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/lit/ - Literature

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6618652 No.6618652 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most important works of literature of the 21st century so far?

>> No.6618672

Umbrella - Will Self.

>> No.6618717

TTTIAT and all its sequels

>> No.6618726

really? i ask because i was already considering starting it. that's good news i suppose.

>> No.6618864

hikikomori, bear parade, 2006.
Today The Sky is Blue and White with Bright Blue Spots and a Small Pale Moon and I Will Destroy Our Relationship Today, bear parade, 2006.
this emotion was a little e-book, bear parade, 2006.
you are a little bit happier than i am, Action Books, 2006.
cognitive-behavioral therapy, Melville House, 2008.
Eeeee Eee Eeee, Melville House, 2007.
Richard Yates, Melville House, 2010.
Taipei, Vintage Books, 2013.
Shoplifting from American Apparel, Melville House, 2009.
Bed, Melville House, 2007.

>> No.6618886

go to bed tao

>> No.6618892

The Road

>> No.6618905


Pure tao lin

>> No.6618910

Satin Island

>> No.6618914

much lowcaps

>> No.6618935

Sam Savage is the New Sincerity Joyce.

>> No.6618940

You mean TFioS yes?

>> No.6618950
File: 78 KB, 679x656, irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6618988
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>just looked up @dril

is it literally just LOLSORANDUMB tweets but because it's self-aware it's ironic instead?

>> No.6619371

Really want moccasins...

>> No.6621539
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where2cop this fit?

>> No.6621559
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>tfw life is become notes from underground


>> No.6621572
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>just try and penetrate my shield of self aware absurdism
This is gold.

Are we living in the age of societal existential warfare through the stage? When a person achieves a state of awareness that leads to them viewing life as absurdity, then to them everything is a drama, an act. Everyone is acting a role, an identity, an ego. To combat this, the person who has separated or at least viewed themselves separated from this absurdity assumes roles themselves. They do not know any other way to live, they are stuck on the stage like everyone else with their costumes, so they will to ruin the whole performance by acting as absurd as possible. Ha look at that audience, that was my line and I just read it backwards. Now I'll interrupt your line, and point out how fake this prop looks, oh boy I put on the wrong costume.

Others will protest and try to tell them off, and it becomes a dangerous game for both sides. The people unaware, or willingly a part of the play must still play their characters but address the absurdity of the poor actor. And the poor actor, the class clown, must maintain his role of absurdity. Nobody can stop the performance because no one knows what to do but perform, but the battle must rage on.

>> No.6621619

It's an irrelevant battle. Get back to reading.

>> No.6621675
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congrats, you just perfectly put how I feel about the world. I realise I should probably just kill myself. see ya
will probs keep shitposting tho

>> No.6621684

it's tough trying to survive on irony, apathy, and a desire to fit in somewhere

>> No.6622469
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>> No.6622481

Actually he's just good at putting words together in funny ways

>> No.6622492
File: 55 KB, 500x481, 2a5161fc2e1a46954ff34b7375157c04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tao lin - tai pei

not even jesting

>> No.6622495

that's one rare Jammeh

>> No.6622499

Seiobo There Below by Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Your Face Tomorrow by Javier Marias
(maybe?) Min Kamp by Karl Ove Knausgaard

>> No.6622503


>Seiobo There Below by Laszlo Krasznahorkai

good taste

>> No.6622742
File: 424 KB, 938x919, 38616232035327157743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoes probably Clark's wallabees (Birkenstock Boston may work too) some straight denim or cords like 501s and a nice confy thrift store jumper.>>6621539

>> No.6622906

The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.6622939

This. We must remember that literature is a mean of communication within the author and the reader. As we acknowledge the fact that The Fault in Our Stars is what the general public wants to read, we can deduce, civilization won't end with a bang but with a whimper.
After the West descends into Syria 2.0 or a Mad Max libertarian dystopia, who will carry the torch of Western high culture?
I hope that the Chinese have built a missile shield by the time the Western world had descended into shit.

>> No.6622973

Fuck you John Green

>> No.6622980

Where can I find more pics like that OP I find them to be hilarious.

>> No.6623118

I know that /fa/ and /mu/ have threads dedicated to them every now and then

>> No.6623314


>> No.6623332

>ctrl+f "tao lin"
>0 hits
this board is shit

>> No.6623335

Booms were dead as a relevant art form before the new millenium.

>> No.6623375

* sorry, I meant Booms *

>> No.6623379

Is literature even relevant anymore?

>> No.6623559


>> No.6623573
