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/lit/ - Literature

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6619769 No.6619769 [Reply] [Original]

>look at any lit journal
>most of the contributors are women or minorities that have a million publishing credits to their names
>tfw I am none of those things and have never been published
>tfw I will toil in obscurity until the day I die
Why is it so artificially hard to get a foothold in the literary world? It's not fair ;_;

>> No.6619776
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did you even write anything
did you even edit it
did you even submit it places
did you even submit it to more places
did you even keep trying

if not, quite your bitching

>> No.6619779

Try YA fictions and discrete memes, that's the ticket nowadays

>> No.6619786

>did you even write anything
Yes, a lot of short stories, microfiction, poetry, and I'm currently working on a novel.
>did you even edit it
Of course.
>did you even submit it places
Yes, why else would I be making this topic?
>did you even submit it to more places
Yes, and I've been rejected every time ;_;
>did you even keep trying
How long will I have to keep trying? It's getting harder and harder to validate my liberal arts degree without any publishing credits to my name. I don't care about money. I just want some affirmation.

>> No.6619797

>did you even write anything
Yes, a lot of short stories, microfiction, poetry, and I'm currently working on a novel.

Stopped reading there. You're probably not good at any of these things because you don't invest yourself enough in one area.

>> No.6619810


post an excerpt of your work and we'll tell you if it's any good

also there's some /lit/ lit journal that's accepting submissions somewhere....

>> No.6619814

Not him, and I agree with you, but there's an awful lot of advice out there saying you need shorter fiction publishing credits if you want to publish a novel. I've found that my voice in novel writing is so different from how I write shorter fiction that I don't think one contributes much to the other.

>> No.6619845

That's pretty dumb logic. It's not like I'm juggling eighteen unfinished short stories at once--I finish one thing, whether it be a 500 word piece of microfiction or a 5,000 word short story, and move onto the next thing. True, a novel is different from a short story which is different from microfiction and so on, but it's not like there's no crossover there. I don't see why you'd instantly jump to the assumption that I'm a bad writer just because I vary the length of my works to fit the subject matter.

>> No.6620545

>spend hours and hours and hours a week studying philosophy, history, and literature
>coming up with cutting edge syntheses and readings of Arendt, Agamben, Foucault, Schmitt, Heidegger, Levinas, Heidegger, Gnostic theology, modern european literature, and US military theory
>start outlining two main strands of thought in my project
>have no letters of rec from my BA, only an alright GPA, and generally made no impression while at uni

At least the poet and novelist can always bank on some strange way through readers. Who the fuck is gonna read my shit?