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6614997 No.6614997 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of bookends does /lit/ use?

>> No.6615003

Busts of lenin and marx

>> No.6615004

None because my shelves are full.

>> No.6615016

> his bookshelf isn't packed full to the point where it becomes a hazard to it's structural integrity
> rather, the books in his shelf are few with wide spaces inbetween, and they're supported by busts of idols to really drive home just how much of a mere accessoire literature is to his life in general




>> No.6615035

An empty cardboard box. It looks like shit.

>> No.6615038

What the fuck
That is literally my bookshelf

>> No.6615040
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They're not as shiny as in the pic.

>> No.6615045
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, Bookshelf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is, though an older photo

>> No.6615046

Bookends > Bookshelf


>> No.6615060

Bookcases are made for books of value the rest must occupy the empty space
long life stacks of books
besides pleb patrician dichotomy are made by etonian fags so...

>> No.6615062

I use small milk bottles full of pennies

>> No.6615072

Saved that picture a while ago because I thought it was neat.

>> No.6615080

Coke bottle why? why? why?
what's in the orange thing adderall,???

>> No.6615111
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An old oil lamp (don't worry, it's safe) and some sort of marbled plasticised pylons.

>> No.6615128

Two portraits of the mona lisa.

>> No.6615135


where did you get those statutes - and how much were they? names? (not the philosopher, of course)

>> No.6615147

Plato and eurydices

>> No.6615151

Barnes and Noble for $40.
Actually, it's Stirner and Nietzsche.

>> No.6615267
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>> No.6615378

>he lines his books up rather than stacking them in which stack the titles are easier to read

>> No.6615397

I lay some books flat in a stack as bookends

>> No.6615413
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>Actually, it's Stirner and Nietzsche.
10/10 made me doublecheck

>> No.6615425

These, except a lot of them are upside down because I don't need to read the titles to know what they are. You can just fit more books into a smaller space if you stack them. My shelves are visibly bending under the weight, I love it.

>> No.6615437

Ones that don't make me look like a bourgeois culture tourist.

>> No.6615440

Go post your vanity on Instagram

>> No.6615443

Same, and right next to my bed.
Although I do have a small salt stone lamp to read at night taking up valuable book space. But it's so packed otherwise, I'll probably die if an earthquake hits during my sleep.

>> No.6615447

>death by books

dont know man, that is ok in my book.

>> No.6615461

Yeah, like wtf am I gonna do? Organize them at a safe distance? Broken up around my house with little busts holding them up? Rather risk death.

>> No.6615464

I used to have (not entirely serious) fantasies about being able to use piles of books as furniture. If I ever have the money I'll definitely invest in a climate controlled cupboard or even room to keep my rarer books in. I know collecting rare books is a completely pointless vanity, one never sells that sort of thing, but just being near them and knowing they're there gives me a sort of soothing euphoria.

>> No.6615474

I wouldn't go that far. If you're not careful and have lots of space between pieces of furniture, you might get a silver fish haven. I've had to eradicate them from an overfull personal library before; would be a nightmare to do in stacks that aren't sorted on a shelf.

>> No.6615478
File: 16 KB, 671x503, bookend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ones are pretty small and light so I only have a couple small books on these along with my CD's. I use some boxed sets as bookends on top of my overcrowded bookshelf.

>> No.6615490

Are these things winners of horrible design contests? How can you live with that tacky horror right before your eyes?

>> No.6615494

i just use anime figures like a normal human bean.

>> No.6615516

Interesting, I've never seen silverfish in my parents bookshelves. I'm guessing there needs to be some moisture around for them to take root?

>> No.6615600

Yeah, a rainy enough winter will get it in there.

>> No.6615704
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The best choice.

>> No.6615713

I'll stick to the climate controlled room idea instead then. Should be an ideal place to read in summer, too.

>> No.6616257

I use a skull and a beer stein that my German teacher gave me.

>> No.6616292

> a skull
>that my German teacher gave me.
uhm... did he give it willingly?

>> No.6616921

>tfw want to get a bust of beethoven
>tfw i'll never actually get it because it's so incredibly tacky

>> No.6617561


>> No.6618136

I use a barbie with her feet prone against the end of the bookshelf

>> No.6618402

my classics bro, my collection is pretty similar. particular jealous of the golden ass.