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File: 14 KB, 450x300, pantheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
660422 No.660422 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a pantheist. Prove to me God doesn't exist.

>> No.660425

I can say He/She/It does not, therefore, He/She/It does not.

>> No.660428

Assuming God is omnipotent, could he make a rock he couldn't lift?

>> No.660429


Oh, fuck that argument. Fucking circular arguments don't have a place in true logical discussions.

>> No.660431

Assuming God is omnipotent, can God be a man?

>> No.660432

Abrahamic arguments don't apply.

Does the universe make rocks it can't lift? and if so, does this null the fact that the universe is all powerful?

>> No.660435

come on, man, OP trolled me directly. Can't I troll him indirectly?

>> No.660436

>When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on him or her making a claim.

You made the claim that there is a god. You prove it. I make no such claims, so I have no burden of proof.

>> No.660438

M-Theory doesn't allow for one universe

>> No.660439


>> No.660440


my proof is the material universe in which all other evidences, causes, effects, beings, actions exist.

>> No.660441

M-theory is not supported by any empirical evidence.

>> No.660443


M-theory allows for multidimensional noodles and sliced bread universes, but no pantheism?

>> No.660444

That proves matter exists. Doesn't prove anything about any gods.

>> No.660446

reported for NOT LITERATURE

>> No.660449
File: 41 KB, 283x360, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


spinoza is lit, fuck off

>> No.660452

I like that article. Basically it is one of 2 arguments Bible thumpers use every time they are stumped:

You distorted it
God works in mysterious ways

So in the first sentence, one who questions is distorting logic

And in the second, God's logic is different than mans.

>> No.660455

It's pretty obvious there is no god and we're just an evolved mold on a shitty rock in space...

Think about it...

>> No.660456


>> No.660460

/lit/ The Bible Channel

>> No.660461

I like how atheists get all butthurt when you ask them to support their claims.

>> No.660465


If the cause of all causes, all powerful, basis of all life, and all existence, ever, doesn't qualify as God, wtf does.

>> No.660468


right, thats what pantheism says

>> No.660471

Why should I? People can believe what ever the fuck they want to believe no matter how stupid the belief. That being said, troll harder.

>> No.660473


atleast the evolution part on the rocks

>> No.660474

I believe in Gnomes. PROVE ME WRONG.

>> No.660475
File: 79 KB, 500x375, flying-spaghetti-monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove to me that this isn't your god. You can't!

>> No.660476

I like how people assume and apply generic personality traits that humans with incredibly varied beliefs share to only one group of people with one certain belief. It's funny.

>> No.660477

Hello mister troll.

>> No.660478

New Age bullshit is still bullshit

>> No.660479
File: 54 KB, 539x421, mcluhan-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pantheism is not about the fucking bible

>> No.660480


Not my fault it's true.

I make no claims one way or the other, so the burden of proof doesn't lie on me.

>> No.660489


Einstein, spinoza, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman- not new age

>> No.660495

Forgive my ignorance, but doesn't "belief" take "proof" out of the equation?

>> No.660499


all of you are dealing with this as if your talking to a fundementalist christian- pantheism bares no relation to anthropomorphic Gods or Jesus.

>> No.660500

Generalizations are cool aren't they?

>> No.660505

>I'm a pantheist. Prove to me God doesn't exist.

Solipsism requires the fewest unprovable assertions, and so by way of Occam's Razor the burden of proof is on you to prove that anything outside of your mind exists.

>> No.660513

When did I do that? I just said you could believe what ever you wanted to. Are you that incapable of rational thought that you must lump me for no reason other than I responded?

>> No.660514
File: 137 KB, 800x530, Hindu_dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if a single human mind is the only thing that exists then it is has no exterior mind or universe out there that would define its limits then it is purely indefinable, ineffable, and useless to talk about. If you want to talk about there being something of yours 'out there' in your mental universe, you might as well just call yourself a hindu

>> No.660520


>implying I don't already identify as Hindu

>> No.660521


You're not doing much to prove it isn't a generalization.

Being a butthurt atheist and all.

>> No.660523


>implying that the OP gives a fuck

>> No.660525

I am neither atheist nor butthurt. Try harder man.

>> No.660528


>> No.660529

Get this out of /lit/. You can take this to every other forum and have the same discussion.

>> No.660531

It's OK. I wont ignore the elephant in the room. The answer is yes.

>> No.660532

>implying that i wasn't implying that your were a hindu trolling as a solipsist.

>> No.660533

My belief in atheism is pretty simple for me to explain, using a little bit of Sartre and Russell. Russell is far better used as an argument against Christianity in particular, but some of his analysis obviously applies to all religious/theistic views.
I just rarely choose to engage people about it. I don't get "butthurt." It doesn't matter to me what somebody else believes, or doesn't believe, about the subject. What matters to me is what they do with/about it. The question of God is mostly a moot point that I agree with the Sophists on: "The question is complex and life is short."
I'm replying to you because you're making an assumption about atheists that is quite simply a stereotype. Period. Theists and atheists alike get quite offended when their beliefs are "threatened" by others aggressively questioning them. Your stereotype is therefore, like all stereotypes, erroneous.

>> No.660535
File: 18 KB, 252x248, 1273103480279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suuuuure you aren't.

>> No.660537
File: 101 KB, 900x726, shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, everyone knows that pastafarianism is compatible with pantheism

>> No.660538


Doho, so you admit that atheism is a belief?

>> No.660539

"Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color."

>> No.660541


Terrible analogy is terrible.

>> No.660544

Hey seriously, this is a literature board. While it is nice to have this kind of argument every fucking day, OP should have taken it to /sci/, /r9k/, /adv/, /cgl/, /wg/ or anywhere else.

Have your beliefs and cherish them, whatever keeps you warm at night. But keep these fucking threads somewhere else. I don't shit on your dinner table. Stop shitting on mine.

>> No.660549

Atheism isn't a religion any more than trinitarianism, metaphysical naturalism, or ontological objectivism is. It is a very specific philosophical idea, which is almost entirely meaningless without some other metaphysical context.

>> No.660551



>> No.660552


Buddhism is atheistic, certain schools of hinduism are atheistic, secularism is the atheistic religion of the modern era of the west.

>> No.660554


Squares are a type of rectangle, but that doesn't mean rectangles are a type of square.

>> No.660555

Hair color=Type of religion
Lack of hair=atheism

It's actually a good one.

>> No.660557

Atheism = lack of religious belief
Bald = lack of hair

>> No.660559

Atheism is a belief, yes, in a certain sense. It has far less assumptions within it as a belief, however, which is why it is not a system of beliefs. There is only one provided claim to believe in - there is no god. The rest of the questions which follow from it have an empirical basis in scientific or philosophical concepts. This is why atheists are an incredibly varied group in every other imaginable way, whereas theists group themselves by the arrangement of their belief systems, i.e. sects/branches of the major religions.

>> No.660560
File: 479 KB, 1024x684, dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pantheism fully accepts death, and posits no afterlife. There is no weakness, only balls.

>> No.660564




>> No.660567

The very fact that these threads exist is reason enough for me to hate all vocal theists on the internet.

>> No.660570


A more appropriate analogy would be to equate different religions with different hair styles, the combining thread being the hair.

>> No.660573
File: 32 KB, 185x200, fail and aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far everyone's done a pretty good job at mistaking pantheism for the abrahamic branch of beliefs, followed by lots of fail and misconception.

>> No.660575


Hey, you're the first internet atheist I've ever met that I respect. All the rest just go "derpa doo not a religion oh what you don't make a claim one way or the other LOL FENCE SITTER DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER?"

>> No.660577


Is this really happening? Are you so insecure in your beliefs that you have to shit on literature board?

>> No.660580

Come, come now, /lit/. You're above this.
Are you not?

>> No.660581
File: 33 KB, 449x529, anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i didnt do that

>> No.660582

>Atheism is a belief, yes, in a certain sense.
>There is only one provided claim to believe in - there is no god.
Atheism in it's broadest sense is a lack of belief in god and not necessarily a claim that god's do not exist.


>> No.660583

And lots of mistaking atheism for a religion.

>> No.660585

I don't believe in unicorns. Does that make me an aunicornist? Does that mean I have a certain anti-unicorn belief system loaded with untenable assumptions? Or does it just mean that I don't believe in a mythical being that others do?

I don't believe in vampires. Does that mean I'm an avampirist? Does that mean I have a certain anti-vampire belief system loaded with untenable assumptions? Or does it just mean that I don't believe in a mythical being that others do?

I don't believe in God. Does that mean I'm an atheist? Does that mean I have a certain belief system loaded with untenable assumptions? Or does it just mean that I don't believe in a mythical being that others do?

>> No.660586

He's also an idiot.

>> No.660589

I think this thread got lost /b/ is to the left.

>> No.660591


No one ever said religion.

They said belief.

Atheism is a belief in no gods.

Don't go "lol it's a lack of belief in gods." Don't give me that. That's the same thing, any argument otherwise is just semantics.

>> No.660592

But it isn't a religion.

>> No.660593

The thread began with the complete fail of "Prove to me God..."
Nothing else was required. Anyone who thinks they have "proof" of the answers to these questions is a complete moron. There's a reason we've been arguing this shit since mankind's beginnings, and guess what, you're not the genius that's going to blow it all away. If you were, you'd be writing the book and speaking to the masses about it and you wouldn't be on fucking 4chan spreading the Good News that will save humanity, one way or the other, either way you look at the problem, that's what atheists and theists who so vehemently argue this shit are trying to do. Which is why both sides are full of arrogant, judgmental shitheads.

>> No.660594

I hope so. But again, remember the poll data for lit.

70% of you are male
90% of males are 17-24

I remember thinking I knew it all.

>> No.660595

atheism is a lack of a belief in God, not necessarily religion. Buddhism and some hindu sects have no Gods, but they are very religious.

>> No.660597

>Atheism is a belief in no gods.
>Don't go "lol it's a lack of belief in gods." Don't give me that. That's the same thing

>> No.660598


Too bad you can disprove unicorns and vampires but not an omnipotent being.

>> No.660602


Too bad you're wrong.

>> No.660603

You can disprove unicorns? Are you honestly saying there are no unicorns in the entire universe?

>> No.660606


I'm just saying that this is ridiculous and that everybody should believe what ever they want to. Atheism IS a belief, a belief in fact and rational thought.

>> No.660607
File: 20 KB, 500x359, einstein_235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pantheist fag signing off.

fucking using my general relativity and shit.

>> No.660608


Hey, on another planet there damn well might be, but I'm pretty sure there aren't any on Terra.

>> No.660611

Ummm...how do you disprove unicorns and vampires? Because you've never seen them? If you believe in an omnipotent extra-dimensional sky entity, why can't you believe that there are horned horses and blood-sucking sparkly men lying hidden somewhere in the world?

>> No.660614


atheism has nothing to do with rational thought, those are rationalists, and they have rationalist theist. The inventor of rationalism was a theist. Atheism goes as far as saying "i dont belief in God' and no farther. I think we can all attest to saying we've met dumb irrational atheists.

>> No.660620
File: 41 KB, 480x481, chaosmagick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who posted on this thread got trolled so fucking hard.

>> No.660622


Simple. We've been lots of places in the world and never seen evidence for either.

We've never been to another dimension or further out than the edges of our solar system, really.

>> No.660628
File: 12 KB, 276x188, karl popper 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this bitch does not know how falsification works

>> No.660629

god is man . . man is god
it's PANtheism bub, everything is god

>> No.660634

I've never seen someone from Kazakhstan. I guess that means they don't exist.

>> No.660636
File: 52 KB, 198x255, feyerabend3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.660639

Actually you are.
Believing that there are no gods and having a lack of belief is gods is to different things.

Take a baby or a man who has never known of the concept of god. What positive belief do they hold on gods? None. They have a lack of belief in gods. Now look at some asshole who claims, THERE ARE NO GODS. That is a belief. This is not semantics. Agnostic atheism makes no assertion that there are no gods, but only holds that the evidence for the existence of gods is too little to warrant the belief in gods or an acceptance of the god hypothesis.

>> No.660640

Boy, do I love discussing literature!

>> No.660641


Aren't you atheists the ones who always go "ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE DURRHURR?"

>> No.660642

God isn't some damned superhero. He's not a genie granting wishes. God is the whole of existence; the countable and the uncountable.

>> No.660645


If babies and men have no concept of god, then how did man come by the belief in god?

>> No.660650

What about Flying Spaghetti Monster? We haven't ever been to the Spaghetti Galaxy! How can you deny him?!?!

>> No.660652
File: 46 KB, 459x459, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


babies dont belief in God.

All babies are born atheists

God doesn't exists

Babies can't count

Babies don't belief in math

Math doesn't exist

>> No.660655


Hey, never said I did.

Somewhere out there he might be floating around in his atmosphere of pure spaghetti sauce.

>> No.660656

>If babies and man have no concept of witches and werewolves, then how did man come to believe in witches and werewolves?

>> No.660659

If theism is so bad, how come a theist invented the scientific method?

>> No.660662

cosmic security blanket

>> No.660663


Nice greentext.

When you can argue like an adult come out from behind it and talk.

>> No.660664

The same way people come to believe in leprechauns, ghosts, Alien abductions, Vampires, Santa ... ect.. ect..

>> No.660665

Don't worry atheists Jesus loves everyone, even faith cripples like yourselves.

>> No.660667
File: 75 KB, 447x733, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I declare thee pwned

>> No.660671
File: 47 KB, 611x649, isaac_newton_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and I

>> No.660677
File: 3 KB, 119x118, renes descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I as well

>> No.660679


lol I can just imagine a bunch of neckbeards clenching their fists and sputtering in impotent rage

>> No.660680

Babies and man can conceive of many things that don't exist. In English we call it "imagination."

>> No.660682

I had a turkey sandwich for dinner. It tasted like shit. God is shit.

>> No.660683
File: 3 KB, 126x114, cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did everyone go from discussing spinozan pantheism to Christianity. Wtf is that shit

>> No.660684

Jesus was here.

>> No.660688


>implying pop culture of the era is any validity to your argument.

>> No.660691
File: 29 KB, 307x531, disobey_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the OP started talking about spinozan pantheism- he was about the only one, everything devolved into an atheist v christian cesspool afterwords because they've been programmed to via conditioning from the man.

>> No.660694


lulz, that's the only argument you can come up with?

Face it, you were pwned.

>> No.660695

brb lol

>> No.660698


So...atheists are just reverse Christians! It all makes sense now.

>> No.660699
File: 105 KB, 750x760, OPINIONS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scientism and materialism was an invention of pre-Renaissance christian fathers. How does that make you atheists feel?

>> No.660700


>not approaching the idea in my previous greentext

also, i just got hurr, brah. JUST TOO BUSY SHUTTIN' YOU DOWN.

>> No.660701

It did not devolve into that. It's mostly about misconceptions about atheism.

>> No.660703


You're just mad that a Muslim invented the scientific method.

>> No.660705

Science and materialism existed before Jesus.

>> No.660707


You mean what atheism really is vs. what atheists want you to think

>> No.660708

>implying that people have more misconceptions about atheism then pantheism, even though this thread shows the opposite.

>> No.660709
File: 297 KB, 900x1214, at first i was like 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


88 here. Your claim that Christianity has ANYTHING to do with this is ridiculous. Honestly, the only value that Christianity had to any of those scientific movements' originators was the fact that, pre-Renaissance, only people that went to seminary received any education whatsoever.

So shut the hell up. Christianity is irrelevant. Nigger.

>> No.660710


So it was invented by Polytheists. That just magnifies your pwnage.

>> No.660711
File: 111 KB, 714x954, ibn_al_haytham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup guys, praise Allah! Science rules.

>> No.660712

>is raging because the scientific fathers were Christians.

>> No.660713


Oh, sure, but if an atheist comes up with something all of a sudden it's hot shit.

Face it bro, u mad.

>> No.660714

Why does it?

>> No.660715


Because they believed in more than one god.

Surely that must make you rage more than people believing in just one god.

>> No.660717

>implying anything existed before jesus

>> No.660718


honestly, faith is irrelevant to me. I'm technically Deist, I guess, but it isn't the people that make the discoveries, it's the discoveries themselves. Honestly, the faith issue is irrelevant to the science behind it

>> No.660721

Why would I rage that people believe in god/gods?

>> No.660722


>implying those discoveries would have been made without religion

>> No.660723
File: 98 KB, 281x349, dharmakirti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey y'all, I'm a Buddhist, one of the first Atomists, atheist, lol.

>> No.660725

"Philosopher Alan Watts criticized science for operating under a materialist model of the world that he posited is simply a modified version of the Abrahamic worldview, that "the universe is constructed and maintained by a Lawmaker" (commonly identified as God or the Logos). Watts asserts that during the rise of secularism through the 18th to 20th century when scientific philosophers got rid of the notion of a lawmaker they kept the notion of law, and that the idea that the world is a material machine run by law is a presumption just as unscientific as religious doctrines that affirm it is a material machine made and run by a lawmaker"

>> No.660726


Fucking dumbass. Read the previous posts. Religion was the driving force ONLY because it allowed said scientists to receive education.

Take a high-school level history class, you undereducated faggot.

>> No.660727

Sure is /lit/ in here...

>> No.660729


Because your a fagtheist.

>> No.660730

Well, Galileo wouldn't have been killed and scientists from the 1400's - 1700's wouldn't have had to submit their research to the church censor before it was published.

>> No.660731

To: 4chan.org's owners and patrons

We hereby support the permanent shutting down of the website 4chan.org for either one or all of the following reasons:

1. Because it contributes nothing beneficial to society.

2. Because it encourages racism, misogyny, stealing, homophobia, ethnocentrism, rape, murder, and child molestation.

3. Because it does not encourage a community environment, but in fact a horde mentality, which can further lead to anarchy and possibly terrorism.

4. Because it dilutes entertainment down to its rudimentary form: instant gratification. Thus, it discourages people to seek out more refined forms of entertainment.

5. Because it reinforces the stereotype that the Internet is a cultural wasteland, and must be shut down to perverse the fact that the Internet is, if nothing else, serious business.

6. Because /r/ does not deliver.

7. Because no one thinks my memes are funny.

4chan.org is a cancer on human society, and must be dealt with accordingly.


>> No.660733


>bawwww theists invented science and the scientific method better downplay their involvement


>I hope I look cool in front of the guys

>> No.660734

I don't believe that fags are gods. I don't believe in any gods actually. What does that have to do with the Greeks anyway?

>> No.660735

>killed by Church
Learn 2 history, friend

>> No.660736

Are you like 6? Man, these new theists are very annoying.

>> No.660738


>lol I bet I look clever now good thing I read that Dawkins book

>> No.660741


It's no different than what you atheists were doing earlier in the thread.

>> No.660742
File: 19 KB, 420x367, 3321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is 4 people and Kirk Cameron calling people names.

>> No.660743

Oh sorry, I was thinking of Giordano Bruno

>> No.660745

lol @ butthurt atheists

Allah invented your science.

Where is your Dawkins now?

>> No.660751

The only Richard Dawkins books I read was The Ancestors Tale, kind of boring.. I don't see how it's content is related to the discussion at hand.

>> No.660753

Where? I just got here.

>> No.660754


>oh no he's on to me better act like I don't know what he's talking about

>jeez I'm so smart and superior I wonder why people don't like me more

>> No.660758

>>660429 ----> >>660754

You all are fucking retarded. Jesus.

>> No.660762

The issue is not and never has been that we, i'm an agnostic not an atheist, have to prove anything to you. We do not make any claim except that you fail to make a good case for your imaginary deity.
Your demand is in fact a well known logical error, it is so well known that I have a hard time believing that you have not encountered it before. You are making an appeal to ignorance. The arguement you make takes the form . You cant prove my God doesn't exist, therefor my God must exist. even in a less aggressive form its equally in error, You cant prove my God doesn't exist therefore my position is on equal intellectual footing to yours, this could be the case but that depends on the other view being equally unsupported by evidence not just because your position cant be unproven.

>> No.660770
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>> No.660775

I don't know what you are talking about, are trying to imply that what you put in the green text is what I am thinking? I can assure you that it isn't. I think you are referring to the Dawkins book The God Delusion. Anyhow, I have never read that book. I don't know why you would even mention it.. now that I have come to think about it.. What would be the relevance of me reading The God Delusion?

>> No.660784


>oh jeez he's called my bluff better keep feigning ignorance

>why didn't daddy love me?

>> No.660792
File: 25 KB, 389x388, cute baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.660806

/lit/ is not the place for this shit, you insufferable faggots.

>> No.660832


Why do you think I took it upon myself to troll it into submission?

>> No.660842

It was a trollthread to begin with. Trollthreads don't die because you countertroll them, just stop posting in it idiot.

>> No.661488

>Implying that the greeks had nothing to do with it

>> No.661513

>163 posts and 25 image replies omitted.

Why do people still fall for this "Controversial statement. Prove me wrong." nonsense?

>> No.661528

Do I also need to prove the FSM, Invisible Pink Unicorns and fairies at the bottom of my garden don't exist for corresponding beliefs?

>> No.661538


Fuck you for bumping this. It was dead, dude!

>> No.661552

Relax. Chill out. Close thread if necessary. Close window if necessary. Simple.

>> No.661554

+ 167 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

see, god doesn't exist. otherwise you would be banned.