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/lit/ - Literature

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6599388 No.6599388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the leading intellectuals and western governments reject biological determinism
>tfw they reject that there is a physical basis to life
>tfw they they reject that different races may have different average IQs
>tfw they they reject that these IQs may create different societies and culture
>tfw they they reject that eugenics may be a viable option to improve the genetic stock, or race, of a nation
>tfw they they reject that the genetic infrastructure of a nation is one of, if not the most important aspect of a long-term civilisation

>> No.6599405

into le trash it goes

>> No.6599406

Those are some nice literatures, but not as nice as those dubs.

>> No.6599526

So basically they are retarded and using emotion to form their beliefs?

>> No.6599552

>denies IQ

What, are you a some sort of SJW?

>> No.6599556

Why wouldn't they reject those things? They're all nonsense.

>> No.6599613

They're biological truths.

It's amazing at what lengths people delude themselves in the name of egalitarianism.

>> No.6599615

[citation needed]
I'll become a Neoreactionary if you can prove you're not lying.

>> No.6599620

>they they

>> No.6599622


> >tfw they they reject that eugenics may be a viable option to improve the genetic stock, or race, of a nation

>yet they support abortion and mentally ill transgenders castrating themselves


>> No.6599625

It's all environment and social context bruh :^)

>> No.6599631

I have never met a eugenics supporter that has actually taken a genetics class

>> No.6599638

This. Everything is language; there's literally nothing outside of language.

>> No.6599639

because they don't exist
everything else in the OP is right though, muh egalitarianism is ruining people's minds

>> No.6599647


Genetics classes, like all classes in modem Universities are filled with drooling retard leftists.

>> No.6599649
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>> No.6599655

Citation on what?

The first step is to accept that intelligence is real and that different people have different levels of intelligence. Do you accept that or are you one of those "everybody is le saem" people?

He was making fun of you you idiot.

>> No.6599665

Introducing James Watson, the co-discoverer of DNA.

>> No.6599666


Wrong as fuck m8.

If you were right than orangutangs, dolphins and deaf people would be unfunctionable retards, yet they're all highly intelligent beings.

>this is what people learn in humanities studies today

>> No.6599683

Uneducated fuck, according to your theory you would be the darkest of all darksin niqqas.

This shit is simplistic and ideology-fueled, literally the most retarded shit on earth, more retarded than goddamn cock-sucking SJWs.

I'll fuck your shit up anytime, kid.

>> No.6599689


what is intelligence? how do we measure it?

>> No.6599699

>Uneducated fuck, according to your theory you would be the darkest of all darksin niqqas.
What? Why?

>This shit is simplistic and ideology-fueled, literally the most retarded shit on earth, more retarded than goddamn cock-sucking SJWs.
I thought you actually wanted to engage in a serious conversation, but it appears you just feel like trolling.

>I'll fuck your shit up anytime, kid.
Intellectually? Unlikely. You type like a drooling retard.

>> No.6599705

I don't want to engage in a conversation; I just want to make you understand how dumb you are, and I don't think your intelligence allows it.

Tell me, are you an arab? You must be rather dark-skinned, to have such retarded thoughts.

>> No.6599710

Yes, you can do much better by reading Above Top Secret and PDFs about MK Ultra from The Forbidden Library and the Black vault.

>> No.6599711

>what is intelligence?
A capacity for logic and abstract thought. Is often correlated with creativity.

>how do we measure it?
Intelligence isn't a quantifiable amount, but you can get an idea of one's intelligence via "intelligence tests", such as IQ tests, since intelligence correlates well with intelligence tests.

>> No.6599715

>I don't want to engage in a conversation
It shows.

>I just want to make you understand how dumb you are
You're failing hard. All you're doing is making a fool of yourself, you realize that don't you?

>Tell me, are you an arab? You must be rather dark-skinned, to have such retarded thoughts.
I'm actually dark skinned, yes. Not arab though. Indian.

>> No.6599721

All of your bullshit is a fabric or mid-19th commonplaces based on little to no statistical evidence, all invented by 19th century pseudo-science, the kind of people who would write sentences like "How wonderful is nature, that it create apples just the right size for a hand to hold them!"

Literally just a fucking web of retardation, that you ate up because some retards on /pol/ accepted you and made you feel as part of something, exactly the same way SJWs get indoctrinated.

>> No.6599727

Then you do realize you are part of an inferior race, according to your own theory, and I, as a white person, according to yourself, am superior to you, thus more intelligent, and you should just stop arguing?

>> No.6599733

>guy says there is evidence for difference of intelligence among races
>that must mean he supports eugenism !

And even Watson isn't solidly grounded on that subject tbh. Nobody is, since it's still a recent research topic. Great scientists have said things that now seem obvious bullshit to us because there were cutting edge and ill-understood back then. So wait & see, it's not like any of us have any power and incentive to do anything about eugenism in any respect.

>> No.6599735


>> No.6599738

>All of your bullshit is a fabric or mid-19th commonplaces based on little to no statistical evidence,
Modern racial science (or human population genetics, as it's been rechristened ever since "race" became a taboo word), is based on genetics, not 19th century views on race.

And despite its antiqueness, "traditional" racial science such as determining skull shape is actually regularly used in forensics.

>the kind of people who would write sentences like "How wonderful is nature, that it create apples just the right size for a hand to hold them!"
You do realize that Darwin is from the 19th century, right?

>Literally just a fucking web of retardation, that you ate up because some retards on /pol/ accepted you and made you feel as part of something, exactly the same way SJWs get indoctrinated.
Triggered much? Good grief, isn't impossible to have a rational discussion about this topic with you marxists without you fags devolving into a hysterical shitflinging mess?

>> No.6599740

Deaf people can read and dolphins have language. The other anon was being too hyperbolic, but still.

>> No.6599743


Whoah, calm down Jamal. It seems this conversation has you little flustered, maybe you should go out and let off some steam with a nice game of basketball.

>> No.6599747

I'm far-right, you group-rapist butternigger. I just don't like intellectual dishonesty. Go back to your fucking slum.

>> No.6599748

>Intelligence isn't a quantifiable amount
>correlates well with intelligence tests.

Do you even know what correlation is ?

>> No.6599754

Fucking indian piece of shit, you should have stayed a white man's colony, they were, according to you, superior in intelligence.

>> No.6599760

>Then you do realize you are part of an inferior race, according to your own theory
Eh, it depends. I'm upper-caste. Indians on average are definitely dumber than whites on average, that's for sure, but "indians on average" doesn't mean much considering how stratified by caste Indian society is.

> and I, as a white person, according to yourself, am superior to you
Not at all.

Nigger, ever heard of the bell curve?

Judging by your ignorance, you must be sitting comfortably on the left hand side of the white bell curve.

Too be fair, even mentioning that different people have different levels of intelligence will get you branded an eugenicist today.

All I meant is that James Watson, the founder of modern genetics, believes in racial differences in intelligence.

>And even Watson isn't solidly grounded on that subject tbh.
Yeah, I mean he just invented the field. What does that old fart know? I bet an african american studies student knows far more on the subject than him.

>Nobody is, since it's still a recent research topic. Great scientists have said things that now seem obvious bullshit to us because there were cutting edge and ill-understood back then. So wait & see, it's not like any of us have any power and incentive to do anything about eugenism in any respect.
Yes, we'll wait and see how one by one the genes coding for intelligence will be discovered and we will notice that some races have more than others. It will be glorious.

>> No.6599769

>Then you do realize you are part of an inferior race, according to your own theory, and I, as a white person, according to yourself, am superior to you,

Not him, but actually people from India are considered Caucasian, and not black. The same with Arabs and Jews: they are Caucasian. The color of skin is not indicative of race. I don’t know exactly the criteria for the differentiation, but according to some sources there are five main racial groups: Caucasians, Africans, Asians, American Indians and Aboriginals.

>> No.6599770

>I'm far-right, you group-rapist butternigger
You must be one of those violent, low IQ skinhead.

Please don't call yourself far right. You're barely above the raw nigger in terms of behavior.


"Correlates well with intelligence tests" was probably an awkard phrase. What I meant is that people who score high on intelligence tests usually end up having a very good education/career.

Did you know that socioeconomic background is not the #1 indicator of success in life? IQ is.

Still having trouble grasping what a "bell curve" is?

>> No.6599775

>I'm upper-caste
That kind of cow-buggering smelly retarded-ass fuckers who worship bitches with 12 arms? How superior.

You do realize indians are considered, and this is according to statistical evidence, the ugliest people on earth?

Fucking tschandala-ass bitch, go back to throwing corpses in rivers whence you get your only water.

>> No.6599776

Indians are a racial mix of three races : an "aboriginal" race which probably had a common ancestor with australian aboriginals, the dravidian race, and the "aryan" race.

The racial mixup is very caste dependant.

>> No.6599779

You're the idiot if you think acceptance of something is evidence of it.
>If you were right than orangutangs, dolphins and deaf people would be unfunctionable retards, yet they're all highly intelligent beings.

No, those are just words, not intelligent 'beings.'

>> No.6599784

>I'm upper-caste
>doesn't speak a word of Sanskrit
kek, you're actually a tschandala

>> No.6599786

emberassing tbh

>> No.6599787

>That kind of cow-buggering smelly retarded-ass fuckers who worship bitches with 12 arms? How superior.
I don't know about cow-buggering, but yes some indian deities have numerous arms.

Indian mythology is no less outlandish than greek or norse mythology in that aspect.

>You do realize indians are considered, and this is according to statistical evidence, the ugliest people on earth?
You keep bringing up statistical evidence, yet fail to understand the concept of bell curves. Excuse me for doubting your use of statistics.

>> No.6599792
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>> No.6599795

Step your game up kid, I studied calculus and statistics in college. Do you even have those in India?

>> No.6599798

>You're the idiot if you think acceptance of something is evidence of it.
There's plenty of evidence, if you're interested. It's not that hard to find. You could start by reading "the bell curve".

Why should I? I'm not religious.

>> No.6599805


Not supporting eugenics or anything, but can we all agree that most African people are seriously unintelligent? I mean, they really don’t seem to be able to work on complex societies.

>> No.6599807

1) I don't live in India

2) Bragging about having studied "calculus" shows that you're absolutely shit-tier when it comes to math. No STEM student brags about knowing calculus, lol. It's fucking elementary.

>> No.6599813

your upper caste has created a society that is a billion-man trash pile, I think that proves the objective inferiority of your turgid little genome, shitskin

>> No.6599814

Exactly the same as a nigger in America unable to speak proper English "Ain't finna be learning dat white man English doe!" --- tschandala detected and exposed. Your family probably used to take out the trash and touch animal corpses all day long.

>> No.6599825

Why are you here? To spout that uneducated /pol/ shit? Do you even have any interest in literature? Just get the fuck out and go back to your Vedas. Oh wait, you can't even read them, you don't know a fucking word of Sanskrit.

Too bad, tschandala.

>> No.6599826

if forced to choose between a /lit/ filled with sub-/pol/ racial "science" and openly racist idiot tripfags, I choose death

>> No.6599827

>your upper caste has created a society that is a billion-man trash pile
Not really true.

Marxism is responsible for India's state today. "We are all le equal!!!1!!one!!"

I actually had to google tschandala because I had no idea what it meant.

You seem pretty butthurt about my upper caste status. Do you feel racially inferior?

>> No.6599828


Not the Indian guy you are fighting, but you are actually quite of a jerk. You generally don’t contribute very much to the threads on /lit/ and your own material is always very bad.

Also: you are doing the same thing you pretend to fight. Are you doing it this way on purpose just to use some kind of reverse-psychology?

>> No.6599838

>Why are you here?
Because I like books.

>To spout that uneducated /pol/ shit?
It's not uneducated /pol/ shit. It's biological facts. Denying it only makes you appear stupid, not progressive.

>Do you even have any interest in literature?
I do in fact.

>Just get the fuck out and go back to your Vedas. Oh wait, you can't even read them, you don't know a fucking word of Sanskrit.
Good thing there are other works of literature besides the Vedas.

>> No.6599854

>I like books
>is indian, an inferior race incapable of producing any literature save for three works written 4000 years ago

>It's not uneducated /pol/ shit
>it is

>Good thing there are other works of literature besides the Vedas.
It's a shame you haven't read any.

>> No.6599865

>it is
You know, just because you keep repeating something doesn't make it true.

Shocking, I know.

>> No.6599872

>Marxism is responsible for India's state today. "We are all le equal!!!1!!one!!"
India has been garbage since before marx was born

stop trying to defend your pandemic of a people subhuman

just post your address and I'll come and euthanize you myself

>> No.6599876

>has been repeating the same uneducated /pol/ shit for the whole thread, provided no argument nor facts nor any substance to his claims

>> No.6599882

IQ isn't biological, or else the Flynn effect would only happen by people with low IQ's dying before they reproduce, which they clearly don't.

IQ has a biological factor, surely (or else dogs could be tested as humans), but it's not even close to 100% biological, and saying it is is just a liberal ruse to start justifying the bourgeoisie the same way the aristocracy justified itself (and which the bourgeoisie vigorously objected to, hence liberalism).

>> No.6599884

This, --- if eugenics were applied, OP and his people would be the first to go.

>> No.6599886

>India has been garbage since before marx was born
It was decent up until the mudslime invasions. It had a bit of a revival under the mughals but that didn't last long.

>stop trying to defend your pandemic of a people subhuman
I'm not. Have you been reading this thread? I'm probably the furthest thing from a "racial nationalist".

>just post your address and I'll come and euthanize you myself
ur mum's vagina

>> No.6599890

>This, --- if eugenics were applied, OP and his people would be the first to go.

Of course not: Africa first, and Africans around the world.

>> No.6599902

I've already told you to read "the bell curve".

If you want a more genetics based book read "the 10000 year explosion" or "a troublesome inheritance".

Flynn effect can be explained by the fact that people before mass schooling weren't used to taking academic tests.

The flynn effect has pretty much halted in western countries.

>> No.6599903

Mughals were the Mudslims

>> No.6599907

> What I meant is that people who score high on intelligence tests usually end up having a very good education/career.
>Did you know that socioeconomic background is not the #1 indicator of success in life? IQ is.

You're forgetting that correlation is symmetric.It doesn't tell you which causes which or even if there is any cause-effect relationship at all.
Also separating socioeconomic background and IQ is a bit retarded. Do you also think that health is a better indicator of life expectancy than quality of nutrition ?

Anyway we're just discussing memescience. Back2smthg more interesting.

>> No.6599909

No, Mudslime invasions started around 1000ad. Heck if you count the invasion of Sindh by the caliphate it starts in the 8th century.

Mughals were only around starting from the 16th century.

>> No.6599910

Both of these works have been disregarded by the scientific community as pseudo-science.

>Is an Indian
>thinks he has a word to say about racial hierarchy

>> No.6599916

>It was decent up until the mudslime invasions.
produced literally
of value

IQ is a retarded shithouse system, if we accept your little "theory" that intelligence is hereditary then clearly since your entire fucking race has brought NOTHING of value to the world you have ZERO intellectual heritage and should just be incinerated before you create the next world-spanning disease(not counting your diaspora)

>> No.6599927

>Flynn effect can be explained by the fact that people before mass schooling weren't used to taking academic tests.
IQ tests aren't academic tests except they are on paper and you use a pencil.

>> No.6599936

>You're forgetting that correlation is symmetric.It doesn't tell you which causes which or even if there is any cause-effect relationship at all.
That is true, but doesn't invalidate my point.

>Also separating socioeconomic background and IQ is a bit retarded.
It's not. The fact that IQ is a greater factor in determining life success than initial money or upbringing is a huge argument in support of genetic intelligence.

> Do you also think that health is a better indicator of life expectancy than quality of nutrition ?
Yes indeed. Genetic health.

>Anyway we're just discussing memescience. Back2smthg more interesting.
Biology is not memescience

>> No.6599946

>Both of these works have been disregarded by the scientific community as pseudo-science.
They really haven't. I'm open to any articles discrediting them.

>Is an Indian
>thinks he has a word to say about racial hierarchy
I know that if you were considered your own race you would be far at the bottom of the totem pole.

>> No.6599953

No matter what caste you're from, nothing important has happened in India since the Buddha attained Enlightenment. But you're probably a Hindoo so no satori for you, I guess :_(

>> No.6599954

It's pretty crazy that a board dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and truth and meaning regularly has discussions that deteriorate into insults and bipartisan bullshit. I though the whole idea was that through our education we had transcended the need for petty ego-fueled squabbles. I wish I had a more academic, rational Internet board that I could lurk on... Do rational, intelligent communities even exist? Or are they all full of narcissists more interested in feeding their egos than making the world a better, more reasonable place. Is humanity just going to argue itself into the grave? Hopefully technology will save us from ourselves or at least put us out of our misery.

Ignorance really is bliss

>> No.6599956

sorry we don't read subhuman posts here

>> No.6599957

>produced literally
>of value
I don't want to sound like a dick but Gupta India probably produced more works of science and literature than post-roman collapse europe (excluding the byzantines).

>IQ is a retarded shithouse system,
It's really not.

> if we accept your little "theory" that intelligence is hereditary then clearly since your entire fucking race has brought NOTHING of value to the world you have ZERO intellectual heritage and should just be incinerated before you create the next world-spanning disease
If you truely believe that Indians have brought nothing to the world perhaps you should read a book or two.

>(not counting your diaspora)
How convenient.

>> No.6599963

>IQ tests aren't academic tests except they are on paper and you use a pencil.
They are in the sense that they require you to sit down and answer questions.

To an illiterate farmer in the 1900s who's never taken a test in his life, it's a novelty. He lacks the "test-taking" frame of mind that all students in the west have nowadays.

>> No.6599966


post your five favorite works of literature, malik the slumdog mcdonalds employee

>> No.6599967

>How convenient.
You misunderstand. The diaspora was the next pandemic.

but what do I really expect from a curry nigger

>> No.6599971

>nothing important has happened in India since the Buddha attained Enlightenment
I'm sorry you think that.

How egalitarian of you.

>> No.6599978

Oh I misunderstood.

Nonetheless, the indian diaspora is faring pretty well.

>> No.6599981

mods please ban tallis

in fact ban all right-wing tripfags.

also ban all left-wing tripfags and all tripfags with no political opinions

>> No.6599997

this is just being rude to /pol/ until they go away

>> No.6600018
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>> No.6600026

This thread is really confusing though.

The indian guy was actually being the racist, and the "right wingers" were attacking him.

>> No.6600029

nice terribly timed unfunny image macro friend, mind if i save it? :)

>> No.6600033

No problem, friend.

>> No.6600041

If it weren't formatted so he could understand the questions, he'd score 0 because he couldn't answer anything. I'm sure that was taken into account and they had someone reading the questions.

If you're suggesting IQ is a measurement of being good at tests, then your argument falls apart.

>> No.6600058

nice speculation

>> No.6600059
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>espousing Nazi dogma

too perfect


>biological determinism

>> No.6600072

>If it weren't formatted so he could understand the questions, he'd score 0 because he couldn't answer anything
lets just take a minute to think about how stupid that absolute statement is.

>> No.6600075

>If it weren't formatted so he could understand the questions, he'd score 0 because he couldn't answer anything.
That's not what I claimed.

What I mean is that there's a certain mindset when you take a test which you learn through years of going to school. Being focused, concentrated, skipping questions you spend too much time on, etc.

Someone with no schooling lacks that mindset and is easily stumped. I guess a good analogy would be a country boy who moves to a big city is usually confused when using the metro because he's not used to it, whereas a person moving from one big city to another usually has no problem adapting to the new metro system.

>If you're suggesting IQ is a measurement of being good at tests, then your argument falls apart.
No, I didn't say that, but there's certainly a "being good at tests" element which factors in the final score. This is the cause of the flynn effect.

However, differences in average IQ scores (and differences is what is relevant, not absolute score) shows distinct gaps between the average scores of different races (the white-black gap in the USA, for example, has remained roughly the same for the past 100 years, despite both white and black scores improving due to the flynn effect)

>> No.6600081

Are you going to suggest they sat down a bunch of people who couldn't read and just said "pretend you can"? They had good literacy rate in the 1930's, and if they *did* test illiterate people, they'd have to have a pretty low IQ themselves to not read the questions for them.

>> No.6600082

How can he provide an answer when he can't understand the question? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6600094
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>> No.6600096

Me for one

>> No.6600097

Is that you?

>> No.6600102
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>> No.6600105

>implying you either fully understand something or you don't understand it at all and it seems gibberish to you, there is no grey area.
I'd imagine you wouldn't do to hot on them newfangled IQ tests, then or now.

>> No.6600106

>reddit filenames

What a surprise

>> No.6600110
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>> No.6600117

>I though the whole idea was that through our education we had transcended the need for petty ego-fueled squabbles.
Didn't you learn when Plato did that utopias are exactly what the word implies?

>> No.6600118

Nevermind whether race exists, what about the claim that we should use eugenics to "improve the genetic stock" of a nation? How does a nation "improve" by breeding high IQ citizens? In other words, what do you think would happen and how is that "improvement"?

>> No.6600121

Raven's progressive matrices doesn't require literacy.

Just stop.

>> No.6600125

It's not just blacks that are retarded, look at your post OP.

Most people are retarded; it has nothing to do with race..

>> No.6600126
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>indians are superior to blacks

>> No.6600133
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>> No.6600143
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>i am le upper-caste xd

>> No.6600149
File: 5 KB, 227x222, indian-computer-nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, the superior intelligence of indians

>> No.6600157

for someone who hates eugenics, you sure are a racist piece of shit

>> No.6600181




Fuck off. Your posts on critic threads are always shit.

>> No.6600196

Butthurt nigger detected.

>> No.6600204
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>> No.6600222


Man up. Post something you've written that has any value. Prove that you have some talent. I remember you well from other threads: you just write crap.

>> No.6600226
File: 135 KB, 801x1200, handsome-indian-man-with-moustache-and-raise-eyebrow-smiling-and-looking-at-camera-close-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read French, baby boy?

>> No.6600237


I can read English, Portuguese and Spanish. If what you write is good it will be good also in translation (but we all know that you will not take the risk).

>> No.6600248

I can.

Voyons l'étendue de tes talents.

>> No.6600250

If you cannot read French, how could you have told that my writing was 'crap'?

>> No.6600253

Je déteste les Arabes

>> No.6600258

Alors quel genre de trucs veux-tu lire?

>> No.6600265

Ce dont ton immense talent est capable :^)

>> No.6600266

>caste system
>legitimately worst hygiene in the world
>that fucking Ganges
>rampant pedophilia
>brutal rape-murders commonplace and generally ignored by uncaring public
Et cetera

Why the fuck are you guys defending India? I hate tripfags, yeah, but India is legitimately one of the shittiest places on earth

>> No.6600276


You have already posted in English. But what you do most is to give bad advice; you rarely expose yourselve.

>> No.6600278

Les Arabes sont un peuple sales

>> No.6600279

>caste system
>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.6600280


Le soir point sur sur la plaine entourée de tilleuls
Les ruines au lierre ont été laissées seul
Longtemps d'autres soleils décrivirent leurs cours
Et tout est las.
–– Encore! –– ils venaient tous les jours
Célébrer une fête antique et solennelle,
Voir vouer au vent seul leur chanson éternelle. ––
Ils approchent aujourd'hui d'un doux pas.
–– Et ils chantent.
Il fait chaud, sans nuage; à peine est-ce s'il vente.

Sous le soleil soudain qui dessous s'en allait
Ainsi le coryphée devant le chœur parlait:

«J'ai formé le dessein que des transformations
Des hommes et des temps fut faite narration
Comme tout perd son poids et sévissent les scies
Dans cette autre forêt où Baudelaire assis

Sous le soleil soudain qui dessous descendait
Le chœur au coryphée ensemble répondait:

«Ils sont loin les rivages de Troie
Et les rêves d'airain des héros et des rois
Où l'humain s'élevait sous le temps silencieux
À rivaliser seul à la hauteur des dieux;
Je cherche leur soleil.»

Sous le ciel qui soudain de pourpre se teintait
Parlait le coryphée de ce qui hier était:

«Et ecce non erat;
Toujours trace le temps comme tout changera:
Le Romantique mit le divin dans l'ortie
S'ahurissant de vers sitôt dehors sorti;
Les Lumières changèrent en la Révolution
Leur esprit infini sondant la Création;
Le Baroque abêtit par ses fioritures
Un Classique accompli imitant la nature;
Luther sous sa lourdeur brisa la Renaissance
Engageant avec lui et Rome et son engeance;
Tout change et se dissipe et n'est rien qu'apparence;
N'entraîne vers le haut que la fin de l'enfance.
Dans les champs nous chantons l'éternel changement
Qui fait passer l'humain et passe mêmement
Les saisons.»

Sous le ciel qui déjà au violet se fondait
Le chœur au coryphée ensemble répondait:

«Il est beau le passé disparu
Et Carthage où Scipion fit passer la charrue
Et la chair dévorée en dessous de la terre
Qui faisait tant frémir son amant de naguère
Et ces yeux qui crevés hier encore auront plu:
Ce qui tantôt était et qui ne sera plus.»

>> No.6600286

your forgot the obscenly ubiquitous corruption and eyesore trashtowns

>> No.6600288

>sur sur
two first lines and two mistakes already for fuck's sake.

>> No.6600295

The sur sur is a copy/paste mistake
The seul is correct; please learn classical French syntax.

In ordinary syntax: "Les ruines ont été laissées au lierre seul"

>> No.6600299

Does balanced discussion exist anywhere?

>> No.6600443

lol he hasn't been in good favor within the scientific community for years. his disastrous running of the human genome project should be evidence enough of that.

>> No.6600501

Why would they accept those things? They are garbage.

>> No.6600509

how do you know anything about population genetics and think that eugenics is a good idea

the idea eugenics based on "race" is so stupidly broad and would be absurdly expensive to even *survey*, let alone actually implement. even if you targeted specific genetic disorders (which we only have general knowledge of in many cases), it would be nearly impossible to implement on a national, let alone global scale due to cost.

have you ever looked into how effective large-scale human genetic clustering studies are? they're fucking useless.

>> No.6600730

I've been unfair.

It's pretty good.

Doesn't change the fact that your opinions are retarded. Faggot.

>> No.6600859

Choice, choices.

>> No.6600882

Have you even seen modern Africa