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/lit/ - Literature

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6621575 No.6621575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a board with a faster drop in quality than /lit/? This used to be one of the best boards and now it's below /v/ tier. Disappointing. What caused this? I saw /lit/ get semispammed on other boards for a while a few months back and now this place is broken beyond repair.

>> No.6621577

this board needs more rare pepes

>> No.6621578

I'm just on right now, but I quit even going on /lit/ a few weeks ago because i'm fucking sick of relentless christfagging, and absolutely no threads taking off/shitty threads being replied to endlessly. nobody talks about books or their contents. it's all memes, trolling and faggotry

>> No.6621580

Where did it all go so wrong? Did /pol/ come here when they got memed by moot? The posting is so similar to that shithole. Why /lit/ of all places?

>> No.6621581
File: 289 KB, 511x549, SelectAllOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like this killed /lit/

Good job OP, you absolute faggot.

>> No.6621584

moderators don't ban obvious trolling and the trolls drive out the good posters.

>> No.6621585

Some good content is hidden in those very slow threads that nobody cares to visit because most are unfamiliar with the topic or the author and thus don't even know how to shitpost.

>> No.6621588

stop having expectations

>> No.6621589

You could spend like ten minutes on here a dat to see the few good threads and go on your merry way.

>> No.6621594

>Where did it all go so wrong?


>> No.6621624

This might be true. I've seen that image posted on other boards many times and it always gets a shitload of replies. I think it definitely increased awareness of /lit/ on other boards, which isn't a good thing.

There's more memeing than ever on /lit/. We used to have a moderate level of memes but these days this place looks like [s4s]. Even old memes like DFW have really been kicked into overdrive and spammed more than they ever were. And to me that's suspicious: I don't think old posters suddenly decided to start posting an old meme more, it's that there's a newer group of posters who come here mainly to meme.

Also mods do a shitty job of enforcing the no politics rule. Sometimes I get the suspicion that there's also a group of people who come here primarily to discuss their political ideologies, and they really bring the board quality down. I'm talking about /pol/, but also about their equivalent on the left.

>> No.6621636

This thread sure is helping!

>> No.6621670
File: 117 KB, 500x149, 1422392333487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Booktuber image swarmed us with redditors. It gets reposted at least once every other week on one book subreddit or another.
They routinely slip in and muck up the place, leaving behind a few stragglers each time.
4chan used to birth memes through antics or as the ends of genuine conversation, now they're just forced. Do you think this comes from a natural development in board culture?
Unfortunately not. It's the Redditors, who up until this point had been fed demotivational posters and doge memes to their little head's content. Upon arrival, they adopt the already established trends and force them again and again.

You can watch the front page of either /r/4chan or /r/books. Every time that same fateful image reaches the front page, you can click back to /lit/ to find at least triple the prior amount of DFW-posting, SOIAF threads, and other memes that have been forced into mediocrity.

Lo, it is cancer which dealt the final blow on this fuckhole.

>> No.6621685

You can easily ignore those meme threads and wait for the good ones on say Dostoevsky or Wolfe which don't get shat up by redditors.

>> No.6621690

I still don't even know what DFW is.

>> No.6621695

it stands for
>dat face when

>> No.6621697

Dostoevsky Fedorovich Wolfe

>> No.6621708

>4chan used to birth memes through antics or as the ends of genuine conversation, now they're just forced.

Yeah, that's the other thing. Not only are there more memes, but many of them are so blatantly forced.

>> No.6621709

>why is /lit/ dropping in quality

>Sarkeesian picture

fuck off

>> No.6621714

OYEAH, what obvious bait.

>> No.6621715

Relax it's just summer, same story.

dat face when

>> No.6621720

>a general's been on and off the front page for the last two days
the beginning of the end

rip /lit/ you once were ill

>> No.6621726

You're a good tripfag, have a nice one

>> No.6621732
File: 83 KB, 338x450, foucault56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all memes are to some extent forced you nigger

>> No.6621735

It's been going on for quite some time.

>> No.6621737

I blame /tv/. The people who only use that board are probably the worst posters on this site. They think that they're above other hobbies and are part of some kind of elite because their board's shit jokes get spammed the hardest.

>> No.6621742
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>> No.6621743
File: 126 KB, 1064x245, Picture 50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has there ever been a board with a faster drop in quality than /lit/? This used to be one of the best boards
You're about five years off there, sport.

>> No.6621744

>implying that select cultural units don't travel naturally and that they're not only made abnormal when acknowledged and selectively imposed on others
Somebody hasn't read The Selfish Gene.

>> No.6621745

Mention a better community of bookworms then.
you can't

>> No.6621747

>Great Gatsby
well lucky that redditor just fucked off then

>> No.6621756

Ok guys, this has always been a nice board. This has always been the place where we could discuss things seriously when it's called for, but have some intricate memeing going on for the lulz and the occasional feel posts where people share their tfwngf bs with like minded people or the perks of being a humanities student and aspiring writer or a sellout stemfag, all fine, all fine.
The memeing was always too post-modernist for outsiders to understand, everyone with its bit of truth, but with the average person failing to draw the line or to comprehend the layers of beauty and lulz in them.
Translations, start with the greeks, he rapes his sister Phoebe, dfw no gf, stirnerposting, all cool.

But you weren't satisfied? Were you? You had to try to go and create more funny memes, DFW with funny faces, more rare Stirners, banalize Stirner's views to the point that angry teenagers can relate all too well.
Now I know it's tempting to create a meme that is funny for the layman while keeping some finesse that can still be appreciated. And I know too well that the fame is also tempting cause you are all starving for audience pussy.
But I always thought this board was patrician enough to not give in to such commonplace aspirations, I guess I was wrong.
Thanks to your weakness we now have the dankest memes and are the cool kids in this website. And one plague at time is crawling in, as if dealing with /pol/'s stupidity wasn't already too bad.

First came /r9k/ trying to catch up with the may mays. But their usual lack of understanding is actually cute and they are somewhat contained when they are not at their home, so not actually a problem, but a warning, one that you all chose to ignore.

Then came /mu/ with a bunch of people who have never read a book but has a "I'm so patrician cause I listen to Neutral Milk Asylum" mindset and intends to learn how to read by picking Ulysses or Gravity's Rainbow. Which starts to get annoying, cause instead of just picking the goddamn book, reading it and discovering how foolish they are, they have to argue all day in this board about how they surely can do that first. But you guys didn't stop anyway.

Now /soc/ cancer is here as well, congratulations, I hope you all die in hell. Thanks for the menes though, it was good while it lasted.

I'll just wait til /tv/ joins them and this board becomes /ya/ so I can leave for good while laughing at our own disgrace.

>> No.6621759
File: 64 KB, 460x255, Picture 51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faster drop in quality than /lit/?
>now it's below /v/ tier.
See? you're five years late.

>> No.6621761
File: 970 KB, 500x275, tumblr_minrmePvxm1r9g27ko1_r2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I take off this bandanna will you die, though?

>> No.6621765

>>Now /soc/ cancer is here as well, congratulations, I hope you all die in hell.
are those the ones who create '' the faces of /lit/ ?''

>> No.6621771


>layers of beauty
Close enough, I guess.

The next board to jump in the fray will be /lgbt/, mark my words. Liberal politics is already pushing it, but we're going to see a second coming.
Avatarfagging isn't any more acceptable now than it was five hours ago.
I'm just going to continue reporting you in hopes that a mod sees two of your posts consecutively and makes the connection.

>> No.6621777

Isn't /tv/ responsible for the avatarfagging? (DFW, booktubers, >>6621761)

You're pretty much right, but audience pussy is a neo-meme. That quote was known on this board for years before some crossposter found out about it and decided to make it a new epic DFW meme.

>> No.6621778

>Liberal politics is already pushing it, but we're going to see a second coming.
/lit/ was always quite liberal

I for one, can't wait for the day that /pol/shit has become so common that the 4chan contrarians all become liberals. It's bound to happen soon.

>> No.6621783

nice copypasta mate 8/10

>> No.6621784

which thread do you think of when you talk about this crossposter
i want to know, specifically

>> No.6621785

Nah, sorry I'm one of you. Just with faggotry
What do I care? This entire thread should be deleted, call the mods. Call the mods, ho.

>> No.6621787
File: 141 KB, 475x473, 054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberal politics is already pushing it

ayy die scum

>> No.6621788

Christianity is kind of hard to get out of. Things might not swing hard enough to shake them.

Also I think the contrarians are largely responding to IRL stuff more than internet politics so unless we start seeing those far right movements in Europe actually succeeding and running countries I don't see this place becoming liberal.

>> No.6621797

Let me rephrase that
New-liberals, people enforcing ambiguous pronouns, MtF book requests increasing ten fold, and useless shitflinging at anybody who has a different opinion rather than rational debate. These are the trademarks of the mentally ill board.
It'll be subtle, but you'll notice it.
>I'm one of you
No you aren't. You just started posting a few days ago.
You belong somewhere else.
See above

>> No.6621804

The board has got more attention. When something gets popular it turns to shit.

Doesn't help that most people here are mostly just beginning their interest in literature or haven't been into it for a long time.

>> No.6621806

/lit/ used to be more skeptical and open to discussion, though. Now you get a lot of people locked into liberal dogma that might as well be drawn straight from Huffington Post headlines or Twitter hasthags, and the discussion in politics threads is /pol/-tier (just a bunch of people talking at each other with everyone thoroughly convinced of their own infallible correctness).

>> No.6621808

And it probably has one of the best philosophy discussions this board has ever seen. Generals here feel like an improvement.

>> No.6621809

>just started posting a few days ago
and everybody obsessed with >>6621787 right now started posting this weekend.
Anonymity does that.

>> No.6621814
File: 196 KB, 1547x1000, scaredy-dog-bday-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people on /lit/ have really read the Greeks and are intimately familiar with the Western Canon? I haven't even finished the Gutenberg Library.

The problem is probably people coming here who don't intend to discuss literature, rather than people who don't know it well enough.

>> No.6621815

I said specifically mate.

>> No.6621820

I'm not the other guy.
>multiple people against a avatarfag from tumblr who hasn't made a single useful contribution in almost a week of shitposting
shocker, eh?

>> No.6621850

Here we have prime shitposters. "christfagging".
Someone has got triggered by people not being enlightened by their own intelligence?

>> No.6621857

Do you literally think people belong to one board like a nationality? I browse about five pretty equally.

>> No.6621884

its at least two people

>> No.6621893

> remember when lit was good xd
Never happened, get over it

>> No.6621901

Look at >>6621788, I said 'them'. I'm not a practicing Christian, I just don't think that people are likely to adopt and/or heavily research a religion for the sake of shitposting.

>> No.6621904

this, people should have just called out OP on being a redditor and get over it

>> No.6621907

was there supposed to be another return there?
i'm talking about how he seems to think a crossposter was the one who blew up the 'audience pussy' meme
pretty sure it was this thread he meant
if not, correct me, whoever you are

>> No.6621908

I literally pretended to be a christian on an anonymous image board one hour ago. Since I went to a christian school and it was a subject everyone had to do I know more than enough to shitpost.

>> No.6621912

so, catholic socialism failed, is islamic socialism to follow?

>> No.6621925

Well okay then, but I imagine you can't have had that much to go off of if you aren't enthusiastic about it.

The christposters who I find most prominent are the ones who write massive text-walls on Aquinas

>> No.6621929

it's easy to pontificate about Aquinas because of his massive legacy and how tightly bound he is to doctrine. I've not read any of his works, I've only seen a documentary about him, and I could probably do a decent job of Aquinasposting.

>> No.6622084

Exodus to 8/lit/ when?

>> No.6622100

/lit/ has its ups and downs
8/lit/ already dead maybe exodus to ideal city

>> No.6622115
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>not liking rare stirners

>> No.6622129
File: 356 KB, 245x170, Willy Wonka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one on /lit/ likes my memes anymore

>> No.6622133

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi did that but America didn't like it too much.

>> No.6622135

Funny enough the same thing happened to /tv/.
I mean, it never was an amazing board but having a proper discussion about quality films and filmmaking has become impossible.

>> No.6622136
File: 156 KB, 442x470, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

layers, man. layers

>> No.6622137

genrefags still get it hard here, i wouldnt worry

>> No.6622148

/tv/ poster spotted. If you post on /tv/ you are literary a pile of dogshit wit ha keyboard.
There is not a single serious thread there, ever.
The moment anyone posts something intelligent it gets pushed out and archived as a result of casual garbage.

>> No.6622156

Why does /lit/ become so doomy when some people start saying things non-leftist?

>> No.6622160

That's just 4chan in general, other than like /pol/

anti-/pol/ shitposting (aka anything associated with being right-wing) is a meme

>> No.6622161

It has been a Marxist hugbox pretty much since its inception.

>> No.6622163
File: 34 KB, 576x576, bexers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I lurked /tv/, but no good movies or cinema theory was ever discussed so I jumped to /lit/. Now it too is becoming a meme fest.

Where do i go next?

>> No.6622166

r/literature, i go there for discussion and here for the bantz

>> No.6622169


>> No.6622170

what's ideal city?

>> No.6622171

First they came from /mu/, and I didn't speak out. Then they came from /pol/, and I didn't speak out. Then they came from /tv/, and I didn't speak out. Then Reddit came, and there was no one left to speak for me.

>> No.6622175


oh wait you're probably already there.

>> No.6622181


That's it anons, this board is over.

>> No.6622187

more like r/badliterarystudies

>> No.6622193

>muh precious secret club

>> No.6622198

Isn't mentioning that website not allowed?

>> No.6622202
File: 52 KB, 600x604, 1407325716477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot. Post-modernism is a dead end.

The longer you drag this shit on, the deeper up your own ass you go.
Nobody else is trying to match your level of irony because they realize that trying out 'out-irony' other people strips conversations of meaning and is otherwise just jumping through pointless mental hoops.

When people tell you to stop posting, their post isn't tongue-in-cheek. They're sincerely reminding you of how dull and terrible you are.

Stop chipping away at the tiny chunks of genuine culture this board has left.

Go spread your disease somewhere it's appreciated, like [s4s], FYAD, or anywhere else where similar shitsucking is appreciated.

>> No.6622204

It's "allowed", it's just a faux pas because it's such a hive of faggotry and cancer. The people who frequent both Reddit and 4chan are more to blame than anyone else for the decline of this site.

>> No.6622229

oh yes, delicate and thoughtful 4chan culture


>> No.6622236

That thread was created by somebody from tumblr or Reddit.
You're only proving his point.

>> No.6622244

i meant the replies, le ebin kikeposting is quite franky not something you can be self rightous about

>> No.6622262 [DELETED] 

I'm honestly not sure whether you're referring to the user talking about the capitalist structure surrounding the concept of the traditional nuclear family or everybody laughing at him.
Either way, the spike in bait threads and people re-enforcing "collective memes" (see: pepe, fedora, wojack, normies, etc) are almost exclusively migrants from another site. Why spend

>> No.6622273

I'm honestly not sure whether you're referring to the user talking about the capitalist structure surrounding the concept of the traditional nuclear family or everybody laughing at him.
Either way, the spike in bait threads and people re-enforcing "collective memes" (see: pepe, fedora, wojack, normies, etc) are almost exclusively migrants from another site.

Why spend weeks getting acclimated to individual board culture when those greentext macros and anonymous promotion videos told you everything you need to know about 4chan?

>> No.6622306
File: 26 KB, 418x430, toastpe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for u

>> No.6622354

>I haven't even finished the Gutenberg Library.

What do you mean by this? Project Gutenberg has over 40,000 books. Or were you referring to something else?

>> No.6622363

I've read a great chunk of the Greeks, then the Romans and more, but that's because I got a Great Books degree from university.

It's actually kind of hard to start with the Greeks and follow through if you aren't basically reading them for your job.

>> No.6622380

We are just post-ironic OP. The whole geist of 4chan did one giant synthesis after the pepe po po meme and everyone stopped thinking memes are just for reddit. post-meme 4chan became neo-meme.

Also the theology threads haven't been this great since like 3 years ago. I am sorry you are just unerudite scum that you can't participate in them.

>> No.6622383
File: 562 KB, 768x1024, Carl Schmitt the Based God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution to our present woes is clear:

Less liberal shitposting
More quality Schmittposting

>> No.6622461

>based god
conservatives taking language from godfather of memerap, now that's cultural appropriation

>> No.6622592


absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.6622679

>tfw my kafka thread was ignored

>> No.6622701
File: 143 KB, 942x704, witnessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone says the same in all boards al least once in the month.

>> No.6622710

start thread with something more specific than "what do you guys think about __________" which leaves less room for shitposting

>> No.6622714

Have you given up? Cause posting a thread about that is either bait or you really have nothing better to propose than the other idiots you're describing.

>> No.6622717

Yes, and every board gets steadily worse with each passing month.

>> No.6622734

Then do something about it instead of bitching like some sort of tumblr sjw.

>> No.6622736

David foster wallace. Ignore the redditors.

>> No.6622739

Let me guess, it was some shit about le trial or le bugman story. Post something interesting about a masterwork like 'An Old Manuscript' or 'Poseidon' and people might give a shit, fag.