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/lit/ - Literature

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6625680 No.6625680 [Reply] [Original]

I lost a great memento of my childhood today

A fountain pen that my middle school girlfriend saved up for months to buy me, because she liked my poems (they were dogshit, of course.)

She does DMT and acid now, and probably whores herself. She was very beautiful, but I have forgotten her face.

I used to keep it for years in the interior pocket of my jacket, and today it simply wasn't here. I searched everywhere, got angry, got sad, then realized that maybe it was time to move on, forget this girl and the pen.

Do you guys use fountain pens, and are you into semi-expensive ones ? Fountain pens are probably the only luxury item I own, and I love writing with it. Only for this little treat do I allow myself to possess something I don't want to lose.

What do you write with ?

Pic related a FC Ondoro, modern design and a very rigid nib for the most autistic, anxious of writers.

>> No.6625692

The pen was a symbol of attachment to her.

Such attachment leads to suffering.

Let her go.

>> No.6625698

>she does DMT and acid now
oh god a denialist purity fantasy.


>> No.6625708

Tear, right here, in my eye OP.
I've put together a small set of expensive pens, but I always buy them for myself. Selfish I guess.

>> No.6625710

>denialist purity fantasy.
What do you mean ?

>> No.6625763

She never had the moral facility to reject drugs in the first place but you didn't want to live with that knowledge.

The fantasy is that you're with a girl who is pure but you knew what kind of girl she was when you met her but you went into denial. You wanted a good mother and father op but you didnt have them and you thought that the girl would make a difference.

>> No.6625781

You might have been spot on with other girls, but I didn't expect anything from her, let alone purity. She is the sole sovereign of her life choices, and I honestly can't complain; we had a good run.

It's just unsettling how you remember someone, then you catch up years later and they are, obviously, someone else. This sudden perspective is dazzling, too bad you can only really experience it with yourself if you have properly documented your existence.

>> No.6625797

Pilot Metropolitan

costs $15

>> No.6625815

You have very traditional grandparents or great grandparents on one side of your family, don't you op. You know what a good life is and you know the values that are essential to it but you never learned the meat and potatoes of it because your parents rejected the grandparents way of living and the family suffered a sharp, silent descent away from tradition. But you got something from the grandparents and your parents weren't quick enough to hide you from it and so your stuck with the tension between the reality of the modern word and the wisdom of the old world. Most of your efforts in life are directed to solving the tension but for most of your life you've also known that you'll probably never reach a resolution but you keep trying anyway because that's part of the gift that you were given. Over the next 5 to 10 years you will succumb to the same materialistic disease the modern world has and your traditional views will be challenged and stripped away and you will either kill yourself return right back to where you started fighting the tension and feeling alienated and dreaming about a life of isolation.

Screenshot this and read it every year on your birthday and tell me if I'm wrong.

>> No.6625827


ur such a fucking retard

>> No.6625836

I collect them. Normally writer is a Lamy Safari or my Namiki Falcon, currently restoring a Sheaffer Triumph from 1950's that is based as fuck.

>> No.6625844

These God damn Reddit tier psychologists set me off

>> No.6625847

Pens are fucking shit.

Get a good mechanical pencil and join the master race.

>> No.6625869

I never knew any of my four grandparents, friend.

Do you have any recommendations ? My budget is of roughly 70 bucks, and I'm european, so that includes transportation. I'm afraid I can't get something as good as a Sheaffer unless I sell a lot of erotica

>> No.6625918
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Is it pretense? Alas, I cannot say.

>> No.6625925

I'm so fucking envious right now

>> No.6625939

Women do tend to go rotten in high school, it's unfortunate.

I use a typical Lamy 2000 because it's gorgeous and writes like a charm.

$160, that's fairly expensive for a 50+ year old product in frequent production.
Pilot Metropolitan is the best cheap fountain pen.
$15, the best inks will cost nearly double that.

>> No.6625943


Rotring you turbopleb


Only mechanical pencil you'll ever need.

Buy replacement erasers from Mont Blanc, Mozart model

>> No.6625963


High schools are not the issue. It's college that destroys women for life.

>> No.6625965

It's only pretense if your penmanship is like Michael J Fox using his left hand while on horseback. If that's the case a fountain pen is a waste of money.

If you've got good penmanship a fountain pen could make it look even better.

>> No.6625984
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Envious enough... to turn green?


>> No.6625998

Nope, high school does it.

Look at the average girl in the 8th grade, and the average girl in the 12th grade, the change is disgusting.
I got my first fountain pen when I was 18, my penmanship was awful, but it encouraged me to improve.

Nothing pretentious about that.

>> No.6626003

I'm not sure if I enjoy the aesthetic of the output

>> No.6626016
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>> No.6626020

So much of it is in the nib, and the manufacturers get worse each year. I'm surprised it didn't kill off comic book designers, since the nibs no longer have that spring to them.

I have to import G-pen nibs from Japan for inking a drawing. One hassle after another.

>> No.6626021

What what if I want to write with black ink ?

>> No.6626032

Wich nib should I go for if I want to variate the width of my trait ? A supple, flexible one I suppose ?

>> No.6626132


Then you are a faggot

>> No.6626141


Are you a writer or a calligrapher m8?

>> No.6626146

Well both actually

>> No.6626147


That's called puberty you closet pedophile.

Peak age for females is between 15 and 18 years old

>> No.6626164

An attraction to pubescent females isn't pedophilia.
They peak at 14.

>> No.6626167


Then fuck off and go pluck a swan or something

>> No.6626176


>puberty occurs at a fixed time


Some girls are good to go at 14, but they fall apart quickly.

Quick to ripen is quick to rot

>> No.6626184
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Anon please

>> No.6626185

>Some girls are good to go at 14
No, all of them are.

>> No.6626192

>Anonymous 06/01/15(Mon)22:06:55 No.6625710 ▶>>6625763
>>>6625698 #
>>denialist purity fantasy.

Oh no, John Green is leaking

>> No.6626197

Can't we just talk about pens instead of wich kids we want to fuck

>> No.6626228


maybe if you like pig disgusting black girls

as a connoisseur of young women, I can tell you that asians and whites need time to mature. it's mostly the half and quarter jews that degrade rapidly after 15.

<15 is too tart
15-18 is generally ripe
18-22 is saccharine
22+ is spoiled

pay attention to how old her parents are. that gives you an idea how soon her youth is going to expire

>> No.6626255

Isn't there already a Lolita thread already? You guys are spilling oh god.

>> No.6626262

You're an idiot.

No, girls peak at 14, go back to /b/ you jestless clown.

>> No.6626283


how can they peak at 14 if they go through menarche at different ages you fucking autist?

imagine a winery saying categorically that all chardonnays are perfect at 7 years old

>> No.6626290

Can you just make your own thread

>> No.6626309


if you want to talk about pens then talk about pens you horsefucker, we're not stopping you

>> No.6626314
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>> No.6626324

Menarche is irrelevant, girls peak at 14.
I don't care about development as long as it's there and within the norm.

>> No.6626346
File: 769 KB, 2688x1520, UltraRarePepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We can do rare pepes instead if you want, this other guy is clearly retarded and has no experience with girls

>> No.6626356

Yo that's pretty rare

>> No.6626509

Just check out this beauty instead.

>> No.6626644

Can you guys post samples of what your writing with a fountain pen looks like? I'm curious

>> No.6626645

you're on /lit/ mate. it's 4chan.
it always digresses into talk of who we want to fuck

>> No.6626657
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obviously not mine but I found this

>> No.6626661
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I'm awful

>> No.6626682
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Posted this before. The only samples I have are of me writing when I'm shitfaced.

>> No.6626781

>sees writing
>sees what is actually written

I think I choked a little

>> No.6626787

Post more I want to feel disgusted

>> No.6626798
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>> No.6626801
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>> No.6626803

>"I wanna smell it , he said , wild like a baboon ."

I want this tattooed as a tramp stamp in that exact handwriting.

>> No.6626850

>her pussy was wet like the nose of a dog. A sexual dog.

>> No.6626855


The most awful writing I've ever read.

>> No.6626888

Wonderful ending

>> No.6626911
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>> No.6628287


>> No.6628318
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pic related is all I write with

mostly just posted here to say noice. let us know how much you make when you self-publish on Amazon.