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6619066 No.6619066 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else notice that Hegel employs dialectics to subvert black and white thinking, whereas Marx uses dialectics to reinforce black and white thinking? The latter jumps to blanket statements based on dialectical dogma--everyone who isn't a prole is reactionary; that includes the lumperproletariat and the peasants, whom Marx pronounces reactionaries en masse. Marx is dangerous because he is both vital to read to foment critical thought, and one of the greatest threats to critical thought: young people can get taken in by his crackerjack analysis on some things, and then start accepting any bullshit black and white pronouncement he makes as if he's the messiah. No wonder he was the father of both a strain of highly critical thought in academics, and a fanatical, bloodthirsty religion.

>> No.6619124


how about no

>> No.6619128


How about yes.

>> No.6619133

Fucking bourgeoisie reactionary scum, die.

>> No.6619134


how about in understanding the yes you see the no and then you see that both gives maybe you are wrong

>> No.6619136


>> No.6619137
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>> No.6619150

Well, the idea of historical class struggle comes from the idea of historical race struggle, partially. In one letter to Engels Marx says something like that himself when he refers to some a bit older historians that speak of races. So I guess there's a sort of black-and-whiteness in that since racist discourse is all about saying "we're this group here and we must protect ourselves against any foreign elements of other groups that might compromise us, we must do everything strategically and be suspicious of everything."

>> No.6619944

I think racism comes as much from classism as vice versa. They're both wicked, mo matter what your race or class is.

>> No.6619974
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marx is great at analysis, but his conclusions are usually more poetic and blatantly anti-philosophical. i would almost say he's foremost a poet. no genocide without poetry and so on.

makes him pretty interesting, but turns him into a dangerously religious figure and seeing his philosophy as a pseudoscience. marx definitely wanted to fuck shit up and go against mere academicians of his time.

>> No.6619986

>crackerjack analysis
>hur dur I'm a fascist
>Giovanni Gentile did nothing wrong
>I like totalitarianism because Stirner
fuck off