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/lit/ - Literature

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6628859 No.6628859 [Reply] [Original]

A sense of openness and a lack of a sense of community killed /mu/. Something similar is happening to /lit/, and has been for a while.
/mu/, unlike us, did not have the advantage of knowing the Hegelian philosophy. We should establish ourselves as a proper Volk with a proper State and enshrine our collective will into a proper Right before we fall to memes and shit we don't want.

I propose that we write up a constitution for /lit/, determining what we do and don't expect from our moderators, and then try to get the new overlords of 4chan to enforce it. Does anyone agree with me?

>> No.6628881

>a board on 4chan will agree on anything
Sorry anon, but democracy isn't feasible under complete anonymity of participants.
Furthermore, my vote goes out for a proposition to permaban anyome who disagrees with me.

>> No.6628886

I was thinking more of a constitutional aristocracy. Evolaist, not Marxist or Liberalist.

>> No.6628897
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Shit /pol/, when you will fucking learn?

>> No.6628905

We're /pol/ now.

If you don't hate all the following groups of people, you're a degenerate liberal tumblrina and need to go back to reddit:

>sexually 'liberated' people
>non-property-owning people
>liberal arts faggots

>> No.6628936

>hello mods, can you enforce my worldview on /lit/ so it becomes a second /pol/?
You should definitely try that.

>> No.6628949 [DELETED] 

>leftist cuck with 'muh feelings hurt' detected

>> No.6628958

"sjw" and "/pol/" should be wordfiltered and result in autobans.

>> No.6628960

>I don't want my feelings to be represented and I'd prefer to just whine while unaccountable authorities shadowban me for mentioning Judaism in a critical theory threead

>> No.6628983

/lit/ has always been the same. Any proper posts that invite discussion just get snarky "hurr durr I'm so funny" replies and then disappears. Threads only get a lot of replies when an argument breaks out, which always consists in two or more people claiming to have read more or are more knowledgeable about a particular subject than the other person.

>> No.6629013

So, there's two of you. I see a pattern emerging...you've been shitposting for quite some time in the last 24 hours, haven't you? Always two posters, always with the same juvenile bullshit arguments.
Guess it's time for some reporting again.

>> No.6629022

I'm making a serious suggestion to improve the quality of the board. The fact that you think that a ban would be a good thing in this case proves that you want us to have a State.

>> No.6629050

>you want us to have a State
I do. And I want it string your kind up on the lampposts. But all I'm doing is post on 4chan. I am, if you will, an armchair leninist.

>> No.6629081

OK, so we agree: the Revolutionary /lit/ Congress begins today.

>> No.6629092

Some how makes you seem like a lonelier faggot than if you were just a pls respond poster, OP. I guess your family don't speak to you any more.

>> No.6629354

I agree OP. Even though some of the teenagers here will try resisting loosing their shitty reddit tier memes if we don't create a proper imagegeist this place will get even shittier than it already is.

I'd propose locking any thread (with some notable exceptions of course) that doesn't directly reference a specific work by a specific author.

I also propose we replace the captcha system with simple latin comprehension/composition exercises. Anyone with a good sense of language would be able to pass them of course, but it would get rid of the monolingual plebeians.

Furthermore I request that we have a book/author of the week thread, which is stickied, in order to set up a flow of new ideas and content.

>> No.6629429

Ban the phrase "Catholic Stalinism"
Maintain theology, philosophy, Greeks, and structuralism generals at all times.

>> No.6629439

What is this "Catholic Stalinism" you're talking about and where can I purchase "Catholic Stalinism" related products?

>> No.6629442

It's a contradiction
You can't

>> No.6629455

I'd vote for this.

>> No.6629470

Well fuck you for creating a demand that can't be met, you're just as bad as capitalism.

>> No.6629472

I'm okay with this.

>> No.6629495

Catholicism already offers all the social elements of Marxism in its soteriology (work) and has a monarch (the Pope) as its essential head. There's no reason to change anything about the way Catholicism already works if you want to make it Stalinist, since Stalinism is basically Catholicism without God, right down to the body of believers functioning as a singular revolutionary subject determining its actions by way of bureaucracy even as it acknowledges an inevitable historical telos beyond its control.

>> No.6629578

>I don't want to talk about book on an anonymous literary board

>> No.6629587

The why hasn't the catholic church collectivized the means of production? They certainly had enough time.

>> No.6629593

/lit/ is way less open now than it was in the past - there was a time when 90% of threads were about shitty genre fiction and Ayn Rand shitposting

>> No.6629604

Because the Kingdom of Heaven is not of this world. If you don't buy that there's no reason to want Christianity involved in your ideology at all.

>> No.6629613

Can I have Stalinism with catholic aesthetics?

>> No.6629622

No, you'd have to melt down and redistribute all that gold & wealth.

>> No.6629757
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honorary aryans, no?

also my captcha

>> No.6629767

>honorary aryans
Only Nips, nigger
Which is fine, because Zen is the best form of Buddhism or Daoism

>> No.6629772

Right, because stalinists don't build expensive shit to impress both the people and the enemy.

>> No.6629782

You'd hear both of those things right now in a Catholic Stalinist world. It isn't desirable.

>> No.6629799
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Oh shut up, you pansy

>> No.6629814
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Whatever, man.