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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 624 KB, 1203x678, Lit Poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6599794 No.6599794 [Reply] [Original]

1.The Holy Bible
2.Infinite Jest
3.Moby Dick
5.Blood Meridian
7.Gravity's Rainbow
8.The Stranger
9.The Brothers Karamazov
10.Crime and Punishment
12.The Trial
13.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
14.The Metamorphosis
15.The Catcher in the Rye
16.Don Quixote
17.Naked Lunch
18.Los Ficciones
19.The Divine Comedy
20.One Hundred Years of Solitude
25.The Sound and the Fury
27.Summa Theologica
28.Notes from the Underground
29.Heart of Darkness
30.Journey to the End of the Night
32.Oedipus Rex
33.The Odyssey
34.As I Lay Dying
35.Pale Fire
37.The Iliad
38.Anna Karenina
39.East of Eden
40.White Noise
41.The Idiot
42.The Great Gatsby
43.The Republic
44.Paradise Lost
45.Confessions of Saint Augustine
46.The Old Man and the Sea
47.In Search Of Lost Time
48.Finnegans Wake
49.The Book of the New Sun
50.The Grapes of Wrath
54.The Crying of Lot 49
55.Brave New World
56.A Confederacy of Dunces
57.War and Peace
58.Invisible Cities
59.The Sun Also Rises
60.The Picture of Dorian Gray
61.The Count of Monte Cristo
62.The Road
63.Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
64.To The Lighthouse
66.The Pale King
67.If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
69.The Castle
70.Dead Souls
71.Fear and Trembling
72.The Savage Detectives
73.Thus Spoke Zarathustra
74.No Longer Human
75.Being and Time
77.Das Kapital
79.The Hobbit
80.One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
81.American Psycho
82.Confessions of a Mask
83.Tai Pei
84.Absalom, Absalom!
85.All Quiet On The Western Front
86.On the Road
87.Tess of the D'urbervilles
88.A Farewell to Arms
90.The Leopard
91.To Kill A Mockingbird
92.A Clockwork Orange
94.Ham on Rye
95.Under The Volcano
97.Wuthering Heights
99.Beyond Good and Evil
100.Leaves of Grass

>> No.6599806

Why are there plays on the list?

>> No.6599816

>1.The Holy Bible
Fug yeah, I helped make that possible.

>> No.6599817

32.Oedipus Rex

Also someone make the image for all to spam it when someone asks for recs.

>> No.6599829
File: 199 KB, 559x375, gene wolfe is pringles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>49.The Book of the New Sun

Which one of you faggots kept posting the book multiple times?

>> No.6599830
File: 57 KB, 588x587, 1432592333350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Aaron

>> No.6599832


You read the play in book form.

>> No.6599835

Why, not what.

>> No.6599837
File: 15 KB, 164x230, ^847F73A7E35F254B7E1400D75B3DC3EBA214D9414F7AA42010^pimgpsh_thumbnail_win_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6599841
File: 30 KB, 1080x720, 1428858575368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than the last one
Still plebeian
On it

>> No.6599844

how does it compare to leddits?


>> No.6599845


Are there any info about how many points each book got?

>> No.6599850

Can we manually replace the pleb shit like The Stranger?

>> No.6599852

Surprised that Woolf and Tolstoy didn't get more love.

>> No.6599853

Don't know about you but I've read those in book form.

>> No.6599859

>The Bible.
No discernible talent.

>> No.6599862

I have read 50 of these and 51 of the old list, therefore the old list was better and new /lit/ is fucking bullshit

>> No.6599866

Stopped reading at #1 tbh

>> No.6599870

The Holy Bible 132
Infinite Jest 128
Moby Dick 94
Lolita 87
Blood Meridian 78
Ulysses 74
Gravity's Rainbow 67
The Stranger 66
The Brothers Karamazov 61
Crime and Punishment 58
Stoner 41
The Trial 36
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 35
The Metamorphosis 34
The Catcher in the Rye 34
Don Quixote 33
Naked Lunch 32
Los Ficciones 32
The Divine Comedy 29
One Hundred Years of Solitude 28
Catch-22 28
2666 27
Dubliners 26
Siddhartha 25
The Sound and the Fury 24
V. 23
Summa Theologica 22
Notes from the Underground 20
Heart of Darkness 20
Journey to the End of the Night 20
Steppenwolf 20
The Odyssey 20

Something like this so not too much. 2 votes were enough to get you in, 6 votes for top 50.

>> No.6599871

infinite jest as number two holy shit lit actually is meme shit

>> No.6599874
File: 31 KB, 539x703, ss+(2015-05-27+at+02.41.57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any info about how many points each book got?

Also "Is there"

>> No.6599875

Psalms is beautiful, faggot.

>> No.6599889


>> No.6599897

>ham on rye
>the great gatsby
>wuthering heights
>the stranger
>das kapital
>the catcher in the rye
>naked lunch
oo i m laffin

>> No.6599913

>no rushdie

>> No.6599928

How did you decide on the ones that drew at 2 points?

>> No.6599929

Literaly 2 votes were enough to get you in, there aren't that many people who read different books here.

>> No.6599935
File: 76 KB, 450x664, 66pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I helped Being and Time find its way into this

>> No.6599944

the waves definitely had more points than that. i remember searching the spreadsheet to see if anyone else had voted for it

>> No.6599948

>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
I thought no one on /lit/ read Kesey anymore

>> No.6599950

>2 votes were enough to get you in
Doesn't seem right. I had a look at the form the other day and I'm pretty sure more than 2 people voted for eg J R as well as some other books. Also can't imagine so few got to 3 or even 4 points.

>> No.6599952

3 votes for it

>> No.6599962

were they all only one point? i thought i'd allocated it two

>> No.6599969

Can we have round 2 where we vote again for the lower 50 with top 50 books disqualified? I think this would get better results

>> No.6599982

diy m8
I'm not OP, just helped a bit with it. It's on the list, does it make so much difference?

>> No.6599987

This. Run offs.

>> No.6599989

>It's on the list, does it make so much difference?
no it isn't, hence my confusion

>> No.6599995

Also didn't Mason & Dixon have at least 3-4 votes? It's not even on the list.

>> No.6599999

kek dat overlap.

>> No.6600002
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1328464732047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is stirner?

at some point near the end of your poll, the ego and its own had more than tai pei (#83), paradise lost (#44), and american psycho (#81).

>> No.6600003

I put 3 points on tess of the durbervilles and saw someone else had voted for it too so where is it

>> No.6600008

>people are still on DFW's nuts


>> No.6600016

OP did all this basically by hand and ctrl+f so there may have been mistakes.
Still I think he did a bretty gud job, better list than the 1st, at least no Harry Potter. We are slowly getting somewhere.

>> No.6600023

he miscounted the votes, so no, he didn't do a good job.

>> No.6600024

>on the road

>> No.6600031

now i know that op manually filtered some books, since the ego and its own had 12 points two days ago

what other books are missing?

>> No.6600036

The Fault In Our Stars

>> No.6600042

Daily reminder that the board that you go to for literary discussion values Siddhartha more than any play by Shakespeare

>> No.6600046

Seconding this

>> No.6600051

Aaron D more like Aaron shitpoll

>> No.6600053

IJ is second and 7/10 in the top 10 are in English.

>> No.6600062
File: 49 KB, 500x375, Kotstanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>above Don Quijote

>> No.6600077
File: 10 KB, 180x280, trash-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, not that i care for john green, but i'm completely disregarding this bullshit poll

>> No.6600095

Sure thing m8

>> No.6600099

I used my top 3 points on The Recognitions which means that nobody else voted for it at all. You guys should seriously read it. It's incredible.

>> No.6600104

Idk I've read both in high school so I don't particulary like either.

>> No.6600108

english is the best literary language.

shakespeare and the kjb alone proves that.

>> No.6600111

This list represents not only what people like but what they read a lot, which is why popular american books are so numerous.

>> No.6600115

>nobody else voted for it at all
Or Aaaron D censured it since he's a fascist cuck

>> No.6600122

English is the best literary language if you don't read much outside of it.

>> No.6600129

Why are some books missing?

>> No.6600135

because the op is shit

>> No.6600136

I've read both in high school as well but I can appreciate them anyway.

>> No.6600140

I thought we were only voting for novels and novellas.

>> No.6600141
File: 60 KB, 155x150, 12212112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Holy Bible
>Infinite Jest
>Moby Dick
>Blood Meridian

>Better tha Ulysses and GR

>> No.6600144

I like them, just not enough to put them in my top 5 or even top 10

>> No.6600148

the face of a totalitarian censure

>> No.6600155

>1. The Holy Bible
>2. Infinite Jest

So /lit/ now has more neckbeards than hipsters?

>> No.6600167

OP "did it manually" = basically ignored titles he didn't recognize

>> No.6600170

>m-maybe I can move the fedora stereotypes to the christians
Nice try bb

>> No.6600173
File: 117 KB, 320x263, fingerless-gloves-fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the bible neckbeard? neckbeards literally hate the bible. Havent you seen the memes?

>> No.6600185

What a cesspit of faggotry this place has become.

>> No.6600192

>3. Moby-Dick
>4. Lolita
So /lit/ now has more homos than pedos?
>5. Blood Meridian
>6. UIlysses
So /lit/ now has more gore fetishists than cuck fetishists?
>7. Gravity's Rainbow
>8. The Stranger
So /lit/ now likes uppers better than downers?

We could do this all day man

>9. The Brothers Karamazov
>10. Crime and Punishment
ah fuck

>> No.6600205

It's always been bro

>> No.6600247

>no The Man Without Qualities
Fuck you Aaron your fascist.
At least you tried and blow it.

>> No.6600308

How's that image coming anon who was going to make it?

>> No.6600546

No, is

>> No.6600727

Are we ignoring the fact that finnegans wake got 48th?
Above candide, Dorian grey, war and peace...

>> No.6600740

Are we ignoring that this is an anonymus anime boad for 20 yo autists who here some of read?

>> No.6600749

Can we please attribute all the Infinite Jest votes to Hamlet

>> No.6600760

>5.Blood Meridian

Holy fucking fuck. I'm leaving this board forever.

>> No.6600767

You're doing Being's work brother

>> No.6600777

more like blood memidian amirite?

but seriously Aaron D are you trying to make all the patricians hate this board and you manipulated the results to make them extra pleb?

>> No.6600781

Psalms is the name of a single book in the Bible, he wasn't referring to psalms as an improper noun. So it would be "is". This is like, elementary school grammar plus a very rudimentary knowledge of The Bible. Did you go to school in Nevada or something?

>> No.6600788
File: 117 KB, 720x479, 1429437736863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking the Bible

pick one

>> No.6601147

The fedora tippers are Christians pretending to be atheists

>> No.6601152 [DELETED] 
File: 932 KB, 1545x2692, littop100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601157
File: 932 KB, 1545x2692, littop100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6601184

>not allowing the bible it's proper place

why you gotta be like that man

we voted for it man

>> No.6601195

Also you fucked up. There's nothing under 74 and American Psycho is missing and in between the numbers are behind.

>> No.6601219
File: 942 KB, 1545x2692, littop100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck. american psycho is shit anyway. i'm not fixing that.

>> No.6601225

OP here, holy shit dude, top tier infographic

Mods please pin

>> No.6601257

>dat Wordsworth C&P

>> No.6601260

You fucked uo 75-81 retard

>> No.6601270
File: 2.43 MB, 1820x4348, top100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6601271
File: 52 KB, 366x488, desade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Justine didn't make the list
monarchist scum all of you

>> No.6601311
File: 101 KB, 464x640, 7676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are the top 30, lets try a poll where you can't spam. Multiple choices are allowed but try to only pick your top 5 or whatever

>> No.6601338

You should do this with the last 30.

>> No.6601347

you shouldn't have let le stranger be an option.

>> No.6601407

i voted for every option except the bible

>> No.6601432

starting to get some numbers and already its differing heavily from the OP poll.

>> No.6601459
File: 34 KB, 267x400, 4OJG000A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glad to see the men of faith come together. I hope they voted for the KJ bible

>> No.6601521

There must be a better way to do this poll. Is there any sites that don't allow multiple votes from the same IP? The OPs poll shows a general idea of our favorite books but I doubt its credibility when it comes to a ranking. One person doing the poll just 10 times is enough to have added 25 points to a certain book which alone would make it to the top 25.

>> No.6601658

Well who'd have guessed, now that the christposters can't spam or tip triple the KJB is suddenly back in its place.

That, plus OP manually plebbed up the results to boot. As nice as the graphics are >>6601219 , I'm going to pass on this one.

>> No.6601664

>all these divine comedy bros
feels good

>> No.6601812
File: 58 KB, 600x600, smug pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4/5 books I voted for are up there

>> No.6601819

underrated post

>> No.6601844

Of all that falls ahead of The Brothers Karamazov, I have only read The Stranger and Lolita and to consider either as superior to the edifying masterpiece is an insult of a magnitude greater than any I have known in my entire life. I will attribute its being at number 9 to the only possible explanation: not enough of you who have voted read the novel and so I take this opportunity to recommend it to you who have not read it so you may reconsider your answers for future polls.

>> No.6601848 [DELETED] 

Pynchon would probably be very happy that he's become a /lit/ meme actually

>> No.6601850

Predictable and plebian

>> No.6601854

>Das Kapital
>Both of Kafka's worst works
>Camus' worst work
>Four Dostoevsky (maybe more, I stopped after I seen the fourth)
>High school curriculum
Fear and Trembling, nice.

>> No.6601869

>Fear and Trembling, nice.
This is the next book I want to read, but I have come across posts that suggest Kierkegaard should be read after a long list of other philosophers. Do you think someone with exposure to few philosophers would be lost reading Fear and Trembling?

>> No.6601871

This is concerning.
We seem to need desperately need
A repolling.

>> No.6601877

So of the 8 works ahead of it...you've read two...and you're chastising other people for not reading enough.

>> No.6601880

The main gripe with Kierkegaard is you can't read one work and be like "Kierkegaard's a dope dude that thinks X because Y and so-and-so other philosopher is shit because Z."
It matters, but not much, maybe during his aesthetic and ethical stages. If you're not intimate with the Socratics, I would do that first.
Baby's first steps, read Diary of a Seducer.

>> No.6601896

56 people, thats something,

Its 19th on OPs poll

>> No.6601907

I read plenty, it's only that the others that fall ahead, not counting the two I mentioned, don't appeal as other books I have decided to read first. They seem more like memes than anything else (excluding The Bible of course).

>> No.6601916


>> No.6601925

the two biggest meme books got top place, who would have thought.

>> No.6602105
File: 46 KB, 479x720, 1379729864562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.The Holy Bible

>> No.6602134

When was this poll conducted?

>> No.6602143

Yesterday or the day before.

>> No.6602516

When did this meme become the exact opposite of what it was intended to be?

>> No.6602551

Yea the bible is the thing wrong with this, not tai pei or infinite meme or stranger or 1984 or other high school memes.

>> No.6602565

I hope that we can redo this shit, infinite meme and stranger and other high school lit was thrown in by cucks.

>> No.6602583

>4/5 of my votes in the top 10

We did it bros.

>> No.6602587

It didn't. A few tryhard atheists on /lit/ do this. You can tell it's mostly tumblrfaggots because no other board on 4chan misuses it.

>> No.6602623

I'm convinced that 90% of the christposting is just /pol/ bleed-over. How much of a contrarian fuck must one be to convert to Catholicism just because Reddit is kinda gay? Before /pol/ and /mu/ colonised /lit/ we were a lot less conservative and contrarian around here.

>> No.6602632

Times change but yes I too can recognise the /pol/ infection. Possibly because they learnt that we were the most educated and diverse board, so they decided to shit it up. That being said, at least no Ayn Rand made it on the list.

>> No.6602635

How retarded must one be to think people convert for reddit and aren't genuine about it?

>> No.6602679

>The Holy Bible
>Summa Theologica

Well dank'd newfag
shit list overall tbh

>> No.6602697

/lit/ still isn't that conservative, i'd say the core of /lit/ posters have remained the same.

>> No.6602815
File: 393 KB, 640x360, 77e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ulysses

>> No.6602911

This time one year ago Christians on /lit/ were a tiny minority. Either that handful of faggots rigged the poll, a bunch of Christians emigrated here from somewhere (i.e. /pol/), or people are actually identifying as Christians now out of pure memery. Either way it's a sad state of affairs.

>> No.6602925

Or they think that the bible is a good book?
Christians are still a minority.
/pol/ didn't change this board, it was a thing only for a while.
Catholics are more inclined towards reading and some have come here in the course of the year.

>> No.6602929

>handful of faggots rigged the poll
This is the correct answer. Many other boards have their circle of shitposting faggots congregating on IRC, so I guess it's about time /lit/ got one too.

>> No.6603325

Any of you niggers read Homer's Odyessy? How quickly could you read it if you had to? One sitting? How many hours?

>> No.6603944

probably somewhere around 4-6 hours for the full book maybe

>> No.6604011

I'd say more like 8-12 hours. 24 books of ~400 lines each and if you're going too much faster than a half hour a book you're either a crazy good speedreader or you're not paying any attention to what's happening

>> No.6604230

even worse

>> No.6604262

>handful of faggots rigged the poll
If you really had any doubts just have a look at >>6601311

>> No.6604284

Leaves of Grass is 100,
Come On!

>> No.6604307

you're telling me the canterbury tales didn't even make the list?

>> No.6604313
File: 377 KB, 594x422, neckbeard-fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-stop misusing the meme!

>> No.6604383

you clearly haven't visited /mu/ lately..

>> No.6604656

I know the guy who rigged this one btw.

>> No.6605560

Why not? "Book" doesn't equal "novel".

>> No.6605622

>Implying you have to be a Christian to recognise the literary value of the Bible