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File: 2.56 MB, 1166x1128, omelet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6605974 No.6605974 [Reply] [Original]

Genius here, ask me anything.

>> No.6605983

Is that ketchup?

>> No.6605985
File: 25 KB, 500x500, franks-redhot-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck no

>> No.6605988
File: 80 KB, 307x288, julia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like bastardizing French cuisine like that?

>> No.6605996

tasty and filling

>> No.6606007
File: 341 KB, 638x481, solvethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6606012

that expression is false

>> No.6606022

'x' on the left is 30, 'x' on the right is 4

>> No.6606046

I remember having seen these, and am still quite astonished we ever had a thread where we posted pictures of what we had consumed for breakfast; I kek at both times having had someone ask if that's ketchup.

>> No.6606048


is genius earned or inherited

>> No.6606061

>muh false dichotomy

>> No.6606070

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6606072

>blindly accepting the statement
Coincidentally, I'm a starving Ugandan woman. send me bitcoins

>> No.6606079

>muh muh
>muh wasted 4chan life
>muh unpublished tropey shit fantasy novel
>muh muh muh muh
>muh little dick
>muh truffle butter on ya pussy

how about
how much of genius is earned and how much of it is inherited

>> No.6606110
File: 776 KB, 1322x980, implying nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good joke

>> No.6606118

that's a whole lot of projection there m8

>> No.6606135

>on /tv/
>not a projectionist

>> No.6606140

>>on /tv/

>> No.6606142
File: 68 KB, 661x449, 1418676175941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does nothingness come from?

>> No.6606155

show me nothingness and I'll be glad to tell you where it came from

>> No.6606200


Are you doing anything cool, or pursuing the chill life?

Also what metric are you using to define yourself by? My IQ is 134. Sometimes I can't help feeling jelly of people a few points higher. I've always been somewhat self conscious of my intelligence, I think in part because I was stuck in retard classes due to having behavioral issues

>> No.6606212
File: 47 KB, 1206x680, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently in school for nuclear engineering. these are two big projects I worked on last semester. I don't worry about iq too much, never took a test. but my dad's iq is 140 and my uncles (on my mom's side) is 165

>> No.6606221

It's funny, the nature of high IQ scores actually disprove high IQ scores.

>> No.6606278


That's baller

I don't generally worry about it either at this point. I have a sense of self worth and the respect of peers in my field. I guess it's just wanting to be 6' when you're 5'11"

>> No.6606280

>lying on the internet

>> No.6606308

>>lying on the internet
>everyone is exactly the same and does exactly the same things

>> No.6606324



>> No.6606357

What are your thoughts on the merits of HWR vs LWR designs?

>> No.6606376

i like LWRs and PWRs are an unnecessary complication for commercial power production. BWRs are perfectly fine and less complicated than PWRs. the only people that need PWRs are the Navy. but CANDUs are based

>> No.6606451

makes me sad that my country has defunded and pretty much dismantled AECL. Is the outlook still good for Nuclear Engineering? Seem like a lot of governments and utilities are hedging on new plants. Also hear very little news on the micro reactors.

>> No.6606470

>Is the outlook still good for Nuclear Engineering?
i think so, but i'm not particularly interested in commercial power plants as much, more interested in materials science, radiation detection/measurement/protection, and fusion
>makes me sad that my country has defunded and pretty much dismantled AECL
>tfw the clinton administration

>> No.6606473

What makes you believe yourself to be a genius?

>> No.6606478

my penis size

>> No.6606479

what do u wear??

>> No.6606489
File: 14 KB, 208x250, 1432250560460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are nothing more than a game to me

>spend months at a time strategically planting ideas into people's heads, and playing mind games

>get bored of someone after a while and move on to my next victim but that's okay because there's literally billions of you dirty little roaches to fuck around with

>some people actually believe I care about them as people but the truth is I only use them for my personal advantage and entertainment

>> No.6606492

x - 7 = 19 + x
add 7 to 19, subtract x

0 = 26

>> No.6606493
File: 302 KB, 1382x1152, muh style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a chip on my shoulder

>> No.6606494

I think you're confusing genius with psychopath
I'm not even joking

>> No.6606495

yes, Gore and Clinton killing the IFR was a travesty

>> No.6606499

irony: palpable

>> No.6606500

>implying i'm an edgy faggot

>> No.6606507

i've had androids for like 7 years, figured i'd give it a try. better than i anticipated.

>> No.6606520


i am not sold on ur genius

>> No.6606522
File: 22 KB, 208x250, 1432605711323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew you would post this. KEK You're like a puppet on a string. Dance my little wooden man, dance!

>> No.6606525

>people like this exist and haven't been beaten to death yet
probably because you're too much of a pussy to confront someone offline

>> No.6606528

do feel obligated to do something that would be looked back on as smart and important

>> No.6606531

they also fucked the fusion program

>> No.6606538

>0= 26
That makes sense

>> No.6606540
File: 11 KB, 411x387, 1432074956798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the synthesis of stirnerian egoism and feuerbachian communism?

real question here...

>> No.6606541

that's not me. like i said >>6606012

>> No.6606547

sorry, I deal in reality, not fantasy

>> No.6606560

just fucking answer my question, boipus.

>> No.6606572


I have a strong desire to do this and have it done back to me. I have a well adjusted gf whom I've been dating for years now. We care about one another, and not constantly fucking with one another's heads leaves me with a lot of energy to channel into my work. But I would love to have some dark emotionally abusive relationships with other intelligent men and women

>> No.6606606

c'mon guys it was only a couple days ago

>> No.6606610

Is Lebron the GOAT?

>> No.6606616


>> No.6606660
File: 297 KB, 654x727, buy uranium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, just a tip for yall niggas: invest in uranium

>> No.6606662
File: 3 KB, 125x113, 1430533475720s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x - 7 = 19 + x
-x - 7 = 19
-x = 26

x = -26

>> No.6606667
File: 27 KB, 421x616, nuke stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6606672

Is this bait or......

>> No.6606675
File: 89 KB, 917x1113, buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6606685

(-26) - 7 = 19 + (-26)
-33 = -7

sure anon, we believe you

>> No.6606703

will true love find me or is that something i tell myself to excuse my fear of rejection

>> No.6606723

you already know the answer, why are you asking me?

>> No.6606733

>the answer is clear to you, you know the answer
>come on boy, what's the answer
That's carnival-gypsy-tier, faggot. If all of life's bumps and problems could be solved by being introspective, we'd have a bizarro world 4chan.

>> No.6606745

i dont know the answer

what if dating and courtship are contrived systems and my (lack of) participation in them isn't actually a problem. like these expectations of when and how love should happen only exist thanks to fine dining reservations and valentines day. i need to collect numbers and go through first date job interviews in order to meet someone?

like lots of things, failure to participate is put back on the actor for the choices they make. don't want to go to college? you are lazy. don't want to date? you are a pussy.

>> No.6606766

Those are parallel lines. They don't intersect with each other. So there's no solution to the equation in the Real Numbers.

Don't ask me about other number sets, though, I'm not op, neither a genius.

>> No.6606800

What is imagination and why can it surpass the laws of physics?

>> No.6606845

>Knowing your IQ

>> No.6606856

>on my moms side

>> No.6606862

>I don't worry about iq too much, never took a test
can you not read?

>> No.6606888

He's not a chauvinist. It's just a not so subtle way to mention his Ashkenazi Jew heritage.

>> No.6606893

>only exist thanks to fine dining reservations and valentine's day
I'm aware that capitalistic desires have shaped and altered certain cultural trends and societal mores, but I don't think it's that far extended.
The expectations of 'when' love should occur is pretty much any time after puberty, and one's either 'expected' to be single, due to a desire to be alone for a while, which is only deemed 'okay' because there's an expectation that sooner or later they'd get back in the dating game, just now they're exhausted/burnt-out, usually from getting out of a serious relationship, etc., which of course implies that being single, and having been single the whole of your life, is out of the question of being seen as normal, ever, which is debatable as to whether this is wrong or not, but the expectation of sometime achieving some amount of love is lowered if you decide to become celibate for religious reasons, and not much else, and you'd be ridiculed if you chose to stay celibate for reasons along the lines of purity, or what have you, or 'expected' to be in a serious relationship that's hopefully inevitably on its way to the ties of marriage -- a relationship 'on the rocks' is still considered strange, and just going for a friends with benefits as well, the latter having the assumption that it's never 'just for sex', that eventually romance will blossom, etc, etc.

you seem to have a very pessimistic and misanthropic view of relationships,
but I can't say you are entirely wrong about them.

>> No.6606900


>> No.6606921

ur smart

>> No.6606953

Geniuses can spell omelette correctly.

Btw, i saw your omelette on /ck/... shit's still burned. Kill yaself homie

>> No.6606978

>shit's still burned
you mean burnt. and it's not

>> No.6607647

>not believing everything has an opposite

If you have a high IQ, you're probably a boring, uncharismatic, uncreative, cock sniff. Everybody hates people high IQ's. Also the IQ test was invented by someone who is literally spastic.

>> No.6607654

Never cringed so hard in my life. You're a wannabe sociopath, the opposite end of the spectrum to genius.

>> No.6607665

You confused OP with another anon trust me ;)

>> No.6607804

nice ideology you've got there