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/lit/ - Literature

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6627160 No.6627160 [Reply] [Original]

>cousin wrote a book
>pretty smart and artistically minded guy
>got it published
>I read it
>it's a political thriller
>thought it was an okay read
>he has since *sold* seventeen copies
>know for a fact that most of my extended family bought a copy to encourage him
>that's like twelve people
>his mother told my aunt last month that he is depressed
>tfw he tried to commit suicide two days ago and is in the hospital

This could be any one of you.

>> No.6627164

weaklings trying to go into the world without prior reflection will be crushed

>> No.6627165

>you will never be published

>> No.6627167

He must have had a fucking terrible publisher. I could sell more copies of a 3000 word thriller on Amazon over a weekend.

>> No.6627174

Do you really have that large a family?

>> No.6627180

Give me a link or a name or something, anything.

I have no idea what book or author you're talking about. No wonder the book never sold.

>> No.6627191


No I just know basic marketing. Get a few good reviews in early and post your shit around a few blogs. You'll make at least 17 sales even if it's complete garbage.

I'm assuming they set him up with a reading or two and got his trash reviewed. Selling that few shows a complete lack of effort or marketing. If it is a bleh airport thriller though I imagine it was just some shitty publisher that churns out rubbish and throws it at a wall.

>> No.6627193

It's quite common in the south for those kind of people to breed amongst themselves.

>> No.6627194

But most success stories start out with a bunch of failures. Pretty much nobody just becomes successful after their first attempt, and those who do are lucky more than anything else.

>> No.6627201


Actually a failed first novel - a failure of that magnitude is pretty much suicide as far as most publishers would be concerned. You'd have to hope they didn't hear about it and you'd improved a shitload by the time you were sending out a new manuscript.

You'd have to self-publish in the future, go to a really smaller desperate publisher or change your name.

>> No.6627213

This has been my greatest fear.

>> No.6627389

>got it published
With an actual publisher, though? Vanity publishers are a diamond dozen these days.

>> No.6627393

what a fucking idiot he is to be depressed after failing with his first novel. write a new one you shithead.

>> No.6627399

Pretty sure my family wouldnt buy any copies.

>> No.6627400

>diamond dozen

>> No.6627405
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>not promoting the shit out of your brother's work by hiring russian penny-paid bot spammers and distributing excess copies to used bookstores
only got yourself to blame tbh

>> No.6627406

And the name of this author is?
And the title of this book is?

OP if you're trying to sell a book to us based on your cousin becoming an hero, you're not doing a very good job.

>> No.6627427

Albert Einstein.

>> No.6627445
File: 200 KB, 1239x795, killurselfmymane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failing at suicide

If you fail at suicide you aren't fully committed, and you're just a little attenion whore.

>> No.6627467

Alas, this. That shit is worse than a criminal record.

>> No.6627474

What's the book about laddy? Might buy it.

>> No.6627493

I want to make an suicide attempt only to let people see the pain i'm in. Is it good idea?

>> No.6627495

Not necessarily, if you do it on an impulse or don't do enough research it may not work out, doesn't mean you don't want to die

>> No.6627510

>fully committed
I enjoyed this pun.

>> No.6627514

You're an idiot

>> No.6627526

Just say 'I'm in PAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIN' a lot.

>> No.6627616

You're fucking cowards, only cowardly fucks commit suicide.

>> No.6627744

Ok, /lit/. How can I fake my own suicide? Make my family/friends actually believe I'm deceased, then magically come back from the dead laughing at them. I already have 2 microphones I can leave around the house to hear their reaction, and I'm planning on telling one of my friends (he's very shy and not that talkative/expressive), so that he can tell me how they react.
Any ideas?

>> No.6627753

>You're fucking cowards, only cowardly fucks commit suicide.
Only retards don't if they life it's worthless for sure. If you're on spiral downwards and nothing will ever get better, you're better off killing yourself and saving the pain to you and your family instead of being a bother to everyone else, including yourself.

>> No.6627762

>not carrying on anyway out of spite against people like you

>> No.6627867


Swim to open sea, put your head underwater and inhale. I assure you, everyone's gonna fall for it.

>> No.6627979

>got it published
>sold 17 copies

Confirmed for self-published or vanity-published.

>> No.6628022

publishing is a doggy dog world

>> No.6628026

It troubles me that so many people kill themselves/become suicidal when it turns out they aren't gonna be famous or special. You are literally letting your own vanity kill you.

>> No.6628027

>responding to "muh cowardice"
Honestly, why?

>> No.6628035

Top fucking kek

>> No.6628047

>doggy dog

>> No.6628055

Literally laughed out loud

>> No.6628060
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/lit/ on fire this thread

>> No.6628784

publishers exploit their position of power to do the least work possible. they only hire people who already have an established audience instead of pushing for their own writers, but I have no idea why someone who has an established audience would go for a publisher in the first place with all the options they have. sure it's nice to feel like you've passed all the tests and that you're now "le real author", but if they made a few calculations they'd see how much they're being screwed over. it seems to me publishers have a deathwish. writers are bound to realize this at some point.

>> No.6628866


This is what he should have done.

>Wrote a book
>Didn't work out
>Count it as a learning experience
>Write another book
>Rinse, wash, and repeat and do it for the love of writing rather than the thought of professional success

>> No.6628907

It sounds more like he was trying to frame it as a "cautionary tale" rather than actually promoting it.

>> No.6628929

Who cares?

Less lazy people blaming
>muh chemicals