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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.6621211
File: 152 KB, 475x472, 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I T ' S


it's a poll about your top five favorite books. there is no priority.
this is a repolling done so as to remove the bias that was within the last poll.
one vote per user, and so on.

>> No.6621226

quit posting that horse

>> No.6621229

And what if she read this comment? Who do you think was gonna feel the most sorry, you or her for being born? Think on that.

OPIE, Google says your link doesn't work, and I wanted to vote too.

>> No.6621232
File: 133 KB, 475x472, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621233

She would probably think the OP is a weirdo for posting pics of here on 4chan

>> No.6621236

this link should work

>> No.6621238

I want to lick that horse's hooves. Her sexy sweaty hooves. I want her to put her horse feet on my face and neck while she blogs about books, fucking patrician ass books. She can read them while she stands on my fucking face with her big horse cloppers and rubs them up and down on my fucking pleb face.

>> No.6621241

That's secondary. Feelings of inferiority and social unwantedness are given higher force.

>> No.6621242

I want her to fuck me in the ass with her enormous centaur dick

>> No.6621246

..and she would be wrong, how?

..and shes not going to be filing restraint orders in 5-4-3..

>> No.6621249
File: 57 KB, 588x587, 1432592333350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm giving you my gmail account
Who do you think you are?

>> No.6621250
File: 143 KB, 475x472, 042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filing a restraint order
>on every single person on /lit/
okay buddy

>> No.6621256

The more you autists spam this horse, the more I find her attractive.

>> No.6621259

I can't access the identities of the gmail accounts of those who have posted their responses to the poll thus far. It's completely anonymous beyond entering your email so as to preserve the one user = one vote thing.

>> No.6621262


>> No.6621267

So I can just make a bunch of Google emails and spam The Bible and Infinite Jest? Cool!!

>> No.6621270
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>> No.6621274
File: 166 KB, 461x471, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you mane

>> No.6621275
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>> No.6621289

Whoever voted for Murphy is cool

>> No.6621303


>> No.6621418
File: 156 KB, 442x470, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621442

How many fucking polls do I have to vote in?

>> No.6621448

this is the last one buddy
thing is, in the previous one, the op miscounted
and then ran away, apparently.
i didn't see a recount in the results thread, at least
a repoll to have an actually accurate view of the populace
wherein individuals can't (easily) spam

>> No.6621521

can you stop being such a fag about the bible
you don't have to be a massive christfag to like it

>> No.6621646

>Feelings of inferiority and social unwantedness
Man where are you pulling this from?

I agree with that anon. Stop posting that horse, I am here for literature.

>> No.6621648

thanks for bumping this killer thread, champ

>> No.6621712

This thread is important to learning what /lit/'s actual favorite books are.

>> No.6621718

I'm not a christfag and I'm completely fine with the Bible having been ... 8/10

>> No.6621723

Booktubers are a cancer on /lit/.

>> No.6621755

Well I would vote but you're a reganposter so I'm not going to. Enjoy your flawed poll that doesn't accurately represent /lit/.

>> No.6621773


>> No.6621843

I'm gone for like a week and some grill gets posted. who is this?

>> No.6621896

SHut up and just vote on the poll retard

>> No.6621897

you just didn't notice mate
but these were what happened:
and then

she was mentioned in some booktubers thread and it kinda snowballed from there

>> No.6621920


who is she ?

>> No.6621926
File: 32 KB, 331x456, ok girl 090909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she's so cute
i wanna eat her out for hours while she talks about books

>> No.6621927

She's like an American version of my ex I can't stand to look at her face.

>> No.6621932

look around yourself dude.

>> No.6621937
File: 93 KB, 758x657, Lucifer Take Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh OC

>> No.6621948
File: 1.71 MB, 1580x4328, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no more like this

>> No.6622037

I cant' stand to look at it, but for a completely differnet reason

>> No.6622132

which is

>> No.6622304

Because cringey internet stalking has nothing to do wtih literature and should be taken to >>>/b/

>> No.6622465

are the votes being trifled with? mine dont seem to show up.

>> No.6622498

I agree.

>> No.6622628

>tfw I brought up Regan once and I was scared this would happen
>tfw it happened

Christ I'm sorry, Regan.

She's so qt though. She deserves to have fat men masturbate while thinking about being in a loving relationship with her.

>> No.6622646
File: 49 KB, 475x472, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 7 feet and weigh 160 pounds, Loser.

>> No.6622652

You're a faggot and weigh wrong. Either fat or skinny, people on this site just can't seem to be the right weight.

see you soon with another video soon okay byyyyyyyyyyyye!!!!!!!!!

my penis will never pump ejaculate into her cute mouth

>> No.6622682

This picture sounds more like a joke than genuine stalking... (right?)

>> No.6622689

We're all perfectly same here... I assure you... We all conform to propriety on social decency...

>> No.6622721

How does that pic look even remotely like a joke

>> No.6622745


>> No.6622751
File: 45 KB, 948x1286, meno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the one who's favorite books includes The Boy Detective Fails by Joe Meno??

I've been trying to find other books similar to it, do you have any recs?

>> No.6623133

Why was my book order shuffled around?

>> No.6623819

I said there was no priority bub

>> No.6623831

They shouldn't be!
What were your books, or
Did you manage to get them in?

>> No.6623848

fuck you we have our results, this poll is heresy and as such irrelevant.

what's next, a poll every day?

>> No.6623856

read the thread bub

>> No.6624090

the last poll was initially not heresy then turned to heresy.
did you read the results thread at all?

>> No.6624197

keep em coming lads

>> No.6624226


my soul is leaving my body

>> No.6624231
File: 59 KB, 403x275, autistic dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought for a second that this was silly, that I could recount myself the responses from the last poll, but I went to warosu to find the thread, and found the link to the spreadsheet, and ol' Aaron D locked it from view.
so, yeah.
keep em coming lads

>> No.6624258

everyone is sick of this shit, no matter how many polls you post they will all be shit and pleb with crap like the stranger in the top 5. just give it a rest you pathetic fedora.

>> No.6624287

Actually he reposted it (or at least a version cleaned from what he personally identified as spam)
from which you can see that, as people have brought up, Mason & Dixon was discounted.
A quick look at other books that were voted for together with it shows that Valis, The Plague and Voice of the Fire also didn't have their votes counted.
So yes, it's kinda shit even aside from the samefag that seeped through on Infinite Jest and the Bible (though the latter could reasonably be put down to fanaticism, of course the 10% christposters on /lit/ are all going to feed all the points they can to their thing, whereas Our Lord and Savior Pinecone will only get voices for individual books)

>> No.6624341

oh goody. thank you
I didn't know there were that many responses.
...I'll figure out a way to recount that.

>> No.6624448

If you want further indication of how wrong the bloated one has it, you can also take a look at strawpoll.me/4473570/ (had the Divine Comedy spammed right off the bat, but aside from that it is at least IP-unique)

>> No.6624668
File: 111 KB, 640x697, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys listen, just listen. I really, really think that we should leave this girl alone. Like, I get that r9k had an outbreak or whatever and I really wanted to hate this girl but she is just a normal person who reads a lot of YA (a crazy amount of YA actually). So much YA that I just want to preserve her innocence. Just let her have her booktube. Just don't do anything stupid. Don't be weird. God please lit do it for me. SHE JUST LIKES READING YA AND SHES A 5/10 PLEASE STOP

>> No.6624673

the "compromised" poll had like 90/100 books in common with the poll from 5 years ago

whatever you do it's not gonna be that different

>> No.6624696

Donde esta la correo no deseado?

>> No.6624739

Man, chicks read a lot of fucking horseshit.

>> No.6624750

I've got a decent plan to efficiently count it going
so I'll still do it, but whatever.

>> No.6624753

No, 4chan boards thrive off of obsessions with women on the internet. They secretly care about internet personalities.

>> No.6624756

she's at least a 7/10 c'mon

>> No.6624767

I have immediate family with her exact same personality, and it's exhausting

>> No.6624806

I think this is just every young rich white girl now. I have dated two girls who were carbon copies.

>> No.6625895

So is anyone going to tabulate the results?

>> No.6626211

yep I was letting it sit for a while
but I'm going to go through this one and the other one tonight I suppose
and post a results thread tomorrow

>> No.6626223
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6626238
File: 163 KB, 900x900, regan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you post their phone numbers here please? this is all i want in life.

>> No.6626307
File: 942 KB, 1545x2692, Lit Top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bible is already the top book
>IJ is already #2

stop trying to do revotes because you're unhappy about the results.

>> No.6626416

Even though there was probably a little ballot stuffing in this new, fairer poll, you may be surprised by the results.