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6617755 No.6617755 [Reply] [Original]

>Founder of city of Rome was Romulus
>Founder of the Roman Empire was Augustus

>Last Emperor of Rome was Romulus Augustus

>> No.6617765
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But anon the last Roman Emperor was named Constantine XI

>> No.6617768

Augustus is the title, you asshat.

>> No.6617773
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>believing the Romans existed

>> No.6617801
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Actually when Mehmet conquered Constantinople he took the title Caeser of the Romans, so one could say that the Empire only changed religions again like with Constatine, and the last Emperor of Rome was Mehmed VI.

>> No.6617929

>they literally named him Romulus because they thought it would help

>> No.6617933

Fucking foreign Muslim dogs were never true emperors of ROme

>> No.6618010

Constantine "The Great" was legitimately made emperor of the empire. His choice to move it to a more strategic place was not what ended the empire.
If Attila the Hun had overthrown the empire by taking it, that still would not effectively ended it.
Constantinople was even overrun by Venetians at one point. Taken back it was basically a kingdom and then a besieged city that Mehmet took.
All that remains of the empire is the Catholic church

Like believing the NY Yankees exist.