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/lit/ - Literature

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6601886 No.6601886 [Reply] [Original]

Is John Milbank correct in that the theological struggle between the School of Antioch and the Catechetical School of Alexandria was foreshadowing of scientism, and that the fundamentalist struggle against tropology today is actually a symptom of scientism? That is, fundamentalism is skeptical of philosophy, art, literature and even theology as contaminations of "objectivity"?

>> No.6601893

I hope it's just one desperate retard posting all these Milbank threads.

>> No.6601915
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Are these Archie memes real?

>> No.6601928

I didn't post the other threads. I just started Theology and Social Theory, this is in part one. Curious as to what other people thought about this

Yes sirree

>> No.6601957
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pic related

>> No.6602384


>> No.6602394

Proof that Tintin is superior in every way to Archie

>> No.6602405
File: 309 KB, 881x836, 1397182423439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
