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File: 43 KB, 450x684, Book-Review-The-Martian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6606463 No.6606463 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this book in 2-3 days RIGHT AFTER taking 6 months to finish Infinite Jest.

I thought this was kind of fun.

>> No.6606467

Eh, maybe it's an expectations thing. Contrasted against Infinite Jest, this probably does seem good.

>> No.6606472

I wanted to buy it but the 30-something dollar price tag put me off. I'm too broke for that.

>> No.6606476

ya suspenseful and interesting technical detail

>> No.6606481

>6 months

Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with you

>> No.6606482

The Martian?! It's literally one of those WordPress story blogs, who on this EARTH would sell a cheap ass paperback for $30?

>> No.6606490

It was a real casual pace, sometimes I didn't read it for a whole week and then only like 20 pages a day.

>> No.6606504

so is this the /pleb/ general?

>> No.6606534

Is a quick read, with some pop-humour and decently grounded Sci-fi, which makes for a great break between heavier books like you did. I enjoyed thoroughly for this reason.

>> No.6606558

I liked it but I thought that every character basically being the nerd with a bit of an edge was boring. Just a bunch of Mark Watney's, just different wigs.

>> No.6606609

Cringeworthy dialogue and an unbearably irritating main character (who is also essentially every other character) who doesn't change or grow at all despite being stranded on Mars alone for however the fuck long.

This book is Twilight-tier, indefensible and absolute trash

>> No.6606650


You mean weeks, right? I read it in five weeks the first time and even that's too long

>> No.6606661

Oh, I'll read faster next time to complete the appeared of fitting in.

>> No.6606712


Ah I see english isn't your first language, no wonder it took you so long

>> No.6606725

Barnes and Noble, when it was new

>> No.6606894

>however the fuck long

The book tells you how the fuck long he was stuck there. That you don't know this is proof you haven't read it and are therefore parroting someone else. You may leave.

>> No.6606993

Is it proof? I don't have the book to refer to because I gave it away immediately after I finished it. Why in the fuck would I "parrot" someone else? In fact, I've only been able to find people either praising the book or subtly criticizing one or two things while maintaining that they liked it overall.

I'll say it again. The book is trash, and I know this because I've read the goddamned thing (for some reason).

>> No.6607691

It's hard sci fi

You read hard sci fi for the science. Anyone who reads genre fiction for literary merit needs to get a life.

>> No.6607695

>needs to get a life.

remember where you are boy

>> No.6607703

Also the guy never intended to publish this book. It was a hobby project posted on a blog for free, and an agent cold called him and offered to shower $$$ on him to publish his twilight-tier blog.

Now he's set for life, getting $$$ thrown at him to write anything he wants.
>And Matt Damon is going to play author-insert
>Does that make you jelly?

>> No.6607717
File: 33 KB, 900x600, 0911111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book was so annoying

The main character tried way too hard to be funny

The science was incredible boring. You can only read so much about plants and co2 and soil before you have to stop reading

>> No.6607727

I think this will be a better movie. Less room for smiley faces, redundant technical detail and, I would like to think, no chance of Matt Damon to emote "Yay ^_^!!!!"

>> No.6607890

i can't get passed how obnoxious the narrator is. is that a theme? an obnoxious everyman stuck on Mars?