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/lit/ - Literature

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6619211 No.6619211 [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/?

>> No.6619230

Whoever asked the question knew the fucking answer, they just wanted affirmation.

Besides that, this is definitely true.

>> No.6619232

How many fecking bible threads do you need to have at a time
Even your dubs smell

>> No.6619241

>For the most part people stay in democracy because it makes them feel good. Any part of government that challenges that comfort is either ignored or explained away with some bullshit excuses like " It's not perfect but it's the best we've got" or " It's for our security". This is not limited to America, most Democracies do this.

>> No.6619245

What are some examples of the Bible where Jesus advocates stoning people?

>> No.6619270

You heard it here first! Jesus was against getting stoned! Marijuana is devil's work!

>> No.6619278

Stoning is reasonable in an age before prisons. Hangings and beheadings are shit, because they reinforce the feeling of the state as Other.

>> No.6619282
File: 212 KB, 237x345, mushroom cult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is a mushroom cult though, and 'finding God' means tripping balls.

>> No.6619296

Yeah dude! Stoning is fun for the whole family! Everyone gets to trow a stone and have some fun as a community while keeping criminals at bay!

>> No.6619303

Doesn't the Bible just refer to stoning as a reasonable punishment because there weren't any other methods to punish people? As in, if the Bible says 'this is punishable by stoning', it doesn't necessarily mean that we should still literally stone somebody that does the thing but still punish them? I think a lot of the 'law' books have punishments that were appropriate for the time but are now archaic.

>> No.6619305
File: 1.44 MB, 900x990, Freud-who-Died-psychology-33126732-900-990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushrooms look like penises. It is all about sex baby!

>> No.6619310

He's not speaking in complete paragraphs.

You've saved this to your computer?

>> No.6619312
File: 420 KB, 1280x720, CrissAngelMindfreak1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex is making things disappear. It's all magic

>> No.6619315

>Doesn't the Bible just refer to stoning as a reasonable punishment because there weren't any other methods to punish people? As in, if the Bible says 'this is punishable by stoning', it doesn't necessarily mean that we should still literally stone somebody that does the thing but still punish them? I think a lot of the 'law' books have punishments that were appropriate for the time but are now archaic.

Stoning was supposed to shed no blood, and if you look into the OT, God considers blood to be holy, especially human blood, so stoning would not shed any of this holy juice in a way

>> No.6619321

The community should participate in punishment where practical. Stoning is no longer practical, but it was then. This makes the entire process of crime and punishment part of the community's interest and solidarity, rather than some terrifying behemoth lording over the community.

>> No.6619341

What about the stoning? Jesus is pretty clear on the matter:

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

>> No.6619349

>automation in stoning puts all the stoners out of work
The face of capitalism can be ugly

>> No.6619356
File: 14 KB, 252x223, 1422299874238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I feel good knowing my soul is eternally damned
>implying I feel good knowing that I'm already dead and this is hell

There is no other explanation other than the life that I'm experiencing right now is actually just punishment for the life I've lived before. I mean, in no sensible, non-punishment-based existence would I have to suffer through reading such a stupid fucking opinion. On top of that, it's an opinion with zero logical base. I've come to the conclusion that even though there are probably millions of parallel existences filled with murderers and rapists burning and experiencing blood-curdling torture, this particular purgation of continuously having to read brain cancer levels of cranial pain inducing statements like that post is worse than all of them.

>> No.6619363

Since when do stoners work?

>> No.6619368
File: 117 KB, 450x438, stock-photo-old-engravings-depicts-the-martyrdom-of-saint-stephen-the-protomartyr-the-book-history-of-the-87201862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And magic is not really which means... Nothing is real... How can mirrors be real if our eyes ain't real?

>> No.6619377

Not real*
I had one job and I fucked it up. I had multiple jobs and I fucked them up. And those jobs... They are my whole life.

>> No.6619388

Deutoronomy 22.23 -24

Also God kills everyone on the planet

>> No.6619393
File: 11 KB, 200x200, Puhoi-Valley-Yoghurt-Tub-Lemon-Delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think a lot of religions were appropriate for the time but are now archaic

That's what you meant to say

>> No.6619395

litterally reddit

>> No.6619407

Deutoronomy is Jews, not Christfriends.

>> No.6619412


>> No.6619415

Yep, that's reasonable for an ancient society that was based on the extended extended extended family. Unless you want a feud on your hands.

>the flood
Nobody but fundamentalists believes that actually happened, at least as the Bible tells it.

>> No.6619416

Are you gonna cry? Please cry. Pleeeaaase. But before that, you could breathe deeply while typing another great comment that will stop shitposting completely just like this one did.

>> No.6619424

The Jewish laws (the old covenant) don't apply to Christians, because Jesus dissolved that shit and instituted the New Covenant.

It's why Christians don't cut their dicks off, eat pork, etc.

>> No.6619425

Deutronomy is old covenant. The new covenant is about a prophecy in Isaih, which entails the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, God, being born of a virgin and being put to death for humanity's sins. That act allows for a new covenant which isn't just for Jews, but all nations, and which has a new law not written on scrolls, but on "the hearts of men". Christians consider themselves a part of this new covenant, not the old one, and Paul says if you get circumcised by your own will, you are signing the old covenant and forfeiting your part in the new one Christ made.

>> No.6619427

Well, duh.

>> No.6619431

>genocide is reasonable

Unbelievable, why are christians so unchristian?

>> No.6619440

That's nice, so Deutronomy isn't part of the bible?

>> No.6619447

Whether it's "part of the bible" or not is irrelevant. The Christian faith is based on the New Testament.

>> No.6619452

>stoning is genocide
I'm not even Christian and I disagree with you. The irony is that you're using a Christian morality to criticize the pre-Christian part of the book which ultimately led to your holding such views.

>> No.6619462

Wow incredible hedging, you have to own all of it if you're a christian, and you can't, so you invent bullshit to justify the uncomfortable stuff.

You believe in an imaginary friend and you should die and go to heaven

>> No.6619476

>you have to own all of it if you're a christian,
According to whom? The oldest churches certainly don't believe this. The idea you're referencing is in fact a relatively recent invention. It seems most nonbelievers are actually fundamentalists without the belief in God, because you people think rural American Protestantism is the end all be all of Christian theology.

>> No.6619479

Jesus fucking Christ.

None of Genesis happened. The Exodus never happened, and Moses may or may not have existed but he sure as shit never wrote the torah. None of Joshua or Judges happened - Israelite society emerged peacefully from Canaanites. Deuteronomy was "discovered" by King Josiah in order to promote a version of yhwh worship where Jerusalem was the only acceptable place for sacrifice. David and Solomon probably existed but they were nothing like their biblical counterparts. The list of people in Kings is fairly accurate but it's theology disguised as history.

Jesus was a failed apocalyptic prophet who got himself crucified and his followers hallucinated his return. The gospels are based on oral stories that were written down something like 30-60 years after his death, and they all present different conceptions of Jesus.

Paul never met Jesus and got all of his information from a vision. The original apostles who actually met Jesus hated him and thought his abolishment of Jewish law was bullshit.

Revelation is about Rome and Nero Caesar.

There you go.

>> No.6619499

It is, but it's not a part that Christians have to worry about following.

>> No.6619500

>The original apostles who actually met Jesus hated him and thought his abolishment of Jewish law was bullshit.


>> No.6619511

How does one stone someone to death and not shed blood?

>> No.6619540

'It's not perfect...' is more than what most Christians are willing to admit about their religion.
Besides it isn't that easy to just leave democracy. There's pros and cons and I personally have thought critically about Democracy before.
It's also different to just accept the government and ruling powers as they are, than to believe in something with all your heart.