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6601417 No.6601417 [Reply] [Original]

>not infected with romanticism/nazism and muh precious soil like heidegger
>refused to accept nobel prize
>wasn't mawkish and realized that sometimes the ends justify the means
>wasn't dumb enough to have children or get married but still got pussy anytime he wanted despite being an ugly midget with yellow rotten teeth
>descriptive ontology of FREEDOM that promotes action in everyday life
>"He would not overeat. Although he drank plenty of black coffee and smoked excessively, he drank very little alcohol. His social life took place in the afternoons. Three o'clock in the afternoon, he thought, was too late to finish anything and too late to start anything. The first volume of the Critique of Dialectical Reason was written at three times the normal speed because Sartre took twenty amphetamine tablets per day to finish it. Although he was physically strong, and perhaps partly because of it, Sartre took little care of his body. Sport bored him. He was happy to abuse his body to accelerate his written output."
>never owned a house or apartment, lived in hotels, and his personal possessions were few
>gave all of his extra money to friends and worthy causes
>wasn't a dork who modeled himself on humphrey bogart
>incorporated and synthesized ideas from a variety of sources like psychoanalysis and marxism and nietzsche and phenomenology

>One must imagine Sisyphus happy! :)
>Camus was once asked by his friend Charles Poncet which he preferred, football or the theatre. Camus is said to have replied, "Football, without hesitation."

>> No.6601431

I could not read sart. It made too much sense.

>> No.6601434

>both useless socialist maxist leninist thugs

>> No.6601443

I read the post and found it reasonable. But the fact that it was posted by someone with a trip negates its value, out of hand.

>> No.6601453

sad, isn't it

a halfway entertaining and agreeable post ruined before it even got started

when will these fucking people learn

>> No.6601454

A pedo rapist.

>> No.6601485


>> No.6601527

I remember hearing that Sartre made a fool out of Camus in a book review. Anyone know where I can find it?

>> No.6601542

Twiggy you're retarded

>> No.6601976

ONFRAY shits on Sartre and preizes Camus. He says that S. is hypocritical, because he was bourgeois, something like this.

>> No.6601989

They were both shit, Sartre was a hack who stole literally every one of his ideas from Hegel, Husserl and Heidegger. He would have done a great job writing "Philosophy for Dummies", but he wasn't an original thinker. And you can see why, when one of his original thoughts was that Andromache was "bourgeois" for mourning her husband's death.

>> No.6602015

>lol like life is so weird xD
>I'm so special, these sheelpe can't see how, like, absurd and stuff everything is
Existentialism is baby's first philosophy. Sartre was a cuck, by the way.

>> No.6602034

it's usually people's last philosophy too, then they move on to more serious interests and actual well written novels

>> No.6602038

It's sad that they never even attempt the final boss, mathematical logic.

>> No.6602043

Didn't Satre later ask for the Noble Prize after refusing it?
Also, why is destroying one's body and poor physical health considered a positive quality?

>> No.6602046

fuck that, math is hard

I'll be content as a simple forester reading Kierkegaard and Soseki

>> No.6602463

Math is just a model.

>> No.6602475

>le tortured genius

>> No.6602477
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Sartre here, I misread Being and Time.

Please stop defending me. It is embarrassing.

>> No.6602481

>Camus was once asked by his friend Charles Poncet which he preferred, football or the theatre. Camus is said to have replied, "Football, without hesitation."

A man of taste

>men gathered together in a spirit of camaraderie to overcome an obstalce

>men gathered together to play dress up and pretend to be people they aren't and soliloquise about things they don't understand

reminder that Plato was right about acting
reminder that theatre is effeminate

>> No.6602489

Implying he wasn't just trolling snooty intellectual frenchmen.

>> No.6602869


>> No.6602870

>>not infected with romanticism/nazism and muh precious soil like heidegger
Which is probably why he didn't understand Heidegger

>> No.6602876

>And you can see why, when one of his original thoughts was that Andromache was "bourgeois" for mourning her husband's death.
He was right. Marriage is a bourgeois institution.

>> No.6603083

Filtered :^)

>> No.6604654

I'm in the middle of reading Nausea, when does it get gross friends?

>> No.6604677

It's clear tht you didn't understand shit about Camus.
Please, reread it (or read it, it seems that you did...

Oh, you're a tripfriend. Sorry, I thought that you were... Well, this is awkward.
Continue with the good work, buddy. You're just fine the way you are :)