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File: 257 KB, 415x476, wgar5q3tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6615984 No.6615984 [Reply] [Original]

Write a short story of the last 3 hours of your life as witnessed by Slavoj Zizek.

>> No.6615993

I would prefer not to.


>> No.6616017

The boy, he felt sad. What the fuck else is there for me to tell you? Fucking, go away. *sniff*

>> No.6616051

Slavoj Zizek was transmigrated into a barbell, i must sniff my nose yet i have no noseto snif, slavoj thought to himself.

After being hoisted up in various ways for what seemed like an eternity in his metal consciousness prison, he had an epyphany.
I am hoisted up for the porpuse of another *sniff* yet this becomes my porpuse, oh my god this is pure ideology.
This thought resonated within his metal bindings thus returning him to the body of a fat slovenian marxist.

>> No.6616056


>> No.6616095
File: 34 KB, 460x276, Slavoj-Z-iz-ek-at-his-hom-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is in the schniff fable of Anon that we see perhaps the most damnibg of postmodern apathy schniff. Of course that is the apathetic feelings one has when faced with the schniff overwhelming uh uh forces of multinationals, the sort of contradictions inherent in a liberal-democratic society and so on. In this tale of Anon in the last two or three hours the classic Western liberal response goes something like "he schniff is a victim of corporate takeover the u-uh fundamental Rightists funded by fat cats are taking advantage of his desire for a waifu and disdain for real life women and schniff a-and so on" But is it not the Anon himself who schniff knows how ridiculous his NEET lifestyle is and is, in fact, its mist viscious critic? The greateat thing about the so called Smug Pepe meme is that it is a criticique made by the very ones being critiqued! It is in Anons rabid self criticism and loathing that we truly understand this sector of schniff modern Western capitalist societies; not the taping of these eternal children by some spooky fat cat boogeymen but their own conscious we vision to remain man children schniff to capitalize on its advantages. In this way schniff the true capitalist IS the victim of capitalism himself!

>> No.6616283
File: 193 KB, 600x600, 1430775664427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good, have a rare pepe to show my appreciation

>> No.6616286
File: 324 KB, 1920x1016, mygod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lelelelelelelelel poop schtick

>> No.6616290

He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates He mashturbates It ish time for Shtar Trek

>> No.6616318

So what is this guys deal exactly? All I know is he's a Marxist cultural critic who's nose is constantly running

>> No.6616329

He is a mememan. Part man, all meme.

>> No.6616335

>that bartleby shirt

>> No.6616336

all memes aside, hes right about alot of shit.

also zizek posting is fun, fuck you.

>> No.6616338
File: 24 KB, 360x480, 3d3ho4fylwp22wwpukbbtgb0i494783855.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know or care to know him that well

Marquis arrived before me at the bart station and was waiting outside when I got out. He talks about how he had just spent the past few days with the girlfriend of a guy who I recently beat the fuck out of. From the way he strongly hints, but won't outright say, I get the feeling he didn't fuck the girl (the day before she left with him she ditched her boyfriend to smoke meth with me and a few people, and acted natural as I felt up on her. I could fuck her)
I grab a couple of beers and we meetup with Lani and her friend Christina. This is my first time meeting Christina and I come upon the instant realization that she looks much better in pictures
I have her open my beer with her teeth, and I'm not really sure what to make of the girl
Marquis keeps bringing up how bad the guy who I beat up looks, but I don't have my contacts in, can't see a thing and feel generally unkempt and self conscious (despite the girl being ugly I still want to impress her)
Her and Lani soon leave, after hessitating I chase after them and question Lani. Is she planning on hanging out with guys? Was she earlier that day? What the fuck is her problem? She's still pissed I yelled at her the night before and, moreover, she feels unconsciously justified in being so because of how desperate I'm acting
We part ways, me and Marquis finish a cigarette in front of bart while I stand there, blind as a fucking bat, attempting to keep the conversation going
As soon as I hop off bart alone, I hear my phone ring. Lani wants to hangout
I feel rejuvenated, I almost brag about this to Marquis as an excuse for how boring I was acting, but the thought of him thinking I'm lying about it stops me

I see a guy who I was in a holding tank with (I was arrested for domestic violence, he was arrested for being a part of a protest) across the street from a burgerking, where I get a medium meal for $12
After that, in my attempt to save money on a lighter while I'm too self conscious to ask for one without buying anything, I get a WSJ sunday paper for $3 and forget to ask for matches. I'm hemorrhaging money at this point when Lani calls me to say she's broke and if I have money for beer, it almost feels like she wouldn't hangout with me if I didn't get beer. I had just spent an unusual amount of money during my short walk home, and I can see with a distant clarity how fate seems to want to fuck things for me and this girl
-We argue, she turns around, I get desperate, she pushes away-
Although I'm fast losing interest for the girl, I get her to answer and say I want to be with her. This soothes her, and puts me in a non-losing position in this competition of a relationship
But yeah I'm still alone tonight and I can barely see the tv, and won't be able to until I get my pack of contacts dropped off tomorrow

>> No.6616360

delete your post and get the fuck out

>> No.6616369

When anon went to the grocery store to buy a coke and a bag of doritos *sniff* he is actually buying an ideology, you see. And then he went to his house to eat his food, shitpost and so on, and so on.

>> No.6616372

It wash not an ideal way to wake up.
It wash not an ideal day to go to the coffee shop.
It wash not an ideal day. Idealishm wash imposhable.

>> No.6616383

>tfw you wish you were Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.6616410
File: 27 KB, 100x111, 346276835652413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apex kek

>> No.6616418

Only the puresht of ideologies could somehow convinced a man that experiencing a fourteen year old film outdoorsh, with hundredsh of people who not hish friendsh, is a satishfying ushe of fifteen dollarsh.

But Zoolander, ah, this film I like. The modelsh contain their own negation, no? The film is Hegelian in thish shense. They fight against the Malaysian slave labor, but only because they fight for it, shee?

>> No.6616452
File: 36 KB, 331x456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling that's all I do this late at night. Deposit a edgy comment here, a cynical sarcastic negation reply to somebody else and then I just click refresh, scroll, repeat till I get a reply. I don't care what they say, it's my once-a-day epiphany I wait for that comes along with their appropriately inane response. It always says one thing: Go to bed. Stop wasting half your days lurking and shitposting when you could read or, God hope it, write something for once, just a start, the general theme, plot points - something! Ya, no. Though, and I won't lie, the memes aren't all that bad. I sometimes think I slap my eyes against the screen for want of some social interaction but a unashamed not-so-subtle threads that scream "Fuck that shit LMAO!" from one of my fellow time killers always puts me right. Aaaaaaghhhh, what the fuck am I now? Jesus. Please bash me so I can go to bed smiling, thank you.

>> No.6616495

I be like
'Tis late yo
And he be like

>> No.6616978

my nigga

>> No.6617005

Bit slow in the middle. Good premise.
Frustratingly short.

>> No.6617025

I have only just woken up.

>> No.6617204
File: 172 KB, 1264x414, Screenshot_2015-05-31_14-54-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is screencap worthy.

>> No.6617952

You will find this man spread out on his dirty floor, peering through the half-inch space under his bedroom door. His anxiety is so great, of course, that he is trying to see if his roommates are in the living room, fearing that they know he ate their pop-tarts.

>> No.6618451

American Psycho was phenomenal imo but I think my life and writing run parallel to it

>> No.6618484

sounds about right

>> No.6618827


>> No.6619711

Thought that was good

>> No.6619750

Humans are evil. I don't want to understand other people. I don't care about them. I just want to read books, watch movies and do what I do without ever having to care about the outside. Everything should be solved without me even knowing about it. Fuck you if you think you're interesting. People are stupid.

>> No.6619892
File: 60 KB, 461x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. You're the first person who's ever said that to me, be proud Anon.

>> No.6620572
File: 190 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-05-31-20-20-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I text her this morning to ask if my business casual clothes are at her house (interview tomorrow), she doesn't immediately respond so I call her and find my fucking call forwarded
Call moments later and the same story. She texts 'no'.
At this point it's pretty obvious she's up to something. I'm calling her back to back while periodically accusing her of being with a guy. At one point she texts 'lol you're a fucking idiot'
She answers my 23rd call (I remember giving it that final shot, because I'm 23)
She says she's home. A guy in the background says 'noope'and she immediately says she's with Allison and her friend. I ask to talk to Allison, and after pretending not to hear me, she hangs up
I feel abysmal. That is the most insulting fucking way to go about that..
It wasn't long ago that I was the one insulting her, interrogating her, hitting her. But I've lost my way, and these days she can be so cruel

At that point, for some reason I feel somewhat ecstatic. I write [pic] in the thread about the monomyth, and I feel like I'm on to better things

But not long after, it hit me. And it's still hitting
Most of the feelings have been gone for a while, and I'd start an argument out of boredom, but I loved her. I think betrayal always hurts and you can't ever love these hoes

>> No.6620581

The boy, zhe "man-boy", ish too preoccupied with his little light-up box that feeds him his ideology. Thees is a PURE ideology delivered by the box. There is no escape, you see, for the man-boy. *pinches nose*

>> No.6620636

I have no nose and I must sniff

>> No.6620715
File: 5 KB, 194x250, 1424599985470s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you write like a girl.

are you a grill?

>> No.6620721


Who is this girl Anon?

>> No.6620745

my gf

>> No.6620766
File: 135 KB, 1593x821, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm a sensitive guy -- this is the only thing I can chalk your rude observation up to. Perhaps the picture influenced your thinking that as well? What does it imply though?


>> No.6620769


>> No.6620987

What's with all the sniffing?

>> No.6621325


>> No.6621388

you know? my gott! he masterbaaate, he do not get job, he forget to feed hees khat! *sniff* my gott!