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/lit/ - Literature

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6617892 No.6617892 [Reply] [Original]

is this going to be better than ASOS?

>> No.6617901

Oh boy, is it time for 800 pages of irrelevant side characters being introduced out of nowhere intersperced with 200 pages of protagonists cleaning their toenails already?

>> No.6617904

Well on the one hand I can't imagine genre fiction shittier than his other books but on the other hand if any writer can write something shittier it would be him. tough call.

is this the new /pleb general/ thread?

>> No.6617906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6617936

GRRM said he won't introduce any new character

>> No.6617941

Won't everyone just be inside all the time due to snow? I can imagine it having the slowest moving plotlines of all his books.

>> No.6617963

>Battle in the Ice
>Battle of Fire
>Battle of the Mander
>Siege of Storm's End

>> No.6617969


Should be better than the latest two though, at least.

>> No.6617970

Is it supposed to be ironic that nazis think they can think for themselves or is this just low quality bait.

>> No.6617980

Is ASOS good?
Only ever seen GoT and i like it

>> No.6617982

you have been spooked by le ebin /leftypol/ army

I have enjoyed watching your feeble mind struggle to grasp my cunning ruse. would repeat the experience.

>> No.6617991

No it's written like fanfiction and the dialogue is cringe worthy. Every chapter is a chore where Martin parades his shitty prose talking about the great war of the fathers pig fathers that happened in the land of the undying fathers and other trivial banalities that never become relevant.

If you like good fantasy look elsewhere.

>> No.6617995

best asoiaf book so far

>> No.6617996

The cheesy names really kill it for me I'd be willing to jump in and give the series a shot but damn come on now.

>> No.6618002

Not saying much

don't bother it's shit.

>> No.6618009

Huh, that's weird. I find the dialogue in GoT pretty good most of the time.

>> No.6618022

...Yeah I guess we're just different people with different tastes and standards...disgusting pleb don't ever respond to one of my posts again.

>> No.6618027

Wah wah I don't like thing because other people like thing popular book is gay and gurm isn't Sterner or Nietzche

>> No.6618029

kek in the highest

>> No.6618033 [DELETED] 

It's a good series.

People here who talk shit on it either haven't read the books, or have read the books and hate themselves for like them.

>> No.6618036

It's a good series.

People here who talk shit on it either haven't read the books, or have read the books and hate themselves for liking them.

>> No.6618040

>thinking anyone dislikes it because other people like it
>not because of it's shitty writing and molasses-abortion of a plot
Your argument implies ad populum. "If so many people like it it must be good! and anyone who says they don't like it is surely a contrarian"

I suppose coldplay and the avengers movies are also really good too huh?

>> No.6618053

>this series is so good that literally everyone likes it, but only some act like they dont.

thats basically what you're saying. i perosnally like the show, but i think its hyped to a degree. as for the books, they are insufferable. I read the first one and gave it back to my friend, telling him i had no desire to read the next one.

>> No.6618062

I'm saying that people here love to hate what everyone else here loves to hate.

/lit/ talks about so few books and thinks it's above everyone else.

>> No.6618074

/lit/ talks about the western canon, a collection of over a hundred of the greatest books ever written. many of us would be open to talking about good fantasy, but GoT does not fall into that category.

>> No.6618092

>or have read the books and hate themselves for liking them.

AKA Wheel of Time Syndrome, AKA buyer's remorse, AKA Fool Me Thrice Shame On The Fat Fuck Who Can't Plot A Decent Story Out To Save His Own Life

>> No.6618093

Not everything needs to be philosophical and deep, babyy

>> No.6618098

Yeah it's the best book of the series. Seasons 3 and 4 of the TV show are mainly based around it.

>> No.6618100
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You, simple anon, do not get to decide that.

>> No.6618107

If GRRM suddenly got super deep and kafka-esque in a really good way.
Do you think /lit/ would even notice?

>> No.6618124

If you wanna talk about manchild books with other manchildren why not go back to the GoT general threads on /tv/ (where we all know you came from) or to r/fantasy or r/books. this board is for literature, not fanfiction tier genre trash.

>> No.6618133

r/asoiaf you shitlord

>> No.6618139
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/lit/ is pure trash

This is literature, regardless of your silly opinion. Go back to /b/.