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6628265 No.6628265 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.6628273

I have no Oxford's in my collection (mostly Penguin), but that is who I'm ordered Goethe from

>> No.6628294


Pushkin Press
New York Book Review of Classics
Serpent's Tail

>> No.6628302
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>> No.6628326

The Norton Critical edition is superior.

>> No.6628343
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Barnes n noble editions aren't bad

>> No.6628364

Some covers are especially attractive; I agree.

>> No.6628375

from best to worst

Norton Critical
Oxford World
Modern Library
Barnes n Noble
Penguin Classics
Dover Thrift

>> No.6628471

I like the non-translation B&N editions. If it's a translated work, they'll usually use an outdated public domain translation. Some of the translations aren't bad, though, I'm fond of the Don Quixote and Thus Spoke Zarathustra editions they put out.

>> No.6628569


For the Greek tragedies you should stick to Chicago University Press.

>> No.6628589

oxford do have the prettiest covers

>> No.6628593

/lit/ publishing company when

>> No.6628874

All pepe related covers

>> No.6628893

How so? Genuinly interested.

>> No.6628911

In the Major Works Oxfords, flipping to the back for the notes is a huge pain. Norton notes are all on the page. The Norton criticals do look pretty shitty as far as spine and covers go tho (if you're into that sort of thing).

>> No.6628922

Not one mention of NDP
Plebs, all of you

>> No.6628927
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Punctum Books

>> No.6629073
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>> No.6629280

Modern > Oxford

>> No.6629289


And especially for Norton, their version of KJV bible just has more detailed notes while Oxford just has a little summary in the back.

Also all the little extras and criticism is cool.

>> No.6629518

Get the fuck out, Penguin is at least good-tier

>> No.6629557
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cosac naify

>> No.6629820
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Just imagine the books we would put out...abject garbage probably, but it would be humorous.

>> No.6629845

Cosac is GOAT, besides, they give discount coupons like crazy if you're a regular customer and have a GOAT contemporary art selection

>> No.6629858

Have you guys seen their new Odissey translation?

>> No.6629888

While I agree that Dover is shit quality, my poorfag ass can't say no to the 50 cent price tag on most of them.

>> No.6629985

Oxford edition edits the text. For instance, "mine", for the form Early Modern English uses for "my" before vowels, is turned to "my" in the Oxford.

Also, the Norton Critical has way more supplemental material, and it's throughout rather than just at the back.

>> No.6630000

Typical autistic behavior, classifying large groups of things (which are not only subjective to taste and preference but they are also of varying qualities within each group) for absolutely no reason other than an inner feeling of belonging to a group.

>> No.6630016

Typical autistic post, classifying large groups of posts (which are not only subjective to taste and preference but they are also of varying qualities within each group) for absolutely no reason other than an inner feeling of belonging a faggot.

>> No.6630030


What a wasted get

>> No.6630039

>muh subjectivity

>> No.6630052


>publisher has shit paper, no notes, typos on every page, and poor print quality
>"No, it's just your opinion, man. It's just all up to taste."