud have been laughed at for promising access to cars/medicine/toilets. But people still don't believe prosperity is possible.

>> No.6634503

He talks about reading the "classics" a lot but pretty much everything he shows is some contemporary self help or guide to riches shit

>> No.6634507

faggot die in a hole faggot

>> No.6634518

dont you have books to skim?

>> No.6634525

>>Well we do know that he can afford a bright greentext with two typos.

>> No.6634534

>Be so generous to the poor with your money that it feels almost foolish.
What? I thought Tai was a hardcore 'le survival of the fittest xD' Randian. Is he just pandering to his poorboi followers here?

>> No.6634539

I'm starting to think he's just a performance artist.

like he's probably sitting on his pc right now screen capping this thread and all other comments about him like some madman, to be unveiled as an exhibit an LA art institute in 2018 and which'll be mostly attended by the type of people Tai is satirizing.

>> No.6634540


>Whenever the stress is unbearable, we should all borrow some wisdom from Buddha: Detach a little bit. Remember that we are just dust.

holy fucking christ i can't stand this

>> No.6634544

His rationale is that it helps you see yourself as a provider with boundless wealth and because it makes people like you. It is essentially selfish and instrumental giving. If Rand had more subtlety she would have endorsed this sort of thing.

>> No.6634547
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>Then again he seems to be reading non-fiction and like most people who avoid fiction he's probably a fuccboi.

>> No.6634548

"consistency is the hobgoblin of people who can't read a book every 15 minutes" - Tai Lopez

>> No.6634558

Or In Search of Lost Time. That'll keep him busy for a while.

>> No.6634561
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>> No.6634565

Why, is the table of contents that big?

>> No.6634569

Man zizek really let himself go

>> No.6634571

>/lit/ being fucking retarded

I hate to link to reddit, but I will indeed:


Read the comments.

>> No.6634578

daily reminder this man has 12 doctorates

>> No.6634579

kek, touche

>> No.6634583

Are you serious? Sauce?

>> No.6634590

>going to india ever, for any reason, in your life
Fuck that, lol

>> No.6634595


Who is this ugly monkey?

>> No.6634603


>> No.6634636
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>people like this exist

>> No.6634637

>shows off his lambo
>"but do you know what I like more than material things?"

I hope this guy chokes to death on the next cock he sucks.

>> No.6634640

>tfw my library doesn't have shit for classics
>all those books and somehow not a single dostoyevsky, joyce, or proust novel

>> No.6634648

>When I see the books people are reading I think, "A whole bookstore & that's the best book you could find?" People get tricked by marketing
This one isn't a bad thought tbh. There are some garbage books that don't deserve the sales they get.

>> No.6634650


They're honorary, the dude has done a lot though.

>> No.6634654

I only see 11 there.

>> No.6634659


Yes but the taste and views of the author hang a huge shadow over his remark.

>> No.6634667

Good point.

>> No.6634712

The point is that is can work from anyone perspective (popular books I dont like = tricked by marketing/ popular books I like = timeless classics)

plus look at the books he picks out in OPs video. He picks them at random if they happen to sound interesting or have a cool cover, I dont think his strategy isn't much better.

>> No.6634767

>he added bird tweeting sound effects
Holy fuck.

>> No.6634811

I don't think he actually chooses books that way, though. It seems to me like he was just making it up to scam people into his bullshit.

>> No.6634834

He's just making this shit up on the spot. What the fuck?

>> No.6634906
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>Everyone that you meet, remember: they're dilettantes.

>> No.6634919
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>> No.6634927

>plus look at the books he picks out in OPs video. He picks them at random if they happen to sound interesting or have a cool cover, I dont think his strategy isn't much better.

I mean, I do think the point of going to a bookstore is the discovery process that happens when you're there, Of course what he did in this video is not what that process should be like at all.

>> No.6634963

>spends 15 minutes poorly summarizing surface-level ideas from evopsych and game theory and trying to fit them vaguely into self-help concepts
the irony

>> No.6635126

Oh. The first one threw me off because it was a different color from the others.

>> No.6635162

>frames his shots to show off a full bookshelf
>of books he admittedly skims or reads the cliff notes to.

This guy's whole business is literally Appeal to Authority.

>> No.6635200

This guy is the Michael Scott of self-help bullshit.

>> No.6635956

This was like the original video with all the bullshit filtered out. Genius

>> No.6636019

Are you referencing something? In junior high I had a teacher who had a poster he would always recite to us. It said "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."

>> No.6636197

its an Emerson quote. Check some of his work out sometime

>> No.6636758

Did you know if you if you stroke someones dick you'll trigger the Amygdala pleasure center in people's brain. The will always like you.

>> No.6636767

>ctrl-f Ferrari
>0 results
>ctrl-f Lambo
>10 results
That's a Ferrari in OP's pic. If he's calling it a Lambo he's too stupid to know what it is. Probably not even his garage, just a dude's he knows/works for.

>> No.6636776

well done
thought the starcraft joke was a bit lame but i chuckled
and the nothing was overkill, the joke was already at a nice simmer, that was kind of useless

>> No.6636791

He is not that stupid, he also seems to have Lambo next to this Ferrari tho

>> No.6636792

oh jesus this guy is cringe inducing as fuck
i am envious of his wealth and steady tone though

>> No.6636802

he likes to shop at the grove. i usually eat at the farmer's market there on my lunch break. hopefully i will run into him sometime and we can talk about reading books one sentence a day.

>> No.6636807
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>> No.6636817

>i am envious of his wealth



>> No.6636829

if it is really his wealth
i don't know anything about him beyond the video the OP posted, so if he's just a loser fraud or it's all just an elaborate act or whatever, i am unaware

though maybe you're finding fault in my envy. in which case, who doesn't want to be rich enough to buy $800 of books in one day?

>> No.6636857


>> No.6636866

Yeah, presumed wealth. His place in the Hollywood Hills is a green screen projection.

He never gets into nor even touches his cars. Nobody finds this odd?


The guy has some money, as he owns fraudulent dating sites that charge people monthly fees (even after they cancel), but near the amount he pretends to have.

Honestly, it's only a matter of time before this guy does time in prison.

>> No.6636926


>> No.6636959

Don't trust this dude. He is a scam artist after all. Just a good and charming one.

The lambo and shelves are attractive, yes, but he's making profits off the services themselves.

67 steps literally ripped off another success coach whose name I can't remember's 67 steps. Like he didn't even change the number? He gives you a trial period just enough to build a habit along with a bunch of different biases during his speeches- success stories, famed quotes, pathos as fuck (I slept on this couch) stories, etc. while running those shady ass dating sites

>> No.6636982

>Tweets about Kardashian
>"This is the kind of world we live in"

>> No.6636986

Your attitude is the reason you aren't wealthy. :^)

>> No.6636996

Isn't this guy some sort of 'make money by surfing the internet' scammer?

Why is he being taken seriously on a literature board?

>> No.6636997

Is this that literary lifestyle you guys talk so much about?

>> No.6637011



>> No.6637021


Holy shit I'm just reading about this guy now for the first time.

> tfw he has a library as big as my elementary school.

> tfw he lives in L.A.

> tfw he drives a lambo.

> tfw he is an intellectual.

Holy shit, this guy is like my new role model, he may have even surpassed Nietzsche. Does he have a newsletter I can sign up for?

>> No.6637035

So he just buys whatever books seem interesting?
Usually what I do is I look around for the general academic consensus on a text...
And then I download it and read it for free.

This asshole thinks that his wealth is proportional to his intelligence.
Anybody who cannot immediately and rightfully recognize this guy as a fucking weenie...
Is a fucking weenie.

You can see the iniquity in his eyes and his speech reveals his true nature behind the veneer of empirical knowledge which he claims to have.

>> No.6637042

Also I would not be surprised if he was a jew.
Even if only ethnically.

>> No.6637051

I'd like to know where this "charisma" is. I've read like 4 different people (presumably) call him charismatic.

Frankly, I don't see it.

>> No.6637243

really low quality bait brother, get your act together.

>> No.6637356


this is exactly like Sam Hyde's TED talk lol

>> No.6637427

Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.6637469

Why does he look like >>6634058

>> No.6638021

You can't trust Schopenhauer, he's old fashioned and he doesn't want you to figure out that you can just get all of his important points in 10 minutes of smart-skimming