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/lit/ - Literature

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6622664 No.6622664 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you go on a kindle store binge and suddenly $100 is gone

t-thanks amazon

>> No.6622665

>paying for e-books

>> No.6622668

>not paying for e-books

>> No.6622671

And you know what the worst part is? You're not going to read half those books.

>> No.6622676
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>sweatshop enabling

>> No.6622683

>>not paying for e-books

>> No.6622685

>he says while typing on his equally morally corrupt computer or phone

At least I'm gaining knowledge, what's your excuse

>> No.6622692

>tfw go on a digital consumption binge and suddenly 14gb of Kobu's storage is gone

t-thanks freedom

>> No.6622695


That place looks like it has decent working conditions. My granddad definitely had to endure worse.

Do leftists really prefer these people be unemployed?

>> No.6622697

>paying for ebooks

>> No.6622698

>not pirating

>> No.6622705

>paying for e-books

>not paying for e-books


>> No.6622713
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>paying for ebooks

>> No.6622749

I'm shitposting for a better tomorrow.
nobody gives a shit about your granddad

>> No.6622760


Why do you hate black people?

>> No.6622774

What? I have no explicit feelings for black people one way or another

>> No.6622786

Suppressed hatred. Why do you have no feelings for black people?

>> No.6622796

Because I rarely interact with them in day-to-day life, as I currently live in Thailand. The human factor just isn't there

>> No.6622800
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>paying for ebooks

>> No.6622804

I can tell you why I hate them if you'd like anon.

>> No.6622828
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>tfw you're the type of person that gets in a taxicab and says "the library, and step on it"

>> No.6622832

This thread broke my head in 5 seconds.

>> No.6622841
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>tfw you get there and all you do is browse /lit/ all day

>> No.6622843

rub your balls with your fingers and sell them
do it now

>> No.6622848

That feel, man.

I've -3000€ on my bank and it's all books.
It's not as bad as it sounds, as I have a job and this debt is quickly removed, but I do intend to save. Instead I binge buy books and while I read a lot I'd lie if I told you I read half of the books I own.

>> No.6622851

Yes. And;
>DFW it's hurting my eyes irreparably

>> No.6622854

>tfw the primary reason why you make money is to buy more books

I'm pathetic

>> No.6622860

you might be retarded (just a friendly heads up)

>> No.6622867


Why would you bulk buy books?

>> No.6623382

Books by the foot nigga. I went with their half a mile deal.

>> No.6623396

* sorry, I meant E-Booms *

>> No.6624495

Should I get a Kindle Paperwhite or a Kindle Voyage?

I'm getting one of them.

>> No.6624524

How do you even do that?
You can usually get like 20 books for 3 bucks if you dig and lurk around for bargains and e-book bind ups. I've never paid more than 3 bucks for the collected works of most writers (including Proust).

>> No.6624552

Voyage only if you can find it for the same price as a paperwhite. Voyage isn't much of an upgrade and paperwhite is incredible to begin with.

>> No.6624588

Those of you with e-readers:
What do you have?
Do you recommend it?
Do you buy or pirate books?
Have you found yourself reading more books since you got it, or does the large library at your fingertips cause you to jump around and get distracted?

>> No.6624595

what books did you buy m80

>> No.6624596

I've never been a fan of physical books because they strain my eyes from the small print and I hate the way the pages feel. Having ebooks has made me actually read when I never did in the past

>> No.6624611

where do you download your books from?

>> No.6624619

I just google "bookname".mobi
There's usually a few download pages that show up

>> No.6624621

1. this
2. this
3. this
4. almost

>> No.6624639

Those of you with e-readers:
>What do you have?
>Do you recommend it?
I got a sturdy outdated one they don't make anymore, but the Nook Glow looks cool.
>Do you buy or pirate books?
Only pirate from dead writers who's works aren't yet in Public Domain (morals).
>Have you found yourself reading more books since you got it, or does the large library at your fingertips cause you to jump around and get distracted?
I jump around with physical books too, I just now have a much bigger library.

>> No.6624654

we have no idea who your grandpa is or did

>> No.6624672
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"Who is 'he'?"

>> No.6624719
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Rooted Nook, $30 new on eBay


Only idiots pay for digital public-access media

My total reading consumption has probably dropped, but I've diversified my interests thanks to the ease of acquisition

>> No.6624752

just went on an epub binge as well. except all free. downloaded a bunch of french literature to practice reading and kobo has a built in dictionary which is useful.
i'll probably end up getting fed up cause they're beyond my reading level.