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6621913 No.6621913 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading Nietzsche for a few months now.

All memes aside, holy fucking shit, it is almost frightening how smart he is.

>> No.6621919

Where do I start with Nietschschze?

>> No.6621922

Beyond Good and Evil

i hope you've read kant and schopenhauer

>> No.6621924

Nietzsche never read Kant, his conception of Kant is through Schopenhauer's interpretation

>> No.6621930

Why do you think he is smart?

>> No.6621938

well do the other interpretations differ with respect to the issues of a priori moral values in kants work?

>> No.6621947

Nietzsche recommends you read chronologically through his works.

I recommend reading Homer before him, because all of his work is so entrenched in it.

>> No.6621952


>> No.6621967

Nietzsche read parts of Kant, but yes, his stance on Kant is similar to Schopenhauer.

He never read Hegel.

>> No.6621968
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He possessed great psychological acuity, to be sure

Papa Siggy credited him as having more penetrating knowledge of himself than any man who ever lived or was likely to live, which coming from him is a nice compliment

>> No.6621983

Tbh it doesn't really matter. Just remember that all his works are connected to one another.

On the Genealogy of Morals is probably his most highly regarded work.

>> No.6622059

>On the Genealogy of Morals is probably his most highly regarded work.
Because it's his only work that deals with something that isn't abstract garbage.

>> No.6622075

I read both Schopenhauer and Kant post-Nietzsche and I didn't miss that much. A brief introduction would suffice, at least reading Schopenhauer's key essays his highly recommendable.

>> No.6622094

Le contrarian face XD

>> No.6622098

How is that contrarian? That is the view of the majority of university philosophy departments.

>> No.6622103

Prove to me that is factual

>> No.6622107

Schacht, Richard, ed. Nietzsche, Genealogy, Morality: Essays on Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

>> No.6622111

Give me the portion of the text that supports what you have claimed.

I'm not going to read a whole article when you can just as easily show me the specific portion of the text.

>> No.6622113

Nietzsche's dead, dude

>> No.6622126

>I'm not going to read a whole article
Why? Is it too hard for you?

>> No.6622141

I am not going to waste my time reading it unless you give me the specific portion of the text that supports what you have claimed.

If you fail to do this in the next reply I will stop responding to you.

>> No.6622146

>waste my time
This board is not for you.

>> No.6622176

>I demand to be spoonfed everything because my ADD-riddled brain can't support the idea I might have to actually research something myself

Eat too much Play-Doh in school yesterday, kiddo?

>> No.6622178

He looks like a walrus.

>> No.6622186

You have nothing to back your position with, fucking childish morons!

>> No.6622192

Please don't use ad hominems on an intellectual website.

>> No.6622195
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The citation was provided. Your inability to comprehend that the responsibility is yours to read it means this was a fight you were destined to lose from the start.

>> No.6622197

Will I still enjoy Nietzsche if I'm a nationalist?

I don't mind reading works that explain reasons for opposite opinions, but I'd rather not have to drudge through a lot of reading that I clearly won't agree with. For nationalism, I'm already set on it for lengthy reasons, but I still want to hear what this guy has to say.

>> No.6622199

You're the child here, I'm afraid. Is your shitposting time too precious to 'waste' on actually learning something?

>> No.6622200

A good nationalist or a bad nationalist?

>> No.6622203

A national socialist.

>> No.6622210

You'll find Nietzsche offensive to your sensibilities for illustrating concepts far above and beyond your cognitive abilities. Just hang yourself, you disgusting reactionary.

>> No.6622215

>durr my opinion > yours xd

>> No.6622221

Natsocs are reactionary now?

>> No.6622232

I’m not going to read an entire book, hoping you were telling the truth.
You could just as well have given me a random source, intended to just watse my time!!
No, you are the childish one! Give me a good source you baby!

>> No.6622239

>Give me a good source you baby!
That is a good source, stop being a kid and learn to read.

>> No.6622291

>intellectual website

>> No.6622294

That was not me. Why the fuck do people ride on others posts?

>> No.6622301

>taking that post seriously

Are you autistic? Serious question.

>> No.6622307

>being kid
>learning to read
du u eveen fiink of dee reedn as a hoot wha hah

>> No.6622309

You sound quite upset, explain why.

>> No.6622310

>someone asked me to stop using ad hominems
>I would look so cool if I used one XD

>> No.6622321

Confirmed severely autistic.

>> No.6622327

Because I hate stupid kids like you, ruining /lit with your pseudo-intellects. Go back to /b/ child

>> No.6622336

So being a nationalist is pseudo-intellectualism?

Go back to circle jerking in the Marx threads.

>> No.6622357

How can you segregate human beings because of the places they are born.

>> No.6622400

He is actually an imperialist, since Empires cause nationalists to rebel, which brings blood and glory. So, yes if you are a nationalist because you want to be liked and worshipped, he'd want you to be a nationalist.

>> No.6622412

>I am a rapebaby
Most of us were born to parents that consented to each other, it wasn't a random thing. You are probably ameritrash and were born into some drama-tier setting like I see on your TV shows.

>> No.6622415

The answer to this question for basically every writer is publication order. Now stop asking it.

>> No.6622432

>watching american television
Now we know why you're a nationalist.
How does Rupert Murdoch's alien sperm feel in your mind-ass?

>> No.6622441

Different peoples have different needs and desires. The larger/more diverse a community is, more internal struggles will be present. This also applies to race, I don't believe that different races can live with each other in total harmony. Different brain structures, cultural influences, distrust, and other factors.

Being proud of your people and country inspires you to further help your community and work towards the mutual benefit of everyone instead of just yourself without having to cripple everybody with Marxian economics. Everybody will be on the same page and you won't have to live in a country tearing itself apart by hosting such a diverse community.

People are different, want to kill each other, and will fight for what they believe in. This has always happened and will always happen, no matter how much you try to push your impossible and ill-informed utopia.

Call me /pol/, but I believe that a similar religion, tradition, and race will bring people as close together as they can be and create the most prosperous nations.

I just got home from work and I'm going to bed soon, so if you have any more rage induced replies, get them in quick.

>> No.6622448

>implying americunts aren't just like their television stereotypes, including their Internet Kultur

My cousin is coming tommorow from California and she dumber every time I see her, fatter also.

>> No.6622455

>Difference brain structures
Oh dear. How's your cotton picking business going.
People like you are the reason people distrust each other.
which country m80

Okay so you basically concede we are all beasts that will kill each other regardless, and therefore should be unabated in our occasional unstoppable slaughter ye?

>> No.6622459

>Okay so you basically concede we are all beasts that will kill each other regardless, and therefore should be unabated in our occasional unstoppable slaughter ye?
Not him, but of course. You've read chapter 30 of The Leviathan?

>> No.6622460

it's like they are never taught geography in school. they just don't know about other countries

>> No.6622470

yeah love that movie

>> No.6622474


>> No.6622483

My mother has been telling her this since she came back the first time. I also was a victim of american public education and that's the reason when I came back I was already a /lit/ and lost my love for Math.

>> No.6622501

I've been thinking about this recently too and I think he certainly wasn't smart he seems to be a social retard and "most" of his critisism can be applied to himself.
But he was an incredibly sharp analytic and critic of things that didnt apply to himself.

>> No.6622523

Okay thanks

>> No.6622528

There's an obvious reason why we kill each other. Individual moral rules can be abided and temptations rejected, but the power of the will and our aggressive natures will forever be in us.

Maybe I don't trust other cultures because when people of big difference invade (The proper term for immigrate), they don't attempt to assimilate to our culture, but change it to ways we don't want or need. While someone has to take the blame, they should be able to be happy in their own home with their own ways with people that understand them. I'm not inclined to trust someone that looks completely different, drags hundreds of loud kids beside my house that they're not willing to teach manners to, screams and beats their wives relentlessly, and doesn't have the similar brain structure in order for us to work together as efficiently and peacefully as possible. Keep in mind, I'm not saying that people of the same race can't disagree or fight, but we're less likely to.

Before you slap some greentext on the screen, lots of my friends are not of my race. I feel that Asians and Whites can get along for the most part, but not with Indians, Aboriginals, Africans, etc. They don't share the same values as us. We may speak, but part ways.

I keep this mindset both from thought and experience.

I hope you know that with your mindset, you will not survive. You're the kind to accept your own execution with a smile on your face which is incredibly pathetic.

Also, my cotton picking business is going well, thank you.

>> No.6622588

First off, you offer fore-play with human nature. We fight each other and kill each other, to evolve. Like bacteria the weakest of us die, correct? Through war, we determine the strongest of our species. But invasion also evolves us. By inter-breeding with other species, our genes become more diverse and strengthen our offspring etc. You are old and afraid in mind, if you are worried of invasion. If you have doubts in the strength of your race, why support them. Why cling to the small strand of identity you have in this life. What's the point? And what is our culture but an amalgamation of previous cultures. You will never be able to protect your darling culture, but it is but a figment of your imagination. And like a biscuit in warm tea, it will dissolve, leaving you gormlessly fingering the remainder of your beverage in some vain attempt at rekindling that lost comfort.
With your mindset what is the point in surviving?
It depends on my execution. If I have the power to be able to face death smiling, either I am pretending or I am mad, right? It's easy to come to terms with our lack of understanding, but life was never intended to be easy.
Intellectually, you sit in your favourite ol' chair. And it's real comfy and nice, but too much sitting down gives you haemorrhoids

>> No.6622590

it is but*
proof-reading 4 try-hards

>> No.6622599

Also, you insinuate you would face your death, what, unsmiling? Gonna frown so hard, your bonds are broken by the flames of indignation?

>> No.6622732

>. By inter-breeding with other species, our genes become more diverse and strengthen our offspring etc

This is objectively incorrect incorrect. Race mixing has been proven to provoke bulling which causes the individual to develop mental issues (not including the higher chance of mental issues at birth), and even without bullying most mixed race children choose to identify as only one race. They crave an identity, which a nationalistic place can offer especially if it's anti-immigration. Less connection with the people around them will weaken them mentally.

>If you have doubts in the strength of your race, why support them
I don't doubt the strength of it, but I still have the right and will to add to that strength. You're the "Good enough" kind of guy, a bad mindset when near-perfection is achievable.

> Why cling to the small strand of identity you have in this life. What's the point?

Learn to spirituality. Once you're past your teens you'll get over this nihilism stage. Why build a house if you're just going to die? Why post on 4chan if you're just going to perish? Get a grip.

>You will never be able to protect your darling culture

You're starting to sound like a fucking Disney villain. Cultures have been defended since the beginning of time successfully and they always will be. You seem to believe that any effort won't make any sort of change in the future even though any act of human inspired changed will cause a major effect.

>but it is but a figment of your imagination
Oh absolutely. All of this passion, love and contact is all just a head game. I'll check myself into the nearest hospital for my now apparent schizophrenia, thank you for awakening me.

>Intellectually, you sit in your favourite ol' chair. And it's real comfy and nice

I guarantee my intellectual stance is less comfortable than yours. You sit safely in the cage of socialism and if you want to be a slave to someone else with your freedoms sapped, be my guest.

>but too much sitting down gives you haemorrhoids

Please never write again, you're embarrassing yourself.

Also, I'm going to bed like I mentioned in my other post.

Good luck achieving anything, you're going to need it.

>> No.6622836

Quick! Someone give me a brief summary on what Schopenhauer was all about.

>> No.6623173

Okay, this response is based purely on retard juice. Hurr Durr some people with parents from different origins get bullied at school. Guess what, anyone can get bullied at school for anything. (You probably know this already though, don't we, fatboy). Imagined constraints do not serve as a valid argument. Sure, they might be bullied because they're different, but they might not be. Barack Obama is mixed race and is the president of the US. You are literally just embarrassing yourself with this attempt at how 2 psychology
>I don't doubt the strength of it, but I still have the right and will to add to that strength.
shitposting on 4chan does not contribute to your race.
>You're the "Good enough" kind of guy
vague edge statements like this are redundant. You have nothing of interest to say, so you project attributes onto me, that you feel are negative. Consequently the opposite of everything you use to describe me, you feel perfectly describes yourself. This is wrong, if you were the perfectionist you imagine you are, you might look up some studies that support your argument that "inter-breeding always mentally lacerates children". However, this would have been difficult for you, as that is retarded.
>Learn to spirituality.
Already this is daft. Again ad hominem, culminating in questions that you pretend to know the answer too but then you have left unanswered, presumably to stop us mere mortals and our tiny minds from exploding?
>You're starting to sound like a fucking Disney villain
Oh boy. Have I pushed your buttons? Have a seat if your bum hurts. Also this point is incredibly wrong. you say:
>since the beginning of time
well, how? Which ones? What about Celtic or Roman culture? Do we still touch little boys like the ancient Greeks? I love reading about how the Britons used to delight in a Cheeky Nandos in history books. What are you even talking about. Give me examples here.
>All of this passion, love and contact is all just a head game
Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour my friend! Unfortunately you are partly doubting yourself now because your ideals are composed of cellophane. Sorry if this is hurting friend.
>I guarantee my intellectual stance is less comfortable than yours.
Nope. Not socialist. This is what we talked about earlier. In my opposition you imagine I am your opposite. You consider yourself a nationalist, so it would follow you presume me a filthy socialist! Your immaturity is rearing its neatly combed little head and like an ancient Greek I am salivating at the thought of fondling it.
>Please never write again, you're embarrassing yourself.
In conclusion, you think you're intelligent. You seem to have such security in your stupid assumptions and ideals it has given you the silly notion that you know what you're talking about.

>> No.6623185

Sleep well my little chum. I suppose it's time to have a lie down. All that thinking about things, might have caused a rush of blood to your head, eh bud? Better not exert yourself too much

>> No.6623189


yes, this and his old essays when he didn't had his pompous prose always critiquing everything in the lenses of strength and weakness (without even saying for what reason or for who).

>> No.6623201


>le nationalism with liberalism economics meme

holy shit

>> No.6623216


By reading don quixote and laughing at him

just laugh at him

>> No.6623233

>By inter-breeding with other species
Get out, sheepfucker

>> No.6623394

Who else shits on traditions and happily rejects parts of their culture for better replacements?
It just doesn't make sense to me to identify with being 'German' or to be 'proud' of being born here. The culture I was brought up in is just a little point on an ever changing and developing line. Why hold onto it and live in the past? What inherent value does 'culture' have?

>> No.6625117

>Hi, I'm reddit, nice to meet you

>> No.6625156

he can't be that smart then can he?

>> No.6625158

Get the Viking Portable Nietzsche and Kaufmann's "Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist" as a secondary source.

>> No.6625256
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Not that guy but first of all I just want to let both of you know that your rhetoric is absolutely terrible, no, really, it's very cringeworthy to read actually.

Second, it seemed to me like your responses were there just for the sake of being contrarian, given the premise of this board. I honestly can't fathom anyone who's got any brains on their shoulders to encourage race mixing. Ironically, when you spoke about evolution, have you thought about recessive genes? It's not very evolutionary for a species to breed with another species and spawn offspring with the dominant recessive genes given from race mixing two different species. Maybe if you took the time to learn 101 biology instead of 101 sociology you'd understand that nothing of value can be gained by doing this and all of the backlash and negative reaction is actually perfectly natural. It is within the human instinct to judge these kinds of things so easily. The same reaction that is being taught to be frowned upon by specific groups is counter-evolutionary and has nothing to do with it at all. Race-mixing is unnatural and will be unnatural until we reach the point of culmination where there are no more races and our individuality and culture will be molded into one. For many, that's the future they think will usher a new era of utopian harmony, it won't.

>> No.6625275


Friendly reminder that Schopenhauer's interpretation of Kant is the only correct one.

>> No.6625281
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>reading Kaufmann or Kaufmann's translations of Nietzsche

>> No.6625341

Who else's besides Kaufmann? Those new Stanford ones aren't very good, plus keeping to N.'s style is essential wheres those Stanford ones completely downplay it in favor of accuracy, and they don't even get that right.

>> No.6625403

>implying there are good nationalists

>> No.6625423

What's wrong with the Kaufmann translations? I've heard this complaint before, is it a meme?

>> No.6625443

Ignore him, Kauffman is fine.

>> No.6625451
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>I hate my own heritage and culture

>> No.6625457

ive heard that he whitewashes nietzsche, but dont know much more than that

>> No.6625484


Kaufmann is a decent translator, but Hollingdale is superior.

He inserts these obnoxious little comments in the text under all Nietzsche's controversial sections. He also doesn't have the ear for phonetics that Hollingale does and there are a lot of repeated sounds in his translation. Kaufmann also believed parts of Nietzsche's books should have been suppressed or removed.

Read Hollingdale. Only book you have to put up with Kaufmann for is The Gay Science. He was raving Christian and ressetiment pervades his interpretation of Nietzsche. He was also a lifelong university professor, which makes his integrity seriously suspect.

Hollingdale on the other hand was a solider and lived a much more robust life.

>> No.6625538


Papa Siggy?

>> No.6625544

Everything is will. Will is bad. You should kill yourself.

>> No.6625554


you're a fucking idiot who has never read Schopenhauer

>> No.6625556

What was wrng about what I said?

>> No.6625586


Failed to acknowledge Schopenhauer's double aspect theory. World is, on the one hand, through and through representation; on the other, it is through and through wille.

Spurious interpretations of the wille as a concept. Wille itself is not bad or evil; Schopenhauer's pessimism is rooted in the universe being an inherently irrational, deficient place.

Schopenhauer never preached suicide. He merely thought it was wrong to condemn it.

>> No.6625686

Sigmund Freud

>British Journal of Psychiatry: "Ernest Jones, a close friend and dedicated follower of Freud, recalls that Freud told him in conversation about that time [i.e. 1908] that Nietzsche was one of the 'authentically great men of all time' and that 'Nietzsche developed a more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived.'"

>> No.6625730

Where is the source for this?

>> No.6625772


That's hardly surprising, seeing as all of Freud's good ideas were plagiarized either from Schopenhauer or Nietzsche

>> No.6626205

>I'm antisocial: the post

>> No.6626244

I started reading him recently. I'm nearing the end of The Gay Science. It's kind of funny how much of a fetish he has for Greek culture. And he is pretty perceptive.

>> No.6626246

He did read Kant, one of his Biographers found that he had in his library almost the complete works of Kant (some of the works where even in two different editions) and also they had annotations in everysingle one of them. Truth be told, even if he read Kant he misinterpret a lot (some say that he didn´t really but give a misconception of Kant in his writtings on purpose)

>> No.6626251

Indeed, my good sir.

>> No.6626259

>what inherent value does 'culture' have?

None. Culture is just the temporary way that a group of people will entertain and organize themselves for a given period of time.

This is the primary problem with traditionalists and reactionaries, they don't understand that what they're fighting to preserve is always going to be replaced eventually.

>> No.6626264
File: 51 KB, 499x499, pepeisdeadandwekilledhim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we killed him?

>ad hominems
>Taliking about Friedrich master of adhominems Nietzsche

>> No.6626265

Possibly they would have asked the same question? Instead you shitpost and still don't answer. Crikey you're a faggot and I hope you don't post anymore

>> No.6626274

If you tergiverse his pespectives, probably.

>> No.6626289

>Implying breeding isnt a mistake.

>> No.6626302
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>> No.6626315

You represent what you see, feel, (everything in the principle of sufficient reason), holy shit will is the cause of everything, but will it's not part of the principle of sufficient reason, holy shit we represent the phenomenons of Will, Will is bad it's constantly working against itself, you should kill yourself. BUT WAIT! Art is good, art it's pure representation! YAY PLATONIC IDEAS!

read the philosopher for fucks sake.

>> No.6626323

underrated post

>> No.6626342

That's not what nationalism you dumb leftist, nationalism is the celebration and preservation of culture and history.

>> No.6626793

>nationalism is celebration


>> No.6626900

Sure, if your idea of 'celebration' is curb-stomping ethnics.

>> No.6626923

>other countries
>implying we care about your irrelevant "country"

>> No.6626941

Well done, you proved his point.

>> No.6626965

>The guy who contradicts himself and bases the entirety of his philosophy on baseless subjectivity
You haven't read anyone else's work, have you OP?

>> No.6627018


>I don't understand his presto technique but I'm bored and want to posture a bit

no worries m8 shitpost away

>> No.6627043

You're right, I should have refuted his childish platitudes with a syllogism. Are you retarded?

>> No.6627209

It's quite annoying to see that how many of you have no clear understanding of what exactly an ad hominem is. You are a faggot. Was that an ad hominem? No. You are a faggot, thus your argument is wrong. That is an ad hominem. Insult used as an argument, not a mere insult. A mere insult is just that. It isn't an argument. Thus it isn't an ad hominem.

You should've had read your wikipedia article about logical fallacies more carefully, but then again, I don't expect much from nitpicking personality deficients whose only intellectual validation comes from being glad to point out some minor inconviniences which they've gotten wrong annyways.


>> No.6627638

Leftists are hilariously ignorant.

Even Adolf Hitler praised Japan and China, and praised them by stating that their history is greater than that of Germany.

Nationalists want people to stay where they were born, which retroactively means no interbreeding or ethnically differing citizens.

>> No.6627655

>not one debunking his post but instead just resort to fallacies

never change lit

>> No.6627661

Please circklejerk on reddit if you can't provide a decent argument against your opposition.

>> No.6627668

>what inherent value does 'culture' have.

Oh, I dont know. Maybe pretty much everything. If you consider art, values and philosophy to be largely cultural offsprings then I can't understand how you can post that culture does not have any 'inherent' value.

If anything, it is perhaps one of the few things that has inherent value

>> No.6628229

But just because cultural offsprings have inherent value, which is debatable, doesn't mean that 'culture' has. When you say that 'culture' has inherent value, do you mean all cultures? Do you mean a specific culture at a specific point in time or all cultures at all times? I'm just saying that clinging to a specific one and wanting to protect it is something I oppose, as 'culture' is subject to change.

>> No.6628257

Speaking plainly if you feel that a certain culture is representative of the things you like in this world then it would be obvious to defend it. Someone who values Christian culture doesn't wish to see it changed to an Islamic culture, in plain terms.

Culture has inherent value to those who get value from it. Ofcourse, culture 'evolves' all the time but it does so in an existing paradigm. Those who wish to see their culture defended and uphold simply want to maintain the cultural paradigm that gives joy and meaning to them.

>> No.6630095

Read him more and you'll realize he isn't smart, he is in fact the smartest human being to ever live, the highest achievable rung on the ladder of human intelligence.

>> No.6630123


*tips fedora*

>> No.6630633

Nietzsche wanted a warrior aristocracy you filthy jacobin

>> No.6631255

>saying blatantly incorrect and contradictory things is a technique
and I'm the shitposter

>> No.6631265

start with the greeks tbh

>> No.6631299

I'd start with the Bible then move onto the Greeks for a full understanding

>> No.6631330

>He inserts these obnoxious little comments in the text under all Nietzsche's controversial sections.
God, reading Kaufmann's translation of Beyond Good & Evil and the little footnotes get pretty annoying. In section 238 of "Our Virtues," for example, Nietzsche says something of woman being "incapable of attaining any depth" and Kaufmann includes a long fucking footnote taking roughly 1/4 the page, and beginning with the sentence "Fortunately for Nietzsche, this is surely wrong," then getting into some weird ass damage control ending with the idea that ol' Freddy is now "time-bound, dated and as shallow as what he attacked." I'm no /pol/tard or gamergate faggot, but that whole footnote put me in a foul mood

>> No.6632529

>I liek Nietezszzchsczche
please learn to spell it first.

>> No.6633180

no its not. freud was a fucking psycho and a loon.

>> No.6633188

Are you like me where you also dislike TV news and advertisements?

>> No.6633209

On the Genealogy of Morals

>> No.6633212
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*tips fedora*

>> No.6633372

> It's not very evolutionary for a species to breed with another species and spawn offspring with the dominant recessive genes given from race mixing two different species.
>implying races and species are the same thing
How's the XIX century treating you? Maybe its you the one who should pick up a biology book every once in a while

>> No.6635119

Just stop, noone can take you seriously

>> No.6635122
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>> No.6636416

With the Greeks, by which I mean Birth of Tragedy.