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6608980 No.6608980 [Reply] [Original]

I do not visit /lit/ frequently but I saw the movie and thought it was amazing so is Inherent Vice as good as the film or better ? Why ?

>> No.6608985

Haven't done either but the book is supposed to be 10k times better.

>> No.6608988

Start with Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6608993

I like the book better. It's not monumentally better but it's Thomas Pynchon so it's automatically really good.

>> No.6609013

The book is better than the movie (no idea why you would butcher the ending this much). Most of Pynchon's other books are superior though, Gravity's Rainbow, Against The Day, Mason & Dixon.

>> No.6609014
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I just don't think it was a very good idea to have PTA adapt a Pynchon novel. He's out of his element. Pynchon would be done best by someone like Bunuel, or Lynch, or the Coen Brothers. The directing style just wasn't as good as it should have been.

Excellent acting, though. Joaquin, Martin Short, Joanna Newsom, Brolin, and Owen Wilson all gave off wonderful performances.

Have we found pynchon's cameo in it yet?

>> No.6609045

Didn't mean to imply PTA was a bad director. He's just different

>> No.6609046
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I want this meme to stop

>> No.6609065 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6609136

he's an ok director, but he is extremely one-note and gimmicky, or, if you'd like "specialized"

I get physically angry whenever I hear people who don't watch film namedrop him like he's some sort of master, and funnily enough it's more often than not people suggesting he do adaptations or remakes of shit his style is not at all compatible with

he does his faux-soap opera, intentionally bad acting, intentionally cheap looking, nightmarish surrealism well, but it's shallow, and would contribute nothing to other works like inherent vice

im actually cringing that you wrote that

>> No.6609161
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>people who don't watch film

But I do.

>> No.6609168

what an illuminating treatment and unpacking of lynch's philosophical implications, mr. ebert. you're a fucking cretin dude.

>> No.6609183

lynch doesn't have philosophical implications
he is absolute base level entertainment

again I don't think he's terrible. I enjoy most of what he does, I just have no delusions about it

>> No.6609226

>he is absolute base level entertainment

You can't be this detached from reality

>> No.6609270

if you simply haven't thought about it, you shouldn't be speaking. go back to /tv/ you god damn pseud. his films have many great psychological and philosophical implications. most his films involve a quest for the reparation of the psyche, non-linear burroughs-esque structure, unsolvable narratives that resemble rhizomatic metaphysical clearings, feedback loops of unresolved lacanian desire, existential/absurdist repetitiveness, the nietzschean flux of the self with the 21st century pomo twist of hyperreality. those are just some broad themes he deals with, not even going into depth of any of the meanings packed into each scene. he is the postmodern director par excellence.

you're like a hurr hurr retarded new atheist "i have no delusions". fuck off. i don't even find his films very entertaining, he's unabashedly self-indulgent like fellini or bergman.

>> No.6609551

There is literally nothing wrong with self indulgent art. Fellini and Bergman are great.

>> No.6609598

The book is better. I liked the movie but it only adapted about 2/3 of the book and axed a lot of the most thematically interesting stuff. There are huge plots in the book about ARPAnet and a colony of "zomes" that I like better than anything that made it into the movie.

>> No.6609633

Coen brothers were allegedly supposed to adapt Mason and Dixon but apparently dropped it. Having just finished the book, it would've been a perfect match.

>> No.6609640


Sorry, man. I can't agree. The Master is as good as cinema gets. It's one of the least shallow films I can think of.

>> No.6609641

No fucking way. Source? I can't believe I haven't heard about that before - my favorite filmmakers and my favorite author's best book.

>> No.6609861

I wouldn't talk about cinema if I were you, you sound like an amateur. Bunuel and Pynchon are absolutely nothing alike

>> No.6609871

I wouldn't talk about cinema if I were you, you sound like a complete amateur. Bunuel and lynch are nothing like Pynchon in sensibility

>> No.6609955

good job not readin the post, bonkhead

>> No.6610038

>tfw lynch will never direct a version of gravity's rainbow

>> No.6610054

But he is, he is shit.

>> No.6610213

He's not shit. He's just not as good as those other directors. The Master is a good film.

>> No.6610225

The film is better because film is an inherently superior narrative medium, surpassed only by the likes of video games.

>> No.6610241

The argument is too wordy to be directed by Lynch, thats for sure

>> No.6610248
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>> No.6610271

I'm probably alone on this, but I think Cronenberg would be a better fit for Pinecone.

>> No.6610418

he did pretty well with DeLillo. if you're keeping score, by the way, that means that Bloom's "four great contemporary authors" have all been claimed by major filmmakers

McCarthy - Coen Bros
Pynchon - PTA
DeLillo - Croenenberg
Roth - ????

Roth's my least favorite of the four but I think maybe Spike Jonze or Alexander Payne could do him well

>> No.6610447

Monte Hellman could direct a hell of a McCarthy film

>> No.6612110
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The narrator is supremely important in the novel. The choice of using Sortilege for the role of the "narrator" throws any interpretation of the novel away from the film. The film is simply an adaptation and the two works of Inherent Vice stand for themselves. Also, there are plenty of things missing from the film that I found great in the novel.

>> No.6612142

but i saw the master and it wasn't a good film.

>> No.6612170


>> No.6612473

The Coen brothers would make an enjoyable flick out of Pynchon material. Lynch could make a solid movie if he applied himself. But I think only Bunuel could make proper cinéma out of Pynchon book.

>> No.6612547

what are you implying about based Lynch?>>6609065
that scene from WaH is the creepiest lynch maymay

>> No.6612550

Lynch is all about that stuff.

I bet you don't like Jackson Pollock either. I bet you think he's a 'hack'.

>> No.6612795

no mate. Paul Thomas Anderson was the only one who could have pulled it off.
Brunel certainly not. Lynch neither. Lynch is to dark, too psychographical - Pynchon cannot be heavy, it is light and flitting.
Coen Bros maybe but then again not - they were far more suited to McCarthy and it shows in how brilliant NCFOM was. Their sense of pacing is too delicate for a Pynchon adaptation.

I was expecting PTA to adapt Pynchon after I watched the Master - the film's schizophrenic metre was just crying out "let me realise Pynchon".

I knew that inherent vice was going to be good when Phoenix was standing there looking all squiffy and the multicoloured shadows dancing on the walls to vitamin C by can. It was just like - boom. that's Pynchon.

>> No.6613501

>mulholland drive

>> No.6613524

>Pynchon cannot be heavy

Have you read V.? Gravity's Rainbow? He does "heavy" too. Pinecone isn't all fun and games.

>> No.6613536

>the film's schizophrenic metre was just crying out "let me realise Pynchon".

It's embarrassing; I think I was writing sentences like this not even 10 years ago.

>> No.6613538

>reading a film novelization

>> No.6613575

>not realizing the novel came first and they just used one of the movie posters as a cover to promote it.

>> No.6613642

Bad advice. Start with V.

>> No.6613705

I've read v, lot 49 and rainbow.

yeah it's noir, but like all good noir it's irreverent and self conscious.

wow good 4 u

>> No.6613795

Portnoy's Complaint was adapted in '72 by Ernest Lehman..

>> No.6613821

>this got made into a movie
>and it wasn't directed by the Coen's
I will never get over this despair.

>> No.6613864

oh god kill yourself as soon as possible please

>> No.6615497

Nah. Coens need to do the Mason&Dixon miniseries on HBO