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6625570 No.6625570 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone in the world/your country is given amphetamines and is forced to read a book of your choosing in one sitting. With one hour left in the book, they are given a large dose of LSD.

What book do you choose and what is the result for society?

>> No.6625577


>> No.6625579

The Bible

A Holy Kingdom

>> No.6625590

Do these interact in a bad way?

Oh my.

>> No.6625600
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Gravity's Rainbow

Result is pic related

>> No.6625621

Beer banana breakfast?

>> No.6625629

Naked Lunch, a violent anarchic fuck party.

>> No.6625633

As a rule of thumb it's one of, if not the worst combination of popular drugs that I am aware of.

>> No.6625639

try tripping acid when your in the comedown and see what happens. You're gonna have a bad time. Also Amphetamines don't really make me personally read that much faster. I also retain less information.

>> No.6625656
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This one, the results will be interesting.

>> No.6625688

Would there be a better drug to replace it with? Some to basically make them smarter for a few hours?

>> No.6625696

I read The Crying of Lot 49 one night on meth in college. Recommend.

>> No.6625705

>happily longer

>> No.6625713

That shit takes an hour to kick in ya nig.

>> No.6625726


>> No.6625728

Ritalin probably.

>> No.6625752

Can you even read on LSD? Pretty sure the words would just jump off the page.

>> No.6625757

Strange, I feel very scatterbrained on ritalin.

What book do you choose

>> No.6625768

I timed it so it kicks in right when they finish the book

>> No.6625849

The entirety of Aesop's fables. Egoism is decreased, my country becomes more productive and politicians either change their ways or take advantage of the extra spooked populace.

>> No.6625867

I already chose back in >>6625600

>> No.6626296

nigga r u telling me youve never candy flipped? mdma and lsd is like the best motherfucking wombo combo

>> No.6626327

Just because amphetamine is written in mdma doesn't mean it's mechanism of action is even a little bit related to true amphetamines. It is only in its chemical structure. Read a fucking book

>> No.6626366


> true amphetamines

nice scotsman. eat my dick

>> No.6626375

Took Ritalin and read this in one sitting at my school library, it was good

>> No.6626406

I'm sure you know what I mean but my English isn't very good.

>> No.6626442
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"i had a bad time" or "my friend had a bad time" does not mean "you're gonna have a bad time"
is it a meme to invoke NTS whenever anyone uses "true" as a qualifier now?
mdma is of the amphetamine class, of which amphetamine acts as a parent compound

>> No.6626443

The Ego And Its Own
everyone becomes spooks

>> No.6626448

you are the worst tripfag

>> No.6626458

Ritalin is basically an amphetamine.

>> No.6626481

Probably A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6626807
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Or maybe 120 days

>> No.6626821

Old Man and The Sea lel

nothing happens, a few people read hemmingway for the first time, fewer take long enough for the lsd to kick in whilst reading and those who do are just moved by the lsd not the book. mostly the result is just minor annoyance that people were forcibly drugged, but in a week's time they get over it.

>> No.6626874

But also the sexiest.

>> No.6626929

Force to make the whole world to read a book? Yes. Illuminatus Trilogy. Might make the ending make sense. And it's long. Damn long. Haha. It's not as sadistic as the Bible, but not as retarded a choice either. I'd tack Ecclesiastes on in there in the middle of Leviathan somewhere and be done with it.

>> No.6627123

Why not specify MDMA in the OP? It's pretty much the last amphetamine that would come to mind.

>> No.6627223

The Castle

>nobody finishes it

>> No.6627226

Was about to post this.

>> No.6627311

Probably Brave New World or Nineteen Eighty Four.
Result for society you can imagine for yourself, it probably involves large numbers of fedoras.

>> No.6627349

MDMA is actually extremely effective at helping people to become more compassionate and understanding, which is a big obstacle in the dichotomy of right/left politics.

When you're on MDMA in a club where the majority of people are also on the drug, everyone is acutely aware of everybody else (someone accidentally stepped on my shoes and spent the next 10 minutes apologizing). Compared with clubs where everybody is drunk, where fights usually break out constantly (plus the level of aggression that is in the air).

Researchers are starting to look further into the therapeutic benefits of the drug too.

>> No.6627359


keep the drugs

>> No.6627379

120 days of sodom. Lots of rape.

Also a ton of old people, children and overweight die from the strain on their heart. All pregnant woman miscarry from the lsd. Some people enter psychosis from the amph lsd combo. Those with mental health issues have a shit time.

>> No.6627385

illuminatus obviously
result being revolution, loud music and people fucking in the street.
life would be so without cash

>> No.6627390

mdma is not at all like amphetamine although its chemically related

>> No.6627397


>> No.6627402

>OP comes up with a really interesting thread idea
>faggots derail it with "muh drugs experience u cant do that lmao"

it's like you people don't even want interesting discussions

>> No.6627409

>le /r/writingprompts

>> No.6627417

>c'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas le guerre
it's magnificent, there's no need for war?

>> No.6627418

But that isn't what amphetamines are.

>> No.6627419

It isn't an interesting idea. These are stereotypical 'Le Ebin DrugMeme Books.' Illuminatus!, VALIS, and the Bible are basically the Le Ebin DrugMeme trilogy.

>> No.6627478

and therefore VALIS. Illuminatus! and the bible have to be discarded- because drugs are a mere peripheral smack of human culture
read again pleb

>> No.6627484

That isn't my point. My point is that a thread about drugs and books isn't necessarily an interesting thread. This one really isn't and it's basically failed to elevate itself above other threads about drugs and books.

>> No.6627489

I took that combination once, I just got really, really angry at the presenters on Britain's Got Talent.

>> No.6627494

because YOU didn't participate

>> No.6627509

No, because it has the kind of OP who doesn't know anything about drugs (saying 'amphetamine' while meaning 'MDMA' indicates a lack of street smarts and experience at the very least, as well as knowledge of drug culture in general) but tries to be interesting by talking about drugs. These threads aren't interesting. Threads about PKD's theology would be interesting.

>> No.6627518

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) is AN amphetamine. What did you think the A stood for? You're wrong, chucklefuck.

>> No.6627534

Again, that isn't what people who use MDMA call it. The number of people ITT objecting to your use of the term is all the proof you need that your thread sucks.

>> No.6627539

I'm not OP. You're right. But people don't call it MDMA much either. Maybe MD, mandy, or molly, or just E. No-one calls amphetamines amphetamines either. Speed, Billy Wizz... well not many other names for that but still. I don't see in the OP post where it says that he's talking about MDMA but maybe he fucked it up in the thread, I can't be bothered to read it a..

>> No.6627568

He fucked it up in the OP, he meant MDMA. In >>6626296 he refers to candy-flipping. Unless that also isn't OP.

>> No.6627572

Based on the lack of capitalisation and word choice that's probably not the OP. I could be wrong but it seems an odd assumption for you to make.

>> No.6627622

That's not the point. OP said amphetamines. When you say amphetamines people will think you mean fucking speed, not MDMA.

>> No.6627630


Society of the Spectacle

>> No.6628521

it's great, but it's not a war

>> No.6628609

>implying the book isn't more moving than any drug can ever be

Old man and the sea was a tearjerker

>> No.6628612

Moby dick, everyone would run around seeing whales and trying to hunt them and tripping over each other

>> No.6628629

>All pregnant woman miscarry from the lsd.

>> No.6628633

Infinite Jest

People are really confused

>> No.6628648

This. Holy fuck you guys, the logistics of it shouldn't matter. It's the idea

>> No.6628656
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>Actuality is the unity, become immediate, of essence with existence, or of inward with outward.
-Hegel, the Doctrine of Essence, Actuality

:-/ you tried.

>> No.6628961

You fucking retard. I am the OP and never did I mention MDMA. I take ritalin, (not an amphetamine, but similar effects) and the point of the thread was what would happen if everyone understood the ideas of one book.

>> No.6629384
