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6610068 No.6610068 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just did a performance as Algernon in The Importance of Being Earnest that everyone loved

>> No.6610084


>> No.6610089

Shame its a sucky play. Wilde has interesting views on art but his actual artistic output is pretty lacking.

>> No.6610114

Every other line is either a take-down or reaffirmation of nominalism, the play's ingenious.

>> No.6610360

did the actors eat cucumber sandwiches together afterwards

>> No.6610371

you hit that coke line like a king my man you deserved it

>> No.6610379

>tfw wish i could have a go at acting
seems like it'd be fun. wilde especially.

>> No.6610416

Ah, they did this at hart house last year. I missed it though. Is it worth the read? How are Wilde's plays? Ive only read Dorian.

>> No.6610524

nice. one of my favorite plays.

I'm getting contact feels

>> No.6610778

Absolutely worth it. One of the most consistently funny things ever. Seeing it is great but it's also fun to read (I read it in high school years before getting a chance to see it performed).

>> No.6611150

So who was Earnest?

>> No.6611168

is hh theatre even good? there are plenty of professional theatres in toronto. going to a student production seems like a waste of time

>> No.6611212
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I took a girl to see it at a few months ago. She said she liked it, but I never saw her again.

>> No.6611220

why don't you contact her on facebook and see how she's doing?

>> No.6611237
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She gave me the fade something fierce. I told her that she'd seemed distant and that this wasn't working for me, that I needed more from her. I hadn't seen her in weeks and our throughout the day texting had turned into being lucky to get a reply the next day. She apologized profusely and said it wasn't me. I went on facebook that evening, and she had blocked me. I texted her asking for an explanation and she never responded. Bitch said she loved me.

>> No.6611267

Something similar happened with the girl I saw Earnest with. Maybe it's the ghost of Wilde trying to break up the relationships of cishet shitlords.

>> No.6611269

damn that sucks. its good to be honest, but you should never push the girlfriend thing too hard and just gave her space. sounds like she just found someone else. when things look like they start to go sour, always look for a backup girl. just gotta be loose and let girls come and go, be non-possessive, and you can remain friends with the girl and pick up another girl. rinse and repeat and you'll have a stream of women, and find old girlfriends wanting to hook up again. then one girl is going to be more crazy about you, especially if she thinks she has competition, and you'll find more women pushing the girlfriend thing on you. it actually becomes a bit repulsive when women get clingy though, there's no way to have your cake and eat it.

>> No.6611296

Fucking Wilde is trying to keep all the boys to himself.
There was no commitment anywhere on the horizon. She just drifted away. It's fine though. I'm changing a lot of stuff about my life lately and I've changed my dating policies too. I'm no longer going to date women who are just along for the ride. I want somebody who actually just wants to be with me, and I can get that. I'm done wasting time with bored girls who just want a break from netflix. No more settling for low quality girls and low quality emotional attachment. I'm worth it, goddamnit.