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File: 299 KB, 673x669, 1429904200644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6623880 No.6623880 [Reply] [Original]

Orthodox = rockists
Catholic = mainstream
Protestant = hipsters

>> No.6623885

What about Anglo-Catholics?

>> No.6623897

Post-ironic mainstream fans
Taylor Swift fans of /mu/

>> No.6623932

>implying that's not just poptimist scum

>> No.6623944

What is a rockist

>> No.6623951
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At least hipsters have some interest in art and pleasure. Protestants are the least fun people on the planet, it's not even fair to hipster scum to compare them to Baptist fuccbois

>> No.6623957
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Accurate tbh.

>> No.6623961
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>> No.6623963

atheist = ?

>> No.6623969

Wouldn't Orthodox, by definition be mainstream?

>> No.6623970
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There's nothing ironic about the fact that 1989 is THE album of the year

>> No.6623975

Except Anglo-Catholics are traditional than even Roman Catholics are in a lot of ways. Certainly not as traditional as Eastern Orthodox, but Eastern Orthodox theology has influenced radical orthodoxy, which is mainly an Anglo-Catholic movement, though it is gathering some steam among reformed Christians who think Protestantism went way overboard.

Protestants are actually most often the worst when they care about fun. Consider contemporary worship.

High Church Protestants aren't so bad

>> No.6623977
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>> No.6623983
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Philosophical atheists - electronic music fans
New atheists - white hip hop fans

I see your point; change mainstream to pop then.

>> No.6623984
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Don't hate.


>> No.6623988

No, because he's drawing a parallel between being orthodox and the being "authentic" creed of the rockists.

But anyway, he obviously means the Eastern Orthodox Church, who are not mainstream except in their home turf.

>> No.6623992
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Contemp worship is the most disgusting thing to arise from Protestantism. I've heard awful Avenged Sevenfold clones, U2 ripoffs, and the same fucking "I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever" song that has been on the radio for the past couple decades. I hope the 'artists' are ashamed of themselves for stooping to such a level and dishonoring God with their tripe.

I also believe Vatican II was a terrible mistake on behalf of contemporary Catholic music. It's just as shitty, but thankfully there aren't very many Catholic radio stations to shill their shit.

>> No.6623997

Luther would hate that, he was far more orthodox than most Protestants today. He supported the Hail Mary.

Here is what a Lutheran Mass sounded like back in the day

>> No.6623999
File: 1.38 MB, 2848x2136, Honest Faith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624011

There's some decent contemporary Catholic music

This an Anglican choir, but the song is contemporary Catholic

But I do agree. I'm just getting into the whole radical orthodoxy may may, but I love Milbank's idea of aesthetics being vital to organized worship.

>> No.6624019
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>> No.6624022
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>upside down satan trips
>bible verses across the intro that's unbearably long
>blurry images of scenic areas with crosses on them
>horrible fonting


>> No.6624033
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>> No.6624044
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Kill it with fire.

>> No.6624046
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>> No.6624122

As a Protestant, I can confirm that the music is awful. My husband and I sneak in late every Sunday to try to spare ourselves of it. Part of the problem is that our worship director is this really fat, right out of college, girl in her early 20s and we're very obviously her first job. She has her also fat husband up there who can't sing worth a lick. She's always throwing new songs in, so the church is constantly lost. The choir is all but dismantled (choirs have always been the best part of church music to me). I can constantly feel myself cringing because of they try to make everything "cool". I've always had a problem with contemporary Christian songs, but these are so unbelievably bad. Literally the worst I've heard.

We only stay because of the pastor (we love him that much). I usually walk in there cringing and hating the place but by the end of his sermon I'm okay with it again. Also my husband's been there for 17 years, so he's grown an attachment, even though he says it's nothing like it used to be.

>> No.6624143
File: 110 KB, 800x1006, Sassoferrato_-_Jungfrun_i_bön_Madonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the classic





>> No.6624145
File: 139 KB, 475x472, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Kali goddess worshippers?

>> No.6624150

>loving your pastor more than God

>> No.6624177

Sounds like you should volunteer with the music ministry. I am sure they could use someone with your passion.

>> No.6624185

That's the other reason. We don't feel God directing us to any other church. (I'm probably the only one out of the two of us who has been praying for a new church, though. But to be fair I've been going there less than a year and he's gone there 17 years, so he feels a sense of loyalty to it I can't understand.)

>> No.6624186

Orthodox faith is trve faith


>> No.6624188

The school they played at the Catholic church attached to my high school was fucking awful. It sounded like some shit a super religious Protestant family would play while having a picnic at a park. The dad strumming on his acoustic guitar and the mom playing the tambourine while two shitty kids sing shit tier lyrics.

>> No.6624191

I've thought about it, but they probably wouldn't listen to me. Plus I don't sing.

>> No.6624193

>The school they played

The music they played**************

>> No.6624195

kvlt as fvg

>> No.6624199

I didn't even know Catholic churches had any music.

>> No.6624200

It sounds like it is something that is really important to you and it's always great to learn a new talent.

>> No.6624215

why is this song so based!?!?!